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How Good Can It Get with New Signals? developed. Finally, the GPS signals them-
selves can be designed to provide inher-

Multipath Mitigation ent resistance to multipath errors.

The GPS modernization program has
provided the opportunity to select new
signal types with improved multipath
Lawrence R. Weill immunity. The most important signal
parameter in this regard is the Gabor
bandwidth, which is the square root of
Answer: The winner of the 1971 Nobel Prize for Physics. The question? Who defined the most the second moment of the normalized
important signal parameter for controlling GPS multipath? The British/Hungarian physicist signal spectrum. (Second moment describes
Dennis Gabor won the prize for the invention of holography. However, Gabor was also one of the spread of signal power within the sig-
a handful of mathematicians and scientists who developed communication theory during the nal bandwidth and is similar to the cal-
1940s. culation of the variance of a statistical
Communication theory, also called information theory, is the branch of mathematics that quantity.) Increasing the Gabor band-
deals with the efficient and accurate transmission of information-bearing signals from one width improves inherent resistance to
place to another. Key to the theory is the concept of signal bandwidth. Now bandwidth can be multipath by moving a greater percent-
defined in a number of different ways, but the particular bandwidth named after Gabor deter- age of total power farther from the sig-
mines, in part, how accurately a GPS receiver can measure pseudorange or carrier phase in nal center frequency. The new civil L5
the presence of multipath. The Gabor bandwidth is determined by the particular shape of the and military M-coded signals will accom-
signal’s power spectral density function, and the larger the bandwidth the more resistant is plish this for the respective civilian
the signal to multipath. The GPS receiver must have a processor that takes advantage of this and military users. Higher transmitted
resistance to provide measurements with minimal multipath contamination. power levels will also augment inherent
In this month’s column, Dr. Lawrence Weill outlines an implementation of a multipath miti- multipath resistance of the modernized
gation algorithm based on the statistical theory of maximum likelihood and describes its signals, but only when receiver-based
expected performance with the new GPS signals soon to be available — signals characterized multipath mitigation algorithms are
by a higher Gabor bandwidth than those currently transmitted. — R.B.L. designed to use the advantages of high-
er SNR. Unfortunately, almost all cur-
rently used algorithms do not fall into
this category.
This article presents results of research
conducted with my colleague, Dr.
Benjamin Fisher, CEO of Comm Sciences
Corporation, about the inherent multi-
path resistance of the complete suite
of modernized signals. Inherent implies
that the quoted results are obtained using
theoretically optimum processing, which

D espite continuing improvements in

GPS receivers, multipath signal prop-
agation has remained a dominant cause
tend to be much stronger than secondary
signals arriving from more-distant objects.
In addition, it is more difficult to sepa-
can be quite different from current mit-
igation methods. The article starts with
a short history of mitigation techniques,
of error in differential positioning. rate a close-in secondary signal from the followed by a discussion of theoretical
Multipath refers to the existence of sig- desired signal because the combination error bounds for code-based pseudo-
nals reflected from objects in the vicin- of the two is almost indistinguishable ranging, both with and without multi-
ity of a receiver’s antenna that corrupt from an uncontaminated signal. path. It will show that in the presence of
the direct line-of-sight signals from The battle to reduce multipath errors multipath, the minimum mean-square
the GPS satellites, thus degrading the takes place on a number of fronts. In error (MMSE) pseudorange estimator
accuracy of both code-based and car- some applications an effective solution reaches a theoretical performance limit
rier phase–based measurements. is simply to site the antenna in an area but requires far too much computa-
Particularly difficult is close-in multi- free of nearby reflectors. When this is tion to be of practical value.
path in which the reflected secondary not possible, special antennas can be The article then describes a solution
signals arrive only slightly later (with- used that have low response in directions to this problem, which is a special imple-
in about 100 nanoseconds) than does the where reflectors are located. If the receiv- mentation of a maximum-likelihood
direct-path signal, having been reflect- er is stationary and signals can be received (ML) pseudorange estimator we devel-
ed from objects only a short distance for many hours or days, secondary-path oped in 1996. This estimator, which
from the receiver antenna. signals can sometimes be isolated by we call multipath mitigation technolo-
For two fundamental reasons, close- observing cyclic patterns in signal-to- gy (MMT), was found to have essen-
in multipath is likely to cause more trou- noise ratio (SNR) as the relative phase tially the same performance as the MMSE
ble than do signals arriving with greater of secondary paths changes due to satel- estimator but is practical to implement
relative delay. The first is that with few lite motion. Receiver-based algorithms in a GPS receiver.
exceptions, signals reflected from near- with various degrees of immunity to sec- Following a brief description of the
by objects suffer less spreading loss, hence ondary-path interference have also been characteristics of the modernized GPS
106 GPS World June 2003
signals, the multipath performance of
for the C/A code this residual error per- ence waveform (MCRW) method. It rep-
each signal type using MMT is compared sists out to about 300 meters of sec- resents the current state of the art in
with the performance using the most ondary-path relative delay. many GPS receivers.
popular current mitigation technique. In the 1993–1994 time frame, new Unfortunately, the MCRW technique
Results for both code-based and carri- methods attempted to cancel multipath is not effective at small path separations
er-phase measurements are presented. errors by measuring the distortion of (less than approximately 30 meters),
the correlation function caused by sec- where its performance still departs great-
Receiver-Based Mitigation ondary-path signal components. Notable ly from the achievable bounds described
In 1973 Lawrence L. Hagerman of The among these methods was Multipath later in this article. Such small sepa-
Aerospace Corporation investigated the Estimation Technology (MET) devel- rations commonly occur when the GPS
effect of multipath on L1 C/A-code mea- oped by Brian Townsend and Pat Fenton signal bounces from the ground below
surements in receivers using standard at NovAtel. In 1995 NovAtel introduced the receiver antenna. The ground bounce
code-tracking methods. At that time it the first widely known and practical phenomenon is often a concern except
was standard practice to limit the band- method of mitigation based on modern in the case of antennas mounted flush
width of the received signal to approx- estimation theory, the Multipath Esti- with the ground. Furthermore, with the
imately 2 MHz and to use early–late code mating Delay-Lock Loop (MEDLL). P/Y, civil L5, and military M codes,
spacing of 1 chip in the tracking cor- MEDLL, still in current use, is a maxi- the MCRW method cannot provide sig-
relators. Hagerman found that, depend- mum-likelihood estimation technique nificant improvement in multipath mit-
ing on the relative delay, phase, and pioneered by Richard Van Nee at the igation beyond what is already available,
amplitude of the secondary path, pseudo- Delft University of Technology. It improves due to spectral efficiency of these codes.
range errors as large as 70–80 meters the C/A-code narrow-correlator perfor-
could occur, and that the errors are caused mance by confining the residual pseudo- Multipath Signal Model
when the peak of the correlation func- range error to a smaller region of sec- In studying the effectiveness of multi-
tion is displaced from its true position ondary-path relative delay (out to path mitigation methods, the following
by the secondary path component(s) of approximately 30 meters). Within this 2-path signal model will be used:
the received signal. range, the residual error is reduced to
In the years that followed Hagerman’s approximately 5 meters worst-case with (1)
work, various methods of mitigating a one-half amplitude secondary-path
these effects were developed, with vary- signal when the receiver bandwidth is in which r(t) is the complex-valued
ing degrees of success. In one such method 8 MHz. Although MEDLL requires a received signal at baseband, and n(t) is
the receiver tracks the leading edge of large number of correlators and quite a an additive zero-mean complex Gaussian
the code’s correlation function, which bit of algorithmic computation, it was noise process with a flat power spectral
is multipath free, instead of its peak. an important evolutionary step in the density. The parameters A1, 1, 1 are,
Serious drawbacks to this method are receiver-based battle against multipath. respectively, the direct path signal ampli-
that the SNR at the leading edge is much MCRW Technology. The strobe correla- tude, phase, and delay, and the para-
smaller than at the peak, and that some tor, a very simple yet effective C/A-code meters A 2 ,  2 , and  2 are the corre-
method must be used to make the track- receiver-based multipath mitigation tech- sponding parameters for the secondary
ing insensitive to the slope of the cor- nique, was introduced by Ashtech in a path (by setting the parameter A2 equal
relation function’s leading edge, which paper at the ION GPS 1996 conference. to zero, this model can also be used when
varies with SNR. Although not quite as effective as MEDLL, no multipath exists). For convenience,
A major breakthrough in multipath the strobe correlator retains the advan- we group the signal parameters into the
mitigation using the C/A code became tages of MEDLL in that it completely vector
widely known when “AJ” Van eliminates C/A-code multipath beyond
Dierendonck and his co-authors pre- a path separation of 30 meters, and its
sented a paper about narrow-correlator simplicity is certainly appealing. Its debut For simplicity, our model includes
technology at the 1992 Institute of spawned a variety of similar approach- only one secondary path but can easi-
Navigation (ION) National Technical es that use a modified receiver corre- ly be extended to include additional sec-
Meeting. The authors demonstrated that lator reference waveform that narrows ondary paths. It is assumed that the sig-
significant reduction in multipath error the cross-correlation function in the nal in Equation 1 has been frequency-
can be achieved by using a receiver band- code-tracking loop (see the “Further shifted to baseband, Doppler-compen-
width much wider than was in cur- Reading” sidebar). Typical names given sated, and stripped of navigation data
rent practice at that time, coupled with to this generic approach by various par- modulation by well-known means.
a significantly smaller spacing between ties are second derivative correlator, gated Observation of the received signal
the early and late correlator reference correlator, and pulse aperture correlator. is accomplished by sampling it at a suf-
waveforms in the code-tracking loops. Some receiver manufacturers such as ficiently high rate during the time inter-
The large 70–80 meter errors described Trimble and Javad Navigation Systems val [0,T] to produce a complex observed
by Hagerman using the C/A code were may use variants of this method with- vector r–. The objective of pseudorange
reduced to about 8–10 meters under sim- out making it explicit. Although there multipath mitigation is to accurately
ilar multipath conditions (usually one may be variations in the reference wave- estimate the direct path delay 1 with
secondary path signal at one-half the forms used, we will call this generic minimum error resulting from multi-
amplitude of the direct path). However, approach the modified correlator refer- path, according to an established error GPS World June 2003 107

criterion. has most of its power concentrated at
the outer edges of its frequency band.
Bounds on Multipath Error Error Bound with Multipath. Experimental
GPS receiver thermal noise places a the- evidence based on simulations supports (4)
oretical limit, called the Cramer-Rao (CR) the hypothesis that for a given value of
bound, on pseudorange measurement E/N0, the inherent ability of a GPS sig-
error (see the “Further Reading” side- nal to resist errors from multipath is also
bar). This expression for the bound is determined by the Gabor bandwidth in which
of its pseudorandom code. A code with (5)
a large Gabor bandwidth generally has
a narrower autocorrelation function with These equations use a single inte-
(3) a sharper peak whose location is less gral sign to denote what is actually an
affected by multipath components. In integration over the six-dimensional space
general many possible codes exist with of multipath parameters. It should be
in which error is the standard deviation essentially the same Gabor bandwidth, noted that replacing 1 by 1 in Equation
of the pseudorange error in seconds (mul- and the detailed structure of the chip- 4 will yield the MMSE estimate ˆ 1 of
tiply by the vacuum speed of light to con- ping sequences for these codes has neg- direct path carrier phase 1.
vert to meters). The right side of this ligible bearing on inherent resistance to Unfortunately, it is seldom the case
inequality is the CR bound in which E/N0 multipath errors. that the multipath parameters can jus-
is the ratio of received signal energy to Unfortunately, when multipath is pre- tifiably be modeled as random variables
the noise power spectral density, f is fre- sent the 1-path ML pseudorange esti- with a known a priori probability den-

quency in Hertz, and Sm(f) is the nor- mator can no longer be claimed optimal sity p( ). The MMSE estimator may still
malized power spectral density of the in the sense of reaching the CR bound, be used when the multipath parameters
GPS pseudorandom code modulation because the estimates will no longer are nonrandom by assuming a density

(i.e., the integral of Sm(f) is unity). be unbiased. Therefore, the CR bound, function p( ) (usually a uniform joint
It is possible to design a GPS receiv- which is valid only for unbiased esti- density gives excellent results), but the
er whose raw pseudorange measurement mators, cannot be used. Can we find a aforementioned optimality property can
error without multipath closely approach- useful error bound when multipath is then no longer be guaranteed. However,
es the bound given earlier if the GPS sig- present? in this case the MMSE estimator has
nals are at least of moderate strength. MMSE Estimator. In 1995 I developed such another optimality property that is inde-

Such a receiver would use an optimal 1- a bound, which is provided by the MMSE pendent of the assumed p( ) and the
path maximum likelihood (ML) pseudo- estimator. The MMSE estimator of direct unknown true multipath parameter val-
range estimator requiring expensive cor- path delay 1 is a function ˆ1 f(r–), which ues, namely, no other estimator has a
relators whose reference waveforms is optimal in the sense that it minimizes uniformly smaller root-mean-square
closely match those of the received sig- the conditional expectation, given the (r.m.s.) error. Figure 1 shows an example
nal, including the effects of receiver observation (r–), of the squared error (ˆ1 of the performance of the MMSE esti-
filtering. In practice, the correlators of  1)2 with respect to the joint proba- mator for C/A-code measurements.
all GPS receivers (including those using bility density of the six multipath para- Computational Problems. In view of the
the so-called narrow correlator) use sim- meters. It can be shown that the MMSE foregoing optimality property, why not
pler reference waveforms that are eas- estimator of direct path delay 1 is sim- just use the MMSE estimator in a GPS
ily generated from digital logic, result- ply the conditional expectation of 1, given receiver? Unfortunately, the six-fold inte-
ing in a noticeable departure from the r– (see the “Further Reading” sidebar): gration required to estimate 1 (or any
theoretical performance limit given of the other parameters) is
by the CR bound. Even so, the sav- 2.0 computationally intractable.
Root-mean-square pseudorange error (meters)

ings in cost and complexity is a price 1.8 A rough calculation indicates

willingly paid. 1.6 the magnitude of the prob-
The fundamental quantities that 1.4 lem. Suppose that each of
appear in the CR bound are E/N0 1.2
the six parameters in
and the integral in the denomina- 1.0
MMT Equation 2 requires 100 sam-
tor of Equation 3, which is the sec- ples to span its possible range
ond moment of the code’s normal- of values with adequate res-
ized power spectral density. The olution. Then the integrals
square root of the integral is the MMSE bound in Equations 4 and 5 would
Gabor bandwidth, defined earlier. 0.2
each require summation over
Both E/N0 and the Gabor bandwidth 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(100)6  1012 sample values,
should be as large as practicable to Path separation (meters) clearly not feasible in real
achieve the minimum theoretically time.
FIGURE 1 Comparison of the MMSE and MMT algorithms in
achievable pseudorange error.
2 mitigating multipath errors for pseudoranging with the C/A-
Because of the weighting by f in code. RF signal bandwidth is limited to 20 MHz, E/N is 45 Two-Path ML Estimator
the integral, the Gabor bandwidth dB-Hz-s, and the secondary path amplitude is 6 dB below the In view of the computational
can be increased by using a pseudo- direct path. The r.m.s. error is averaged over random sec- intractability of the MMSE
random code whose power spectrum ondary-path relative phases. estimator, my colleague and
108 GPS World June 2003
I focused our research efforts from 1995
the MMT algorithm, we can benefit from cients are determined by correlation func-
to 1998 on finding an algorithm that separating the complex baseband signal tions described below.
would perform as well, or nearly as well, r(t) given in Equation 1 into its real com- For each pair of values 1 and 2, this
but with much less computation. Realizing ponent x(t) and imaginary component linear system can be explicitly solved for
that a 1-path ML estimator is essen- y(t): the minimizing values of a, b, c, and d.
tially optimum when there is no multi- Thus the space to be searched for a min-
path, I investigated the possibility of imum is now 2-dimensional instead of
using an ML estimator designed to han- (6) 6-dimensional. The minimization pro-
dle multiple paths. This choice was moti- cedure is as follows: Search the (1,2)
vated by the fact that in general ML esti- domain. At each point (1,2) compute
mators have excellent performance, and the values of the correlation functions
also because the ML estimate involves in which nx(t) and ny(t) are independent, in the linear system and then solve the
only maximization of a likelihood func- real-valued, zero-mean Gaussian noise system to find the values of a, b, c, and
tion over a parameter space instead of processes with flat power spectral den- d which minimize  at that point. Identify
the difficult multidimensional integra- sity. Both x(t) and y(t) are synchronous- the point (ˆ1, ˆ2)ML where the smallest of
tion required by the MMSE estimator. ly sampled on the time interval [0,T] all such minima is obtained, as well as
Simulations of a 2-path ML estimator somewhat above the Nyquist rate 2W, the associated minimizing values of a,
were gratifying, as can be seen from the corresponding to the low-pass baseband b, c, and d. Transform these values of
similar performance of this estimator bandwidth W, to produce the vectors x– a, b, c, and d back to the estimates
and the MMSE estimator using C/A-coded and –y in which the noise components of by using the inverse
signals as shown in Figure 1. distinct samples are essentially uncor- of the parameter transformation.
Unfortunately, we found that although related (hence independent, because they Computation of Correlation Functions. The
the 2-path ML estimator has a smaller are jointly Gaussian). minimization procedure involves the
computational load than does the MMSE Log-Likelihood Function. The ML estimates correlation functions Rxm(), Rym(), and

estimator, the amount of computation of the six parameters in the vector  given R mm (  ), which are computed very
is still a daunting task. A brute-force by Equation 2 are obtained by maxi- rapidly by first applying a proprietary
search over the 6-dimensional multipath mizing the likelihood function, or equiv- signal compression process in which the
parameter space to find the maximum alently, the log-likelihood function, with large number of signal samples (on the
of the likelihood function takes too long respect to these parameters. For MMT order of 108–109) that would normally
to be of practical value. Reliable gradi- the likelihood function is the joint prob- be involved is reduced to only 4 to 27

ent-based or hill-climbing methods are ability density p( x–, y– ) of the sample samples, depending on which type of
– – –
also too slow to be useful. Finding the vectors x and y with  as a functional modernized signal is being processed.
maximum using differential calculus parameter vector. The ML estimate of This process is easily done in real time
is also difficult because of the nonlin- the six multipath parameters is obtained by a field programmable gate array (FPGA)

earity of the resulting equations and the by finding the vector  which maximizes or application-specific integrated circuit
– – –
possibility of local likelihood function p( x , y  ) using the fixed values of vec- (ASIC) and permits the correlation func-
maxima, which may not be global max- tors x– and y– based on observation of the tions to be computed by the receiver’s
ima. Iterative solution techniques are baseband GPS signal. The maximization general-purpose microprocessor instead
often difficult to analyze and may not of the likelihood function is equivalent of requiring multiple correlators in the
converge to the correct solution in a time- to maximization of the log-likelihood FPGA or ASIC.
ly manner, if they converge at all. function which, in turn, is equivalent to In addition to providing an output of
minimization of extremely low dimensionality, signal com-
MMT Algorithm pression preserves the fidelity of the sig-
Late in 1998, several major breakthroughs nal waveform so that the correlation func-
resulted in a practical approach for imple- (7) tions can use a reference waveform that
menting the 2-path ML estimator, MMT. is truly matched to the incoming signal,
MMT solves the previously discussed as modified by the combined bandpass
computational problems by using a non- characteristics of filters used in the satel-
linear transformation on the multi- with respect to the six multipath para- lites and the receiver. This is strikingly
path parameter space to permit rapid meters. This is a highly coupled, non- different from the conventional corre-
computation of a log-likelihood function linear minimization problem on the six- lation processing used in today’s GPS
that has been partially maximized with dimensional space spanned by the receivers, in which nonfiltered correla-
respect to four of the six multipath para- parameters A1, 1, 1, A2, 2, and 2, and tor reference waveforms cause pseudo-
meters. The final maximization requires as previously discussed, is very difficult range bias errors. Such errors are nor-
a search in only two dimensions, aided to solve. mally not a problem in a multipath-free
by acceleration techniques. To further However, a major breakthrough results environment, because the bias is iden-
increase computational efficiency, MMT by using an invertible transformation to tical for all satellite channels and can
operates on a data vector of small dimen- reduce the number of unknowns to four, thereby be included in the navigation
sionality, obtained by a proprietary method represented by a, b, c, and d. Taking solution for receiver clock bias. However,
for lossless compression of the raw sig- the partial derivatives with respect to elimination of this bias is critical in opti-
nal observation data. these new parameters results in a linear mal multipath processing because it will
Baseband Signal Samples. In developing system of four equations whose coeffi- vary across channels having different GPS World June 2003 109
degrees of multipath contamination. signal on the quadrature (Q) channel. P/Y-Coded Signal. For legacy purposes,
Secondary Path Amplitude Constraint. In the Like the C/A code, the L2CS code GPS modernization will retain the P/Y-
majority of multipath scenarios, the appears to be a 1.023 106 chips per code on both the L1 and L2 frequencies.
amplitudes of secondary-path signals are second sequence. However, it is gener- This code will be in phase quadrature
smaller than those of the direct path. The ated by 2:1 time-division multiplexing with the C/A-code and the military M-
multipath mitigation performance of of two independent subcodes, each hav- code at the L1 frequency and at L2 will
MMT can be significantly improved by ing half the chipping rate, namely 511.5 be in quadrature with the new L2 civil
minimizing  subject to the constraint 103 chips per second. Each of these signal and the M-code. The P/Y-code is
subcodes is made available to the receiv- transmitted at 10.23 106 chips per sec-
er by demultiplexing. ond in either unencrypted (P-code) or
P/Y–Coded and L5 Civil Signals (Class II). encrypted (Y-code) form. The P-code
in which is a positive constant (a typ-
ical value is 0.7). The constraint in terms
of the transformed parameters a, b, c,
Further Reading pp. 277–283.
For a more complete recent history of GPS  “L1 Carrier Phase Multipath Error
and d is Reduction Using MEDLL Technology,” by B.
multipath mitigation, see
Townsend, P. Fenton, K. Van Dierendonck,
(9)  Global Positioning Systems, Inertial
and R. van Nee, published in the
Navigation, and Integration, by M.S. Grewal,
The constrained minimization of Proceedings of ION GPS-95, the 8th
L.R. Weill, and A.P. Andrews, Wiley and Sons,
 uses the method of Lagrange multi- New York, 2001, pp. 71–76.
International Technical Meeting of the
pliers. Satellite Division of The Institute of
 “Conquering Multipath: The GPS Accuracy Navigation, held in Palm Springs, California,
Battle,” by L.R. Weill, GPS World, Vol. 8, No. September 12–15, 1995, pp. 1539–1544.
Modernized Signal Structures 4, April 1997, pp. 59–66. Descriptions of multipath mitigation
Although five types of pseudorandom Theoretical limits for receiver-based mul- using modified correlator reference wave-
codes will be used in the modernized sig- tipath mitigation are developed in forms (MCRW) appear in the following refer-
nals, for purposes of multipath perfor-  “Achieving Theoretical Accuracy Limits for ences:
mance, the signals can be grouped into Pseudoranging in the Presence of  “Strobe & Edge Correlator Multipath
only three classes according to their gross Multipath,” by L. Weill, published in the Mitigation for Code,” by L. Garin, F. van
spectral characteristics. In describing Proceedings of ION GPS-95, the 8th Diggelen, and J. Rousseau, published in the
these classes, I will omit detailed sig- International Technical Meeting of the Proceedings of ION GPS-96, the 9th
nal characteristics, which are not rele- Satellite Division of The Institute of International Technical Meeting of the
vant to multipath performance (the inter- Navigation, held in Palm Springs, California, Satellite Division of The Institute of
September 12–15, 1995, pp. 1521–1530. Navigation, held in Kansas City, Missouri,
ested reader can refer to references in
Properties of maximum-likelihood esti- September 17–20, 1996, pp. 657–664.
the “Further Reading” sidebar for more mators and the Cramer-Rao bound on esti-
information about the modernized sig-  “GPS Multipath Mitigation by Means of
mation error are described in
nals). Correlator Reference Waveform Design,” by
 Introduction to Probability and L. Weill, published in the Proceedings of The
L1 C/A- Coded and L2 Civil Signals (Class I). Mathematical Statistics, by L. Bain and M. Institute of Navigation National Technical
The C/A-Coded Signal: The GPS mod- Engelhardt, PWS Publishers, Boston Meeting, held in Santa Monica, California,
ernization program retains the C/A code Massachusetts, 1987, pp. 264–296. January 14–16, 1997, pp. 197–206.
at the L1 carrier frequency (1575.42 MHz) Minimum mean square error (MMSE) esti-
 “GNSS Multipath Mitigation Using Gated
for legacy purposes, mostly for civilian mation, a special case of Bayes estimation,
and High-Resolution Correlator Concepts,”
users. These codes are maximal-length is treated in
by G. McGraw and M. Braasch, published in
direct-sequence Gold codes, each con-  Detection, Estimation, and Modulation the Proceedings of The Institute of
sisting of a 1023-chip sequence trans- Theory, Part I, by H. Van Trees, Wiley & Sons, Navigation National Technical Meeting, held
mitted at 1.023 106 chips per second New York, 1968, pp. 54–56. in San Diego, California, January 25–27,
that repeats every 1 millisecond. For a description of multipath mitigation 1999, pp. 333–342.
The L2 Civil Signal. Originally the mod- using the narrow correlator, see Descriptions of the modernized GPS sig-
ernization plan also called for the C/A  “Theory and Performance of Narrow nals can be found in
code at the L2 carrier frequency (1227.60 Correlator Spacing in a GPS Receiver,” by A.J.  “The Modernized L2 Civil Signal,” by R.D.
MHz) to provide the civilian commu- Van Dierendonck, P. Fenton, and T. Ford, Fontana, W. Cheung, and T. Stansell, GPS
published in the Proceedings of the Institute World, Vol. 12, No. 9, September 2001, pp.
nity with ionospheric correction capa-
of Navigation National Technical Meeting, 28–32.
bility as well as additional flexibility and held in San Diego, California, January 27–29,
robustness. However, late in the plan-  “The New L5 Civil Signal,” by A.J. Van
1992, pp.115–124. Dierendonck and C. Hegarty, GPS World, Vol.
ning process participants saw that addi- Details about the Multipath Estimating 11, No. 9, September 2000, pp. 64–70.
tional advantages could be obtained Delay-Lock Loop (MEDLL) can be found in
 “Overview of the GPS M-Code Signal,” by
by replacing the planned L2 C/A-code  “Performance Evaluation of the Multipath B.C. Barker, et al., published in the
signal with a new L2 civil signal (L2CS). Estimating Delay-Lock Loop,” by B. Proceedings of The Institute of Navigation
The decision was made to use this new Townsend, D.J.R. van Nee, P. Fenton, and K. National Technical Meeting held in Anaheim,
signal, and its structure was made pub- Van Dierendonck, published in the California, January 26–28, 2000, pp.
lic in early 2001. Both the L2CS and the Proceedings of The Institute of Navigation 542–549.
new military M-coded signal, described National Technical Meeting, held in
later in this article, will appear on the L2 Anaheim, California, January 18–20, 1995,
in-phase (I) channel, with the P/Y-coded
110 GPS World June 2003
Innovation more power near the 12 MHz band
edges and should therefore provide the
best multipath performance.
Class 2
Normalized spectral amplitude

Simulation Results
0.8 Figures 3a and 3b, respectively, show the
Class 1
multipath mitigation performance of the
0.6 MMT algorithm for direct path code-
Class 3
based pseudoranging and carrier-phase
0.4 estimation for the three classes of mod-
ernized GPS signals, which is compared
with typical performance of the MCRW
technique for Class I and II signals (data
are not available about application of
the MCRW technique to Class III sig-
nals). Both figures show direct-path r.m.s.
errors averaged over random secondary-
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Offset from carrier frequency (MHz) path relative phases where the secondary-
path amplitude is one-half that of the
FIGURE 2 Normalized power spectra of the three GPS signal classes: Class I (L1 C/A direct path, the RF signal bandwidth
and L2 Civil), Class II (L1 or L2 P/Y, and L5 Civil), and Class III (L1 and L2 military BOC). is limited to 24 MHz by an 8-pole But-
The L1, L2, and L5 carrier frequencies at the center of each spectrum are, respectively, terworth filter, and E/N0 is 45 dB-Hz-s.
1575.42 MHz, 1227.6 MHz, and 1176.45 MHz. As expected, both figures show decreas-
ing error for Class I, II, and III signals in
sequence assigned to each satellite is a 10.23 MHz square wave subcarrier correspondence with their increasing
publicly known and has a very long peri- modulated by a 5.115 106 chips per Gabor bandwidth. In all cases there is a
od of one week. The Y-code is formed by second spreading sequence (BOC[10,5]). striking improvement in performance
modulating the P- code with a slower Each spreading chip subtends exactly compared with that of the MCRW tech-
sequence of encrypting chips, called a two cycles of the subcarrier, with the ris- nique. Not only are the average MMT
W-code, generated at 511.5 103 chips ing edge of the first subcarrier cycle coin- errors almost an order of magnitude
per second. cident with initiation of the spreading smaller, but the range of secondary-path
L5 Civil Signal. GPS modernization chip. The spectrum of the BOC(10,5) separation where these errors assume
calls for a completely new civil signal at code has considerably more relative power worst-case values is substantially small-
a carrier frequency of 1176.45 MHz, with near the edges of the signal bandwidth er. In addition, MMT clearly takes advan-
the total received signal power divided than do any of the C/A-coded, L2 Civil, tage of the increased Gabor bandwidth
equally between in-phase (I) and quad- L5 Civil, or P/Y-coded signals. As a con- of Class II signals compared with the
rature (Q) components. Each compo- sequence, the M-coded signal not only Class I signals, whereas the MCRW tech-
nent is modulated with a different, but offers the best pseudoranging accura- nique cannot.
synchronized, 10,230-chip direct sequence cy and resistance to multipath, but it also Figure 4 shows the multipath error for
L5 code transmitted at 10.23 106 chips has minimal spectral overlap with the code-based pseudoranging of Class II
per second, the same rate as the P/Y-code other GPS transmitted signals, which signals under the same conditions of
but with a 1-millisecond period (the same permits transmission at higher power Figure 3, except that the curves are para-
as the C/A-code period). Compared with levels without mutual interference. meterized by E/N0 The curves demon-
the C/A code, the 10-times larger chip Spectra of the Three Signal Classes. Figure 2 strate an important characteristic of ML
sequence of the I- and Q-channel civil shows the code spectrum for each of the estimation: errors are reduced by increas-
L5-codes provides lower autocorrelation three signal classes. Although these spec- ing E/N0 (although not shown, a similar
sidelobes, and the 10-times higher chip- tra are confined within a bandwidth of property holds for Class I and Class III
ping rate substantially improves rang- no less than 12 MHz at the satellite, signals). Because E/N0 is the product of
ing accuracy, provides better interfer- the distribution of power within this C/N0 and the signal observation time,
ence protection, and substantially reduces bandwidth is markedly different for each reduction in multipath-induced error
multipath errors at longer path sepa- class. The power of the Class I signals using MMT can be achieved simply by
rations (far multipath). (L1 C/A and L2 Civil codes) is mostly con- observing the signal for a longer period.
The M-Coded Signal (Class III). New mili- centrated within a 1 MHz band, result- This action is especially important in
tary M-coded signals will be transmitted ing in a comparatively small Gabor band- more-demanding applications and/or
on the L1 and L2 carriers, with the capa- width. Therefore, Class I signals have the under weak-signal conditions. The MCRW
bility of using different codes on the two least inherent resistance to multipath technique does not have this advan-
frequencies. The received L1 M-code will error. The power in Class II signals (P/Y tage because its errors are in the form of
appear in the I-channel additively super- and L5 Civil codes) is more highly spread, a bias that cannot be reduced by aver-
imposed on the C/A code, and the L2 M- with most of the power in a 10 MHz aging.
code will appear in the I-channel super- band, thus offering significantly better
imposed on the civil L2 code. The M-code multipath performance. The military M- Laboratory Tests
is a binary offset modulation code with coded signal (Class III) concentrates even In 1998 my colleague and I conducted GPS World June 2003 111
3.0 25
Figure 3a Figure 3b
Root-mean-square pseudorange error (meters)

MMT error curves

Root-mean-square phase error (degrees)

L1 C/A or L2 Civil
20 P/Y or L5 Civil
Typical MCRW multipath
mitigation technology L1 or L2 BOC(10,5)
for C/A, L2 Civil, or P/Y signals
2.0 Typical MCRW multipath
15 mitigation technology
for C/A, L2 Civil, or P/Y signals

MMT error curves
L1 C/A or L2 Civil
P/Y or L5 Civil

L1 or L2 BOC(10,5)

0.0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20
Path separation (meters) Path separation (meters)

FIGURE 3 Multipath mitigation performance of the MMT algorithm for the three classes of signals compared with MCRW technology.
RF signal bandwidth is limited to 24 MHz, E/N0 is 45 dB-Hz-s, and the secondary-path amplitude is 6 dB below the direct path. The
r.m.s. error is averaged over random secondary path relative phases. (a) Direct path code-based pseudorange error. (b) Direct path
carrier-phase estimation error.

1.0 GPS simulator

Root-mean-square pseudorange error (meters)

0.9 S/V 1 with mp S/V 2 w/o mp

E/N0 = 33 dB-Hz-s 200 MHz IBM PC
non real-time software processing

0.6 I
Bit sync, Signal
0.5 data demodulation,
GPS receiver data strip compression
0.4 Q
45 dB-Hz-s 194.87 MHz IF output


57 dB-Hz-s I-Q sampler
Acquisition, MMT
0.0 40.92 x 106 complex
0 5 10 15 20 Doppler
Path separation (meters) samples per second compensation algorithm

FIGURE 4 Dependence of residual multipath error on E/No for I Q

code-based pseudoranging using the MMT algorithm with Class I Q

II GPS signals (L1 or L2 P/Y, and L5 Civil). Conditions are the High-speed Multipath
same as in Figure 3, except that the curves are parameterized capture memory estimates
by E/N0. Note that E/N0 can be increased by increasing the sig- 10.23 megabytes

nal observation time, thereby improving performance.

FIGURE 5 Laboratory test setup for evaluating the MMT algo-
tests of the MMT algorithm with a GPS subsequent pro- rithm with a commercially available receiver. See text for
receiver provided by a major manufac- cessing was per- details.
turer. A GPS signal generator was con- formed in non–real
figured to simultaneously generate a ref- time by software on a 200 MHz PC as nels in addition to the other low-level,
erence signal without multipath and shown in the figure. Although the results high-speed processes required for con-
another signal with the same direct path are the property of the receiver manu- ventional GPS receiver signal process-
delay, but contaminated by a secondary facturer, it can be said that they agree ing. The MMT algorithm itself can be
path signal. The two signals used dif- closely with the Class I signal results pre- written in any high-level language and
ferent C/A codes so that they could be sented in this article. compiled into assembly code for execu-
separately observed. Errors in the MMT tion in the microprocessor. Although it
algorithm were determined by compar- Implementation Issues is not the dominant language in use today,
ing accurate measurements of the ref- The MMT estimator is practical to imple- we have found that PowerBASIC has sig-
erence signal with those produced by ment with a firmware/software combi- nificantly faster execution than just about
MMT in observing the contaminated sig- nation consisting of either an FPGA or any other compiled language, including
nal. Figure 5 shows the test setup. Both ASIC in combination with software oper- various versions of C or FORTRAN. Once
observed signals were obtained by sam- ating in a general-purpose microprocessor. the receiver is tracking a GPS satellite
pling the receiver’s final IF frequency at We have estimated that a moderate-size signal, an MMT estimate of signal ampli-
40.23 106 complex samples per sec- FPGA (approximately 50,000 gates) would tude, delay, and carrier phase for each
ond and capturing one second of data in handle the previously described com- propagation path can be obtained with
a high-speed digital capture memory. All pression process for 8 parallel GPS chan- approximately 10–80 milliseconds of
112 GPS World June 2003
Innovation secondary paths delayed by more than
Maximum Likelihood Estimation approximately 30 meters when using
Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is a conceptually simple yet powerful technique for Class I signals and to all such secondary
estimating nonrandom parameters (such as the multipath parameters of a received GPS paths when using Class II and III signals.
signal) based on observation of a noisy random variable or vector (such as the samples of In addition, our belief is that within the
the received GPS signal in thermal noise). This method is popular for a variety of reasons. range of 0–30 meters of path separation,
ML estimators often are computationally efficient and have desirable asymptotic proper- it is unlikely that more than two sec-
ties. Asymptotic refers to the behavior of the estimator as the estimation error is reduced ondary paths will exist that have suffi-
by observing more samples (such as increasing the number of received GPS signal samples, cient strength to require mitigation.
thereby increasing the E/N 0 of the signal). For ML estimators these asymptotic properties
include the following: 1. The estimate converges in probability to the true parameter value; Acknowledgments
2. The estimate is asymptotically efficient, that is, the error variance approaches the mini- Portions of this article originally appeared
mum possible value; 3. The estimation error is asymptotically Gaussian. in the paper, “Multipath Mitigation Using
As a simple illustration of ML estimation, consider a random variable X that is normally Modernized Signals: How Good Can It
distributed with known variance 2 but whose mean is unknown. The probability density Get?,” published in the Proceedings of
function of X is ION GPS 2002, the 15th International
in which the notation p(x, ) emphasizes that the Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division
probability density function depends on the of The Institute of Navigation, held in
unknown parameter . Suppose we make N inde- Portland, Oregon, September 24–27,
pendent observations of X and arrange them in an N-dimensional vector x– = (x1, x2, . . ., xN). 2002. 
Because the observations are independent, the joint probability density of the Xi, denoted
by p(x–, ) is the product of their individual densities: Manufacturers
Once the observations have been made, A Nortel GPS Simulators — now Spirent
their values xi are fixed. The ML esti- Communications (Paignton, Devon, United
mate of is made by finding the value Kingdom) — STR2760 GPS signal sim-
of that maximizes p(x–), which is the ulator was used to test the MMT algo-
probability that the values x1, x2, . . ., xN rithm. We implemented the algorithm
would have been obtained. Because the using the BASIC compiler developed by
natural logarithm function is an PowerBASIC, Inc. (Carmel, California)
increasing function of its argument, maximization of p(x–) is equivalent to maximization of
Lawrence R. Weill is currently professor
the log-likelihood function, which is
of mathematics emeritus at California
This function is quadratic in , so it is State University, Fullerton, and a well-
guaranteed to have a unique global maxi- known GPS industry consultant. He is
mum that can be found by ordinary calcu- one of the three technical founders of
lus. Taking the derivative of L(x–, ) with Magellan Systems Corporation (now a
division of Thales Navigation).
respect to , setting it to zero, and solv-
ing for yields the ML estimate ˆ of the mean:
This estimate is just the average of the observed values xi, which cer- “Innovation” is a regu-
tainly is intuitively satisfying. It can be shown that this estimator is lar column featuring
unbiased (i.e., the average error in the estimate is zero) and that it has discussions about
recent advances in
the minimum error variance of any unbiased estimator of .
GPS technology and
its applications as well
as the fundamentals of
GPS positioning. The
computation, depending on the speed of decrease in signal-to-noise ratio and can column is coordinated
the microprocessor. be moderated by using longer signal by Richard Langley of
observation times. The MMT algorithm the Department of Geodesy and
Concluding Remarks appears to be quite robust in the pres- Geomatics Engineering at the
Those familiar with our work have often ence of additional secondary paths, University of New Brunswick, who
asked about the ability of MMT (or any but it can be designed to model addi- appreciates receiving your comments
and topic suggestions. To contact him,
ML estimation technique, for that mat- tional secondary paths if desired. Theory
see the “Columnists” section on page 2
ter) to handle a multipath scenario more states that such an accommodation will of this issue.
complex than that presented here. For improve performance when the number
example, how does it respond to inter- of paths in the model is the same as
ference, jamming, or the existence of the number of significant paths that actu-
more than one secondary path? We are ally exist, but that an increase in error
currently studying such scenarios. will result if there is a mismatch. Our
Preliminary results indicate that with an contention is that MMT should model
adequate dynamic range in the signal- at most two secondary paths, for two rea-
sampling process, the presence of inter- sons: First, the algorithm can be made
ference or jamming simply appears as a to be inherently insensitive to almost all GPS World June 2003 113

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