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Spells: Barkskin (CN3) - +2 TB but -10 Ag, Dex;

Bretonnians Earthblood (CN6) – for WB rounds, creatures in WP

Bailiff (silver 5) yards heal WB wounds each round; Forest of Thorns
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W (CN6) – in WB yards area, suffer 1 Bleeding and 1
35 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 35 30 12 Entangled unless pass -20 Agility v. Enchantress’s WP;
Skills: Intimidate 45, Haggle 40, Evaluate 40 Lie of the Land (CN5) – understand natural
Traits: Sword, lockbox, livery of local lord, riding horse, environment in IB miles + IB/S; Lifebloom (CN8);
3 tax collectors as escort and perhaps some men-at-arms Aethyric Arms (CN2); Breath (CN6); Bridge (CN4);
The Bailiff is a local lord’s administrator of both taxes Dome (CN7); Teleport (CN5)
and some justice. Most are corrupt and venal, despised
by peasant and noble alike, though at least they have Enchantress (Light) (silver 3)
food and money - as above, with Arcane Lore (Light): inflict Blinded on
targets of spells (if desire) and +WB damage and ignore
Battle Pilgrim (brass 0) T+AP v. undead and daemons.
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W Spells: Banishment (CN12) – inflict Unstable on undead
50 30 45 45 30 30 30 30 50 30 18 or demons in WB yards, or destroy those already
Skills: Heal 40, Intimidate 60 unstable; Net of Amyntok (CN8) - +1 stunned on target
Traits: Frenzy (no need to spend round entering), Shield for IntB rds; Pha’s Protection (CN10) – undead, demons,
(AP2/6), Sword +8 mutants, corrupted (>WB+TB) cannot enter WB yards
or become broken until they leave; Healing Light (CN9)
Damsel of the Lady (effectively, gold 3) – heal IB+WB wounds on target, and 1 corruption if -20
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W WP test; Blast (CN4) – D3 to all in WB yards; Arrow
35 30 30 30 60 50 50 50 60 50 15 Shield (CN3) – destroy all arrows in WB yards;
Skills: Channeling 75, Charm Animal 65, Cool 75, Distracting (CN4) -20 to all tests around caster for WB
Entertain Prophecy 65, Intimidate 75, Intuition 75, Lang. rounds; Flight (CN8) – lasts WB rds; Ward (CN5) – 9+
Magick 65, Lore (Astrology) 65, Lore (Prophecy) 65, ward for WB rounds.
Perception 75
Traits: Attractive, Luck, Second Sight, Detect Artefact, The Fay Enchantress tutors her female pupils with
Holy Visions, Sixth Sense, Petty Magic, Arcane Magic magical proclivities in her Tower in the south in the lores
(Celestial)* - Ignore metal APs, Magical Sense (Intuition of Life, Beasts, and Light. Those gifted with foresight
+20 test to detect spellcasters), Menacing (+1SLs to become Damsels, while others become mere
Intim.), sword +7 and staff +, 5 Fate Points, Light Enchantresses. Adherents of the faith of Lady disapprove
Warhorse of any spellcasters other than these, including male
Spells: Fate’s Fickle Fingers (CN6: pool Fortune), wizards.
Starcrossed (CN7: for IB rds, can force others to reroll
tests by spending Fortune), Mundane Aura (CN4, WP Huntsman (hunter)
minutes appear mundane), Portents of Amul (CN3, +1 WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Fortune, +1 Fortune/2SLs), Push (CN6, back WP yards, 30 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 30 19
become prone), Ward (CN5, 9+ ward). Skills: Charm Animal 40, Lore Beasts 40, Survival 50,
* unlike the common Mystic, Damsels are not limited to Ranged Bow 60, Stealth 55
only the ‘fortune’ spells of celestial magic Traits: Trapper, Accurate Shot, Fast Shot, leathers
(AP1/5), traps, longbow +7 (impale), dagger +6
Enchantress (Beasts) (silver 3)
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W Knight Errant (gold 1)
40 30 30 30 30 35 30 50 50 30 13 WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Skills: Channelling 65, Language Magick 65, Cool 60, 55 30 35 30 40 40* 30 30 35 30 12
Dodge 50, Lore – Nature 60 Skills: Ride 45, Lore Heraldry 35, Charm 35
Talents: Detect Artefact, Second Sight, Arcane Lore Traits: Noble blood, platemail & shield (AP7/10,
(Beasts) –the Enchantress causes Fear after spellcasting impenetrable), lance +10 (impact, impale), sword +7,
Trappings: staff, riding horse, robes *encumbered Mv 3, Ag. 30 on foot.
Spells: Amber Spear (CN8), Beast Form (CN5), Beast
Master (CN10), Flock of Doom (CN8), Beast Tongue - Light Warhorse (Charger)
(CN3), Arrow Shield (CN3), Distracting (CN4), Mv WS BS S T I Ag Int WP Fel W
Entangle (CN3), Repugnant Transformation* (CN7)
8 35 - 45 35 25 40 10 20 10 24
Enchantress (Life) (silver 3) Traits: Large, Trained (Broken, Mount, War), Stride,
- as above, with Arcane Lore (Life): Enchantress +10 Trample +7 (free for 1 Adv.), caparison (AP1/5)
Channeling and casting tests in rural and wilds, remove
all Fatigued and Bleeding conditions from living targets A knight errant is a questing knight who seeks adventure
of her spells. Undead suffer +WB damage and their and trouble, with higher regard in society than all non-
damage is not reduced by AP. nobles. Some are truly devoted to Justice, Valor, and
Mercy, while others are simply having a good time.
- Destrier
Knight of the Realm (gold 2) Mv WS BS S T I Ag Int WP Fel W
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
7 35 - 55 45 25 30 10 20 10 30
60 30 40 35 45 40 30 30 35 30 13 Traits: Large, Trained (Broken, Mount, War), Stride,
Skills: Ride 50, Lore Heraldry 40, Cool 40, Leadership Trample +8 (free for 1 Adv.), mail hanger & caparison
40 (AP3/7)
Traits: Noble blood, platemail & shield (AP7/10,
impenetrable), lance +11 (impact, impale), sword +9, A Lord Knight represents an older knight who has
*encumbered Mv 3, Ag. 30 on foot. inherited land and estates. He is experienced in rule and
politics, and always seeks to expand his power and
- Destrier holdings, whether by diplomacy or force.
Mv WS BS S T I Ag Int WP Fel W
Mason or Smith (artisan)
7 35 - 55 45 25 30 10 20 10 30
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Traits: Large, Trained (Broken, Mount, War), Stride,
Trample +8 (free for 1 Adv.), caparison (AP1/5) 30 30 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 35 15
Skills: Trade 55, Haggle 40
Friar of Verena (priest) (silver 1) Traits: Guild license, tools, shop with a few choice wares
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W The backbone of Bretonnian economy in towns and
castles, the artisan will undertake commissions for lords
30 30 30 45 35 40 30 38 45 45 15
and commoners for the right price. Usually, the guild
Skills: Intuition 45, Lore Theology 50, Research 55, Pray
grants them certain legal privileges from being
55, Heal 55, Gossip 55
expropriated by local lords, though they must always
Talents: Bless (Verena) – Conscience (force Strictures
defer to nobles and knights.
unless +20 WP test), Courage (+10 WP), Fortune (1
reroll), Righteousness (magic weapon), Wisdom (+10
Merchant (silver)
Int), Wit (+10 I), Invoke (Verena), Literate
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Spells: Blind Justice (Intuition to know truth or lies of
speaker; Perception to see through illusions), Shackles of 35 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 30 45 12
Truth (if criminal denies guilt, entangle; Wrath if falsely Skills: Bribery 55, Charm 55, Gamble 42, Haggle 60
accuse), Truth Will Out (must answer truthfully or Trappings: 2 wagons, Guild License, 20 GC, 1d5 guards,
known to resist with +20 Cool), Wisdom of the Owl (+20 fine cloths, goods for sale
Int tests, Menacing, Acute Sense Sight), Verena is My
Witness (if truthful, all believe so) Men-at-Arms (soldier, recruit)
Trappings: Simple robes, notebook, case of specimens, WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
herbs, and instruments
50 50 30 40 30 30 30 30 50 30 15
Guards (guard, sentry) (silver 2) Traits: sword +7; gambeson + shield (AP3/7) or bow +6
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W (50 y, impale) and gambeson (AP1/5).

50 40 30 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 14 Necromancer (silver 1)
Skills: Perception 50, Endurance 50 WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Traits: Strike to Stun, Spear +7, Sword +7, mail + shield
(AP5/9) 40 30 30 30 30 35 30 50 50 30 13
Hired by the wealthy and merchants to protect property Skills: Channelling (Dhar) 65, Language Magick 65, Cool
and important people, guards expect to be paid for 60, Dodge 50, Lore – Necromancy 65
staying on watch and obeying their master. Otherwise, Talents: Second Sight, Arcane Lore (Necromancy)
they’ll serve another or turn a blind eye. Spells: Raise Skeletons (CN8, summons SLs+1 # of
skeletons x extra SLs/2); Screaming Skull (CN8);
Lord Knight (knight errant, knight, magnate, lord) Vanhel’s Call (CN6); Blast (CN4); Aethyric Armour
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W (CN2); Ward; Protection Missiles; Fly.
Trappings: staff, worn skull, vials of blood
80 30 40 30 55 40 50 50 30 50 13
Skills: Charm 65, Cool 50, Intuition 70, Leadership 70, - Skeletons
Lore Heraldry 65, Lore Politics 65, Ride 60, Perception WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Talents: Commanding Presence (lower status fail WP 25 25 30 30 20 20 25 - - - 12
tests to resist), Iron Will (no fear from intim.), SMB 2, Traits: Unstable (lose W = enemy’s excess Advantage
Noble blood, Warleader 2 (+2SLs to subordinates’ WP over it), Spear or Sword +7, Shield (AP2/5), Fear 2, Dark
tests), Trappings: platemail & shield (AP7/, Vision, Undead
impenetrable), lance +12 (impact, impale), sword +10,
*encumbered Mv 3, Ag. 30 on foot
Noble Lady WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
35 30 30 30 30 40 40 30 30 40 12
30 30 30 30 40 30 45 30 30 40 12 Skills: Sail 55, Brawl 50, Swim 40, Dodge 55, Melee 45
Skills: Consume Alcohol 45, Leadership 50, Charm 60, Trappings: gaffer, rope, tattoos
Lore Heraldry 50, Play (instrument) 55
Traits: Noble blood, Attractive, Etiquette, Lucky Scholar
Trappings: Entourage of ladies in waiting (1d5), nearby WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
men-at-arms and a sworn household knight, fine jewelry
30 30 30 40 40 30 30 50 45 30 15
and gown worth 50 GC.
Skills: Language (Classical) 55, Lore – Any 65, Research
60, Art (Writing) 45, Language – any 60
Outlaws (brigands, outlaw)
Traits: Literate, robes, codex
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
40 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 Seneschal (gold 1)
Traits: Intimidate 40, Survival 40, Bow +6, Sword +7, WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
leathers (AP1/4)
60 30 40 40 30 30 30 50 45 45 16
Skills: Bribery 60, Charm 60, Charm Animals 60,
Peasants (villager)
Consume Alcohol 60, Evaluate 70, Gossip 60, Ldrship
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
60, Animal Care 65, Ride Horse 60, Perception 70
30 30 35 35 30 35 30 30 30 30 12 Traits: Literate, Strike to Stun, Numismatics, chain of
Traits: Gossip 35, Haggle 35, Lore Local 35, Endurance office, breastplate, key-ring, sword +8
40, Pitchfork +4 (very long) A noble lord’s right-hand man and advisor. These
skilled individual generally advise the lord, settle matters
Pedlar () between his servants, and manage his estates.
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
30 30 30 35 30 30 40 30 40 30 13
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Traits: Haggle 40, Trade Tinker 50, donkey, cart,
trinkets 30 30 35 35 30 35 30 30 30 30 12
A traveling pedlar is one of the few common folk Skills: Perception 40, Endurance 45, Stealth 45
generally permitted to travel between villages. They are Traits: Beneath Notice, Etiquette
often set upon by bandits, tax collectors, and unhappy
locals seeking scapegoats. Sellswords (soldiers/guards)
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Prophetess of the Lady (effectively, gold 10)
55 35 35 40 35 30 30 30 45 30 14
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Skills: Haggle 40, Evaluate 40
35 30 30 30 70 50 50 50 70 50 15 Traits: chainmail + shields (AP5/9), sword +7, bow +6
Skills: Channeling 90, Charm Animal 70, Cool 90, (50 y, impale)
Entertain Prophecy 70, Intimidate 90, Intuition 90,
Lang. Magick 75, Lore (Astrology) 70, Lore (Prophecy) Sworn Knights (guard, knight, knight errant)
75, Perception 90 WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Traits: Attractive, Luck, Second Sight, Detect Artefact, 65 30 45 40 40 30 30 30 35 30 13
Holy Visions, Sixth Sense, Petty Magic (all), Arcane Skills: Riding 50, Perception 50, Lore Heraldry 40, Cool
Magic (Celestial), Magical Sense (Intuition +20 test to 40, Endurance 50
detect spellcasters), Menacing 2 (+2SLs to Intim.), Traits: Shieldsman (+1 adv. if lose test with shield),
sword +7 and staff +, effectively 7 Fate Points Noble-blood; platemail & shield (AP7/11, impenetrable),
Spells: Ignore metal APs, Drop (CN1, enemy drops object poleaxe +8 (defensive, hack, impale), sword +8,
if fail Dex test at -10%/SL), Cerulean Shield (CN7: +SL encumbered Mv 3, Ag 20
Aps to all, damage +WB attackers), Fate’s Fickle Fingers
(CN6: pool Fortune), Starcrossed (CN7: for IB rds, can Tournament Champion (champion, duelist, knight,
force others to reroll tests by spending Fortune), Flight knight errant)
(CN8, Flight 50, lasts WB rounds), Lightning Arc (CN7, WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
+10 lightning to WB targets), Mundane Aura (CN4, WP
minutes appear mundane), Teleport (CN5, WB yards 70 35 40 30 60 50 30 30 30 30 13
+WB yards/2SLs), Portents of Amul (CN3, +1 Fortune, Skills: Riding 65, Dodge 65
+1 Fortune/2SLs), Push (CN6, back WP yards, become Traits: Beat Blade (test, unopposed, to reduce -1 Adv. of
prone), Ward (CN5, 9+ ward). enemy per SL), Distract (test, if win, opponent cannot
gain Adv.), Step Aside (move away for free with Dodge),
Combat Reflexes (I70), Reversal (steal opponent’s Adv.
with win); platemail & shield (AP7/10, impenetrable),
lance +12, sword +8, encumbered Mv 3, Ag 40/Dodge 55
Torturer (guard, interrogator)
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
50 30 40 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 16
Skills: Intimidate 50, Intuition 50, Lore Torture 40,
Perception 60
Traits: Menacing (+1SL with Intim.), chain shirt
(AP3/7), knuckledusters, mace +8, ‘instruments’

Troubadour (entertainer, busker, troubadour)

WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
40 40 30 30 30 50 50 30 30 60 12
Skills: Entertain (storytelling) 75, Perform (songs) 75,
Play (lute) 70, Sleight-of-Hand 70
Traits: Mimic, Public Speaking, Blather, Perfect Pitch,
Literate, Lute, Fine Clothes, Perfume, welcome in any
hall, busker apprentice

Sister of Shallya (nun, novitiate) (brass 4)

WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 14
Skills: Heal 70, Endurance 10, Gossip 60, Lore Theology
60, Pray 65
Traits: Bless (Shallya), Invoke (Shallya), Symbol of
Shallya (silver keys), Robes
Spells: Endurance (no penalties from Conditions, FB
rds), Balm (1 loses all Psychologies and falls asleep, test
WP to resist), Catharsis (purge target’s disease, inflicting
1d10-FB wounds on you), Martyr (you receive targets’
damage, x2 to your TB), Shallya’s Tears (pray for 10-FB
rounds, healing 1 critical at end + 1 critical wound/2SLs),
Innocence (-1 corruption gained in last hour, +1/2SLs; if
Fumble +1d10 corruption to target and caster)

Questing Knight
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
75 30 50 40 45 45 30 30 50 30 18
Skills: Athletics 65, Heal 45, Ride 60, Cool 65
Traits: Fearless (Beastmen or Undead), Unshakeable,
Virtue of Chivalry 2 (Confidence: +1 d. v challenged foes,
Noble Disdain: +10 v ranged attackers); platemail
(AP5/9), greatsword +12 (damaging, hack), sword +11,
dagger +7

Bretonnian Encounters
On the Road

Villages and Fields

Wild Woods and Mountains

Impetuous: gain +2 Advantage when charging rather
Bretonnia Rules than +1
Knight of Bretonnia Advance Scheme (Warrior) Joust: +10% with Lance attacks
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel Knightly Temper: If you wound a foe in your charge, you
instantly gain a free attack action you may use against
X + ∆ + + Ω
+ Knight Errant – Gold 1
Noble Disdain: +10% WS tests against foes who have
Skills: Athletics, Animal Care, Charm, Charm Animal,
used a ranged weapon against you
Heal, Lore Heraldry, Melee Cavalry, Ride Horse Purity: you gain +1 Fortune Point and need not succeed
Talents: Etiquette (any), Roughrider, Noble Blood,
at your Pray test to receive the benefit of a Vow
Warrior Born
Stoicism: you gain +1 Resolve Point
Trappings: mail shirt, leather, riding horse with saddle
and tack, shield, lance
X Knight of the Realm – Gold 2 Batlle Pilgrim Advance Scheme (Ranger)
Skills: Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Leadership, Language WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel
Battle, Melee (Any) + + + Ω X ∆
Talents: Seasoned Traveler, Shieldsman, Strike Mighty + Penitent – Brass 0
Blow, Warleader Skills: Dodge, Endurance, Heal, Intimidate, Intuition,
Trappings: Destrier with saddle and tack, Melee Weapon Lore (The Lady), Melee Basic, Outdoor Survival
(Any), Lance, Plate Armour and Helm Talents: Berserk Charge, Frenzy, Read/Write, Stone
Ω Questing Knight – Gold 2 Soup
Skills: Lore (Warfare), Outdoor Survival, Perception, Trappings: Sword, Tattered Robes
Pray X Battle Pilgrim – Brass 0
Talents: Fearless (Any), Stout-hearted, Unshakeable, Skills: Art (Icons), Athletics, Cool, Language (Battle),
Virtue of Chivalry Lore (Bretonnia), Melee (any)
Trappings: Barding, Sworn Questing Vow, Icon of the Talents: Hardy, Hatred (Disloyal Bretonnians),
Lady Flagellant, Implacable
∆ Grail Knight – Gold 4 Trappings: Tower-shield painted with symbols of the
Skills: Lore (Any), Secret Signs (The Lady) Lady, tonsure
Talents: Disarm, Inspiring, Iron Will, Strike-to-Injure Ω Grail Pilgrim – Brass 0
Trappings: Sip from the Grail, enchanted arms or armor Skills: Charm, Secret Signs (The Grail), Lore (Theology),
Virtue of Chivalry (new Talent) Talents: Field Dressing, Furious Assault, Menacing,
Each time you pick this Talent, you pick a new specific Seasoned Traveler
Virtue you have sworn from the list below. Additionally, Trappings: Relic from a Grail Knight (discarded
you may Pray to the Lady before battle, and if successful, equipment, hair, etc.)
receive one of the following Gifts of the Lady (and the ∆ Reliquary Bearer – Brass 0
regular Pray advantage). You accumulate Sin points as Skills: Entertain (Speeches), Leadership
an adherent of the Lady, which must stay below your Fel Talents: Battle Rage, Fearless (any), Frightening,
Bonus to benefit from this Talent. Impassioned Zeal
Vow of the Grail: +20% to all tests to resist Poison Trappings: Large reliquary with the bones of a Grail
Vow of Grace: +1 AP to all locations Knight and his steed, carried with three other Battle
Vow of Purity: +1 melee damage Pilgrims
Vow of Love: +20% to resist fear and remove broken
Vow of Light: +10% to resist harmful magic
Faith of the Lady
Audacity: you may swap an opponent’s higher Strength Seat of Power: Bretonnia, the King’s Court, the Cathedral
Bonus for your own of the Lady in Bastonne
Confidence: challenge a single foe (honorable knights Head of the Cult: The Fay Enchantress and the Lady
may not refuse), and for the combat with him or her gain Herself
+1 damage Primary Orders: Knights of the Grail, Damsels of the
Discipline: negate your foe’s advantages from Lady
outnumbering you Major Festivals: The Day of Mystery (between the S0ltice
Loyalty: name up to three companions, and whenever and Autumn Equinox), when the Lady revealed herself to
you fight with them or they with you, each of you gain Gilles
+10% to all WS tests. When separated, you (but not the Popular Holy Books: The Lay of Gilles le Breton, many
companions) suffer -10% to all WS tests. songs of noble knights and their ladies
Empathy: +10% to all Fel tests with peasants and serfs, Common Holy Symbols: The Grail or Chalice, Fleur-de-
and other Bretonnian nobles do not consider you Lis, The Lady Holding a Chalice
dishonorable for associating with them
Ideal: when outnumbered in combat, you may spend 1 Strictures
Advantage or your Movement to gain an additional For women-
attack  Preserve your modesty
 Serve and obey your father until you marry, then Lady’s faithful, and knights who hear of it are obliged to
obey your lawful husband kill or force repentance on these heretics.
 Succor the weak and helpless who are innocent
of their plight Unlike in other lands, priests and priestesses of other
 Show favor to all brave and noble knights, above faiths are generally not the welcome sight at the houses
those merely wealthy or powerful and estates of the Bretonnian nobility. The exception, of
For men- course, are adherents of Shallya, whose presence many
 For valour, you cannot retreat, even in the face ladies believe to uphold the Lady’s teaching to succor the
of a more powerful foe and even if it may lead to weak and helpless.
your certain death
 For honour, you must fight hand-to-hand, never Holy Sites
using weapons or magic to strike from afar Grail Chapels dedicated to the Lady are found
throughout Bretonnia, from a humble lord’s hall to a
 Your skill at arms must surpass any peasant or
remote forest clearing. The greatest Grail Chapels, taking
woman you meet
the form of mighty cathedrals, are in Bastonne, seat of
 Loyalty to the King above all, and then your
Gilles the Unifier, and in Couroune, in the royal castle
grounds. Humble chapels are often erected at locations
 Courtesy in all your acts, never insult a noble where a Grail Knight encountered the Lady herself, or a
knight and always protect and defer to ladies site of martyrdom for a pious follower or heroic knight.
While larger chapels often have many attendants, the
The Lady is the embodiment and Goddess of Bretonnia, smaller chapels may stand empty and require pilgrims to
and worshipped by all that land’s nobles and knights. clean them out or light candles to the Lady. Additionally,
She exhorts all nobles to follow her strictures, and Grail Knights are treated as living shrines to the Lady,
provides mysterious quests and visions to strengthen the and are often attended by cohorts of Grail Pilgrims who
realm. The nobles of Bretonnia are the best men and treat the knights as prophets and saints. Dead Grail
women in the world because of their adherence and Knights and their steeds are often carried as reliquaries
cultivation of the Lady’s virtues. The Lady and her by fanatical grail pilgrims.
worship ensure that Bretonnia is unified, prosperous,
free of evil, and well-led. She bestows many gifts on Penances
those who follow her: strength, wisdom, grace, and Penances usually take the form of a quest, usually to
superiority over the common, ugly, and mundane. travel to a place where an evil dwells and root it out.
Usually, the evil faced is so powerful (a horde of
Worshippers greenskins, a dragon, a daemon) that the penitent is
The nobility of Bretonnia worship the Lady, as do some slain. Some quests of penance involve rescue instead,
lower-born who seek to live up to her ideals by serving usually of a noble lady or beset village, either from a
Her and true lords and ladies of the nobility. The true danger or unvirtuous oppressor. One of the greatest
priesthood of the Lady is Her Damsels, the greatest of penances is to join on an Errantry War, where the King,
which become Prophetesses who confess their visions of a Prophetess, or a Grail Knight has called for a great
the future or warnings of doom unless a quest is quest for all knights of the realm to face a particular
undertaken. Damsels are generally noble-born, and threat or conquer to further the future of Bretonnia.
become initiated at the Tower of the Enchantress in
southern Bretonnia. The Fay Enchantress, an ageless
beauty, is said to be the voice of the Lady on earth, when Other Warhammer House Rules
it is not the Lady Herself who speaks. Of course, Knights
are the Lady’s other primary worshippers, and those Experience
dedicating themselves utterly to the Lady swear a
 50 xp for surviving a session (only 25 XP if Fate Point
Questing Vow and seek the Grail itself. Grail Knights
spent to survive)
have successfully found the Grail and sipped from it held
 100 xp for accomplishing an ambition or a ‘job’
in the hand of the Lady Herself. Grail Knights are usually
confident in knowing the Lady’s desires, as they have
met the Lady at the culmination of the knight’s Grail  1 xp for each shilling (ss.) individually recovered (so a
Quest, often hearing Her or seeing visions of Her during GC is worth 20 xp) adventuring (not passive
the long years of the Quest. Thus, Grail Knights investment or rent income, but the resale value of
embodied all the virtues and strictures of the Lady, while good acquired adventuring count)
Damsels and Prophetesses provide guidance and quests
for knights and ladies to emulate those virtues. Casting Spells
Casting is too difficult (and therefore boring) under the
Beyond these, many peasant-born followers of the Lady regular rules. Divide all Casting Numbers by 3, rounding
undertake pilgrimages to Her shrines and chapels, and up as below. Alternatively, divide by 2 rounding up.
seek to follow and serve knights and damsels as battle RAW CN Effective CN RAW CN Eff. CN
pilgrims. While some heretical peasants view the Lady as 1-3 1 1-2 1
subordinate to Shallya, this heresy is persecuted by the 4-6 2 3-4 2
7-9 3 5-6 3
10-12 4 7-8 4 Endurance +5, Heal +5, Leadership +5, Lore Theology
13-15 5 9-10 5 +5, Melee (any) +5, Pray +5
11-12 6 Talents: Suave, Etiquette (Nobility), Literate, Lucky,
13-14 7 Resistance (Poison), Bless (Myrmidia): Battle (),
Conscience (), Courage (), Fortune, Protection (), Wit ()
Trappings: Bellum Strategica, Jerkin, symbol (fiery sun
Sample Warhammer Party necklace), robes, (any melee weapon + melee weapon:
Katherine – Brigand Outlaw (brass 1) mace and shield?)
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W Advances: WP+4, T+1
30 30 35 33 32 40 28 43 33 31 12
Fate 4, Resolve 2 250 XP= 125 for the +5, +5 WS; 100 to close out Noviate
Skills: Haggle +5, Charm +5, Ranged (Bow) +10, Gossip
+3, Lore Bretonnia +3, Leadership +3, Athletics +5, Haradai Goldpetal – Wood Elf Herbalist
Consume Alcohol +5, Cool +5, Endurance +5, Gamble WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
+5, Intimidate +5, Melee Basic +5, Outdoor Survival +5 37 40 32 41 47 42 37 34 46 23
Talents: Strong Back (+1 enc.), Etiquette (Nobility), Fate 2, Resolve 0
Literate, Lucky, Perfect Pitch, Rover (in wild, others have Skills: Eltharin +5, Ranged Bow +5, Track +5, Stealth
to specifically look for you to notice you) +3, Athletics +3, Climb +11, Perception +8, Lore Herbs
Trappings: dagger +5, pouch, pack, cloak, sturdy boots, 8 +7, Trade Herbalist +7, Endurance +4, Survival +2,
d., bow +6 (50 y., impale) Swim +2, Charm Animal +2
Advances: T+5, (S, T, WS) Talents: Acute Vision, Hardy (), Night Vision, Very
Resilient, Rover, Orientation
George – Initiate Priest (brass 2) Trappings: dagger, pouch, bag, rations, boots, cloak,
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W assorted herbs, 24 d.
28 23 25 36 31 28 34 37 43 32 12 Advances: T+5
Fate 4, Resolve 2
Skills: Melee Basic +5, Charm +5, Language Reikspiel Valeran – Wizard (silver 3)
+5, Haggle +3, Cool +10, Evaluate +3, Pray +5, WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
Perception +5, Endurance +5, Research +5, Intuition +5, 30 30 30 33 32 40 28 53 52 31 13
Lore Theology +5, Athletics +5 Fate 4, Resolve 2
Talents: Sangfroid, Etiquette (Nobility), Literate, Lucky, Skills: Channeling 67, Lang. Magick 68, Lore Magic 63,
Bless (Morr): Breath (no suffocation), Courage (+10 Intimidate 67
WP), Fortune (reroll next failed test), Righteousness Traits: Second Sight, Arcane Lore (Death)
(weapon Magical), Tenacity (-1 condition), Wisdom (+10 Spells: Caress of Laniph (CN7, +6, ignore T/AP, heal
Int) 1W/2 damage); Dying Words (CN6, deceased within a
Trappings: bag, writing kit and parchment, skull symbol day will speak with you); Soul Vortex (CN8, all within
of Morr, robes, 25 d., dagger +4 WB yards of target become broken); Drop (CN1, every
Advances: WP+5, 2SLs=-10 to Dex test to not drop); Ward (CN5, 9+ ward);
Aethyric Armour (CN2, +1AP), Terrifying (CN7),
Jon – Recruit Soldier (silver 1) Entangle (CN3, Int Bonus strength to restrain target).
WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
44 27 35 31 41* 28 23 33 36 32 12
Fate 4, Resolve 2
Skills: Evaluate +5, Ranged Bow +5, Leadership +5,
Language Wastelander +3, Language Reikspiel +3,
Gossip +3, Language Battle +5, Dodge +5, Melee Basic
+10, Play Drum +5, Climb +5, Athletics +5, Cool +5,
Endurance +5
Talents: Strong Back (+1 enc.), Etiquette (Nobility),
Night Vision, Diceman (choice of SLs or single digits die
results for SLs), Sharp, Warrior Born
Trappings: uniform, sword +7, dagger +5, pouch, shield
+ gambeson (AP3/6), 20 d.
Advances: WS+5

George – Novitiate Warrior-Priest (brass 2)

WS BS S T I Ag Dx Int WP Fel W
31 31 32 30 32 26 24 35 41 40
Fate 4, Resolve 2
Skills: Melee Basic +5, Charm +5, Language Reikspiel
+5, Haggle +3, Cool +3, Evaluate +3, Cool +5, Dodge +5,

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