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Taimur Hassan Sarmad

  THSort  +92 3211043091

Lahore University of Management Sciences Lahore, PK
BS in Computer Science | CGPA: 3.8 Expected Graduation: May 2023

Lahore University of Management Sciences Lahore, PK
Student Researcher + Teaching Assistant Jan 2022 – Present
○ Determined and evaluated methods to approach zero-shot learning keyword spotting models with a small
digital footprint that can be used with Urdu audio. Currently involved in a project to measure the impact
of social media interventions against susceptibility to political misinformation amongst individuals with a
low digital literacy.
○ Designed and developed programming assignments of various complexities along with their solutions, and
approved course project ideas and guided students through them with weekly progress meetings for courses
on Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Systems and Operating Systems.
Al Nafi Remote
Full Stack Developer Intern Sept 2022 - Nov 2022
○ Developed several decentralized applications using React and Solidity.
○ Deployed smart contracts on the Ropsten Ethereum blockchain network.
○ Documented and reviewed code on a weekly basis.
Educative Lahore, PK
Answers Intern June 2022 – Aug 2022
○ Created and reviewed technical content on various topics such as Data Structures, Algorithms, Full-Stack
Development, AI/ML/DL, Cyber-Security, UI/UX Design, Data Science and Blockchain.
○ Integrated well-commented code within Answers along with customized test-cases with Docker.

Ishaara (Group Leader) CS466 - Human-Computer Interaction
○ Organized the workflow for a semester long research project involving user research, product designing and
usability testing.
○ Designed a gamified e-learning application designed to teach children sign-language, and developed a hi-
fidelity prototype in Figma.
Khushposh Online (Group Leader) CS360 - Software Engineering
○ A MERN Stack application built as an online ecommerce platform for our client - KhushPosh.
Speech Recognition Models (Group Member) CS535 - Machine Learning
○ Multiple Machine Learning models (Logistic Regression, SVMs, Neural Networks) were employed to cate-
gorize human speech into one of ’English’, ’Urdu’ and ’Mixed’. The logistic regression model was built from
scratch, while the rest were implemented using the scikit-learn library in python.
Multi-layered Neural Network for image classification (Group Member) CS331 - Intro to AI
○ A NumPy based multi-layered neural network which was trained on the Fashion MNIST dataset, attaining
a testing accuracy of 86%.
BUMP (Group Member) CS340 - Databases
○ A MERN Stack and SQL based matchmaking application, exclusive to the LUMS community.
Python Web Scrapper (Individual) Self learning
○ A python based bot that parses e-commerce websites and extracts items satisfying the given parameters,
using the Beautiful Soup library.
○ Programming Languages: Python (scikit-learn, pandas, keras, requests, NumPY, beautifulSoup4), Flask,
C, C++, HTML/CSS, Javascript (React, NodeJS).
○ University of Waterloo, CEMC Euclid Contest School Winner and Top 25% Contestant worldwide (2019).
○ Placed on the Dean’s Honor List in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
○ Certificates: NVIDIA DLI Certificate - Fundamentals of Deep Learning, Using Python to Access Web Data
- University of Michigan.
○ Fluent in Urdu and English, conversational in Arabic, learning Spanish.

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