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Maternity leave = pregnancy leave

Henry: Our company does not have very good perks.
Barry: We have vacation time.
Henry: My friend's company has paid vacation time plus bonuses, retirement plans, gym
memberships, maternity leave, and much more.
Barry: Wow! We don't get any of those.
Henry: I know.
Barry: Maybe we should try to get a job there.
Henry: I've tried. I applied three times and had no luck.
Barry: Why?
Henry: There are thousands of applicants every month.
Kathy: What kind of work do you do?
Joan: I run my own business.
Kathy: What kind of business?
Joan: I have a website that teaches English to non-native speakers.
Kathy: Wow! That's cool! How do you make money?
Joan: Advertisements, downloads, and software purchases.

1. What does Joan own?


2. What does her website teach?

Home improvement

3. How does Joan make money?

All of the above
Celine: Where do you work?
Erin: I work for a law firm.
Celine: What do you do there?
Erin: I answer phones, file papers, and create spreadsheets.
Celine: What are spreadsheets?
Erin: Spreadsheets are documents created on a computer that contain all kinds of data in rows
and columns.
Celine: It sounds complicated.
Erin: Not really. It's pretty easy. The computer does all the calculations for you.
Celine: Do you like your job?
Erin: The job is ok. But, my bosses are great.

1. Where does Erin work?

Post office
Law firm

2. What does Erin do there?

Answer phones
File papers
Create spreadsheets
All of the above

3. What are spreadsheets?

Bed linen
Pillow cases
Office supplies

4. What does Erin think of her bosses?

They're rude
They're great
They're never in the office
They don't know what they're doing
Bill: I think this client is trying to avoid me.
Dan: Why?
Bill: I've left him several messages and he is not returning my calls.
Dan: Why do you need to contact him?
Bill: He hasn't paid a single bill.
Dan: That's why he's not returning your calls.

1. Who is Bill trying to call?

His wife
A client
His boss
His son

2. What has Bill done?

Left several messages
Called the police
Sent many letters
Talked to his boss

3. Why does Bill need to talk to this person?

He wants to ask him an important question
He needs a ride
He hasn't paid his bills
He has great news

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