Plugin-Secondary School Teachers' Perception of Problems and Challenges Associated With Web-Based Learning in Nigeria

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Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS' PERCEPTION OF PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES ASSOCIATED WITH WEBBASED LEARNING IN NIGERIA ONASANYA, Samuel Adenubi Ph.D. & ASUQUO, Eno Ndarake Ph..D. ABSTRACT This study is an investigation of secondary school teachers' perception of the problem and challenges associated with webbased learning in Nigeria secondary schools. The respondents were selected from 12 secondary schools. 2 each from 6 geopolitical regions, in Nigeria were used for the study. 6 respondents were randomly selected from the twelve public secondary schools. The total number of respondents was 72. Questionnaire was use to elicit information from respondents. The finding reveals that many of secondary school teachers are not computer literate. However, their opinions were inconclusive in that few of them are computer literate and many of them use internet facilities but they experienced more challenges in web-based learning than the advantage. This shows that major challenges associated with webbased learning and teaching include high level of illiteracy in computer education and capital intensive nature of the new technology. Introduction Education, a means through which human resources are developed, depend on technology for its effectiveness. Twinsle (2005) summits that Educational Technology is far from new. The first to empty an abacus in his mathematics class was making use of technology as every educator who uses overhead projector, tape recorder, television, 'movies, computer and so on to help their students learn better the contents of their courses. His submission points to the proper essence of educational technology as the application of scientific knowledge to teaching and learning of knowledge and skills. Hence, educational technology, to improve education. This background calls for the essential need for institutions of learning to embrace technology for educational development.

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

Purpose of the Study The study aims to find out the secondary school teachers perception of the problems and challenges as regards the use of web-facilities for secondary school learning. Although, research findings have established educational effectiveness of web facilities, however this research would further reaffirm these prospects and also seeks to find out ways of reducing risk associated with web-based learning among secondary school students in Nigeria. Me Gow's (1999) submission on the relevance of the technology to education particularly as regards to learning in secondary school reaffirms that students must have range of skills to express themselves not only through paper and pencil but also audio, video, animation designed software as well as host of new environment (e-mail, web-sites, message board, etc). It is observed from this submission that there is a need for students to develop learning skills that will enable them to think critically, analyse information, communicate and solve problem. Web facilities

can meet this need if incorporated into the Nigerian public school syllabus. In essence, this research focuses on how web facilities can be incorporated into teaching and learning in secondary school curriculum irrespective of the problems and challenges associated with it. Research Questions a. Does we-based learning exist in secondary schools and to what extent? b. Do teachers see disadvantages in the use of web-based learning more than they see advantages? c. Why do public secondary schools in Nigeria specifically do not engage in web- j. based learning? d. Do secondary school teachers prefer traditional learning to web-based learning? e. Can web-facilities be employed effectively in Nigerian secondary schools for teaching and learning? Scope of the Study This study examines the public secondary school teachers perception of problems and challenges associated with web-

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

based learning in Nigeria secondary schools. Only 12 public secondary schools, 2 each from the 6 geographical spread areas were used. The study examined teachers' use of webbased learning in public secondary schools in Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents on web-based learning. Teachers' strike, time and financial constraints limited the study size. Significance of the Study The relevance of the study is articulated through its anticipated benefit helping us not only to know the perceived problem and challenges but also see how these problems and challenges can be controlled to the benefit of both teachers and students. We are of the opinion that the challenges and problems are not enough to divorce our interest in the use of web facilities for learning. We hope that the knowledge that will be acquired from this study will help us to appreciate web-based learning in secondary school in Nigeria. Moreover, this study we may help the stakeholders in Nigeria to know how to tailor web-based learning to the

advantage of students in secondary school in Nigeria, having known the challenges and problem from the point of view of those who are charged with the responsibility of providing students with knowledge and insight. The government can assist in making Nigerian students benefit from vast information on World Wide Web. Hence, Nigeria education will not lag behind in development, Above all, this study can be a tool in the hand of policy makers in making educational policies and decisions on web-based learning. If we-based facilities are available adequately in secondary schools, it may assist the students in developing and improving themselves better in their academic pursuits. Webased facilities in secondary schools would also assist teachers to be better equipped in their aspirations to heighten the standard of education in secondary schools. The standard of living of the citizen can be improved by making available he infrastructural facilities that can make majority to be selfdependent.

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

Research Methodology This was a descriptive study. The perception of public secondary school teachers on the were expected to select the one that applied to their opinion or feelings. The responses to the administered questionnaires were analyzed and interpreted using frequency counts. The questionnaire has two sections, (A and B). Section A was designed to ascertain the teachers' knowledge of electronic learning, which had four questions with "Yes/No" answer. Section B, on the other hand, had twenty items in which the respondents were restricted to four options: Agree, Strongly Agree, Disagree, And Strongly Disagree. The research instrument which was a the questionnaire, was subjected to face and content validity by the four educational technology experts in the educational technology centre of University of Ilorin to ascertain its validity. Their suggestions and modifications were reflected in the final draft of the instrument. Data Analysis and results The statistical tool used to interpret the data was simple percentage. The research

questions were analyzed based on . the responses from the respondents, using simple percentage tables. The responses to the administered questionnaires were analyzed and interpreted using frequency counts. The results were as presented in the tables below. From the table 1 it was observed that 32 percent of the teachers were computer literate were not. From the 32% that were computer literate only 18% knew about web-based learning.

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

Table 1:


S/N 1. 2. 3. 4.

ITEM YES % NO % Are you computer literate? 16 32% 34 68% Can you assess learning directly when 9 18% 41 82% computer is used? Have you used any internet facility 33 66% 17 34% before? Do you have education? interest in computer 47 94% 3 6%

Table 2:

THE PERCENTAGE OF THE TEACHERS HAVE USED INTERNET FACILITIES S/N ITEM A SA 1. Web-based learning has more disadvantage than 7 10 Advantage? 2 Web-based learning has the potential to render 13 28 many teacher jobless if it is employed 3 Web-based learning will have bad influence on 22 2 the social life of the student. 4 Teacher must master electronic technology to be 16 28 involve in web-based teacher. 5 Students can get frustrated with the technical 11 24 problem associated with web-based learning. 6. Teachers can learn and teach directly and also 16 28 assess learners responsiveness to materials being presented

WHO D SD 19 14 2 7

13 13 5 1

12 3 1 5

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

The "Agree" responses were added to "Strongly Agree" to be interpreted as "No". In the same vein, Disagree responses were added to "Strongly Disagree" to mean "Yes". These were done and presented in table 2 above. Summary of the Major Findings The analysis of findings revealed the challenges and problems that secondary school teachers associated with webbase learning and teaching. These can be interpreted as their perception of the negative side of web-based teaching and learning teaching and learning. The interpretation of the teachers' responses to the four questions in the Section A of the questionnaire revealed that many of the secondary school teachers are not computer literate and that they are all ready to acquire the needed knowledge and skills if they would be allowed to participate in computer literacy education. Moreover, despite the fact that few of the teachers were computer literate, few of them used internet facilities. It therefore follows that they would want to know more about prospects of internet facilities for

teaching and learning. However, the teachers see more disadvantages in web-based learning than they see advantages. Some of them considered the introduction of web-based teaching and learning as a threat to their jobs. They also think web-based learning would have bad influence on the student's social lives. They also considered lack of technical know-how as a challenge to the introduction of web-based teaching and learning in secondary school. Above all, the major challenge to web-based learning is the cost. Webbased learning and teaching is capital intensive. Discussion It has been established, through the literature review that the essence of educational. technology is to find solutions to educational problems, through adequate planning, designing, application, and evaluation of educational system. Also, it has been gathered from the existing literature that despite the fact that computer technology has been identified as something that can facilitate training and learning, although, there are problems am challenge

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

associated with it. Based on the findings of this study, it .was concluded that public secondary schools in Nigeria' have not started engaging in web-based teaching and learning because o. the challenges and problem associated within. It is evident from the findings that the teacher; appreciate computers education and that many of them would welcome any opportunity to acquire the needed knowledge and skills for web-based teaching and learning. Since the school system needs the benefits offered by web-based facilities, there is a need to consider how the identified problems and challenges can be properly tackled if teaching and learning is to be enhanced through the web in the secondary schools. Recommendations Though it is evident that web-based learning has some problems and challenges, we cannot ignore the truth that webbased learning can make learners education more productive. It is therefore recommended that web-based learning be integrated into the secondary school curriculum. The problem of fund can be tackled by both the government and the public at large. Government can rescue

the situation by funding and procuring the web-based facilities into secondary school education. To handle the problem of computer illiteracy, these should be through organization of a professional development programme like seminars, workshops, conferences and in-service training for teachers who are to use this technology. The training of these teachers web-based teaching would impact knowledge, skills and attitudes that will allow these teachers to function effectively in technology ^ enabled learning environments. Learning the new roles and ways of teaching that go hand-in hand with technology integration requires that teachers have opportunities to participate in an extended process of professional development. References Adegbija, M.V (2000) Instructional Media: a Basic Handbook: Indemac Publishers. Ilorin. Ajayi, Y.A. & Salami, A.A. (1999) An Introduction to Educational Technology. Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational

Ife Journal of Curriculum Studies and Development (IJCSD) 3 (1), 2007

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