SPSS Modeler Level 2 Quiz Attempt Review1

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SPSS Modeler Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review https://learn.ibm.com/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3080039&cmid=...

SPSS Modeler Level 2 Quiz

ALL ANSWERS to the quiz can be found in the slides and speaker
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Started on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 6:40 AM
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Completed on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 7:25 AM
Time taken 44 mins 52 secs
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Level 2 Quiz.

Question 1


Points out of 1.00

What types of algorithms are common in segmentation, which

means classifying data points into groups?

Apriori, CARMA, and sequencing

Autoclusters, k-means, and anomaly detection

Autoclassi�ers, autonumbering, and clustering 

Autoclusters, Monte Carlo, and autoclassi�ers

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SPSS Modeler Level 2 Quiz: Attempt review https://learn.ibm.com/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3080039&cmid=...

Question 2


Points out of 1.00

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A retail client of yours sells a wide variety of camping gear and

gadgets. What sort of analytic techniques would this client want
to use to �nd out what products their customers tended to buy

Association 




Question 3


Points out of 1.00

You are meeting with a client's data science team. They have a
mix of visual users and coders. The coders in the group want to
know what common open-source libraries are supported by
SPSS Modeler. What do you tell them?

SPSS Modeler supports Pandas, k-means, and Scikit-learn


SPSS Modeler supports Numpy, Scikit-learn, and CARMA


SPSS Modeler supports Numpy, Pandas, and STATS BAYES

REGR libraries.

SPSS Modeler supports Numpy, Pandas, and Scikit- 

learn libraries.

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Question 4


Points out of 1.00

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A client tells you that they have a small team of data scientists
who are highly utilized. These data scientists spend a lot of time
preparing data before they can even get started. What feature of
SPSS Modeler can help this client?

SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services

Automated modeling and data preparation 

The MLlib Pagerank extension

Structured Query Language (SQL) pushback

Question 5


Points out of 1.00

According to a Forrester study, what was the return on

investment (ROI) that clients realized from using SPSS Modeler?


480% 



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Question 6


Points out of 1.00

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Which of the following uses are NOT permitted for a non-

production license?

A client is testing and developing models.

A client is testing their models on a new operating system.

A client is testing their models in a new version of SPSS 


A client must maintain a development environment for

regulatory purposes.

Question 7


Points out of 1.00

You are going to be meeting with the procurement team about

buying SPSS Modeler. You heard from one of the business
analysts that they are interested in incorporating the text from
call center transcriptions into their customer analysis. What
editions of Modeler should you suggest?

Professional, Gold, and Premium 

Subscription, Premium, and Professional

Server, Gold, and Premium

Subscription, Premium, and Gold

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Question 8


Points out of 1.00

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You are preparing for a whiteboarding session with a client.

Their business strategy team includes business analysts and
data science teams and they want to bring those teams
together. What should you talk about in this session?

How the code-heavy nature of SPSS Modeler is easy to

learn for business analysts.

How this client can leverage an add-on from the Predictive

Analytics Gallery that allows SPSS Modeler users to burst
email reports

How this client can leverage the open-source integration of

Numpy and Apache Spark.

How this client can integrate SPSS Modeler and IBM 

Watson Studio to bring all of their tools together.

Question 9


Points out of 1.00

A client you are talking with is really interested in the fact that
SPSS Modeler can integrate open-source code for some
analysis. What best of breed open-source tooling used in the
data science world does SPSS Modeler support?

R, Spark, and CARMA

Numpy, Python, and CARMA

K-means, Python, and Spark

Spark, Python, and R 

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Question 10


Points out of 1.00

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A client wants to get a better understanding of their customer

complaints, most of which are in call center transcriptions. How
can SPSS Modeler help them?

This is something that only a really experienced data

scientist can do with a lot of code.

They must use some open-source code that they have 

to integrate into SPSS Modeler.

Standard classi�cation and association analytics

techniques can do this.

They can use the Text Analytics add-on to extract concepts

and patterns from the transcriptions.

Question 11


Points out of 1.00

What charge metric is used for the SPSS Modeler Subscription?

Concurrent User

Processor Value Unit

Resource Value Unit

Authorized User 

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Question 12


Points out of 1.00

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How much of their time do data scientists typically spend

cleaning and preparing data?




40% 

Question 13


Points out of 1.00

A data science leader at a potential client really wants to use

some open-source analytics methods in their models. But their
data scientists aren't pro�cient programmers. What can you tell
them about SPSS Modeler to deal with this?

Free coding tutorials are available in the SPSS Modeler


SPSS Modeler only supports integration with open-source

Spark tools.

SPSS Modeler embraces open-source tools and its user 

interface makes coding optional.

Extensions can be downloaded for a fee from the Predictive

Analytics Gallery to help with open source integration.

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Question 14


Points out of 1.00

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What analytical technique can be used to determine the

likelihood of an employee leaving their job?

Anomaly detection 

Time series

Monte Carlo simulation


Question 15


Points out of 1.00

You’re talking to an insurance client about how SPSS Modeler

helped a company in their industry shorten the time it took to
build and deploy real-time models. By how much did SPSS
Modeler shorten that time?

From 2 months to 14 days

By 54%

From 6 months to 2 months 

By 20%

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Question 16


Points out of 1.00

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What technology makes it possible to extract concepts from an

organization's documents?

Continuous association rule mining algorithms (CARMA)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Spark MLlib algorithms 

Autoclassi�ers and decision trees

Question 17


Points out of 1.00

You are getting ready for a whiteboarding session with a client

where they want to talk about using SPSS Modeler in their
environment. A lot of their data is kept in Hadoop. What
component do you need to highlight in the session?

SPSS Modeler Gold

SPSS Scoring Server

SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services

SPSS Analytic Server 

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Question 18


Points out of 1.00

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You are meeting with a prospect and they tell you that they are
thinking about buying RapidMiner. What do you tell them about
SPSS Modeler that sets it apart from RapidMiner?

Modeler is very strong on visualizations, 

whereas RapidMiner is weak.

Modeler has strong portfolio integration,

whereas RapidMiner does not.

Modeler is very flexible and extensible,

whereas RapidMiner is not.

Modeler supports automatic retraining of models,

whereas RapidMiner does not.

Question 19


Points out of 1.00

What are some out-of-the-box analytics algorithms included in

SPSS Modeler that can be used to improve model accuracy?

Space-time boxes and text analytics 

Monte Carlo simulation and text analytics

Anomaly detection and space-time boxes

K-means and anomaly detection

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Question 20


Points out of 1.00

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A client in the banking sector wants to use the SPSS

Collaboration & Deployment Services (C&DS) Scoring Service so
they can do fraud detection in real-time. What product(s) must
they have as a prerequisite in order to use the C&DS Scoring

C&DS Base and SPSS Server

SPSS Modeler and C&DS Base

C&DS Base and SPSS Analytic Server 

SPSS Modeler and SPSS Server

Question 21


Points out of 1.00

You are having a �rst meeting with a client. What are some key
differentiators that you want them to remember about SPSS

It is very scalable and includes 20 model algorithms 


It is easy to learn and includes 30 model algorithms out-of-


It is very scalable and automatic data preparation is on the


It is easy to learn and use, and it is very scalable.

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Question 22


Points out of 1.00

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You want to progress an opportunity with a client and talk to

some potential buyers. Who are the typical buyers within an
organization you should seek out for SPSS Modeler?

Business Managers and Analytics Managers 

Technical Data Scientists and Line of Business users

IT executives and Analytics Managers

Business Managers and Line of Business users

Question 23


Points out of 1.00

You are meeting with a prospect and they tell you that they're
thinking about buying RapidMiner. What do you tell them is a
weakness of RapidMiner that might be limiting?

RapidMiner has a non-intuitive interface.

RapidMiner is not flexible or scalable. 

RapidMiner does not support model retraining.

RapidMiner has reduced its attention on open-source


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Question 24


Points out of 1.00

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A client organization wants to help their data science team. This

client knows that their data science team spends a lot of time
preparing their data, and they want to help them spend more
time on actual analysis. By how much can SPSS Modeler
improve the productivity of data scientists, according to a
Forrester study cited in this course?


40% 



Question 25


Points out of 1.00

You are meeting with a prospect and they tell you that they're
thinking about buying Alteryx. What can you discuss that sets
SPSS Modeler apart from Alteryx?

Modeler can scale from a single user to hundreds of users

in a production environment, whereas Alteryx is weak on

Modeler has an intuitive user interface, whereas Alteryx

does not.

Modeler supports both Windows and MacOS,

whereas Alteryx does not support Windows operating

Modeler supports data preparation, whereas Alteryx 

does not.

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