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Heated discussion

Woman: Hi there.

Man: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you worked here long?

Woman: No, I've only been here a few months. I work in the Human Resources Department.

Man: Oh, that must be why I haven't seen you around. I'm in Sales.

Woman: Sales sounds like an interesting job.

Man: It's okay.

Frank: What was the boss talking about?

Andrew: Weren't you listening?

Frank: Yes. But, I didn't quite understand what he meant.

Andrew: He said no one is getting a raise this year.

Frank: That's ridiculous.

Andrew: I know. The managers are all getting bonuses.

Frank: The company made a profit too.

Andrew: I don't know what's going on.

Frank: I'm going to ask for a clear explanation.

Andrew: Good luck. You may lose your job.

Payroll, salary increase,


1. What did Frank and Andrew's boss announce?

a. No one is getting a raise
b. No one is getting a bonus
c. People are getting laid off
d. The company is closing

2. Who are getting bonuses?

a. Andrew
b. Frank
c. The managers
d. No one

3. What is Frank going to ask for?

a. A raise
b. A bonus
c. An explanation
d. A vacation

4. What does Andrew say Frank may lose?

a. His mind
b. His keys
c. His wallet
d. His job
Abby: I can't come to work today.
Lisa: What's wrong?
Abby: I'm not feeling well.
Lisa: Ok. I'll let the boss know.
Abby: Sorry.
Lisa: Don't be sorry. Just get a lot of rest.

1. What is wrong with Abby?

a. She's angry
b. She's sick
c. She's lonely
d. She's sad

2. Where is Abby not going today?

a. School
b. Library
c. Work
d. Party

3. What does Lisa tell Abby?

a. Don't be sorry
b. Get a lot of rest
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

She's sick
She's mad at her boss
She had a fight with Lisa
She is on a business trip

She saw Carol at a coffee shop

She saw Carol argue with the boss
She saw Carol come to work early
She saw Carol get into a taxi


Bring donuts for the office

Call in sick
Leave early
Go out to lunch with the boss

She hates her boss.

Dislike, resent

Jessica: Where is Carol?

May: She's not coming to work today. She's sick.
Jessica: Again?
May: Yeah. She called in sick a few minutes ago.
Jessica: That's strange.
May: What's strange?
Jessica: I saw her get into a taxi this morning. She was carrying luggage.
May: Do you think she was going on a trip?
Jessica: It looked like it. Doesn't she always call in sick on Fridays?
May: Yeah, you're right!

Pregnancy leave
1. What is the company changing?
The office location
The dress code
The logo

2. What is every Friday going to be?

Casual day
Donut breakfast
Potluck Friday
Staff meeting

3. What can you wear on Fridays now?


4. What does Gina hate wearing every day?

High heels
Grace: Did you hear the news?
Gina: What news?
Grace: The company is changing the dress code.
Gina: What's the new dress code?
Grace: Every Friday is going to be casual day.
Gina: What does that mean?
Grace: We can come to work in casual clothes like jeans, but no inappropriate clothes.
Gina: That's great! I hate having to wear a suit every day.
Grace: This is only on Fridays though.
Gina: That's good enough for me.


Sean: We have great company perks.

Dave: What are company perks?
Sean: They are extra things the company gives you besides your salary and basic benefits.
Dave: What are your favorite perks?
Sean: I like the paid vacation time and pension plan.
Dave: We have a pension plan? That is rare these days.


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