Focus 5 Second Edition Kompendium Maturalne Audioskrypt v01

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Units 1-4 2 Exercise 2, page 8

Good Afternoon. As part of our series on the history
1 Exercise 1, page 8
of various traditions and customs, today I’d like to
St = Stef Sa = Sarah L = Lyndon
focus on something quite close to my heart – and
St: Hello again. This week on Tech Report, Sarah and that is etiquette, or to put it perhaps a little more
Lyndon are going to be talking about two relatively clearly – table manners. What is amazing is how rapidly
new tech solutions. Sarah, let’s start with you. trends come and go and our notions of what is or
Sa: Hi, Stef. Well, last weekend, me and some friends went isn’t acceptable can change like the wind! What was
to a new Asian restaurant that had these great touch considered good table manners for one generation
screen menus. is simply not necessarily the same for their children.
St: There’s nothing new in that, is there? I mean I’ve seen And this is not down to sloppiness or defiance at all.
plenty of menus on tablets in lots of restaurants in Having said that, yes, there are some people who take
town. a perverse delight in being outrageous and flying in the
Sa: Well, yes, you’re right of course but this was different. face of what is expected of them. But generally, I would
They were actually part of the table. We used them to say people are social animals and we mostly try to fit
choose and order our meal and they told us how long in with our peers. Our basic need is to be accepted,
it’d be before we had the dishes on the table. so adopting different behaviour – for example while
St: Hmm … I worry about the touch screens being in eating – would make us stand out and sometimes
contact with food. That doesn’t sound like a good idea perhaps even result in our being ostracised.
to me! Another point I should like to make is that table
Sa: You’ve got a point, though they seemed pretty well manners are not a recent invention. They are not
protected to me. And they made the whole ordering something dreamed up by our grandparents or even
process so much quicker. I mean that can’t be bad, can our grandparents’ grandparents! Manners of some
it? I hate having to wait in restaurants! Don’t you? kind have existed for a very long time, in fact there are
St: Absolutely! I’m totally with you on that – I hate waiting references going back to the writer Chaucer’s time.
too! Maybe they’re not such a bad idea after all! In the 14th century – one of the characters in The
Lyndon, what about you? What tech wonders have you Canterbury Tales talks of not letting any food drop from
seen this week? her mouth. However, ask anyone how people used
L: Well, again, the basic concept is nothing new – virtual to eat in medieval times, and its odds on that they
mirrors have been part of online clothes shopping for would talk about people eating meat with their hands
some time now, but this was the first time I’d seen one – greasy fingers – not a big problem then! In fact, it
in a real-life shop. wasn’t until Renaissance times that paintings show
St: So what’s the difference? how eating and drinking became a more sophisticated
L: Well, the screen is much bigger, just like a normal affair. Pictures of beautifully fragile Venetian drinking
mirror. You stand in front of it and you see the whole glasses indicate how impossible it would have been
length of your body. Then you choose the clothes to handle these roughly. Paintings continue to reveal
you want from a menu on the screen and the ‘mirror’ how table manners developed in later centuries. There
automatically shows you what they’d look like on you. is a 1740 painting by Chardin, a French artist, in which
St: I can see the point if you’re shopping online, but two children are being taught to eat properly at a
when you’re actually in the shop, you can just use the table, minding their manners. Using fingers has given
changing rooms, can’t you? way to using cutlery, and sitting on stools, benches
L: I’m sorry, I really don’t agree with you here. I think they or on floors has been replaced with straight backed
can be really useful. You can look through the fashions chairs. There are rules to follow. Around this time, other
much more quickly than if you were looking through eating occasions, such as afternoon tea, were being
the rails, and you can combine them with shoes and introduced as opportunities to socialise, rather than
accessories that you might have at home. It gives you a simply to eat. Etiquette developed about how to pour
much better idea. tea, how to drink tea, without slurping, how to hold a
St: Do you think we’re going to see virtual mirrors in sandwich or a piece of cake and so on. Initially, these
high street fashion stores any time soon? I can’t see it forms of etiquette were adopted by the upper classes,
happening myself. but slowly filtered through to the rest of society on
L: I agree it’s unlikely to work in busy chain stores but in simpler levels.
smaller, more exclusive boutiques, I think it’ll be a hit. A hundred years after Chardin’s painting, a journalist
St: Hmm, I’m afraid I’m not so sure. I definitely prefer the called Mrs Beeton published what became the bible
menus! for cooks and those wanting to use socially acceptable
Sa: I’ve got to agree with you. They’re more fun! table etiquette. Whereas today, many of her recipes
St: That’s all we have time for this week but we’ll be back and tips are still relevant, her advice on manners
next week with a whole new episode of Tech Report. has considerably dated. However, it serves to show
And if you like the show, why not consider liking us on us that manners were important and, at that time,
Facebook or telling a friend. Bye for now! extremely strict. There were complex rules about the
order of serving guests at the table – starting with the

Focus 4 Second Edition Kompendium maturalne I Audioscript   © Pearson Central Europe Sp z o.o. 2022   PHOTOCOPIABLE

gentleman on the left – and what one should or should D: You’re absolutely right. I’ve always been intrigued by
not do at the table. For example, dinner guests were how animals they perceive sounds. It all started when I
not encouraged to ask for a second serving of soup realised that our dog could hear sounds that I couldn’t.
or fish, as this might delay the next course for the His ears would twitch, and he’d move to the door, and
other guests. Of course, rules like these have mainly a moment later I’d hear my dad’s car turning up the
disappeared, but you might be interested to know that drive. And a dog’s sensitive hearing is surpassed by
they do, in fact, live on in the dining halls and rooms of that of the domestic cat. Their ears are tuned to pick
ancient establishments, such as Oxbridge colleges! up high frequency sounds over a distance of up to fifty
If we look around today, 150 years after Mrs Beeton, metres. Noises like a mouse rustling in the grass will
we see that in some ways we have gone backwards. carry straight to them!
Always sitting at tables is a thing of the past, we eat I: So, are these sounds always picked up through their
with our fingers. But the notion of ‘proper’ dining ears, like we do?
continues in restaurants, with tablecloths, high back D: This is where it gets very interesting. Take the elephant
chairs, individual glasses, using the right cutlery for – you would imagine that with its enormous ears it can
the right food and so on. It would be interesting to hear sounds over a very wide area. And that is true.
hazard a guess as to how table manners might change What they can pick up is what we call ‘infrasound’
and develop further, over the next hundred years. Any waves. For example, for us these sounds would be
thoughts? like a low rumble of thunder. But in addition to this,
elephants can actually ‘hear’ the movement of clouds.
Units 1-6 This tells them where rain clouds are gathering and
therefore where to find water.
3 Exercise 1, page 14 And it’s not only the way their ear canals are structured
P = Presenter S = Speaker that is responsible for their hearing, they can also use
P: Now on Art Attack it’s time for our regular feature ‘Two- nerves in their feet to pick up vibrations in the ground
minute Histories’. Today’s subject? Performance Poetry. from other elephants pounding the earth a long way
S: Spoken poetry has its roots in preliterate societies. In away. It’s a way of letting other elephants know their
ancient Greece, epic poems like Homer’s Odyssey were location.
recited to music by a poet-singer. Their poetry spoke I: Incredible. Another animal that always fascinates
of subjects of love, war and peace, relationships with people is the bat. It’s anecdotally reported that they
the gods and grief and loss. The advent of printing in can’t see, but is that really true? Do bats navigate
the fifteenth century changed the role of the poet from completely by sound?
entertainer to provider of written texts and transformed D: It is not quite true. Bats do have vision, but it’s limited.
many listeners into solitary readers. Being nocturnal creatures, they are active in the
The Beat movement was an American literary darkness, and their eyes are tuned to differentiate
movement originating in the 1950s. Beat poets like between shades of grey and black, as opposed to
Allen Ginsberg brought poetry ‘back to the streets’ with humans and other animals who have colour vision. To
spoken-word performances. assist in flying they have developed an acute hearing
‘Open mic’ nights, introduced in the 1980s, allowed system, echolocation, which is when the animal
unknown poets to perform their own work on stage produces a very high frequency sound. This bounces
and led to the development of ‘poetry slams’, where back to them when it hits objects and they get a picture
competitors were given a time limit to present their – map-like – in their brains of the area and how to avoid
work to a set of judges. obstacles safely. And similar to elephants, they don’t
Arising from urban unrest in the US in the 1970s depend solely on their ears for hearing – really tiny
and 80s, rap and hip-hop led to new ways for non- hairs on their wings pass on information to their brains
traditional poets to showcase their skills. about changes in the air, helping create the perfect
Performance poetry is one of the most popular forms map.
of poetry today. Contemporary performance poets are I: Wow! I freely admit that my knowledge about such
achieving new levels of prominence thanks to YouTube things is limited. Something else that you touch on
and other online media outlets. in your series is noise pollution. We are all fully aware
of how it can affect our lives, but you suggest that it
4 Exercise 2, page 14
affects animals too.
I = Interviewer D = Dave
D: Oh, big time! It’s a huge topic, but suffice to say that
I: This morning I’m pleased to welcome Dave Judd onto one of the worst impacts we have had is on sea life,
the programme. Dave is an expert on animal senses and in particular on the whale. This is all down to
and his recent documentary series on the subject is shipping. It’s been common knowledge for a while now
quite fascinating. We fully appreciate how busy you that whales use special songs, or calls, to communicate
are, so your sparing some time to join us today is great. over huge distances. It’s also been believed that
Thanks, and good to meet you, Dave. ships’ sonar systems operate on the same frequencies
D: Likewise. I’m a regular listener to the show. as those that the whales use, and that this causes
I: Interesting that you start off with the word ‘listener’! disruption to the whales’ communication, causing
Your speciality is how animals listen, or rather how they distress and even death. But what has recently come
hear, isn’t it?
Focus 4 Second Edition Kompendium maturalne I Audioscript   © Pearson Central Europe Sp z o.o. 2022   PHOTOCOPIABLE

to light is that the main culprit is the ships’ motors 6 Exercise 2, page 22
and the sounds of the propellers. In episode 4 of the
‘When I step into the hothouses and see the plants
documentary we closely examine these claims and find
from exotic lands, it seems to me that I am in a dream.’
out what we can do about it.
Looking at these paintings, all of which are at night or
I: One thing I got having watched the programmes,
during a dark storm, that dreamlike quality is very much
Dave, was a very poor impression of humans’ hearing
in evidence. The first one, titled ‘Carnival Evening’,
abilities, compared to the animal world.
shows a strange couple, dressed in flamboyant carnival
D: You’re right. But having said that, we do have superior
costumes, standing in front of a bleak wintry forest.
hearing to a few. Take the poor snake – it’s said to have
In the second one, called ‘The Sleeping Gypsy’, the
to rely on ground vibrations to know if anyone is near it.
gypsy lies peacefully in the moonlight, under the
At least we have ears!
stars, wrapped in a long, pastel-striped tunic, while
the lion approaches curiously, but does not harm her.
Units 1-8 The painting reminds us of the stories from Arabian
5 Exercise 1, page 22 Nights, which had recently been translated into several
European languages.
The idea that you can become rich and famous by
‘Tiger in a Tropical Storm’ was the first of many of
hosting a video blog on YouTube, Facebook or other
Henri Rousseau’s paintings set in the jungle. The lush
social media platforms was once thought to be a total
trees and plants are waving wildly in the storm when,
fantasy. But the everincreasing number of successful
suddenly, a snarling tiger appears from the long
Internet video stars has proved that online success is
grass, where it has been hiding. The jungle setting is
very real indeed. How do these self-made celebrities
something which Rousseau painted again and again,
attract so many views? And how do they make so much
and yet he never actually travelled outside his home
money? Music videos are considered to be generating
country of France.
the biggest audiences on YouTube, Vimeo and other
He was born into a lower middle-class family in the
streaming channels. Some big stars have become
small town of Laval, in northwest France, in 1844. His
famous after posting self-produced music online,
father was a metalworker, who was constantly in debt.
but the most popular music videos are produced by
At seventeen, he left school and began working for a
professionals in support of stars who already have
local lawyer, before joining the army for seven years.
millions of followers. Of course these can be watched
He left the army in 1868 and moved to Paris, where
for free, but big money is made both through selling
he began working as a customs inspector. This is the
downloads of the music itself and through linked
reason why he is often referred to as ‘Le Douanier’, or
‘the customs officer’ in French.
Self-made video bloggers are a more interesting
His life was really very ordinary, and yet his art was
phenomenon. These are people who make their own
anything but. It is thought that he got many of his ideas
videos of themselves sharing, for example, make-
from sketching in the city’s botanical gardens, but his
up and fashion tips, or gaming demonstrations. The
style was very much his own. He clearly had a natural
number of vloggers is reported to have been growing
aptitude but he was completely self-taught and picked
rapidly. The ones that have an outstanding personality
up inspiration wherever he could.
and a unique approach can become hugely popular …
The established art world of which Rousseau longed to
and rich as well. It is widely known that some vloggers
become an accepted part, was unable to appreciate
have made millions of dollars by allowing companies
or understand his work. However, he was able to show
to advertise on their site, and also by selling products
his work in annual exhibitions organised by the Société
related to their subject. This kind of fame can even
des Artistes Indépendants. These exhibitions led to his
become a gateway to other forms of success, such as
work being seen by artists such as Pissarro and Signac,
creating a product brand with your own name on it, or
who praised his style.
even gueststarring on TV shows.
1893 was the year when Rousseau retired from his work
Naturally, anything that attracts a lot of public
as a customs officer and met the writer Alfred Jarry,
interest is going to appeal to large companies. Some
who introduced him to Picasso and a number of other
people reckon that vlogging is the new form of mass
leading artists, many of whom admired his work. It
advertising. Companies make money indirectly by
should have been a turning point for his career as an
providing a free service which attracts new customers.
artist, but, while he became better known in his later
Of course the number of commercial video blogs
years, he never made much money from his art.
produced by medical clinics, investment companies
and food producers have given vlogging a less
personal face. But in the end, it’s actually personality
and a unique message that turn humble home-made
videos into the road to wealth and fame.

Focus 4 Second Edition Kompendium maturalne I Audioscript   © Pearson Central Europe Sp z o.o. 2022   PHOTOCOPIABLE

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