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a Blgoms Readiemwy, Abuia Guarantor's Fornt SHRYAECOK TaQugient FULL NAMES: sesincnrat aooness, BOIE MITBLIC. STAFE QRTS Netiowa L. TUBER Culosis AMID Lemocys TRAINING CERF2E, SAYE 2ARIGK occuranon: CUGL.. SER AAT. puoneno. OF OS 353 230° F eoveaTion quauirication. FEAL, cursenreumover FEDERAL [tansy OF HEALTH cess AUTBLIC SASE LARIA ne LHF Dare PRONG LS oye last REGH FiGutics be bound lo Blooms Acavoniy. hereinafter cll Sun Ciy, Abuia Cirnrokee Die: —— eco wtevocably and GUARANTEE % 1 hoe! s wnllen demand, any andl monies herealer due or mouned 23 a. | el sh econttg ood | vinaracnvoroa Clovis eplics EC, ber Deptpest \itenover the schaal makes dastand for heer production even after the said employee hac! fot ine » Cons the schodl, a popes "ere mason “py ene esa oa he sd 1 sSthal whe ove And sha pay fo the soho, an the s | so uneete I | olosges inthe employment hy the schoo! Sul stilbeso | aunty he sana "Wego" pose Ie gplabiished csi | | so site that | am nat averse in any way Kote wore ofthe tah of facts stale herain, woreo is BES. det LAAT. a2 SIGNED @Y THE WITHIS-NAMED GUARANTOR in the presence of NAME: ADDRESS: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ‘SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE WITHIN-NAMED FOR BLOOMS. ‘ACADERY i le ag tracking i: roresopszec22m0¢ [sy National Identity Management System Federal Republic of Nigeria National Identification Number Slip (NINS) fame: NY dross: bo, WTBLTC QUARTERS, SAVE, ZARIA Nin 95779238720 FirstName: JGHUIGH Midete Na Jcendor: = save ko Note: The National Identification Ni ‘umber (NIN) ts your identity. kis confidential and may only be released or legitimate ransactons. -you wi ve noted whon your Heional Identity Card is aay (for any enquties please contac) a holpdesk@ime-gov.ng @ & a ereo-caLLne ‘National Identity Managomont Commission (orov.ss-e40) “sera san Dib Bee Ze 5 zs, aa Nae = ‘Blooms Academy, Abuja Guarantor’s Ferm runames: IGQt(LiMA NINCENT ETEMeAt JAANE RESENTIAL ADDR inst TOLTe. SisFe Qeis, s ° RATIONAL TUBEReLLoses AND bepesst “TRAINING CenT ec, SiN[t ZARA occuraton §=CauthL SERNANT OFOGSSO3Sq0 micatiow TASTER Boece PEBeRnt MinisTQ~+ OF HCALTH ornceanparss MTBLTC Saye ZARA : veGicer 1 DESIGNATION SN O CSensor Nursing Bn hee ANY OTHER IN RMA TION: gaia Ninceut Eremuy loons Academy, herein Ane shall 2 8 the schol on the schoo waiter ema, any and all monies hereafter das er incutred as a | ct | vtopotmatacd Chvisrophar Kerker (nyqresy ‘toner the school makes demand or hisher production even afer the said employee had lel the ‘suf of suet sconduet tthe also mployett sl the school if 2 misconduct. commessiom or omission (5 estabtshed against the sad |v ther sarod ha nthe even heise sn longer ete empammont hy he schoo, wi si be > “ctl misconduct eermion or anism estabisbad aga he si Chasmpher Kevter Inga regh Iam so averse tn any way tothe verification ofthe inh af tacts slate Morin voi BA ay MAY oe SIGNED BY THE WITHIN-NAMED GUARANTOR fhe presence of NAME: ADDRESS: sone SL alsocae | FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY | SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE WITHIN-NAMED.

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