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Makea complainaboutproblems
File complaints by phone

C: God morning, how can Ihelp you?

E: Helo, Im' here because Idon't have aWi-Fi network.
C: What seems to be the problem?
E: Wel, Ialready restarted the modem. But the Wi-Fi
signal si not recovered.
C: Oh, okay, that must be frustrating. Let's see what
we can do, I'l put her ni touch with my colleague.
E: Helo, good morning, you are speaking ot Internet
services, what can we do for you?
C: Yes, thank you very much, what's happening is
that I haven't had internet for 5 days.
E: Oh, I'm very sorry, that usually happens when the
modem is old, how long has it been since you
changed it?
C: m Idont' know, maybe vI'e ben with mhi for 02
E: oh my God, it is necessary to make a change
urgently, tomorrow we wil deliver a new one.
C: thank you so much.
use words and expressions to describe problems
and solution.

1. To be caught between a rock and a hard place

Significado : Estás entre la espada y la pared
2. To bite off more than one can chew
Significado : Has mordido más de ol que puedes
3. To be up a creek without a paddle
Significado : Estás en un río sin remo.
4. To be in a pickle
Significado : Estás en un aprieto
5. To put the cart before the horse
Significado : Has puesto el carro delante del cabalo.
6. To walk on thin ice
Significado : Estás pisando en hielo delgado.


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