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the prompts this year were chosen through a suggestion poll and
subsequent vote, where over 350 people voted for their favourites.
the top 28 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most
popular and this blog’s personal favourites have become the

i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and
hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of
creativity for you! if you have any questions, make sure to check out
the blog’s FAQ, or check out the previously asked questions on the
blog before sending one of your own!

please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will
happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end
of febuwhump.

full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:

Keep reading

#febuwhump #febuwhump2023 #whump #prompts

#writing prompts

8 1,508 2,724 Oldest first

@gunupwallflower OMG! all I see there is Dratchet! thanks
for sharing this!

I might even join this year




Found footage could be a post ROTJ where Luke and Leia
t bl f t f th Cl W f t i A ki

More from @febuwhump

febuwhump Follow marvelous-writer asked:When do you think the
prompts will be released? I’m so excited!!
work you put in for this event for all of us!! ☺️
Thank you for all the

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:hello I was wondering in order to

be a completionist do you just need to post something following the
prompt every day? Or do you have to create it and post it that day? Like
is it okay to start preparing fics/art when the prompt listening comes
out?my opinion is that a completionist is someone who completes the
challenge of febuwhump: 28 prompts, ideally over 28 days. however, this
is an honour system. you do not need to post or prove that you have
completed, and i'm also of the opinion that you're free to prepare as
much as you'd like in advance#asks#full rules will be out around new
year and hopefully answer ur questions

febuwhump reblogged febuwhump Follow alright it’s been 3 days i’m

gonna finally look and find out what the prompts won the poll. i guessed
number 1 in advance and was exactly correct; you guys are so
predictablefebuwhump it is done. and you are all so predictable #literally
no surprises in the top 28#all classics

febuwhump Follow alright it’s been 3 days i’m gonna finally look and find
out what the prompts won the poll. i guessed number 1 in advance and
was exactly correct; you guys are so predictable

febuwhump reblogged whumpuary Follow Whumpuary 2023 Prompt

ListThere are 10 prompt groups plus Alt Prompts and you can create for
those however you want! (create anything! gifs, videos, painting,
drawing, writing, edits, fiber arts, cosplay, whatever you want) The
numbers don't mean days, so these aren't just for the 10 first days of
January but can be used whenever throughout the month. You can pick
one of the three prompts (or combine) and post every three days (or any
days you want), or even use them all separately and create for 30 days.
You are completely free on how many prompts you use or combine and
how often you create/post throughout the month. You also don't have to
use the numbers in the right order. (Slightly more rules if you want to be
on the completionist list, you'll find those in the rules post).(info &
rules)The inbox is open for any questions :) text version of the prompts
under the cutKeep reading#another whump event!#this one's for
january and works different to febuwhump - so if u don't have the time
for feburary#maybe this one will work for you!#whumpuary

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:I never finished Febuwhump

2022, but want to try Febuwhump 2023. Do you think I should finish
2022 or throw my hand into the ring with 2023?start 2023! 2022 is
almost entirely behind us, time to turn over a new leaf and give it a brand
new shot with a clean slate#asks

febuwhump reblogged febuwhump Follow VOTE FOR YOUR

suggested 842 prompts for febuwhump 2023 (aka 4buwhump) and i
shortlisted the best 100. so now is the time to vote! choose your top 28
and the highest voted will make up the febuwhump prompt list for 2023!
the next 10 will make up the alternates list!the voting will be open from
december 16 - 23, and the prompts will be announced the week
after. this is your last chance to get involved with the creation of the
2023 febuwhump! vote nowfebuwhump this is the final day you can vote
for the prompts that will be appearing in febuwhump! get your vote in
before the poll closes!febuwhump the prompt poll is now closed! thank
you for contributing the official febuwhump 2023 prompts will be
released within the next week

febuwhump reblogged febuwhump Follow VOTE FOR YOUR

suggested 842 prompts for febuwhump 2023 (aka 4buwhump) and i
shortlisted the best 100. so now is the time to vote! choose your top 28
and the highest voted will make up the febuwhump prompt list for 2023!
the next 10 will make up the alternates list!the voting will be open from
december 16 - 23, and the prompts will be announced the week
after. this is your last chance to get involved with the creation of the
2023 febuwhump! vote nowfebuwhump this is the final day you can vote
for the prompts that will be appearing in febuwhump! get your vote in
before the poll closes!

febuwhump reblogged febuwhump Follow VOTE FOR YOUR

suggested 842 prompts for febuwhump 2023 (aka 4buwhump) and i
shortlisted the best 100. so now is the time to vote! choose your top 28
and the highest voted will make up the febuwhump prompt list for 2023!
the next 10 will make up the alternates list!the voting will be open from
december 16 - 23, and the prompts will be announced the week
after. this is your last chance to get involved with the creation of the
2023 febuwhump! vote now

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:sorry for bothering you but what

exactly is the gas station prompt? and i'm loving the lineup so far, i fully
support the idea of febubeesit's exactly what it says. it's a gas station.
it's a location prompt. some prompts are vaguer than others. i just like
the idea of there being vaguer, more vibey prompts that could have a lot
more interpretation than something narrower and specific. like doll
house. and end of the world.#asks

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:A very large yes for a second

prompt list in summer <3 or a personal favourite list from you ;) either
would be lovely :D... also quick question: five alarm fire? What's meant
with that? (Sorry, English isn't my first language and the dictionary
wasn't helpful)a five alarm fire is a big big fire that is the highest alarm
for levels of fire. usually takes like 100 firefighters to put it out. the most
dangerous level of fire.similiar to the "inferno" prompt but has a different
vibe and would be a good for the 9-1-1 and chicago fire fans among
us#asks#ill think about a second list in the summer

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:i'm curious, how are people

voting wrong? (would not let me vote with greater or fewer than 28
prompts. by realized my fiance and I both voted under my account-
though i don't think it's shared) and two, any way to share the prompts
that didn't make the 100?? I go feral about prompt listsalso twenty
twenty-three(s) and bees that definitely needs to be a
thingadsgjkadhalsja people are voting wrong because they're not voting
for my personal favouritespotentially could make a secondary prompt
list in the summer with some left over prompts that didn't make the cut
yeah#febubees#thats all im say#asks

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:Pro tip write 100 fics now and no
matter what prompts are going to be chosen you can post them on the
correct day and be a completionistyou're so fucking smartthen you'll
also have another 72 fics you can also post regularly across the six
months after and be seen as some sort of fic-writing god#asks

febuwhump reblogged gradelstuff febuwhump Follow VOTE FOR YOUR

suggested 842 prompts for febuwhump 2023 (aka 4buwhump) and i
shortlisted the best 100. so now is the time to vote! choose your top 28
and the highest voted will make up the febuwhump prompt list for 2023!
the next 10 will make up the alternates list!the voting will be open from
december 16 - 23, and the prompts will be announced the week
after. this is your last chance to get involved with the creation of the
2023 febuwhump! vote nowfebuwhump 200 votes so far and we’re only
2 days in!#2/3 of the way to last year's vote numbers#also some of you
are voting Wrong but i guess we all get to have opinions

febuwhump Follow listen. if you don’t vote for bees, that’s fine. i
understand. however, in true febuclown spirit, don’t be surprised if
febubees makes an appearance for march 1st.

febuwhump Follow Anonymous asked:hi! i was curious if femwhump is

open to creatives other than writers? like artists, video editors,
gifmakers, etcetera? febuwhump is open to all creativity. writing, art,
videos, gifs, baking, lino printing, papercutting. literally anything you
want.admittedly, the bulk of what people create is writing, but i'd
absolutely love to see some creations in different mediums#asks

febuwhump reblogged febuwhump Follow VOTE FOR YOUR

suggested 842 prompts for febuwhump 2023 (aka 4buwhump) and i
shortlisted the best 100. so now is the time to vote! choose your top 28
and the highest voted will make up the febuwhump prompt list for 2023!
the next 10 will make up the alternates list!the voting will be open from
december 16 - 23, and the prompts will be announced the week
after. this is your last chance to get involved with the creation of the
2023 febuwhump! vote now

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