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1 A device for measuring wind direction, and is a common weather station Wind vane Anemometer Aneroid Barometer Hygrometer
instrument. Aneroid Barometer Hygrometer Hydrometer
2 A device for measuring wind speed, and is a common weather station instrument. Anemometer

3 A device used for navigation which aligns with the earths magnetic field thus Magnetic compass
Magnetic bearing South Magnetic Pole North Magnetic Pole
indicating th direction of magnetic north.
rudder angle indicator Wind vane Anemometer
4 A device used to indicate how fast the ship is turning at steady rate, normally Rate of turn indicator
shown as number of degrees turned.
Steering wheel Azimuth Circle Engine Telegraph
5 A device used to indicate the present position of the rudder blade, usually fitted in Rudder angle indicator
the wheelhouse
bottom characteristics depth of the water velocity of the current
6 A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the __________. speed over the ground
speed being made good the set of the current the depth of the water
7 A Doppler log in the volume reverberation mode indicates __________. speed through the water

8 A flywheel in a universal mounting where the axis is free to point in any direction is gyroscope
gyrosphere gimbals phantom wheel
great circle line of position heading
9 A line on the surface of the earth making the same oblique angle with all rhumb line
Sound Signalling Device Light Signalling Device Fog Signalling Device
10 A log device used to measure speed and distance travelled by a ship from a set Speed Log
point is called:
Another name for the fire line Another name for the A pipe made from an old
The pipe through which the
11 What is a 'HAWSE PIPE'? anchor chain passes out of the
on deck hydraulic line on deck hawser
A compass for steering. A drum for heaving of ropes. A wheel for steering lines.
A wheel with which the ship is
12 What is a steering wheel?
13 Which deck equipment is a vertical machine used for handling ropes during Capstan
Windlass Winch Crane
mooring operations?
Winch Capstan Crane
14 Which deck machinery is specifically designed for heaving up or letting go of the Windlass
Chock Winch Bollard
15 Which equipment is specifically designed to prevent damage to the ship's hull when Fender
it's alongside a quay or another vessel?
Bollard Fender Hawsepipe
16 Which equipment is used to wind and unwind mooring lines for tension Winch
Keel Beam Gunwale
17 Which structure reduces the resistance of water flow at the bow, enhancing the ship’s Bulbous bow
speed and stability?
18 Which type of ship is meant for transporting vehicles and is often associated with a Pure Car Carriers
Combination Carriers Livestock Carriers Fishing Vessels
vertically stored ramp?
Bulk Carriers Product Carriers Fishing Vessels
19 Which type of ship is specifically designed for the transportation of containers? Container Ships
Chief Engineer Bosun Second Officer
20 Who is responsible for the overall command and safety of the vessel? Master (Captain)
21 What is the .zip format commonly used for? Archiving files Playing audio Web design Document preparation
22 Which network type covers a small geographic area, like a single building?
Router Switch Firewall Hub
23 Which device typically uses NAT?
Ethernet cable Coaxial cable Fiber optic cable HDMI cable
24 What type of cable is commonly used to connect computers to a switch?
Malicious Software Malformed Software Mobile Software Managed Software
25 What does "malware" stand for?
Spyware Worm Ransomware Virus
26 What type of malware is designed to collect information about user activity?
Phishing emails Official updates Through the firewall Via antivirus software
27 How is ransomware commonly delivered?
C: Drive D: Drive E: Drive A: Drive
28 What's the primary partition where Windows is usually installed?
DDoS Attack Phishing Spoofing Spyware
29 What type of cybersecurity attack involves overwhelming a system with traffic?
Identification, containment, Blaming, ignoring, forgetting, Denial, anger, bargaining, Request, analysis, design,
30 Which of the following should be considered in a shipping company's eradication, recovery repeating acceptance implementation
cybersecurity incident response plan?
31 Which line divides the Eastern and Western Hemispheres? International Date Line Prime Meridian Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle
Tropic of Cancer Arctic Circle Antarctic Circle Tropic of Capricorn
32 Which line of latitude is positioned at 23.5 degrees North of the Equator?

33 Which method involves plotting the ship's position based on the course steered Dead reckoning Cross bearings Running fix Vertical angle
and distance traveled from a known starting point?
Great circle sailing Plane sailing Rhumb line sailing Parallel sailing
34 Which sailing method is typically used for longer voyages where the curve of the Earth
becomes significant?
Mercator sailing Parallel sailing Plane sailing Great circle sailing
35 Which sailing method uses a straight line on a Mercator projection map that
crosses all meridians at the same angle?
Plane sailing Great circle sailing Mercator sailing Middle latitude sailing
36 Which sailing type simplifies calculations by using a triangle with the pole, the initial,
and the final positions?
Latitude Longitude Meridian Great Circle
37 Which term refers to the angular distance measured in degrees North or South of
the Equator?
A pair of dividers A protractor An astrolabe A sextant
38 Which tool is commonly used on a Mercator chart to measure distances?

39 You are on course 270⁰T and the true bearing of a vessel is 045⁰T. What is the 135⁰R 315⁰R 225⁰R 045⁰R
vessel relative bearing?
Courses Direction Tract Route
40 Always to be expressed in 360 degree notation from north (true north unless
otherwise stated). Whether this is to TO or FROM a mark can be stated.
sagging under shearing force inclined hogging
41 A stress called compression is being placed on the sheer strakes if the vessel is __?

42 A value that represents the quantity of matter of the body or substance. It will not
mass Density volume Specific gravity
change if the body is placed on the moon, the top of a mountain or at sea level.
43 Difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or seas is termed _ Heel List Flotation Trim
44 Distance from the keel K through the center of buoyancy B. KB BK
45 Distance from the keel K to the metacenter M. KM MK
Combination stress Compression stress
46 Forces acting longitudinally and vertically in a beam is termed _______? Bending stress Tension stress
both A & B neither A nor B
The amount of reserve The initial stability of the
47 Freeboard is a measure of:
bouyancy vessel Heel increases stability Heel leads to permanent
Heel can temporarily reduce
48 How does "heel" typically affect a ship's stability during the tilting process? Heel has no effect on stability
stability but is reversible permanently instability
List is a permanent tilting, List refers to tilting to the left, List occurs due to passenger
List is the same as heel, both
49 How does "list" differ from "heel" concerning ship stability? while heel is temporary and
temporary tilting and heel is tilting to the right movements
It can lead to a loss of stability It has no impact on stability It enhances maneuverability
50 How does the loss of watertight integrity affect a vessel's stability? It improves stability
and capsize
51 Which term in Rule 3 describes a vessel that cannot take evasive action due to Not under command
Restricted in ability to
Constrained by draft Underway
some exceptional circumstance?
Depending only on crew Using binoculars only
52 What could be considered as "all available means" for maintaining a lookout Using radar, AIS, and other
navigational aids as
Relying solely on the ship's
whistle members' visual
according to Rule 5?
Every vessel must proceed at a Every vessel must have Every vessel must have an Every vessel should avoid
53 What is the primary requirement of Rule 6 in the Collision Regulations?
safe speed navigational lights operational radar crossing traffic lanes
54 Which rule dictates the behavior of vessels in Traffic Separation Schemes? Rule 10 Rule 9 Rule 8 Rule 11

55 In a crossing situation at night, how can you identify if you are the give-way You see the red (port) light of You see the green You see both red and green
lights of the other vessel.
You see only the stern light.
vessel? the other vessel. (starboard) light of the other
56 Which rule determines the behavior of vessels when one is overtaking another? Rule 13. Rule 15. Rule 14. Rule 12.

Two all-round white lights in One all-round red light. Masthead light.
57 What does a vessel at anchor display at night if it is less than 50 meters in length? One all-round white light.
a vertical line.
They should avoid anchoring They can anchor on the They can anchor in
They can anchor anywhere
58 How should vessels avoid anchoring in a narrow channel according to Rule 9? in areas where it would as long as they show proper
starboard side only designated zones only
impede other vessels Vessels signals
Vessels over 50 meters in Passenger vessels
59 Which vessels are generally exempted from following the provisions of a Traffic engaged in hydrographic Vessels engaged in
Separation Scheme under Rule 10? surveying commercial trade
60 What does Rule 12 of the Collision Regulations deal with? Sailing vessels Power-driven vessels Fishing vessels Stand-on vessels
Backing winds Relative winds
61 Clockwise change in the direction of the wind Veering winds Variable winds
Veering winds Relative winds
62 Counter clockwise change in the direction of the wind Backing winds Variable winds
rainy weather to come. no change in weather.
63 A falling barometer is an indication of _____ bad weather to come. good weather to come.
64 Clouds which mean base is below 6,500 feet are classified as low clouds middle clouds high clouds rain clouds
In the Beaufort scale, which force corresponds to conditions where the sea is 8 10 11
65 completely covered with long white patches of foam and wave edges are blown 9
into froth? ESE SSW WSW
66 According to Buy Ballots law if an observer in the Northern Hemisphere SSE
experiences a Northeasterly wind the center of the low pressure lies on
67 In the Northern Hemisphere if the Low Pressure center is from the East where is the NNW
wind is coming from
typhoon tropical cyclone tropical disturbance
68 In the weather system, What is a closed isobars manifesting a rotary circulation of wind tropical depression
having a maximum wind of 33 knots on the surface?
Clockwise Towards the pole Towards the equator
69 In what direction does the wind blow around a cyclonic storm in the northern Anti-clockwise
Snow Mist Sleet
70 It can be considered a type of low-lying cloud usually resembling stratus, and is Fog
heavily influenced by nearby bodies of water, topography, and wind conditions.
Current Ebb Flood
71 The rise and fall of a body of water Tide

72 What is the term for any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from clouds and "Precipitation"
"Condensation" "Evaporation" "Transpiration"
reaches the ground?
Warm front Stationary front Occluded front
73 When a rapidly moving cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass, causing a Cold front
narrow band of severe storms, which front is it?
Cirrus Stratus Nimbus
74 Which cloud type is typically associated with fair weather and appears as Cumulus
flattened, white patches?
"Trade Wind" "Polar Wind" "Frictional Wind"
75 Which type of wind is a result of temperature differences, typically moving from high- "Gradient Wind"
pressure areas to low-pressure areas?
"Dew Point" "Absolute Humidity" "Vapor Pressure"
76 Which weather element describes the amount of water vapor present in the air "Relative Humidity"
relative to the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature?
"Cumulus" "Cirrus" "Nimbus"
77 Which cloud type is typically low-level and appears as a gray layer often covering the "Stratus"
entire sky, resembling fog but not reaching the ground?
Neap tide diurnal tide semi diurnal tide
78 What tide occurs when the moon is on the opposition or conjunction in relation to its Spring tide
position with the earth and the sun
vertex great circle track great circle
79 A line makes the same angle with all meridians it crosses and appears as a rhumb line
straight line on a Mercator chart.
black yellow green
80 Under IALA B buoyage system when a vessel is going out to sea what color will be on red
her PORT side
red black yellow
81 Under IALA B buoyage system when a vessel is going out to sea what color will be on green
her STBD side
82 Under IALA B buoyage system when a vessel is going out to sea what shape will cone
can diamond rectangle
be on her PORT side
Routeing charts are made of Routeing charts are three- Routeing charts provide
Routeing charts focus on
83 What distinguishes routeing charts from other types of nautical charts? specific navigational routes information on cargo
transparent material dimensional
and traffic management To capacity
provide maritime radio To list crew members' To optimize cargo loading To showcase colorful chart
84 What is the primary function of Admiralty List of Radio Signals (ALRS)? communication information hobbies capacity design
and radio station details
To provide detailed
To depict global ocean To list the ship's daily To showcase the ship's
85 What is the primary function of harbour charts in navigation? information about ports, currents activities entertainment options
harbours, and their Intersection of two bearing intersection of 2 ranges Intersection of three
86 What method of position fixing do you use if you take a bearing of a buoy and how Bearing and range method
method method bearings method
far your ship from the buoy?
Black bands with yellow bands Black band below yellow Black band above yellow Black band above and below
87 The West Cardinal buoy has what color band
above and below yellow band
Compass rose, legend, Passenger demographics, Entertainment schedule, Ship's engine specifications,
88 What are some common parts of a nautical chart that mariners use for navigation? soundings, and latitude and crew preferences, cargo onboard restaurants, speed records, and fuel
longitude lines inventory passenger cabins consumption
Lifting and transferring heavy Anchoring the vessel. Loading fuel. Assisting in navigation.
89 What primary role does a cargo crane serve aboard a vessel?
Derricks. Pallets. Cargo lashing.
90 Which equipment is specifically designed for precise handling of containers? Container spreaders.

91 For the movement of bulk cargoes like grains inside a ship's hold, what is Conveyor belts.
Forklifts. Gantry cranes. Straddle carriers.
commonly used?
Ship's logbook. Vessel's itinerary. Crew list.
92 What is the primary reference during cargo loading and unloading procedures? Cargo plan.

93 What is a potential risk when separating two grain cargoes with an inadequate The possibility of grains mixing Enhanced cargo weight. Quicker grain spoilage. Faster grain growth.
barrier? due to barrier failure.
Ship's manifest. Vessel's operating manual. Crew agreement.
94 Which document is crucial to refer to when understanding the nature, weight, and Bill of Lading.
stowage requirements of cargo?
After loading and before Before loading cargo. During mid-voyage checks. Upon reaching the
95 When is cargo lashing and securing particularly emphasized?
setting sail. destination port.
Applying cleaning chemicals
96 What is the first step in cargo hold cleaning? Removing physical residues Painting the hold walls. Spraying with water.
and debris. immediately.
To remove any salt residues To add weight to the ship. To test the hold's drainage Because saltwater is harmful
97 Why is it essential to use freshwater during the final rinse? that can contaminate certain
system. to the crew.
the volume per unit weight of The maximum quantity of A tax clause related to grain An agreement between
98 What is the "stowage factor" related to in the Code? the cargo as attested by the
grain allowed globally. quantity. grain producers.
loading facility
2 3 6
99 How many cycles does a 4-stroke engine complete in one operating cycle? 4
Compress air-fuel mixture Intake air and fuel Scavenge exhaust gases
100 What function do spark plugs perform in a gasoline engine? Ignite air-fuel mixture
To move up and down in the To ignite the air-fuel mixture To filter the oil To open and close the
101 What is the primary function of the piston?
cylinder valves
102 What device is commonly used to regulate steam flow in a steam turbine? Governor Compressor Combustor Heat exchanger

To condense steam back into To ignite the fuel To compress air To reheat steam
103 What is the purpose of a condenser in a steam turbine system?
To aid in maneuvering the To propel the ship forward To stabilize the ship To assist in anchoring
104 What is the primary purpose of bow thrusters?
ship sideways
105 How is electricity usually generated on board ships? Diesel generators Solar panels Wind turbines Batteries
To break circuits To store electrical power
To step up or step down
106 What is the role of a transformer in the distribution system? To convert AC to DC
Connecting generators in Increasing generator speed
107 What is meant by "synchronizing" generators? Matching speed and phase of Load shedding
multiple generators parallel
108 What is "helm" in the context of steering gear? The wheel or lever used to The rudder blade The hydraulic ram The tiller
steer the ship Promote commercial Enforce international trade
Increase ship safety
109 What is the primary objective of MARPOL 73/78? Prevent pollution from ships
shipping laws standards
110 What is the purpose of the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Equipment To monitor and control oil
discharge into the sea
To track the oil consumption
of the ship
To monitor oil leaks within
the engine room
To control oil flow to the
ship's engines
(ODME) system mandated by Annex I?
To certify that a ship complies To permit a ship to carry oil To validate a ship’s Oil To establish the ship’s oil
111 What’s the purpose of the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP)?
with Annex I requirements cargo Record Book pollution liability Manages
Separates oil from bilge water Detects oil spills in ship's Filters air emissions from disposal of oily waste
112 What role does the Oily-Water Separator (OWS) play in pollution prevention?
before discharge vicinity engine exhaust
To ensure ships have a plan To guide daily waste To set guidelines for the use
To monitor and document oil
113 Why is the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) required? for addressing major oil management practices on
of ODME and OWS consumption
pollution incidents ships
The ship’s master and The ship's engineers only The ship’s owner or operator
114 Who is primarily responsible for using and maintaining the Oil Record Book? External auditors
designated officers
Control pollution from noxious Control pollution from oil Manage sewage discharge
Regulate airborne emissions
115 What is the main focus of MARPOL Annex II? liquid substances carried in
spills from ships from ships
It dictates the carriage, It identifies the origin of the It certifies the substance is
What's the importance of the Pollution Category of a substance as listed in Annex It indicates the volume of
discharge, and control
substance that can be
116 II? measures applicable to the substance safe for transportation
substance carried
They are responsible for They monitor the discharge
They provide reception
facilities for harmful They compensate victims of
117 What role do port states play under Annex III? packaging harmful of harmful substances into
substances and enforce pollution incidents
regulations substances the sea
Harmful substances in Crude oil and its derivatives Solid bulk cargoes Sewage and garbage from
118 What kind of substances falls under both MARPOL Annex III and the IMDG Code?
packaged form ships
Can be destructive if the May result in poor
Is not beneficial hence it
119 As a young Senior officer you know that conflict occurs in the engine department should be prevented at all
level is too high performance
May create leaders
which of the following statements regarding conflict is NOT true?
Once a day Once a week
120 In general, how often are sanitary inspections of passenger and crew quarters Once a month Once a trip
made aboard vessels?
Second Officer Bosun
121 What position is primarily responsible for navigation in the Deck Department? Chief Officer Able Seaman
Second Engineer Third Engineer
122 Who is the highest-ranking officer in the Engine Department? Chief Engineer Motorman
123 Which leadership style involves the leader taking charge of all decisions with little Autocratic Democratic Laissez-faire Transformational
input from crew members?
Laissez-faire Transactional
124Which leadership style often results in high crew satisfaction and promotes Democratic Autocratic
participation and collaboration among team members? It is only necessary during It can be seen as a sign of
It fosters a respectful and
It is not important for leaders
125 What role does active listening play in effective maritime leadership? understanding environment,
to actively listen. training sessions. weakness by the crew.
promoting collaboration.
It is irrelevant to maritime It should be avoided to
It provides additional context
and understanding, It creates confusion among
126 How does non-verbal communication impact leadership and teamwork on board?
enhancing the clarity of crew members. communication. maintain professionalism.
communication. It does not matter as long as It might create panic among
Why is effective communication important during emergency situations on a
It provides clear instructions It is only important for
and coordination, crucial for documenting after the
127 vessel? the crew is trained. crew members.
effective emergency response. emergency. Responsibility should be Taking responsibility is only
It establishes accountability and
Leaders should delegate all
128 How does taking responsibility affect maritime leadership? sets a positive example for the shared equally among all crucial after mistakes
responsibility to avoid blame. crew members. happen.
boarding and operating navigational systems fuel consumption rates
129 All personnel should be familiar with the lifeboats_____________ . maintenance schedule
130 An emergency life-saving procedure that consists of recognizing and correcting Basic life support Advanced life support
Emergency medical care Emergency first aid
failure of the respiratory or cardiovascular system is called _______.
Mistakes Deficiencies
131 These are discrepancies between what is present and the requirements of the SMS. Non-Conformities Lack of Quality
The vessel’s log book The instructions written on
132Information on safety and hazard control practices and procedures on a vessel is Vessel’s Safety Management
System Manual Designated
Your employment contract
described in:
133 “Smoking is best permitted in the: Designated Meal Area Designated Recreational
Smoking Areas Designated Working Area
134 What kind of working permit will you accomplish if you are going to Electrical work permit Working aloft permit Working outboard permit Enclose space entry permit
perform electrical repairing operations?
Working aloft permit Working outboard permit
135 What kind of working permit will you accomplish if you are going to perform tank Enclose space entry permit Electrical work permit
inspections or tank cleaning operations?
Under Water Work Permit Small Craft alongside Permit
136 What kind of working permit will you accomplish if you are going to perform works such Hot Work Permit Cold Work Permit
as welding and cutting
self-contained seal type
137 In a tank or compartment that is not gas free, the only portable electric equipment approved explosion proof battery operated
permitted is a lamp that is_____.
Old System Practices Work Log
138 It is a document which sets out the work to be done and the precautions to be taken Permit to Work System Customary Ptactice System
in doing it.
Venus Orion Nebula
139 Which celestial body provides a reliable means to determine local noon when Sun North Star
observed at its zenith?
140Which of these celestial bodies does not appear in the same location in the sky at Planets Stars
Moon All of them appear at the
same location
the same time every night?
141 The celestial body that affects tides the most is: Moon Sun Mars Polaris
Celestial pole Equatorial pole
142 Which point on the celestial sphere is directly above an observer? Zenith Nadir
143 What is the intersection line between Earth's surface and the sky called in Horizon Ecliptic Celestial equator Prime vertical
celestial navigation?
Ecliptic Horizon Galactic plane
144Which imaginary circle on the celestial sphere is perpendicular to the Earth's axis of Celestial equator
rotation? Azimuth Declination Hour angle
145 What is the angular distance of a celestial body above or below the horizon? Altitude
Altitude Right ascension Declination
146 Which coordinate measures the angular distance of a celestial body around the Azimuth
horizon, usually from the north?
It is parallel to the ecliptic It is perpendicular to the It varies depending on the
It is inclined at an angle equal
147 How is the celestial equator inclined relative to the ecliptic plane?
to Earth's axial tilt ecliptic season
148 During which phase is the horizon at sea still distinguishable, allowing sailors to Nautical twilight Civil twilight Astronomical twilight Sunset
take reliable star sights?
Cloud cover Water salinity Solar radiation
149 What does ARPA use to calculate a target's speed? Doppler Shift
High-resolution imaging. Low power consumption. Reduced interference in
150 What does S-band radar excel at compared to X-band radar? Longer-range detection and
tracking. congested areas.
151 What does the "Rain Clutter" control on RADAR help reduce? Unwanted echoes caused by Electronic interference. Wind interference. Sea surface reflections.
Modifying the radar's Controlling the radar's Enhancing radar image
152 What does the "Rain" control on RADAR systems address? Adjusting for precipitation
interference. frequency. rotation speed. colors.
153 What type of information does ARPA NOT determine for targets? Cargo details Target's heading Target's speed Target's course

154 When two targets respond within the tracking gate at the same time and Target swap
Target acquire Target lost Target
the tracker can become confused the vector(s) may transfer to the wrong
target. Duplexer Receiver Display unit
155 Which radar component is responsible for timing radar pulses?
The target's actual movement The distance to a The speed of sound in water The ARPA's system error
156 In the context of ARPA, what does the term "True Trail" represent? relative to the vessel navigational buoy
AIS ECDIS autopilot
157 Equipment used to continuously record vital information related to the operation of
Voyage data recorder
With musical notes With weather icons With numerical codes
a vessel. It contains a voice recording system for a period of at least the last 12
With vectors and symbols
158 How does ARPA graphically represent target information on the radar display?
Class 3 Class 7 Class 5
Class 1
159 Which class of dangerous goods is primarily associated with explosives?
Class 2 Class 4 Class 6
Class 3
160 In which class would flammable liquids be categorized?
To prevent cross- To speed up the loading To decrease the ship's To reduce the use of
In chemical tankers, what is the primary purpose of using individual pumps and contamination of different
process weight electricity
161 pipelines for each tank? chemicals
Loading the tanks with gas Removing impurities from Maintaining gas pressure
Removing flammable gases to
162 In the context of tanker operations, what does 'gas freeing' mean? make entry safe for personnel cargo gas cargoes inside tanks
Dangerous Goods Declaration Importer's business card Ship's maintenance log Employee lunch schedule
163 Which document is crucial for dangerous cargo shipments?
Only those with high market Only those with low hazard None, as they are all the
All dangerous cargo items
164 Which dangerous cargo items require special care during a voyage? value levels same
165 What hazardous effect can result from damage to flammable cargo? Risk of fire or explosion Enhanced cargo stability Risk of radiation Risk of toxicity
By hazard class and
166 How should cargo segregation be determined? By cargo color By alphabetical order By cargo weight and volume
To ensure a safe oxygen level To cool down the tank's
167 Why is it essential to ventilate tanks after gas freeing and before personnel entry? and no toxic vapors are To test the tank's integrity To pressurize the tank
168to ensure
Before commencing loading on a tanker, which system is typically activated Inert gas system Ballast control system Heating coils Emergency response system
From the Table of Life Saving Signals, can you identify from the following is NOT
169 included on the signals used by a vessel in response to an aircraft engaged in
Hoist International flag “N"
Change the heading to the
required direction
Flash Morse Code signal "T"
by signal lamp
Hoist "Code and Answering"
pendant close up
search and rescue operations the signification Of "Acknowledges receipt of air-
craft's signal? The SART's blips on the PPI The SART's blips on the PPI The SART's blips on the PPI
170 How could you interpret the rescue personnel detect the SART is transmitting will begin arcing and eventually
become concentric
will begin showing rapid
dashes and eventually
Both option 2 and option 3
will begin showing series of
dots and eventually become
in the immediate vicinity?
circles become concentric circles. concentric circles. Electronic
Emergency Position Indicating Electronic Chart Display and Electronic Chart Chart Display and
171 The acronym EPIRB means
Radio Beacon Information Series Development and Information Service Global
172 The acronym GMDSS means Global Maritime Distress and Global Manual Distress and Global Maritime Distress and Maritime Direct and Safety
Safety System Safety System Safety Service System
173 The acronym UTC means Universal Time Co-ordinated Unit Time Co-ordinated Universal Tune Co- Universal Time Conjuction
Search and rescue (SAR) is the Sorting and Respond (SAR)
Search and Research (SAR) Search and Response (SAR)
search for and provision of aid is the manner to arrange
174 What does SAR mean: is the search for something is looking for answers or
to people who are in distress or chronologically the plan of
imminent danger. When your that is missing solutions to problems
actions to be made
vessel is in grave and imminent When you want to test its When you see marine life in
175 When should you activate an EPIRB? When you run out of snacks
danger Broadcast Maritime battery the vicinity
Safety Information Provide Real-Time Satellite Stream Live Music Concerts
176 What is the purpose of NAVTEX (Navigational Telex) in the GMDSS? Deliver Fast Food Orders
Imagery at Sea
177 According to the rules of GMDSS, on behalf of a safe navigation, 16 70 15 87
continuous listening service must be maintained on mariphone
channel__________ International Maritime Oceanographic Research
178 Which organization established the GMDSS to improve maritime safety and Organization
Global Weather Association
Coastal Shipping Authority
179 When wanting to sail the shortest distance between two points on the Earth's Great circle Divide leg Parallel index Renaming route
surface, which type of route should be used in ECDIS?
180 What is the function of ECDIS that lets the user import or bring in custom Load user map Safety check No go areas Set alarm limits
navigation data?
Route planning editor Route file export Safety depth settings Renaming route
181 To make quick adjustments to a route, which ECDIS function should a navigator use?
182 In which scenario would you most likely utilize ECDIS with RADAR overlays for Narrow or restricted areas Open sea Deep ocean Wide lakes
position verification?
183 Which function allows mariners to set safety parameters regarding water depth in
Safety Contour AIS Overlay Chart Orientation Route Planning
Categories of Zone of Categories of Zoom Charted Area Zone of Charted Anchor Zone of
184 What does CATZOC stand for in ECDIS?
Confidence Operation Control Control Confidence
185 Which feature in ECDIS ensures that only data appropriate for a given scale SCAMIN CATZOC Safety Contour Display Filter
is displayed? A triangle A star A square
186 In electronic charts, what symbol typically signifies a lighthouse? A dot with a circle around it
A star A triangle with a dot A plain circle
187 How are submerged rocks typically represented in electronic charts? A circle with a cross inside
Deep water Sandbanks Coral reefs
188 In electronic charts, what does a blue-shaded area commonly signify? Shallow water
heaving yawing rolling
189 A motion of a ship in waves about the ship transverse axis. Pitching
Racetrack 180° turn Anderson
A seaman is reported missing in the morning and was last seen after coming off
190 the mid-watch. Which type of turn would you use to return to the track-line Williamson
steamed during the night? By increasing cargo capacity. By changing the ship's flag. By altering the ship's paint
191 How can a ship captain effectively reduce the turning radius? By decreasing the ship's
speed. color.
192 In which turn does the ship turn 240° from the original course? Scharnow turn Williamson turn Anderson turn Box turn
Draught indicates the ship's Draught determines the Draught determines the
193 What is the significance of "draught" in shiphandling? Draught affects the ship's
maneuverability and turning. age. ship's speed. ship's flag.
194 What is the term for the space between the ship's hull and the sea Under-keel clearance Turning circle Propeller walk effect Deadweight
bottom, important for safe navigation?
Windward Leeward Beam to Wind
195When a ship is heading directly into the wind, which term is used to describe its Head to Wind
position relative to the wind direction?
the vessel is more the wake is less pronounced all of the options
squat will cause a decrease in
196 A common occurrence when a vessel is running into shallow water is that ______. bottom clearance and an
responsive to the rudder
increase in draft
Continue sailing and notify Gather passengers for a Begin discussing the incident
197 After a man overboard incident, what should be the first step in rescue efforts? Mark the person's location and
initiate a rescue operation authorities later safety briefing with the media
The distance traveled in the The distance measured 90 The distance travelled by the Changing the ship's crew.
198 In shiphandling, what is meant by "advance"? direction of the original heading
measured at the point degrees perpendicular ship going astern
which the helm was applied To To set safety standards for To prevent pollution from To set maritime labor
establish minimum training
199 What is the objective of STCW? and certification standards for
ships ships conditions
200 Which IMO pillar focuses on ensuring decent work for seafarers? Maritime Labour Convention
1973 1978 1984
201 When was the SOLAS convention first introduced? 1914
To provide a standardized To regulate ship design To enforce environmental To monitor international
202 What is the main purpose of the ISPS Code Part A? security framework for ships
protection standards trade
and port facilities
It outlines the security
A document declaring the A statement regarding the It’s a certificate of
203 What is the significance of the Declaration of Security (DoS) under the ISPS Code? arrangements between a ship
and a port facility ship's ownership ship’s financial stability environmental compliance
To ensure safety at sea, prevent
human injury or loss of life, and To regulate international To standardize ship design
204 What is the primary objective of the ISM Code? To reduce maritime traffic
avoid damage to the trade routes globally
To declare health conditions on To log daily health routines To declare the type of cargo
205 What is the primary purpose of the Maritime Declaration of Health? To document the ship's route
board to the next port of call of crew members being transported
United Nations Convention for United Nations Code for the United Nations Cover for the United Nations Committee
206 What does UNCLOS stands for
the Law of the Sea Law of the Sea Law of the Sea for the Law of the Sea
The normal level that the ship Establishing restricted areas
207 When the ship is under ISPS Marsec level 1 it means or port facility operates on a A heightened level There is imminent danger in the vicinity of the access
daily basis point
The normal level that the Using surveillance
208 When the ship is under ISPS Marsec level 2 it means A heightened level There is imminent danger
ship equipment to monitor areas
209 When transitioning from automatic to manual mode, what should you Take control of the helm
Increase ship's speed. Inform the coast guard. Check the ship's alarms.
do immediately after disengaging the auto-pilot?
210 When performing a steering change-over, who else on the bridge should be The Officer of the Watch
The ship's cook. The ship's engineer. The cabin crew.
211 What could be a potential outcome if the Echo Sounder malfunctions in shallow or Increased risk of the vessel Faster ship speed.
Improved communication Enhanced weather
unfamiliar waters? running aground. with nearby vessels. prediction.
212 In reduced visibility conditions, such as fog, which navigational tool becomes Radar Speed Log Doppler Log GPS
particularly indispensable?
213If you want to measure the ship's speed relative to the seabed, which equipment Doppler Log Speed Log GPS Radar
would you primarily rely on?
To ensure the charts and
To enhance the system's To modify the ship's To synchronize with the
214 Why is regularly updating the ECDIS system essential? information displayed are up-
speed. aesthetic interface. ship's clock.
In a graphical format, often as
215 How is the information from Weather Fax usually displayed? As a digital animation. Via audio alerts. As text messages.
printed weather maps.
216 What is the primary purpose of the Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm To ensure the alertness of the
officer on watch.
To detect nearby ships.
To communicate with the
To predict weather patterns.
System (BNWAS)? engine room.
Ensuring continuity in
A mere formality without any An opportunity for the officers Only necessary during bad
217 What is the significance of the handover of the navigational watch? understanding and safe
practical significance. to chat. weather.
By clearly delegating By avoiding radio
218 In the context of BRM, how can workload be effectively managed during a responsibilities and ensuring
By having one officer handle
communication to reduce
By decreasing ship speed to
situation with congested traffic and restricted visibility? all tasks. the minimum.
each task is monitored. stress.

219 A useful method of monitoring cross track tendency in both poor and good visibility parallel indexing maneuvering board all of these arpa mapping
is Take corrective measures and Re-do the entire voyage Send a report to the Host a crew meeting to
220During the Monitoring stage of a voyage, what immediate action is vital if the ship adjust the ship's course plan entertainment committee discuss next vacation spots
starts deviating from the planned route?
221 During the voyage plan execution, which system assists in avoiding collisions Automatic Identification System
Ship's entertainment
broadcasting system
Marine fauna identification
Crew member lookout with
in high traffic areas?
222If a ship fails to adhere to a traffic separation scheme, what is a likely Penalties or sanctions from
maritime authorities.
Earning a maritime racing Receiving a discount on
future port fees.
Getting an award for
organizational consequence? badge. innovative navigation.
Re-assess the voyage plan Increase the ship's speed to
223 If unforeseen weather conditions arise during the execution of a voyage plan, and adjust the route if
Continue on the same route
get out of the bad weather
Organize a crew meeting to
what is the recommended action? regardless of weather quickly discuss weather experiences
necessary for safety
To calculate the crew's To create a new cocktail
224 What is the purpose of reviewing tidal and current tables during appraisal? To plan for safe navigation To design a new ship logo
wages menu
225 What publication provides updates to charts and other nautical publications? Notices to Mariners Nautical Almanac List of Lights Sailing Directions (Pilots)

226 When plotting a route on a chart, what indicates specific points the vessel will Way points Margins of safety Abort position Contingency marks
pass through?
227 When two lines of position are used to ascertain the ship's location, which term is used Fix Ranges Running fix positions Vertical sextant angle
to describe the area where they intersect?
228Which publication provides detailed information about the routes to be followed by Routing Charts Sailing Directions (Pilots) International Code of Signals Tide Tables
vessels when navigating in congested waters?
229 The difference between the forward and aft drafts. trim heel list moment
stability at all angles of stability at angles less than stability at angle less than
230 The vertical distance between “G” and “M” of a vessel is used as a measure of __. initial stability
inclination the limit of positive stability the downflooding angle
231 The vessel’s maximum length is called: Length between Length between draft Longitudinal
Length overall
GM is not relevant to tender
232 What is a key characteristic of a tender vessel's metacentric height (GM)? A relatively low value of GM A relatively high value of GM GM fluctuates constantly
233 What is GZ in ship's stability? righting arm upright even keel list

234 What is the formula for calculating the volume (V) of a vessel using the V = Cb x L x B x D V = Cb / L / B / D V = Cb + L + B + D V = Cb - L - B - D
block coefficient (Cb)?
To accurately determine the To assess passenger To estimate engine
235 What is the primary purpose of the inclining experiment formula? To calculate cargo weight
ship's center of gravity occupancy performance
236 What term is commonly used to describe the gradual tilting of a ship to one List Heel Roll Pitch
side due to cargo loading?
237 What term is used to describe the virtual reduction in GM caused by the free Virtual Loss of GM Virtual Gain of GM Virtual Stability Effect Virtual Metacentric Height
surface effect of liquids?
238Which formula is used to calculate the area under the curve representing a ship's Simpson's First Rule GM Formula
Inclining Experiment
TPC Formula
waterplane using a series of ordinates? Formula

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