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Teaching Manual

Subject : English
Learning objectives
 Learners talk about self and others using phrases such as “I
am….”, “You are ……”.
 Read, identify and write their names
 Read words like bus, car, jeep, book, pen, This, is, etc.
 Write words like bus, car, this, etc.

Language elements : I am….., You are …….This is ….., on,

who? What..?
TLMs : Crayons, Name cards/ID cards, Name charts of students,
Your ID card, Display of page 7 of “Beehive” Activity Book
Process Response
Teacher greets the learners. Teacher’s self assessment
How far was my greeting
Hi, dears, Good morning! effective?
Welcome to our school.
Who is Arathi?
( possibly Arathy will respond)
Were the students able to
Very good! respond?
You are Arathy, right?
And who is Anu?
Anu is here (touching her)
And you? (aim at some one
And who is that ,on the last
bench? With a blue dress?
What is your name?
Oh!She is Linu!
Note teacher has knowingly or
Could I elicit response from all
unknowingly introduced some
Begin the following interaction.
You are Anu
You are Arathy,
She is Linu
Place your hand on your chest
and say
I am Sunitha.
Now you can wear an ID card
on which it is visibly written
Supply name cards (ID cards
prepared well in advance)
Help them wear them.
While you help, keep on talking. Learner assessment
What is your name dear? How many students were able to
respond to my question, “what is
You are Hari.
your name?”
I am Sunitha!

You can even sing it as a song

“ I am suni, you are Hari,

We are good friends”
How many students were able to
say “I am …….., you are……?”
“You are Faisal,
I am Suni
We are good friends” Names of the students who were
able to say “I am …..? “You
are ….?”
Encourage children to make
similar lines and sing it with
their friends.
Make the children stand in a
circle. Provide a ball or a pen to
pass around.
Play music. When the music
stops, the child holding the ball
or pen must say, "I
Then, they pass the ball or pen
to their neighbour, saying,
"You are…..."

Interaction for the Game

Dears, lets play a game. It’s a
simple game.
Stand in a circle.( help them
physically to form a circle) Teacher’s self assessment
Ajay, take this ball. Could I give proper instruction to
Now pass it to Gilna. facilitate the game to engage all
Gilna, pass it to Tom.
Now I’m playing some music.
Pass the ball. Don’t stop.
When I stop the music, you also
(Use Mother tongue if needed to
give instruction)
Give a trial.
Play music, stop it unexpectedly
and say
Arun has the ball now.
Arun, please say “ I am Arun’
Good! Give a clap.
Arun, pass it to Gilu.
Say ‘you are Gilu.’

Stop the game just before the

spirit is lost.

Note: Video graph the game.

Where am I?
Display charts with their names.
Please do not write more than
ten names on a chart.
Be sure the names are in
alphabetical order. Have I displayed the chart with
the names of all students?

Let children find out their names

on the chart comparing to their
ID cards.
Learners assessment
( unknowingly video graph their
effort to read the charts)
Names of the learners who could
find out their names on the
Look, your names are there. chart.
Go and find out
Listen dears
You have your cards with you.
Cant you read it?
Help them read it out. Names of the children who could
write their names on the space
provided in their activity book,
You are si -ra- j “Beehive” (Page 7)
You are ha- ri
You are fa-thi-ma
Lead them to the charts. Name of the children who find it
Let them find out their names difficult to write their names?
and try writing it on the first
page of their note book.

Teachers assessment
After this Let them copy their
name on the space provided on Did I succeed in making them
write their names?
page no …………in their book,
’Beehive’ (page 7 in the DRAFT What kind of support did I give
COPY) to the learners who struggle to
write their names?

Drawing and guessing.

Dears I am going to draw some
thing on the black board.
Guess and say what it is.
Keep on interacting,
acknowledging their answers,
passing it to fellows, and so on
What kind of support do I give
the learners who find it difficult
to write their names?
Draw a line.
Hari, make a guess, what is it? Could I draw and facilitate the
process of guessing by my
( children may come up with
answers. If they are saying it in
mother tongue, accept, translate
and megaphone.
‘A line ? Oh sorry, it is not a
Hari says it is a line.
Learners assessment
Fida, what do you say?
Do you agree?
Names of students who could
Common , let me add more guess and say what the picture is
Add more to the line :
It is not a line! Is it?
Then what is it?
Miya, what do you say?
At some point all the children
will understand that you are
drawing a bus.
Then you can say aloud
‘This is a bus!’
Perhaps you can write under it
“This is a bus.’

Names of the students who were
This is a bus a bus a bus able to say “This is a bus, a bus
a bus”.
Let children sing after you.
Teachers assessment

Show the picture of a car Could I facilitate the process

using apt instructions and teacher
And ask children to change the
line talk?

This is a car a car a car

Use different objects or pictures

and let them make their own Learners assessment
lines. Name of the students who could
Be sure to show objects/pictures say “This is a car, a car, a car?
which suit the pattern and rhythm
Write their lines as they say Names of the children who were
them. able to read and identify the
words bus car, jeep, this, is etc.
Sing the whole song.
Let children identify words like
bus, car, jeep, this, is etc.

Sing the song
Ask Hari, can you touch the
Cant you find the car fida?
Appreciate and encourage.

Lead children to page 10 of

Better you display the page on a
big screen

Repeat the song touching on the

bus and the car. Names of the children who were
able to write “This is a bus” and
“This is a car” correctly.
Teachers assessment
Where is the bus? Did I succeed in making them
draw and write ‘bus’ and ‘car’ in
Is it in the class?
their notebook.
Is it in the ground?
Where is it?
Teachers assessment
Yes! It is on the road.
Teachers self assessment
Were my questions and
Interact and bring about more instructions sufficient to elicit
ideas like, students response?
 The bus is on the road
 The bus is moving
Learners Assessment
 The car is on the road.
 The car is moving. Names of the learners who could
say “The bus is on the road”
Interaction “The bus is moving”
What is the sound of the bus?
And the horn? Teachers assessment
HONK HONK Did I succeed in eliciting the
sound of the bus “Brrr...and
Say aloud all of you.
sound of the horn “HONK,
Lets be the bus. HONK”, and “TOOT,TOOT”.
Let all run like bus.
Encourage them to make Brrr
sound and Honking sound
What is the sound of the car?
Fantastic.! Hai sounds like a Learners assessment
car!!! Could the learners read “HONK,
And the horn? HONK...TOOT, TOOT” in the
printed text “Beehive” properly.
Let children take choices and act
like bus and car blowing horns.

HONK HONK Names of the children who need

TOOT TOOT more support in reading.

Can you show the sounds on this

( It’s a gambling question, you
may not get answers but be sure
to ask it.)
Use a pointer and read aloud the
printed text on the page.

Names of the children who were

Lead children to the next page. able to colour the bus and say
the colour?
Supply crayons.
Interact while they colour the
Biju, what colours you choose?
Well that’s good.
Ani, your bus is blue!
What colour to tyre ?
To the horn?

Encourage them to write word

‘bus’ in the space provided.

Language Focus
Vocabulary Items
Will be able to read the
following words
1. Bus
2. Car
3. Jeep
4. Book
5. Pen
6. This
7. Is
8. And more
And one’s own name.

Structures used
This is
Phatic elements in interaction
such as good, Fine, well done,
communication that serve
social functions like greetings,
saying, words like good,
Fine, well done.

Question words

And Names of colours through

Digital Assignment
Let children draw a car at
home, take photo and send it
to the class whats app group.

Evidences of successful
transaction of module 1
1. Children have written their
names on page 7 of
2. Name charts are displayed
in the class room.
3. They have coloured picture
of a bus on page 10 of
4. They have written the word
‘bus’ on page 10 of beehive
5. Adding lines charts are
displayed in the class and
learners have encircled the
words they could read.
6. Video graphs of game,
reading charts, etc.
7. Photos sent to whatsapp

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