CH 1-27 Vocabulary

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A Smile in One Eye: A Tear in the Other

Chapters 1-27
Craggy – Rough and uneven

Roam – Move around or walk aimlessly

Hurtle – Move at great speed, often in an uncontrolled fashion

Stubborn – Being determined not to change one’s attitude or opinion

Prone – Likely to suffer from or experience (typically negative); susceptible

Mishap – Unlucky accident

Jostle – Push or bump against

Cumbersome – Large, heavy and difficult to move; slow, complicated and inefficient

Sleek – Smooth and glossy

Maneuver/manoeuvre – A movement or series of movements requiring skill

Nonchalance – Calmness and coolness; state of lacking concern

Scavenge – Search through discarded waste

Kerosene/parrafin – Fuel used for heat and light

Elation – State of extreme happiness

Sentimental – Prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia

Anguish – Severe pain or suffering

Unpretentious – Not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance

Seldom – Rarely

Frugal – Sparing or economical with money and/or food

Relinquish – Voluntarily give up (e.g. control)

Dwell – Live in a specified place

Compelling – Evoking interest or admiration

Wondrous – Inspiring a feeling of wonder

Necessity – Something which is required

Drench – Soak; wet thoroughly

Reasonably – In a fair way; to a moderate extent

Hypochondriac – Someone unusually anxious about their health

Deductible – Able to be deducted/taken away

Debris – Scattered waste

Intravenous – Through the veins

Endeavour – An attempt to achieve something (n.); try hard to achieve something (v.)

Senility – The state of being senile i.e. loss of mental faculties in old age

Distinctive – Characteristic of one thing and able to be distinguished from others

Assimilate – Become absorbed into a society and culture; take in and understand fully

Transgression – An act that goes against a law, rule or code of conduct

Veto – Exercise a right to reject something

Resistant – Impenetrable; unaffected by

In retrospect – Looking back

Burden – A load, typically a heavy one

Defer – Submit humbly to someone else’s wishes/qualities; to postpone

Resemblance – The state of being or looking alike

Abrupt – Sudden and unexpected

Hayride – Leisurely ride on the back of a hay wagon

Dew – Water droplets condensed from the air on cooler surfaces e.g. grass

Scatter – Throw in various random directions

Excavation – The act of digging up, particularly in an archaeological site

Proficient – Highly adept or skilled

Inventory – A complete list of items e.g. stock or contents of a building

Threshing – Separating grain from a plant

Grinding – Reducing something to smaller particles or powder by crushing

Churning – Agitate or turn milk or cream in order to make butter

Silo – Structure used for storing bulk materials

Hitch – Fasten or tie by means of a hook or rope

Shear – Cut the wool off (sheep)

Farmhand – A worker on a farm

Foreman – Skilled worker who oversees a group of workers

Veranda – A roofed platform on the outside of the house, level with the ground floor.

Plentiful – In abundance; high in number

Parlour – Living room

Illegitimate – Not in accordance with law or standards; (child) born out of wedlock

Intercede – Intervene or step in on behalf of another

Penchant – A strong or habitual liking for something

Uncanny – Strange or mysterious, sometimes in an unsettling way

Devout – Totally committed to a cause or belief

Intrude – Put oneself deliberately in a place or situation where you are unwelcome

Assortment – A miscellaneous collection or mixture of things or people

Myrtle – Type of evergreen shrub plant

Retaliate – Fight back

Atrocity – An extremely wicked or cruel act

Ravage – Cause severe and extensive damage to

Simultaneous – At the same time

Invariably – In every case or on every occasion

Misinform – Give false or inaccurate information

Accustomed – Used to; familiar with (something)

Bravado – A show of boldness intended to impress

Curtail – Cut short; reduce in extent or quantity

Enlist – Sign up

Agricultural – Relating to farming

Allude – Hint at

Shrewd – Having sharp powers of judgement

Competent – Having the necessary ability or skill

Manipulative – Characterised by having immoral contral of somebody or a situation

Unblemished – Not damaged or marked in any way

Prosperous – Bringing wealth and success

Reparations – Making amends for something done wrong, often via financial means

Catastrophe – Disaster
Eery – Causing fear or uneasiness

Foreboding – A feeling that something bad will happen

Furnace – An enclosed structure in which material is heated to very high temperatures

Lurk – Lie in wait; be present in a barely noticeable way

Dumbwaiter – A small elevator for carrying things, especially food and drink.

Chaperone – A person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people

Refrain – Stope oneself from doing something

Parakeet – Type of parrot

Recite – Repeat aloud

Solemn – Dignified; serious; characterised by deep sincerity

Cobbled – Paved with small, round stones as opposed to asphalt or concrete

Ridicule – Subject to dismissive behaviour

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