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Training Manual English FAL –Summary Writing pg. 1


Welcome to the Programme! We are excited that you have chosen to impact on
learners’ academic lives in a positive way. Our focus this day will be on summary.

What is a summary?

Summary is a short account of the central ideas of a (long) text. The teaching of
summary enables learners to discern the most important ideas in a text and to
ignore irrelevant information. Furthermore, the teaching of summary helps
learners to remember the salient points in text given.

Summarisation strategies can be used in almost every content area Accessed 28 April 2021].
In essence learning to summarise helps learners to identify essential ideas in a
text and to consolidate important details that support those ideas. Summarising
is a skill that assists learner to focus on key words and phrases worth noting and
remembering. Learners are taught to shorten a text skilfully even beyond the

This manual aims to outline the summarising processes to follow when teaching
summary writing.

Thank you for joining this necessary and exciting programme. Your efforts and
inputs are valued. We look forward to working with you!

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing


1. Overview of the Programme

2. Purpose

3. Outcomes
3.1 Definition of a summary.
3.2 Summarising a text.
3.3 Marking a summary accurately.

4. Pre-training test and activities

5. Post-training test

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing

1. Overview of the programme

The primary aim of this programme is to improve the classroom practice among the
Grade 12 teachers in the teaching of a summary. The skills, knowledge and values
(SKVS) gained will hopefully impact positively on learners’ ability to summarise texts
successfully. Participants should, at the end of the programme, be able to effectively
apply the knowledge acquired in the teaching and marking of the summary.

2. Purpose

To equip participants with skills, knowledge and values in the teaching of summary

3. Outcomes

At the end of the programme, teachers should be able to

 Define a summary.

 Summarise a text.

 Mark a summary accurately.

4. Pre- training test Duration: 10 minutes

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing


Definition of a summary Duration: 10 minutes

(a) Instructions
In groups of 4, participants will define a summary and the its purpose.

(b) Report back Duration:10 minutes

Participants’ responses.

(c) Consolidation [Power point presentation Duration: 10 minutes


Summarising a text (Peer and individual activity) Duration: 15 minutes

Distribution of a text to be summarised.
(a) Instructions

 In pairs, read and discuss all the instructions to be followed when summarising a
 Copy the words written in bold as a heading for your summary. (Do not copy the
 Read the text.
 Individually, summarise the text as per given instructions.

(b) Feedback Duration: 10 minutes

Participants’ responses

 (c) Consolidation [Power point presentation] Duration: 10 minutes

 The facilitator consolidates by summarising the participants’ responses based on
the text.

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing


Marking of a summary: Peer assessment Duration: 10 minutes

(a) Instructions

 exchange individual work.

 Use the summary marking guidelines as prescribed by DBE to mark.

(b) Report back Duration: 10 minutes

Participants’ responses

(b) Consolidation [Power point presentation] Duration : 15 minutes

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing

Overall Consolidation – Marking guidelines

The summary should be marked as follows:

Mark allocation:
o 7 marks for 7 points (1 mark per main point)
o 3 marks for language.
o Total marks 10
Distribution of language marks when candidate has not quoted verbatim:
o 1 – 3 points correct: award 1 mark
o 4 – 5 points correct: award 2 marks
o 6 – 7 points correct: award 3 marks
o 6 – 7 quotes: award no language mark
o 1 – 5 quotes: award 1 language mark
Word count:
o Markers are required to verify the number of words used.
o Do not deduct any marks if the candidate fails to indicate number of words used, or if
the number of words is indicated incorrectly.
o If the word limit is exceeded, read up to the last sentence above the stipulated upper
limit and ignore the rest of the summary.

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing



phrase the facts differently)
‘Therefore, refrain from using devices like 1 Avoid using devices that emit blue light
smart phones Summary marking before bedtime.
guidelinebefore bed’
‘Bathing or showering raises your body 2 Take a bath/Have a shower.
Summary temperature. Immediately
thereafter, your temperature will drop
sending a signal to your brain that you are
ready to sleep’
‘Keep a notepad and, before sleeping, 3 Make a note of what is worrying
make a list of what is on your mind or a list you. /Compile a to- do list (of tasks).
of things to do’
‘Do not consume caffeinated drinks before 4 Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages
bedtime’. before sleeping.
‘Fool your body into thinking that you are 5 Make your body believe that it is tired.
tired by letting your eyes droop and your
arms and legs feel heavy.’
‘When you experience difficulty falling 6 Listen to calming/soft music.
asleep, choose calming music and fall
asleep with it playing softly in the
‘Taking deep breaths will relax you and Take deep breaths (to relieve anxiety
make you sleep.’ before bed)

‘If you are awake for more than twenty Take deep breaths (to relieve anxiety
minutes during the night, get out of bed and before bed)
engage in a less demanding activity, such
as colouring a book.’

4. Post training test Duration: 10 minutes

Facilitator’s Training Manual English FAL – Summary Writing

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