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NUR 192 SAS 1 11 reviewer

bs nursing (Southwestern University PHINMA)

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SAS 1 D. Cheese and milk.

1. Filipino nurses are very religious people, 5. When assessing a patient from a different
there is a deep faith in God that is reflected in culture, what is the most important area to
the expression of <bahala na= (it is up to God consider?
or leave it to God=.) Which cultural attitude A. Religious beliefs
still exist at present the= bahala= system. B. Language spoken
A. Incorrectly equated with an expression of C. Health Practices
fatalism and a passive acceptance of or D. Social Organizations
resignation to fate.
B. May also apply to acceptance of illness or 6. Identification of health risk in the
malady. community is a step-in formulating community
C. Operates psychologically to elevate one’s health diagnosis. Which of the following
courage and conviction to persist in the face of methods should be done by the public nurse to
adversity and improve best facilitate the identification of health risk
D. All of the above threatening this
2. An American nurse tries to speak with a A. Review vital statistics available
Korean client who cannot understand the B. Study health center records and reports
English language. To effectively communicate C. Assess community health resources and
to a client with a different language, which of industries available
the following should the nurse implement? D. Familiarize with prevalent lifestyle of the
A. Have an interpreter to translate. people within the community
B. Speak slowly.
C. Speak loudly and closely to the client. 7. You are the new public health nurse. To
D. Speak to the client and family together. obtain 100% population count of the
community, you should need to do a:
3. A nurse is caring for a Chinese client who is A. One to one interview
hospitalized due to pneumonia. Based on their B. Survey
culture, which of the following is believed to C. Sampling of the population
be the cause of the illness? D. Census
A. An illness is cast by an enemy.
B. An illness is a result of punishment for sins. 8. In order to raise people’s awareness on
C. An illness may be attributed to cancer prevention, the following danger signs
overexertion. of cancer need to be disseminated.
D. An illness may be given by someone who A. Unexplained anemia and weight loss
did not want it. B. All these groups
C. Indigestion and nagging cough
4. Which of the following food items would be D. Change in normal bowel habits and unusual
appropriate for a Seventh Day Adventist to be bleeding or discharge
A. Shrimp and mussels. 9. In the year 1995, 27% of all children under 5
B. Beef and pork. were underweight and about 50% of deaths
C. Tuna and salmon. among children under 5 are associated with:

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A. Malnutrition 5.What health sector aims to achieve the

B. Diarrhea health system goals of better health outcomes
C. Denque in the Philippines?
D. Malaria A. Philippine Health Insurance
B. Universal Health Care
10. What government agency is responsible to C. Home health Care
undertake initiatives in health care services D. Department of Labor and Employment
through innovative approaches?
A. Department of Science and Technology 6. In this year, the Fajardo Act (Act No. 2156)
B. Department of Local Government created Sanitary Divisions.
C. Department of Health A.1910
D. Department of Education B.1911
D. 1921
1. Which among the following is true to Public 7. These schools were primarily intended to
Health Nursing? (Select all that apply) train on-Christian women and prepare them to
A. Both are special field of nursing render service among their people.
B. Both are combination of nursing and social A. Philippine General Hospital and Chong Hua
skills Hospital
C. PHN and CHN can be used interchangeably B. Cardinal Santos Medical Center and the
D. It is public service oriented Medical City
C. University of Santo Tomas and Manila
2. The PHNs’ responsible of care is the: Doctor’s Hospital
A. Client D. Zamboanga General Hospital School of
B. Family Nursing and Baguio General Hospital
C. Community
D. All of these 8. In what year did the Section of Public health
Nursing was converted into Section of Nursing
3. The focus of the PHNs’ activities is: due to pressing need for guidance not only in
A. Primary prevention public nursing services but also in hospital
B. Curative nursing and nursing education?
C. Rehabilitative A. 1930
D. All of these B. 1940
C. 1942
4. Which of the following does not describe an D. 1944
urban community?
A. Highly dense in population 9. In what year did the office of Health
B. People are well-knit and having high degree Education and Personnel Training were
of group feeling established with Dr. Trinidad Gomez as Chief.
C. Complex international relationship A. 1952
D. Non-agricultural occupation B. 1953
C. 1955
D. 1962

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A. Functioning of the individual in all

10. In what year did the Philippine Health dimensions
Services was abolished? B. Relation of perceptions and compliance with
A.1967 therapy
B.1927 C. Relation of perceptions and compliance with
C. 1972 therapy
D.1976 D. Multidimensional nature of clients and their
interaction with the environment
SAS 3 5. Which of the following is the most basic type
of health promotion activity? (Select all that
1. In preparing to review different theories,
A. A billboard promoting abstinence to prevent
nurse Bobby reviews basic information to
sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned
assist in understanding the material.
Theories are defined as:
B. A wellness assessment program
A. Statements that describe concepts or
C. An environment control program about
connect concepts
pesticide uses
B. Mental formulations of objects or events
D. A nurse who models healthy lifestyle
C. Aspects of reality than can be consciously
E. A school of nursing that holds a blood
D. Concepts or propositions that project a
pressure fair
systematic view of phenomena
6. Nurse Marco is providing health education
2. Kristy, a community health nurse is working
about injury and poisoning prevention to a
with a variety of clients and decides to use a
group of young mothers at a health fair. What
Systems theory approach to assist them to
type of prevention is the nurse conducting?
meet their health care needs. In using the
A. Primary prevention
Systems theory, nurse Kristy focuses on the:
B. Secondary prevention
A. Client’s interaction with the environment
C. Tertiary prevention
B. Hierarchy of the client’s human needs
D. Limited prevention
C. Client’s attitudes toward health behaviors
D. Response of the client to the process of
7. Pender’s health promotion model would
growth and development
benefit which of the following clients? (Select
all that apply)
3. When assessing the e ternal variables that
A. An active 23-year-old who does not smoke
influence a client’s health beliefs and practices,
or drink alcohol
nurse Mindy must consider his:
B. A 49-year-old client who exercises four
A. Educational background
times a week
B. Religious practices
C. A 35-year-old who has yearly breast exams
C. Income status
and other routine health screenings
D. Reaction to the heart disease
D. An overweight 27-year-old who engages in
risky behaviors
4. In the Health Belief Model, nurse Chiara
recognizes that the focus is placed on the:

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8. Client Clint reports that he believes he will

"never lick the habit" of smoking because he
has tried before and failed. Using the
Transtheoretical model (TTM), what stage of
health behavior is the client functioning in?
A. Preparation stage
B. Contemplation stage
C. Termination stage
D. Action stage
E. Precontemplation stage

9. Honey, a public health nurse compares the

rate of teenage pregnancy in various areas of
the city. Which of the core functions of public
health is being implemented?
A. Assurance
B. Assessment
C. Prevention
D. Policy development

10. Nurse Glynnis performs activities to meet

the primary goals of public health. Which of
the following is nurse Glynnis most likely to
A. Ensuring that a newly diagnosed 40-year-old
hypertensive man takes his medication
B. Finding home care for a 70-year-old client
recuperating from a hip replacement
C. Conducting an infant car seat safety check
D. Contacting a local hospice to admit a
terminally ill 60-year-old woman

SAS 4 the essential services of public health. These

a. Monitoring health status by completing a
1. Which interventions are most commonly community assessment
used by public health nurses caring for families? b. Diagnosing and investigating health problems
Select all that apply: in the world
A. Administer screening tools to all members c. Informing, educating, and empowering
B. Apply the nursing process to the care of people about health issues
individuals d. Working in law enforcement to regulate
C. Collaborate and coordinate with referral as health and ensure safety
D. Provide health teaching, including 3. The term community-based nursing care is
anticipatory guidance applied when implementing which nursing
E. Participate in collecting data on clients for intervention?
clinical research a. Assessing the health needs of a defined
2. The public health nurse must participate in b. Providing care to families in a community
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c. Promoting the health of an entire community entrant immunization

d. Investigating environmental health problems B. Conducting random classroom inspection
in a community during a measles epidemic
C. Taking remedial action on an accident hazard
4. Which of the following demonstrates in the school playground
intersectoral linkages? D. Observing places in the school where pupils
a. Two-way referral system spend their free time
b. Team approach
c. Endorsement done by a midwife to another 9.Heidi, a public health nurse is the supervisor
midwife of rural health midwives. Which of the following
d. Cooperation between the Public Health is a supervisory function of the public health
Nurse and public-school teacher nurse?
A. Referring cases or patients to the midwife
5. Which of the following actions would most B. Providing technical guidance to the midwife
likely be performed by a public health nurse? C. Providing nursing care to cases referred by
a. Asking community leaders what interventions the midwife
should be chosen D. Formulating and implementing training
b. Assessing the community and deciding on programs for midwives
appropriate interventions
c. Using data from the main health care 10. One of the participants in a hilot training
institutions in the community to determine class asked you to whom she should refer a
needed health services patient in labor who develops a complication.
d. Working with community groups to create You will answer, to the
policies to improve the environment a. Public Health Nurse
b. Rural Health Midwife
6. The community health nurse asks a client, c. Municipal Health Officer
"Have you ever been exposed to any radiation d. Any of these health professionals
or chemical liquids, dust,
mists, or fumes?" The nurse is conducting an: SAS 5
a. Environmental advocacy activity
b. Environmental compliance activity
c. Environmental health assessment
1. Ethical principles for professional nursing
d. Environmental risk communication
practice in a clinical setting are guided by the
principles of conduct that are written as the:
7. Which public health nursing actions may be
A. Philippine Regulation Commission
most helpful to the community's long-term
B. Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
C. Standards of care from experts in the practice
a. Careful assessment, diagnosis, planning, and
giving care to individual patients and their
D. Good Samaritan laws for civil guidelines
b. Dialogue with community members
2. The distribution of nurses to areas of <most
concerning what health issues are of
need= in the time of a nursing shortage is an
importance in that community
example of:
c. Focusing on family health through school-
A. Utilitarianism theory
based neighborhood clinics
B. Deontological theory
d. Helping the community create political
C. Justice
change through organization, use of media,
D. Beneficence
legislative lobbying, and mass demonstrations
3. When signing a form as a witness, nurse
8. Which is an example of the public-school
signature shows that the client:
nurse’s health care provider functions?
A. Is fully informed and is aware of all
A. Requesting for BCG from the RHU for school
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B. Was awake and fully alert and not medicated

with narcotics. 9. The philosophy sometimes called the code of
C. Was free to sign without pressure ethics of care suggests that ethical dilemmas
D. Has signed that form and the witness saw it can best be solved by attention to:
being done A. Relationships
B. Ethical principles
4. Which criterion is needed for someone to C. Clients
give consent to a procedure? D. Code of ethics for nurses.
A. An appointed guardianship
B. Unemancipated minor 10. In most ethical dilemmas, the solution to
C. Minimum of 21 years or older the dilemma requires negotiation among
D. An advocate for a child members of the health care team. The nurse’s
point of view is valuable because:
5. Successful ethical discussion depends on A. Nurses have a legal license that encourages
people who have a clear sense of personal their presence during ethical discussions.
values. When many people share the same B. The principle of autonomy guides all
values, it may be possible to identify a participants to respect their own self-worth.
philosophy of utilitarianism, with proposes that: C. Nurses develop a relationship to the client
A. The value of people is determined solely by that is unique among all professional health
leaders in the Unitarian church. care providers.
B. The decision to perform a liver transplant D. The nurse’s code of ethics recommends that
depends on a measure of the moral life that the a nurse be present at any ethical discussion
client has led so far about client care.
C. The best way to determine the solution to an
ethical dilemma is to refer the case to the SAS 6
D. The value of something is determined by its
1. An infant who had been in foster care since
usefulness to society.
birth requires a blood transfusion. Who is
authorized to give written informed consent for
6. The client’s right to refuse treatment is an
the procedure?
example of:
a. Nurse manager
A. Statutory law
b. Social worker who placed the infant in foster
B. Common law
C. Civil laws
c. Registered nurse caring for the infant
D. Nurse practice acts
d. The foster mother
7. Even though the nurse may obtain the client’s
2. The foster parents of a child age 6, who will
signature on a form, obtaining informed
begin school in the facility, ask the nurse for
consent is the responsibility of the:
anticipatory guidance. The nurse should explain
A. Client
that a child of this age:
B. Physician
a. Rebel against scheduled activities
C. Student nurse
b. Still depends on the parent
D. Supervising nurse
c. Loves to tattle
d. Is highly sensitive to criticism
8. To respect a client’s personal space and
territoriality, the nurse:
3. The nurse is discussing negativism with the
A. Avoids the use of touch
parents of a 30-month-old child when
B. Explains nursing care and procedures
administering immunization. How should the
C. Keeps the curtains pulled around the client’s
nurse tell the parents to best respond to this
D. Stands 8 feet away from the bed, if possible.
a. Reprimand the child and give a 15-minute
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<time out=
b. Maintain a permissive attitude for this 8. Sheila tells the community nurse that her
behavior boyfriend has been abusive and she is afraid of
c. Use patience and a sense of humor to deal him. but she doesn't want to leave. The client
with this behavior asks the nurse for assistance. Which nursing
d. Assert authority over the child through limit interventions are appropriate in this situation?
setting Select all that apply.
a. Help Sheila to develop a plan to ensure safety
4. A victim of domestic violence states, <If I including phone numbers for emergency help.
were better, I would not have been beaten.= b. Help Sheila to get her boyfriend into an
Which feeling best describes what the victim appropriate treatment program.
may be experiencing? c. Communicate acceptance. avoiding any
a. Fear implication that Sheila is at fault for not leaving.
b. Helplessness d. Help Sheila to explore available options.
c. Self-blame including shelters and legal protection.
d. Rejection

5. The nurse is at the community center 9. What is R.A. 9994?

speaking with retired people. To which a. Anti-Terror Law
comment by one of the retirees during a b. Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010
discussion about the benefits for senior citizen c. Magna Carta for Health Care Workers
would the nurse give a supportive comment to d. Providing Mandatory Basic Immunization
reinforce correct information?
a. I usually bring my senior citizen ID wherever I
will go 10. As the government cares for the health of
b. No need to ask doctors’ prescription if I will Senior Citizens, what are the entitlement of
buy my medicines. benefits given to them?
c. I was given discount for doctors’ professional a. Purchase of medicines
fee b. 20% discount
d. I registered my name as a member of senior c. Diagnostic and laboratory fees in private
citizen. hospitals
d. All of the above
6.The community health nurse is assigned to
care for administering vaccination. Which of the SAS 7
following should the nurse give the priority in
giving vaccination?
a. The client who came first. 1. What is the function of FDA Generic Drug
b. The adult client together with mother Program?
c. The client with age of 60 years old A. To revise health care delivery system
d. The mother who brought her lactating child B. To conduct review to make a certain that the
with her. medicine met the standard for safety use.
C. To organize community forum
7. Nurse Meredith is observing 8-year-old Anna D. To formulate health care law
during a community visit. Which of the
following findings would lead the nurse to 2. What type of medicine created to work the
suspect that Anna is a victim of sexual abuse? same as an existing approved brand-name
a. The child is fearful of the caregiver and other drugs.
adults. A. Intravenous fluids
b. The child has a lack of peer relationships. B. Acupuncture
c. The child has self-injurious behavior. C. Generic
d. The child has an interest in things of a sexual
nature. 3. What health Republic Act in the government
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that provide insurance coverage for all citizens A. Once a year

of the Philippines to ensure affordable, B. Every 2 years
acceptable, available and accessible health care C. Every 4 months
services? D. Every 6 months
A. Philippine Medical Act
B. Philippine Technological Transfer Act 10.The nurse instruct the client before giving
C. Dangerous drug Act blood patient should:
D. National Health Insurance Act A. Eat her/his normal meal or snack
B. Drinks lots of fluids
4. What are the three components of access to C. Not drink, not eat
health care as implemented in the insurance D. Consider A and B
act? (Select all that apply)
A. Coverage QUIZ 1
B. Services
C. Timeless The following are the duties of a nurse
D. Prevention
but one *
5. Which of the following that can avail the 1/1
Philippine health government insurance To provide nursing care using the nursing
coverage except process.
A. Sponsored members To establish business with community people
B. Foreigner and other health team members
C. Life time members To provide health education to individuals,
families and communities
D. Indigent members
To teach guide and supervise students in
nursing education programs
6. A volunteer individual approached the nurse
that he wants to donate blood and asked what When assessing the external variables
age group can donate blood? The nurse reply that influence a client’s health beliefs
which of the following: and practices, the nurse must consider
A. Between 7–12-year-old
B. Between 17-65 years old his: *
C. All of the above 1/1
D None of the above A. Educational background
B. Religious practices
7. One of the donors asked, when I donate C. Income status
blood am I at risk of acquiring blood-borne D. Reaction to the heart disease
diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C? What is In the year 1995, 27% of all children
the nurse best answer?
under 5 were underweight and about
A. True
B. False 50% of deaths among children under 5
C. Maybe are associated with: *
D. None of the above
A. Malnutrition
8. The amount of blood collected at one time is: B. Diarrhea
A. 250 ml. C. Denque
B. 450 ml. D. Malaria
C. 1liter
In this year, the Fajardo Act (Act No.
D. 6 liters
2156) created Sanitary Divisions. *
9. After the bloodletting, the client asked the 1/1
laboratory staff how often regularly can he A.1910
donate blood? The staff response: B.1911
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C.1912 The Transtheoretical Model

D. 1921 Pender’s Health Promotion Model
The Health Belief Model
The PHN identifies the expected
With the huge national debt, widespread
outcomes for a plan that is based on
poverty, high birth rate and growing
population diagnoses and priorities. *
population, the task of creating a healthy
Standard 1. Assessment population in the Philippines as a
Standard 2. Population Diagnosis prerequisite to national development lies
Standard 3. Outcome Identification
Standard 4. Planning in the hand of : *
The concept of Community Health 1/1
president of the nation
Nursing as population based service
religious organizations
means that it should be provide to be * non government organizations
health sector
home only In the Health Belief Model, nurse Chiara
nursing community recognizes that the focus is placed on
individuals only
individual and families the: *
A community health nurse is working 1/1
A. Functioning of the individual in all
with a variety of clients and decides to
use a Systems theory approach to assist B. Relation of perceptions and compliance
with therapy
them to meet their health care needs. In
C. Relation of perceptions and compliance
using the Systems theory, nurse Kristy with therapy
D. Multidimensional nature of clients and their
focuses on the: *
interaction with the environment
1/1 In what year did the Philippine Health
A. Client’s interaction with the environment
B. Hierarchy of the client’s human needs Services was abolished? *
C. Client’s attitudes toward health behaviors
D. Response of the client to the process of
growth and development
In what year did the office of Health C. 1972
Education and Personnel Training were
established with Dr. Trinidad Gomez as It provides the basis for much of the
Chief. * practice of health education and health
promotion today. *
A. 1952 1/1
C. 1955 The Transtheoretical Model
D. 1962 Pender’s Health Promotion Model
The Health Belief Model
It is based on the assumption that
behavior change takes place over time, By the year 2025, it is expected that no
progressing through a sequence of country will have a life expectancy of *
stages. * 1/1
less than 70 years.
1/1 less than 60 years.
PRECEDE-PROCEED Model less than 50 years.
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less than 40 years.

signs of cancer need to be
Every day in ________,about 365, 000 disseminated. *
babies were born, and about 140, 000
people died, * A. Unexplained anemia and weight loss
B. All these groups
C. Indigestion and nagging cough
D. Change in normal bowel habits and
unusual bleeding or discharge
2020 Community Health Nursing is a service
Never give client information to an that is provided to an environment that is
unauthorized person, and preserve constantly changing. This implies that
anonymity when citing patient cases in Community Health Nurse to be able to
coursework, research, or other public provide relevant service must *
documents is a : * 1/1
involve other disciplines in carrying out other
health services in various setting
provide a service that is community based
provide service that is integrated and
update her knowledge on current and
The main focus of community health evolving characteristics of health care sytem
nurse is * Community Health Nursing <The
1/1 utilization of the nursing process in the
health promotion different levels of clientele-individuals,
heath prevention
health education families, population groups and
health restoration communities, concerned with the
What government agency is responsible promotion of health, prevention of
to undertake initiatives in health care disease and disability and rehabilitation.=
services through innovative according to : *
approaches? *
1/1 WHO
A. Department of Science and Technology Maglaya
B. Department of Local Government Jacobson
C. Department of Health Nisce
D. Department of Education In what year did the Section of Public
What health sector aims to achieve the health Nursing was converted into
health system goals of better health Section of Nursing due to pressing need
outcomes in the Philippines? * for guidance not only in public nursing
1/1 services but also in hospital nursing and
A. Philippine Health Insurance
B. Universal Health Care nursing education? *
C. Home health Care 1/1
D. Department of Labor and Employment A. 1930
In order to raise people’s awareness on B. 1940
C. 1942
cancer prevention, the following danger D. 1944
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The PHN considers factors related to Global population will increase by nearly
safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact in 80 million people a year to reach about
practice and in the planning and delivery 8billion by the *
of nursing and public health programs. 0/1
Policies and services. * year 2023
year 2035
1/1 year 2025.
Ethics year 2030
Nurse Marco is providing health
Resource Utilization
Population education about injury and poisoning
prevention to a group of young mothers
You are the new public health nurse. To at a health fair. What type of prevention
obtain 100% population count of the is the nurse conducting? *
community, you should need to do a: *
1/1 A. Primary prevention
A. One to one interview B. Secondary prevention
B. Survey C. Tertiary prevention
C. Sampling of the population D. Limited prevention
D. Census
When assessing a patient from a
Goal of Community Health Nursing is : different culture, what is the most
<To raise the level of citizenry by helping important area to consider? *
communities and families to cope with
the discontinuities in and threats to A. Religious beliefs
health in such a way as to maximize B. Language spoken
C. Health Practices
their potential for high-level wellness= D. Social Organizations
according to *
DOH 1. In order to solicit cooperation /assistance of
Jacobson the community in the environmental sanitation
Nisce program, which of the
following needs to be done first?
Who was appointed as Nursing Program
a. Create public awareness on the
Supervisor in the Bureau of Disease environmental sanitation problems
Control and served as consultant on the b. Form working groups or committees
c. Solicit the help of the municipal and barangay
nursing aspects of the 5 special
diseases: TB, Leprosy, Venereal d. Involve community members in the
Diseases, Cancer, Filariasis, and Mental sanitation program
Health. *
2. The RHU team consist of the following
1/1 except:
Mrs. Josefina A. Mendoza, a. Community health workers
Mrs. Zenaida Panlilio-Nisce b. Public health nurse
Mrs. Belinda R. Rosales c. Health axillary volunteer
Mrs. Gloria Temelo
d. Respiratory therapist

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3. Tertiary Care by the home health nurse is health sector reform?

directed towards children with: a. FOURmula One for Health
a. Problem in mobility b. National Health Insurance Program (NHIP)
b. Minor problems c. High Five Formula
c. Short-term needs d. Healthcare system upgrading plan
d. Clinically apparent disease
10. Health care services were devolved to the
4. Nurse Nicolas is scheduled for Pap smear. She Local Government Units (LGU) for the following
has a strong family history for cervical cancer. reasons except:
This is an example of? a. To transform LGU into self- reliant
a. Secondary prevention communities
b. Primary prevention b. To involve people in the development and
c. Tertiary prevention progress of their communities
d. Health screening c. Empower local health officials
d. To provide people better access to decision
5. Which of the following is the new Mission of making
the DOH?
a. Promote healthy lifestyle SAS 9
b. Ensure accessibility and quality of health care
c. Equitable and people-centered health system 1. Which of the following agencies will be
d. Improve general’s health status of the people responsible for the protection and promotion of
the people’s health?
6. The new vision of the DOH is: a. Local Government Unit
a. Health for all Filipinos by 2012 b. Department of Interior and Local
b. Leader, staunch, advocate and model in Government
promoting health for all in the Philippines c. Department of health
c. Guarantee equitable and quality health for all d. Barangay and Municipal Councils
d. Healthiest people in Southeast Asia by 2022, 2. A method wherein the superficial soft parts
and Asia by 2040 of the body are rubbed, stroked, kneaded, or
tapped for remedial, aesthetic, hygienic, or
7. If the primary level of care is not capable of limited therapeutic purposes
solving the problem, where would you prefer a. Massage
for secondary level of care? b. Chiropractic
a. Rehabilitation center c. Acupuncture
b. Barangay captain house d. Acupressure
c. Doctor’s clinic in the municipality
d. District hospital 3. The Department of Health adopts measures
to augment basic services and facilities assigned
8. Health sectors reform has been formulated to LGU’s. which of the following are priority
because of the following excepts: areas for the provision of assistance by the
a. Persistence of large variations in health DOH?
status across population groups and geographic a. Areas where studies/researches on health are
areas conducted
b. Arising burden from chronic and b. Selected areas in the city
degenerative diseases c. Areas recommended by government /local
c. High burden from infectious disease officials
d. Burden from disease is heaviest among d. Less developed and deserving local
middle class families government units.

9. The DOH adopted which of the following as 4. Which of the following assistance is/are far
the framework for the implementation of the given by the DOH to the LGU?
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a. Provide health information statistics and b. kaymito leaves

other necessary data c. kabuyao leaves
b. All of these forms of assistance d. lagundi leaves
c. Ensure that public have access to higher and
more advanced facilities 9. Which of the following alternative care can
d. Monitor and evaluate local health projects, be recommended for alleviating pain by
programs and services applying pressure on the body surfaces?
a. Acupuncture
5. Primary health care as a strategy in the b. Acupressure
delivery of health care services is best c. Aromatherapy
characterized by: d. Pranic Healing
a. Essential health services accessible and
acceptable to the community 10. Should you teach a member of household
b. Partnership between and among the health on the use of niyog-niyugan, what possible
workers disease condition could be remedied?
c. Provision of health services at the district a. parasitism
level b. none of these
d. Top-down decision making c. fever
d. Constipation
6. The following are strategies of primary health
care, EXCEPT: SAS 10
a. Reorientation and reorganization of the
health care systems with the establishment of 1. A nurse demonstrated caring by helping the
functional support mechanism in support of the family members to: Select that all apply.
mandate of devolution under the local a. Become active participants in care
government code of 1991. b. Remove themselves from personal care
b. Effective preparation and enabling process c. Make health care decision for the patient
for health action at all levels. d. Have uninterrupted time for family and
c. Mobilization of the people to know their patient to be together
communities and identifying their basic health e. Have opportunities for the family to discuss
needs with the end in view of providing their concerns
appropriate solutions leading to self-reliance
and self-determination. 2. Which of the followings most greatly affects a
d. None of the above. family’s access to adequate health care,
opportunity for education and sound nutrition?
7. The devolution of health services to the local a. Development
government unit was mandated by: b. Family function
a. R.A 7160 c. Family structure
b. Executive Order 51 d. Economic stability
c. R.A. 7305
d. R.A. 7164 3. Which of the following family assessment are
most important for successful family
7. What care strategy has the Department of caregiving? Select that apply:
Health used for accessibility of health? a. Educational level of family members
a. Deregulation of health services b. Cultural references
b. Regionalization of health services c. Collaboration between family members
c. opening barangay wellness clinics d. Social support
d. Primary Health Care e. Conflict resolution practices

8. Which of the following herbal can be 4. Which of the following phases of parental
recommended for scabies? process that changing identities and role of
a. kakawati fresh leaves both husband and wife are sources of anxieties
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concerns? 9. Nurse Sheena is visiting the client and family

a. Establishment Phase in the home after the client’s discharge from
b. Expectant Phase the Changi Medical Center. Nurse Sheena seeks
c. Parenteral Phase to assist the client to return to the home
d. None of the above environment. In implementing family-centered
care, the nurse:
5. Particular societal trends may have an a. Assists family members to assume dependent
influence on the overall health of families and roles
create a challenge for health care providers, b. Provides his or her own beliefs on how to
especially the nurses. Of the following trends, solve problems
which represents the greatest current health c. Offers information about necessary self-care
care challenge to nurses? abilities
a. Single-parent families d. Works with clients to help them accept blame
b. <Sandwiched= or middle generation for their interactions
c. Alternate relationship patterns
d. <Homelessness= 10. Nurse Robert is observing the interaction of
family members during a home visit. Nurse
6. When a nurse is working with families, the Robert recognizes that the optimal goal of
nurse may view the family as context or client. effective communication within the family is:
Which of the following examples demonstrates a. Better financial conditions for the family
the view of the family as context? b. Socialization among individual members
a. The client’s ability to understand and manage c. Problem solving and psychological support
his or her own dietary needs d. Role development of individual members
b. The family’s ability to support the client’s
dietary and recreational needs SAS 11
c. The adjustment of the client and family to
changes in diet and exercise 1. A nurse is preparing to conduct interview
d. The family’s demands on the client based on survey. Which of the following data should the
his or her role performance nurse collect as a component of the assessment
(Select that all Apply:
7. Nurse Jay is observing for the signs of a a. Family structure, characteristics and dynamic
healthy family. In an assessment of a healthy b. Individual who holds power within the
family, nurse Jay expects to find that: community
a. Minimal influence is exerted on the c. ethnic background and religious affiliation
environment. d. stress management of other healthy lifestyle
b. The structure is flexible enough to adapt to activities,
c. A passive response exists to stressors. 2. A nurse is completing a need assessment and
d. Change is viewed as detrimental to family beginning analysis of data. Which of the
processes. following actions should the nurse take first?
a. Determine health patterns within collected
8. Nurse Luna is visiting Mrs. Panalo and her data
family in the community for the first time. In b. Compile collected data into a database
completing Mrs. Panalo and her family’s c. Ensure data collection is complete
assessment, the nurse should begin by: d. Identify health needs of the family
a. Evaluating communication patterns
b. Testing the family’s ability to cope 3. A nurse is collecting data to identify health
c. Determining the family’s structure and needs in the family. Which of the following
attitudes examples should the nurse identify as
d. Gathering the health data from all the family secondary data? Select that all apply.
members a. Birth statistics
b. Previous heath survey
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c. Interview survey The community health nurse asks a

d. Community forum
e. Health records client, "Have you ever been exposed to
any radiation or chemical liquids, dust,
4. A nurse is conducting a family assessment. mists, or fumes?" The nurse is
Which of the following data collection methods
is the nurse using when having direct conducting an: *
conversation with individual in the family? 1/1
a. Key informant interview Environmental advocacy activity
b. Participant observation Environmental compliance activity
c. Focus group Environmental health assessment
d. Health survey Environmental risk communication
It involves various health workers. *
5. A nurse is planning a family health program.
Which of the following actions should the nurse
Multidisciplinary approach
include as part of the evaluation plan? General System approach
a. Determine availability of resources to initiate Social Learning approach
the plan Mendelian's approach
b. Gain approval for the program from the
Nurses are answerable for how they
family leaders
c. Establish a timeline for implementation of promote, protect, and meet the health
intervention needs of clients while respecting
d. Compare program impact to similar programs
individual rights to self-determination in
QUIZ 2 health care. *
Senior citizens are entitled to 20% Community responsibility
Personal accountability
discount and exemption from the value - Social accountability
added tax (VAT) on certain goods and Moral accountability

services for their exclusive use. Among The philosophy sometimes called the
these are except: * code of ethics of care suggests that
ethical dilemmas can best be solved by
Purchase of medicines and essential medical attention to: *
Accessories and equipment; 1/1
Professional fees of attending physicians and Relationships
licensed health workers as well as on medical Ethical principles
and dental services, Clients
Sari-sari stores Code of ethics for nurses.

One of the donors asked, when I donate The strategic objectives for the operation
blood am I at risk of acquiring blood- of PRC Blood Services are as follows:
borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B except *
and C? What is the nurse best 1/1
Safe and quality blood for all –
answer? * Improve financial self‐sustainability
1/1 Attain ISO 15189 rating in 2024
True 100% voluntary blood donation
False The foster parents of a child age 6, who
None of the above will begin school in the facility, ask the
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Philippine Technological Transfer Act

nurse for anticipatory guidance. The
Dangerous drug Act
nurse should explain that a child of this National Health Insurance Act
age: * The National Voluntary Blood Services
1/1 Program (NVBSP) aims to achieve the
Rebel against scheduled activities following: except *
Still depends on the parent
Loves to tattle 1/1
Is highly sensitive to criticism Development of a fully voluntary blood
donation system;
Which is an example of the public-
Strengthening of a nationally coordinated
school nurse’s health care provider network of BSF to increase efficiency by
centralized testing and processing of blood;
functions? *
Implementation of a quality management
1/1 system including of Good Manufacturing
Requesting for BCG from the RHU for school Practice GMP and Management Information
entrant immunization System (MIS);
Conducting random classroom inspection Attainment of minmum utilization of blood
during a measles epidemic through rational use of blood products and
Taking remedial action on an accident hazard component therapy
in the school playground It provides a model for community
Observing places in the school where pupils
spend their free time assessment, health education, planning,
To respect a client’s personal space and and evaluation. *
territoriality, the nurse: * 1/1
The Transtheoretical Model
1/1 General System Theory
Avoids the use of touch Social Learning Theory
Explains nursing care and procedures Mendelian's Theory
Keeps the curtains pulled around the client’s
bed Successful ethical discussion depends
Stands 8 feet away from the bed, if possible. on people who have a clear sense of
An infant who had been in foster care personal values. When many people
since birth requires a blood transfusion. share the same values, it may be
Who is authorized to give written possible to identify a philosophy of
informed consent for the procedure? * utilitarianism, with proposes that: *
1/1 1/1
Nurse manager The value of people is determined solely by
Social worker who placed the infant in foster leaders in the Unitarian church.
home The decision to perform a liver transplant
Registered nurse caring for the infant depends on a measure of the moral life that
The foster mother the client has led so far
What health Republic Act in the The best way to determine the solution to an
ethical dilemma is to refer the case to the
government that provide insurance attending physician.
coverage for all citizens of the The value of something is determined by its
usefulness to society.
Philippines to ensure affordable,
After the bloodletting, the client asked
acceptable, available and accessible
the laboratory staff how often regularly
health care services? *
can he donate blood? The staff
Philippine Medical Act response: *
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1/1 1/1
Once a year Fear
Every 2 years Helplessness
Every 4 months Self-blame
Every 6 months Rejection
The Act classifies violence against The client’s right to refuse treatment is
women and children (VAWC) as a public an example of: *
crime. * 0/1
Statutory law
Common law
RA 9262 is the Anti-Violence Against Women
Civil laws
and their Children Act of 2004.
Nurse practice acts
RA 9262 is the Anti-Violence Against Women
and their Children Act of 2014. The term community-based nursing care
RA 9261 is the Anti-Violence Against Women
is applied when implementing which
and their Children Act of 2004.
RA 9062 is the Anti-Violence Against Women nursing intervention? *
and their Children Act of 2004.
Identify analysis and treat the condition Assessing the health needs of a defined
avoid taking risk. * community
Providing care to families in a community
1/1 Promoting the health of an entire community
Competence Practice Investigating environmental health problems
Bill of rights in a community
Risk management program
Which of the following that can avail the
Philippine health government insurance
The distribution of nurses to areas of
coverage except *
<most need= in the time of a nursing
shortage is an example of: * 1/1
Sponsored members
1/1 Foreigner
Utilitarianism theory Life time members
Deontological theory Indigent members
The nurse is discussing negativism with
the parents of a 30-month-old child
The State shall provide comprehensive
when administering immunization. How
health care services to all Filipinos
should the nurse tell the parents to best
through a socialized health insurance
respond to this behavior? *
program that will prioritize the health
care needs of the following except * 1/1
Reprimand the child and give a 15-minute
1/1 <time out=
Privileged people Maintain a permissive attitude for this
Sick people behavior
Elderly Use patience and a sense of humor to deal
Persons with disability (PWD) with this behavior
Assert authority over the child through limit
A victim of domestic violence states, <If I
were better, I would not have been
It is based on the belief that learning
beaten.= Which feeling best describes
takes place in a social context, that is,
what the victim may be experiencing? *
people learn from one another and that
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learning is promoted by modeling or The nurse instruct the client before

observing other people. * giving blood patient should: *
1/1 1/1
The Transtheoretical Model Eat her/his normal meal or snack
General System Theory Drinks lots of fluids
Social Learning Theory Not drink, not eat
Mendelian's Theory Consider A and B
The public health nurse must participate
in the essential services of public health.
These include: *
Monitoring health status by completing a
community assessment
Diagnosing and investigating health problems
in the world
Informing, educating, and empowering people
about health issues
Working in law enforcement to regulate health
and ensure safety
The nurse is at the community center
speaking with retired people. To which
comment by one of the retirees during a
discussion about the benefits for senior
citizen would the nurse give a supportive
comment to reinforce correct
information? *
I usually bring my senior citizen ID wherever I
will go
No need to ask doctors’ prescription if I will
buy my medicines.
c. I was given discount for doctors’
professional fee
d. I registered my name as a member of
senior citizen.
Which of the following actions would
most likely be performed by a public
health nurse? *
Asking community leaders what interventions
should be chosen
Assessing the community and deciding on
appropriate interventions
Using data from the main health care
institutions in the community to determine
needed health services
Working with community groups to create
policies to improve the environment
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