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科目 History

級別 S1
上網日期 17-03-2020
負責老師 LFW
標題 Life in Medieval Times 中古時代的生活
指引 Pre Task 1: Watch the video clip

Task 2: Read textbook Section 25 pages 5-12 and complete the

data-based questions on page 8 of worksheets.
閱讀課本 25 冊, 頁 5-12, 完成下列資料題 p. 8
(S1-History-LFW-17-03-2020-Worksheets 中文版)

Instructions of submission:
Please type out the answers and mark the question numbers clearly.
Alternatively, you can do the questions on your textbook page 8 and
take photos of your answers.
Please upload the soft copy of your answers in the form of word
document or photos onto the designated location of the PowerLesson
on or before 26th March 2020.
請以 Word 文件或照片形式上載到學校指定 PowerLesson 位置。
完成日期 26/3/2020
Hand in the soft copy through PowerLesson on or before
26/3/2020.(Please refer to the instructions of submission)

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