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2.1 Problem solving

The computer is created to solve problems, primarily mathematical problems. It is developed to

mimic the working of human brain. Human brain is amazing as it can perform lot of different tasks
quickly as well as simultaneously like controlling your heart rate, breathing etc. A computer being
an electronic device can work faster than a human brain however it cannot mimic the simultaneous
working nature of it. To let the computer solve tasks like a human brain, it first needs to be divided
into smaller steps and that’s what an algorithm is.

“Algorithms are sets of step-by-step instructions for the computer to follow. They are at the heart
of all computer programs.”

Let’s take an example of a real-life problem and see how we can break it into a series of simple

You can think of an algorithm as similar to a food recipe. If you make a sandwich, you follow a set of
steps to put the different ingredients together. You bring ingredients together, assemble them as
you like, and produce a final product - the sandwich. If you were asked to write down instructions
to make a sandwich, you could create a written algorithm.

Within your sandwich algorithm you would need to specify:

 inputs - ingredients and quantities

 the process - recipe or method
 output - what the finished sandwich will be like

A problem can have many possible solutions and each will be considered correct until you are
getting the right result i.e. in the above example; A single problem can have many possible solutions
i.e. . Algorithms.

Use of Algorithms:

Algorithms are used in all areas of computing. Examples include:

 PageRank - Google's search engine uses a highly effective algorithm called PageRank to
find the best matches for search terms.
 Weather forecasting - the Met Office uses weather forecasting algorithms to model
weather patterns and make predictions.

Algorithms are a great way of automating computer decisions.

Designing an Algorithm

When designing an algorithm, you need to assess how complex it could be. With a food recipe, a
simple command like 'spread butter on bread' could be made much more detailed. For example:

1. Remove lid from butter tub and place to one side.

2. Place 5 grams of butter on the tip of the knife.
3. Position the tip of the knife on the upwards side of the slice of bread with the
butter between the knife and the bread.
4. Move the knife backwards and forwards in a sweeping motion across the bread to spread
it at an even thickness.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 until one side of the slice of bread is evenly coated with butter.
6. Remove any excess butter from the tip of the knife.

Algorithms have values that can be constant or variable. These values are stored in a memory
location and can be changed, depending on the output that is needed. For example, the main
content for a sandwich could be cheese or jam. In this case 'main ingredient' would be a value
which is variable. You could require one sandwich or 57 sandwiches. This would be another
Overview Of Pseudocode Constructs

Introduction to Pseudocode

No specific programming language is referred to; development of algorithms using pseudocode

uses generic descriptions of looping, branching, data manipulation, input/output, totaling and
counting techniques.

Programs and Data

The main purpose of computer programs is to collect and process data. A computer can change
what it does depending on the data that it has to work with. The data that is used in a program is
referred to as the data values.

Data Types

Following the common data types that are used in pseudocode when declaring variables, constants
and arrays. Some data types can be referred with more than one name; alternative names are also

1. INTEGER: Data type to hold whole numbers i.e. numbers without decimal value. It contains
both positive and negative numbers

Example: 56 , 27 , -25
Use: Mainly used for counting, whole number addition/subtraction etc.

2. FLOAT / REAL: Data type to hold floating point numbers i.e. numbers with decimal value.
It contains both positive and negative decimal numbers

Example: 72.84 , 0.014 , -12.85

Use: Mainly used for money, weight, height, temperature etc.

3. CHAR: Data type to hold a “single” alphanumeric character.

Example: R , K , s
Use: Mainly used for codes like T or F (True/False), M or F(male/female) etc.

4. STRING: Data type to hold alphanumeric characters. It includes all printable characters
including alphabets, numbers, special symbols and punctuation marks.

Example: Google , CIE2016 , R@N#

Use: Mainly used for names, address etc.

Sir My
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Declaration is a way to tell the computer that you are going to use a particular variable so it should
reserve specific memory to it as well as label it with the name that you give in the declaration. It is
required for variables, constants and arrays and is mostly done at the start of pseudocode,
however it is not compulsory and we can declare them anywhere in our pseudocode but beware
that declaration should always be before the use of variable, constant or array.

VARIABLES: Declare variable_name AS data_type

variable_name is the name of variable. It can be anything but should be meaningful and signify the
purpose. Variable names should start with an alphabet. 4num is not a valid variable name since it
starts with a number.
data_type is the data type of variable. It could be integer, float, char or string.

 Declare student name AS String
 Declare height AS Float

CONSTANT: CONST constant_name  Value AS datatype

constant_name is the name of constant. It can be anything but should be meaningful and signify
the purpose. Constant names should start with an alphabet. 4num is not a valid variable name since
it starts with a number.
data_type is the data type of variable. It could be integer, float, char or string. Value is the fixed
value assigned to variable which will not be changed afterwards in pseudocode or flowchart


 CONST pi  3.141 AS Float

 CONST color  “Red” AS String

Note: Constant’s value is assigned directly in the declaration. Its value can be read but cannot be
changed later on.

Page # 5


Declare array_name [1:max] AS datatype

Declare array_name [max] AS datatype

array_name is the name of array. It can be anything but should be meaningful and signify the
purpose. Array names should start with an alphabet. 4num is not a valid array name since it starts
with a number.

datatype is the data type of array. It could be integer, float, char or string. max is the size of an
array. It is the number of elements in an array.


 Declare marks [1:10] AS Integer

 Declare father names [50] AS String

Note: An array’s index number cannot be a floating point value nor it can be negative value. It can
only be a positive integer value.


Assignment is the process of writing a value into a variable (a named memory location).

For example, Count ← 1 can be read as “Count is assigned the value 1‟, “Count is made equal to 1‟
or “Count becomes 1‟. Another way of indicating assignment is a pseudocode statement such as:

Set Swapped to False


If an algorithm needs to read the value of a variable before it assigns input data or a calculated
value to the variable, the algorithm should assign an appropriate initial value to the variable, known
as Initialization.


We indicate input by words such as INPUT, READ or ENTER, followed by the name of a variable to
which we wish to assign the input value.

 INPUT name
 INPUT name, father_name, age
 Input class [6]

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We indicate output by words such as OUTPUT, WRITE or PRINT, followed by a comma separated list
of expressions.

 PRINT name
 PRINT class [6]
 PRINT name, father_name, age


Decision making or branching is a way to direct the flow of

pseudocode depending upon a particular condition. We can
use these constructs to check for a condition and
depending upon the result, can either do something or not.
There are 2 constructs for decision making in
pseudocode; CASE-OF and IF-THEN.
IF-THEN have 2 variations; one which checks single condition
and the other which can check against a series of conditions.
Both have slight differences in their syntax and are explained

IF statements

IF statements may or may not have an ELSE IF clause. IF

statements without an ELSE IF clause is written as follows:

<statements if true>

IF statements with an else clause is written as follows:

IF <condition>THEN
<statements if true>
<statements if false>


IF Number>Largest
THEN Largest 
Number ENDIF

Note: THEN and ELSE clauses are only indented by two spaces. (They are, in a sense, a continuation
of the IF statement rather than separate statements). When IF statements are nested, the nesting
should continue the indentation of two spaces. In particular, run-on THENIF and ELSE IF lines
should be avoided.

Page # 7
CASE Statements:

CASE statements allow one out of several branches of code to be executed, depending on the
value of a variable. CASE statements are written as follows:

CASE OF<identifier>
<value 1> : <statement>
<value 2> : <statement>

An OTHERWISE clause can be the last case:

CASE OF <identifier>
<value 1> : <statement>
<value 2> : <statement>


INPUT ItemType

CASE OF ItemType
CD  CD + 1
DVD  DVD + 1
Video  Video + 1
Book  Book + 1


Page # 8

Looping or iteration is the process of repeating sections of a program depending upon a particular
condition (condition based) to achieve a particular target or goal.

Computer programs can use different types of loops:

 count-controlled loops - repeat a set amount of times

 condition-controlled loops – while/repeat until something happens

Count-Controlled Loop

Count-controlled loops are used to make a computer do the same thing a specific number of times.
The count-controlled loop can be described as a FOR loop. The program repeats the action FOR a
number of times.


FOR counting  1 to 75
PRINT “This will be printed 75 times”
NEXT counting

Condition-Controlled Loops

A program could be made more intelligent by programming it to avoid hazards. For example, if
the robot vehicle is 3 cm from the edge of the table and you tell it to move forwards 5 cm, it will
drive off the edge of the table. To stop this from happening, you might write a condition-
controlled loop like this:
While Loop

Condition-controlled loops are also called WHILE loops or WHILE-ENDWHILE statements. A WHILE
loop code is repeated based on a certain condition. The condition could be 'true' or 'false'. The
WHILE loop executes while a condition is true. Whether the condition is met or not is checked at
the beginning of the loop. If the condition is 'true' it repeats, if not then the code is not executed.

For example, to stop the robot from driving off the

edge of a table, you might write a WHILE loop like this:

Move forward WHILE I am not touching the table edge


WHILE weight > 100

PRINT “You are
overweight” END WHILE

Differences between For-Next, While & Repeat-Until


Repeat statements fixed Repeats statements when Repeats statements when
number of times condition is true condition if false

No condition checking Checks condition at the start Checks condition at the end
of loop of loop

Following are the basic arithmetic operators that allow us to perform different types of
mathematical calculations in our flowchart/pseudocode.

Arithmetic operators

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
mod Remainder
← Assignment operator. Used to assign values to

Care should be taken with the division operation: the resulting value should be of data type REAL,
even if the operands are integers.

The integer division operators MOD and DIV can be used. However, their use should be explained
explicitly and not assumed. INT function is also used in algorithm.

Logical Operators

Comparison operators allows us to compare different values.

> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to

The only logic operators (also called relational operators) used are AND, OR and NOT. The operands
and results of these operations are always of data type BOOLEAN.
FORMAT 1 To Solve Problems Having Fixed Iterations (loops) using FOR NEXT Loop.

Hi Guys, the whole idea about learning ‘The Formats’ is that so students can look into problem
solving questions and correlate it with the correct format. Students can then have a clear picture
that where to INPUT, where to close the loop (Put NEXT, End While or Until) and where to calculate
Average, OUTPUT extreme values variable etc.

Format 1

For count = 1 to N
Counting with Decision (count2 = count2 +1)
Output with Decision
Extreme values
Totaling (total = total +.............)
Average = total/N
Percentage = (count2/N)*100
Output average
Output percentage

Q 1 Write an algorithm, using pseudo code, which inputs the speed for 500 cars, and then outputs:
• the final speed for ALL 500 cars
• the slowest (lowest) final speed
• the fastest (highest) final speed
• the average final speed for all the cars
A school is doing a check on the heights and weights of all its students. The school has 1000 students. Write an
algorithm, using pseudo code, which
• inputs the height and weight of all 1000 students
• outputs the average (mean) height and weight

(a) Write an algorithm, using pseudo code, which:
• inputs 50 numbers
• outputs how many of the numbers were > 100
(b) Write an algorithm, using pseudo code, which:
• inputs 100 numbers
• finds the average of the input numbers Outputs the average

We already know that the Format 1 is for the problems which need to be iterated (looped) for some
definite number of times, and we can simply figure that out by looking at the problem. Now, what if
we are told to do the same problems with other two remaining kind of loops (‘WHILE ENDWHILE’ &
‘REPEAT UNTILL’) instead of using (‘FOR NEXT’) loop. Firstly, as we have done in Format 1. We’ll
revise ‘Format 2’ and ‘Format 3’.
Solving Problems having fix number of inputs but using While – EndWhile Looping Structure.

Format 2

Initialization (C 1)
While ( C <= N )
Totaling (total  total +.............)
Counting with decision (count count +1)
Output with Decision
Extreme values
C C + 1
Average  total/N
Percentage  (C1/C2)*100
Output average
Output percentage
Solving Questions Having Fixed Number of Inputs Using Repeat Until Looping Structure.

Format 3


Initialization ( C  1 )



Totaling (total  total +............)

Counting with decision (count count +1)

Output with Decision
Extreme values


Until (C = N) Average  total/N

Percentage (count/N)*100 Output average

Output percentage


Q 5 Solve the Following Problem Using ‘Repeat Until’ Loop.

A small airport handles 400 flights per day from three airlines: FASTAIR (code FA)


(code SJ)


(code KA)

Each flight is identified by the airline code and 3 digits. For example FA 156.

Write an algorithm, using pseudocode or otherwise, which monitors the 400 flights into and out of
the airport each day. The following inputs, processing and outputs are all part of the monitoring
• input flight identification
• calculate number of flights per day for each of the three airlines
• output the percentage of the total flights per day by each airline Any validation checks must
be included

Hint [input flight code and flight number separately, for example, (Input Flight_code, Input
Flight_Number), and then apply check on flight codes to count number of flights for each airlines.
For example ( if Flight_code = ‘FA’ then count_FA = count_FA + 1)

Format 2 (Condition Based)

Input Var
While (Var <> Condition)
Totaling (total <- total +
Counting with decision (count count +1)
Output with Decision
Extreme values
C  C + 1 ( counting the number of iterations as we don’t know the value of N here )
Input Var
Average <-
Percentage <- (C1/C)*100
Output average
Output percentage
Format 3 (Condition Based)

Totaling (total <- total +.............)
Counting with decision (count count +1)
Output with Decision
Extreme values
C  C + 1 ( counting the number of iterations as we don’t know the value of N here )
Input Var
Until (Var = condition)
Average <- total/C
Percentage <- (C1/C)*100
Output average
Output percentage

Now, solve these Problems given below all by yourself with the Help of Format 2 (Condition Based).


Q 7 Write an algorithm, using pseudo code or a flowchart, which

• inputs a set of positive numbers (which end with -1)

• outputs the average (mean) value of the input numbers outputs the value of the largest
• (highest) number input
Q1 (M AY
Read this section of program /J
code thatUNE
output the smallest number input.
should input 10 positive numbers and then

1. Small = 0
2. Counter = 0
4. INPUT Num
5. IF Num < small THEN Num = small
6. Counter = Counter + 1
7. PRINT Small
8. UNTIL Counter < 10

There are four errors in this code.

Locate these errors and suggest a corrected piece of code for each error.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………… ………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………… ………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………… ………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Q2 Read this section of program code that should input 30 positive numbers and then
output the largest number input.
1. Large = 9999
2. Counter = 0
3. WHILE Counter > 30
4. DO
5. INPUT Num
6. IF Num < Large THEN Large = Num
7. Counter = Counter - 1
9. PRINT Large
There are four errors in this code.

Locate these errors and suggest a correct piece of code for each error.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………


a. Write an algorithm, using pseudocode and a FOR … TO … NEXT loop
structure, to input 1000 numbers into an array.










b. Rewrite your algorithm using another loop structure.









Q4 (M
Read this section of program code that
smallest number input.
AYinputs UNE
10 numbers and then outputs the

1. Small = 1000
2. Counter = 0
4. INPUT Num
5. IF Num < Small THEN Small = Num
6. Counter = Counter + 1
7. UNTIL Counter = 10
8. PRINT Small

a. Identify three changes you would need to make to find the largest number input
instead of the smallest number.
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………


2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………


b. Rewrite the program code with your changes.










Q5 REPEAT…UNTIL is one type of loop structure.

Identify and describe two other types of loop structure that you could use when writing

Loop structure 1………………………………………………………………………………



Loop structure 2 ……………………………………………………………………..............


…..…………………… …………………………………………………………………… [4]

Q6 Read this section of program code that inputs 10 positive numbers and then outputs the total.

1. Total = 0
2. Counter = 0
4. INPUT Num
5. Total = Total + Num
6. PRINT Total
7. Counter = Counter + 1
8. UNTIL Counter = 10
This code works, but it is inefficient.

a. Suggest three improvements that could be made.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………


b. Rewrite the program code with your improvements.












Q7 A programmer writes a program to store a patient’s temperature every hour for a day.
State the data structure that would be most suitable to use and give the reason for your

Data structure ………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

Q8 Identify two different selection statements that you can use when writing
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………… ……………………………………………………………………[2]

Q9 (O /Nov 2016)
CTcode that inputs positive numbers discards any
Read this section of program
negative numbers and then outputs the average. An input of zero ends the

1. Total = 0
2. Counter = 100
5. INPUT Num
6. UNTIL Num<0
7. Total = Total + 1
8. Counter = Counter + Num
9. UNTIL Num=0
10. Average = Total / (Counter – 1)
11. Print Average

There are four errors in this code.

Locate these errors and suggest a correction to remove each error.

Error 1 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ………………………………………………………………………………
Error 2 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ………………………………………………………………………………
Error 3 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ………………………………………………………………………………
Error 4 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………. [8]


different conditional statements that you can use when writing pseudocode.
Explain, using examples, why you would choose to use statement. each conditional

Example 1………… ………………………………………………………………

Reason of choice..…………………………..…………………………………………
Q 11 Read this section of program code that:
✓ Input 10 numbers
✓ Checks whether each number is within a specified range.
✓ Totals the numbers within range and outside the range.

1. InRange = 0
2. OutRange = 1000
3. FOR Count = 1 TO 10
4. INPUT Num
5. IF Num>10 AND Num<20 THEN InRange= InRange+1
6. ELSE OutRange=OutRange-1
7. Count=Count+1
9. PRINT InRange, OutRange

a. There are four errors in this code.

Locate these errors and suggest a correction to remove each error.

Error 1 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ……………………………………………………………………………
Error 2 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ……………………………………………………………………………
rror 3 …………………………………………………………………………………
Correction ……………………………………………………………………………
Error 4 …………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………. [4]
b. Decide, with reasons, whether the numbers 10 and 20 are within or outside the

Within Outside
range range Reason
✓ ✓




Q 12 REPEAT …UNTIL and WHILE…Do…ENDWHILE are two different loop

structures you can use when writing pseudocode. (Oct/Nov2016)
Explain, using examples, why you would become choose to use each type of loop.
Example 1………… …………………………………………………………………
Reason for choice ……………………………………………………………….........
Example 2 ……………………………………………………………………...........
Reason for choice …………………………………………………………………...



Q 13 This section of program code asks for 50 numbers to be entered. The total and average of the
numbers are calculated.

1. Total = 0
2. Counter = 0
3. PRINT ‘When prompted, enter 50 numbers, one at a time ’
5. PRINT ‘Enter a number’
6. INPUT Number
7. Total + Number = Total
8. Number = Number + 1
9. UNTIL Counter = 50
10. Average = Number * Counter
11. PRINT ‘The average of the numbers you entered is’,Average

a. There are four errors in the code.

State the line number for each error and write the code for that line. Error
1 Line number …………………
Correct Code……………………………………………………………………..

Error 2 Line number …………………

Correct Code ……………………………………………………………………..

Error 3 Line number …………………

Correct Code ………………………………………………………………………..

Error 4 Line number …………………

Correct Code.............................................................................................................[4]

b. Describe the purpose of each statement in the algorithm.

FOR I 🡨 1 TO 300
c. Identify, using pseudocode, another loop structure that the algorithm in part
acould have used.

……………………………………………………...……………………………….. [1]
Q 14 Write an algorithm, using pseudocode, to input a number between 0 to 100 inclusive.
The algorithm should prompt for the input and output error message if the number is
outside this range.


Q 15 Write an algorithm to input three different numbers, and then output the largest number. Use
eitherpseudocode or a flowchart.

Q 16 An algorithm has been written in pseudocode to input 100 numbers and print out the
sum. A REPEAT…UNTIL loop has been used.

1. Count 🡨 0
2. Sum 🡨 0
4. INPUT Number
5. Sum 🡨 Sum +
6. Count 🡨 Count + 1
7. UNTIL Count > 100
8. PRINT sum
a. Find the error in the pseudocode and suggest a correction.

……..………………………………………………………………………………. [2]
b. Rewrite the correct algorithm using a more suitable loop structure.

Q 17

Q 18

Q 19
Q 20

Q 21

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