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Individuals and Societies

1. Unit 2: What are Natural hazards and how do societies
respond to them?
(pg 32-59)
2. Unit 3: How can technologies affect our identities and
relationships? (pg 60-77 )
3. Unit 5: What is culture? (pg 106-127)
Assessment Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding [10 Marks]

Q1. Write your understanding of the term Plate tectonic, and state the types of movements. [3

Plate tectonics:

Plate tectonics is the theory that the Earth’s crust is made of many plate-like pieces that fit
together like a jigsaw puzzle. It states that they are constantly in motion due to convection
current in the mantle of the earth. There are three types of movements: Convergent, Divergent,
Q2. List the three ways disasters affect the identities of societies?
[3 Marks].
Ans. Three ways in which disasters infiltrate a society’s identity are:
1. Arts,
2. Religion and
3. Tourism.

Q3. Discuss different types of responses to a natural disaster [4 Marks]

There are three types of responses: Short-term, mid-term, and long term. Short term responses
include rescue operations, especially for people stuck under the rubble. Also providing shelter,
food and water for people affected. Mid-term responses are fixing water supplies, gas supplies,
and getting the electricity back up. Long term will include getting medical/financial aid from the
international community if needed.
Assessment Criterion B: Investigating [10 Marks]

Q4. Read the Statement of Inquiry (SOI) given below:

SOI: Culture forms a part of our shared identity with others, is often dependent on time, place
and space, and can be expressed in many ways..

a) Formulate a clear and focused research question to investigate the statement of inquiry
[1 Mark]

Instructions: In this question, please select 4-5 important words from the SOI and then make a
research question from those words.

Research Question:

In what ways is cultural expression dependent on time, space and place?

b) Describe your action plan to investigate your research question. [3 Marks]

First, I will open a search engine in my web browser. I will type in my RQ. Next, I will scroll
through the results and identify an authentic site that answers my research question. Then, I will
skim through it and gather relevant information. After that I will rewrite it into my own words,
remembering to cite my work. Lastly, I will check for spelling mistakes and submit it.

c) State your method of investigation for your research question. [1 Mark]


d) List one source you would use to investigate your research question. [1 Mark]

Reference books on the topic

e) Explain how this method and source will lead to a successful investigation of the research

question. [2 Marks]

I will extract all relevant data, making sure I cover all sides, giving an unbiased review and form
a conclusion and answer successfully.

f) What do you think the conclusion or result of your research will be? Will the SOI hold true or

not? [2 Marks]

Yes, I think it will, because the culture of a given space/place has always varied depending on
what time period we discuss. So, it will be easy to determine the ways it depends on time, such
as the level of tech available etc.
Assessment Criterion C: Communicating [10 Marks]

Note: In this criteria, please note that you are being assessed not on your knowledge, but
that of how you communicate your ideas, clearly, whether you are able to organize them
effectively and if you have listed the source of information following instructions of the

Q5. Artificial intelligence is the future of technology.

a) State an example of how AI is used in education. [1 Mark]

ChatGPT and Open AI are being used by students to assist in assignments.

b) List three ways technology is used in war. [3 Marks]

1. Computerized attack missiles
2. War simulations
3. Drones
c) Describe how society was affected by the internet . [4 marks]

Before the internet, all societies were individual, and had only an understanding of each other.
Now, the internet has sped up the process of globalization and connected everyone together,
especially social media. The Internet is used for all forms of communication, to do all types of
tasks, such gaming, education, work, healthcare etc.

d) Write a response to this debatable statement. Cover both sides of the argument in the response,
looking at the different types of relationships affected, such as social, economic and political.
[4 Marks]

“Computers have become a major source of entertainment for people. However, a serious
concern is that it is becoming addictive, especially gaming. ”

Computers are being exceedingly used to access many different forms of entertainment, such as
online gaming, social media, and movies, as it can be portable and convenient for a single
person, but also can be used by a group of people.

However, gaming is becoming a concern for people, especially for parents of teenagers/young
adults. They are spending too much time on playing games, and neglecting other responsibilities.
In conclusion, computers have become increasingly addictive, and screen time needs to be
regulated to curb the negative effects. There are enough options of entertainment online (social
media, netflix etc) to enrapture a mind indefinitely.
Assessment Criterion D: Critical Thinking [10 Marks]

Q6. Multicultural societies exist all over the world.

a) Do you think you live in a multicultural society? Explain why. [3 Mark]

Yes, I think I do live in a multicultural society because all my friends and neighbours have
different cultural backgrounds and expressions. Some have foreign passports, some have
different languages, and they have varied expressions of their cultures
b) What are challenges affecting culture and its effect on identity? [3 Marks]

Due to globalization, the lines between cultures are blurring and cultures are losing their
uniqueness to absorb people from different ways of life. Traditions are not as strictly followed as
they once were. Therefore cultural identities are also becoming less distinct.

c) Is it possible to define culture? Discuss. [4 Marks]

Culture is any part of your identity that is shared with a group of people. Culture has many ways
of expression, and many types of identities that affect the group. So, as long as you have some
defined rules that some people are willingly following, you can have a cultural identity.
Language, interests, gender, ethnicity are all examples in which it is possible to identify cultural

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