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Received: 29 May 2022 Revised: 28 December 2022 Accepted: 20 April 2023

DOI: 10.1002/hbm.26347


A new perspective on the role of the frontoparietal regions in

Stroop-like conflicts

Noga Oren 1 | Donna Abecasis 1 | Edna Inbar 2,3 | Amir Glik 3,4,5 |
3,5 1,3,6
Israel Steiner | Irit Shapira-Lichter

Functional MRI Center, Beilinson Hospital,
Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel Abstract
Imaging Department, Beilinson Hospital, Humans are goal-directed; however, goal-unrelated information still affects us, but
Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel
how? The Stroop task is often used to answer this question, relying on conflict
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel (incongruency) between attributes, one targeted by the task and another irrelevant
Cognitive Neurology Clinic, Beilinson to the task. The frontal regions of the brain are known to play a crucial role in proces-
Hospital, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva,
sing such conflict, as they show increased activity when we encounter incongruent
Department of Neurology, Beilinson Hospital, stimuli. Notably, the Stroop stimuli also consist of conceptual dimensions, such as
Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel semantic or emotional content, that are independent of the attributes that define the
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv
conflict. Since the non-targeted attribute usually refers to the same conceptual
University, Tel Aviv, Israel
dimension as the targeted-attribute, it is relevant to the task at hand. For example,
when naming the emotion of an emotional face superimposed by an emotional word,
Irit Shapira-Lichter, Functional MRI Center,
Beilinson Hospital, Rabin Medical Center, both the targeted-attribute and the non-targeted attribute refer to the conceptual
Petach Tikva 49100, Israel.
dimension “emotion”. We designed an fMRI paradigm to investigate how conflicts
between different conceptual dimensions impact us. Even though the conflict was
task-irrelevant, incongruent stimuli resulted in longer reaction times, indicating a
behavioral congruency effect. When examining the neural mechanisms that underlie
this effect, we found that the frontal regions exhibited repetition suppression, while
the bilateral intraparietal sulcus (IPS) showed a congruency effect linked to the
behavioral effect. Taken together, these findings suggest that individuals are unable
to completely ignore task-irrelevant information, and that the IPS plays a crucial role
in processing such information.

attention, conflict adaptation, conflict monitoring, congruency effect, intraparietal sulcus,
repetition suppression

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N but still affects us. One of the most prevalent methods for studying
this phenomenon is the Stroop task. The stimuli used in the Stroop
In everyday situations, we are constantly bombarded with information task are defined by the relationship between two attributes, such as
that is not related to our current tasks, responsibilities, or objectives, the word form or the color in color-word. Participants are instructed

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medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

4310 Hum Brain Mapp. 2023;44:4310–4320.

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OREN ET AL. 4311

to attend to one attribute, referred to as the targeted attribute in this it refers to the same conceptual dimension as the targeted attribute
article, and ignore the other attribute, which is typically considered and the task itself (Kornblum, 1992). For example, in the emotional
task-irrelevant. The attributes can be compatible (congruent) or picture-word Stroop, both the targeted attribute (emotional expres-
incompatible (incongruent) with each other. Congruency is known to sion) and the non-targeted attribute (emotional word) provide infor-
affect performance (MacLeod, 1991): judging the color of a word is mation about the conceptual dimension the task refers to (emotion;
harder when the word itself spells another color (color-word Stroop); Figure 1a). Here, we define task-irrelevant as an attribute referring to
judging the content of a picture is harder when a superimposed word a different conceptual dimension than the task. Can a task-irrelevant
indicates a different content (picture-word Stroop); judging emotional conflict between two attributes in one conceptual dimension influ-
facial expression is harder when a superimposed word indicates a dif- ence our ability to process information in another conceptual dimen-
ferent emotion (emotional picture-word Stroop). sion of the same stimulus? That is, would incongruence between
Furthermore, the Stroop stimuli also consist of conceptual dimen- emotional expression and an emotional word affect an animacy judg-
sions such as semantic content, emotional content, and so forth ment of the picture? Below, we present a functional magnetic reso-
(Hatukai & Algom, 2017). Conceptual dimensions differ from the sti- nance imaging (fMRI) task involving Stroop stimuli in which the
muls attributes. Hence, the non-targeted, so-called task-irrelevant conflicting attributes refer to one conceptual dimension while the task
attribute in standard Stroop tasks is related to the task at hand, since refers to another conceptual dimension. We used both traditional

F I G U R E 1 Paradigm.
(a) Uncoupling the conflict from the
task: The current study breaks the
coupling between the conflict and
the task by asking participants to
make an animacy judgment, thus
making the conflict task-irrelevant.
Note that in the figure, the term
dimension refers to the conceptual
dimension, defined as the semantic
field. (b) The event-related fMRI
paradigm presented three types of
stimuli: color-word, picture-word,
and emotional picture-word. Each
stimulus was either congruent or
incongruent, depending on the
relationship between its attributes.
Every word (in the color-word type)
and picture (in the picture-word
types) appeared at least twice, once
in a congruent and once in an
incongruent stimulus. The second
appearance was always in a different
run than the first appearance. In the
figure, this is represented by the
three dots in the timeline.
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4312 OREN ET AL.

comparisons between congruent and incongruent conditions and a dimension, possibly reflecting the unavoidability of the conflict
repetition suppression approach not yet applied, to the best of our (Zhao & Wang, 2013). For example, Zhao and Wang (2013) instructed
knowledge, to the study of the neural mechanisms underlying a participants to name geometric shapes containing color-word Stroop
Stroop-like task (see below). stimuli. They found a congruency effect manifested as less accurate
Congruency effect, manifested by lower accuracy and longer reac- responses for incongruent trials. Notably, in Zhao and Wang's (2013)
tion time (RT) in incongruent compared with congruent trials, is evi- task, the Stroop stimulus was outside the focus of attention.
dent in the color-word (Stroop, 1935), picture-word (MacLeod, 1991) In our approach, animacy judgments were made on either congru-
and emotional picture-word (Etkin et al., 2015) Stroop versions. The ent or incongruent stimuli in the Stroop paradigm (Figure 1a). Since
brain regions that are usually more activated for incongruent than the conceptual dimension of the conflicting attributes of the stimuli
congruent trials include the superior and inferior lateral prefrontal cor- (e.g., emotion, color, etc.) and the task (animacy judgment) differed,
tices, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)/pre-supplementary motor according to our definition, the conflict was task-irrelevant. Notably,
area (pre-SMA), and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) (Xu et al., 2016). an animacy judgment requires in-depth processing of a conceptual
Contemporary neuroscientific models highlight the role of the frontal dimension of the stimulus that is not related to the conflict. It should
regions in the Stroop task (Banich, 2019; Botvinick et al., 2001). The also be noted that if a congruency effect is found despite the conflict
conflict-monitoring model claims that the ACC detects the presence being task-irrelevant, this effect may still be specific to a certain stim-
of a conflict and engages the lateral prefrontal cortices to impose cog- ulus type. Therefore, to allow generalization of the results, different
nitive control (Botvinick et al., 2001). The cascade of control model types of stimuli were used in our Stroop-like paradigm.
postulates that the superior and inferior lateral prefrontal cortices Using this paradigm, we aimed at characterizing the behavioral
determine the attentional set and bias the selection towards task- and neural effects of task-irrelevant conflict processing. On top of the
relevant information; the dorsal ACC/pre-SMA selects and evaluates established congruency effect analysis, a repetition suppression analy-
the response (Banich, 2019). These models pay relatively little atten- sis was performed as an independent complementary indicator of
tion to the IPS and largely ignore behavioral models that emphasize brain response to conflict. Repetition suppression—a robust phenome-
the role of data-driven selective attention mechanisms (Algom & non observed across the brain—is typically used to study the neural
Chajut, 2019; MacLeod, 1992), learning, and memory biases representation of information (Barron et al., 2016). Diminished activa-
(Schmidt, 2019) or the impact of emotions (Hatukai & Algom, 2017) in tion to repeated presentations of a stimulus or information is an index
the Stroop task. Since the non-targeted attributes refer to the same of the insensitivity of that brain region to that information (Grill-
conceptual dimension as the task, the results and models describe the Spector & Malach, 2001). In the current study, finding decreased brain
neural response to task-relevant conflicting information. The current activation in response to a change in the relationship between the
study aims to portray the neural response to task-irrelevant conflict. attributes of a stimulus from congruent to incongruent indicates
One approach to studying the response to task-irrelevant infor- insensitivity to congruency, and vice versa. Although repetition sup-
mation is the emotional analog of the Stroop task, in which patients pression is reliable, valid, and widely used in animal and human studies
are slower to name the color of a word associated with their clinical of visual perception, and although many Stroop-related regions show
condition (Williams et al., 1996). These results show that even without repetition suppression in a variety of tasks and stimuli (Kim, 2017), to
a conflict, task-irrelevant information is processed and affects perfor- our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use the repetition effect in
mance. Another approach was taken by Hatukai and Algom (2017), the context of a Stroop-like task.
who examined RT for incongruent stimuli in tasks that referred to a To sum up, our study is original in that it aimed at characterizing
conceptual dimension unrelated to the conflict. For example, partici- the response to conflicting information related to a different concep-
pants judged whether a color word written in a congruent or incon- tual dimension than a demanding task. Behavioral and neural analyses
gruent ink color was positioned at the top or bottom of the screen examined both the standard congruency effect and the repetition sup-
(Experiment 3) or written in a wide or narrow font (Experiment 5); or pression effect, applied for the first time in this context. We expected
judged whether the contour of an outline drawing of a cat or a dog, to find a behavioral congruency effect (Kornblum, 1992; Zhao &
with the randomly congruent or incongruent words “cat” or “dog” Wang, 2013), and repetition suppression. In frontal brain regions—
embedded within it, was continuous or dashed (Experiment 4). Con- known to represent goal-related information (Sreenivasan
trary to the traditional congruency effect, they found shorter RT in et al., 2014), and in the context of the Stroop task, to process task-
the incongruent versus the congruent conditions. They claimed that related aspects of the conflict (Banich, 2019; Botvinick et al., 2001)—
incongruent stimuli in their tasks provoked negative affect, driving we expected to find a significant repetition suppression but not nec-
people to avoid or terminate them as quickly as possible. Alterna- essarily a congruency effect. The IPS was anticipated to demonstrate
tively, it is possible that the avoidance of incongruent stimuli in these a congruency effect, but not necessarily repetition suppression since
experiments stemmed from the focus of the task on a low-level fea- it is known to represent information about non-target stimuli unre-
ture of the stimulus (e.g., position, width, or outline characteristics). lated to the task (Chao et al., 2011; Geng & Mangun, 2009; Mazaheri
Indeed, in responding to a higher-level feature that necessitates in- et al., 2011), carrying the potential to represent task-irrelevant conflict
depth processing and semantic conceptualization, a congruency effect in the present paradigm as well. The present study tested these
was evident, although the task referred to another conceptual hypotheses.
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OREN ET AL. 4313

2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS subject. There were three types of stimuli (Figure 1b): (1) color-word
(color name written in color ink; 24 stimuli across 8 runs, 12.5% of the
2.1 | Participants trials); (2) picture-word (a picture of an emotionally neutral object or
person with a neutral adjective word superimposed on it; 120 stimuli
Young, healthy participants were recruited from the community across 8 runs, 62.5% of the trials); (3) emotional picture-word
between November 2016 and September 2017 using standard ads. (a picture of an emotional face with an emotional word superimposed
Inclusion criteria: aged between 18 and 55 years, healthy, native on it; 48 stimuli across 8 runs, 25% of the trials). For more details
Hebrew speakers. Exclusion criteria: large tattoos, permanent makeup, regarding the stimuli and how they were chosen, see supplementary
metal implants, claustrophobia, a history of neurological or psychiatric information S1.
disorders, and a background of learning disabilities, such as attention This paradigm manipulated congruency (congruent/incongruent
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. condition), as the word could either be congruent or incongruent with
Thirty-six healthy participants were recruited. One participant the color ink (in the color-word type) or with the picture meaning
was excluded from the study due to an incidental finding of a brain (in the picture-word and emotional picture-word types). Repetition
abnormality. Seven others were discarded prior to statistical analyses was included as an independent two-level factor (first/non-first) since
due to extensive head movements (>2 mm) in more than two runs. each word (in the color-word type) and picture (in the other two
These eight participants were excluded from all behavioral and fMRI types) appeared at least twice (once as congruent and once as incon-
analyses (behavioral results remained the same when the 7 participants gruent), with the order counterbalanced across participants. The par-
were included in the analyses, see supplementary information S1). ticipants' task was to determine whether a visual stimulus was
Based on these criteria, analyses were conducted on 28 participants animate or inanimate (Figure 1b). Therefore, the conflict between the
(17 females; age range: 18–55 years; mean age (standard deviation Stroop attributes was not relevant to the task and referred to a differ-
[SD]): 31.96 years (2.38); mean education (SD): 14.96 years (2.5); right- ent conceptual dimension. It is worth noting that the three types of
handed: 25 participants were right-handed, 2 left-handed and 1 did not stimuli differed in terms of animacy: the color-word type had only
report). A diverse age range was chosen in order to enhance the gener- inanimate stimuli, the picture-word type had both animate and inani-
alization of the results while excluding minors and avoiding the poten- mate stimuli, and the emotional picture-word type had only animate
tial slowing and cognitive effects of aging. Handedness was not an stimuli. Importantly, diverse stimuli were used solely to enhance gen-
exclusion criterion since, based on the literature (Xu et al., 2016), we eralizability rather than to test the effect of stimulus type, so the three
assumed that the neural response to Stroop stimuli is bilateral. This types were collapsed together in all analyses. Moreover, confirmatory
assumption was later supported by the data. The experimental proce- analyses were conducted to ensure there was no bias due to the dif-
dures were approved by the Beilinson Hospital Institutional Review ferences in stimulus types, and these results are presented in detail in
Board, and all participants provided written informed consent and supplementary information S1.
received nominal monetary remuneration for their participation. The design was slow event-related, divided into eight runs. Each
run started with an 18 s fixation cross followed by repeated
presentations of stimuli, each appearing for 2 s and a fixation cross for
2.2 | MRI acquisition 10 s. The order of the runs and stimuli was randomized, with the fol-
lowing restrictions: (1) stimuli from the same type (e.g., color-word)
MRI scans were performed on a 3.0 Tesla MRI scanner (Magnetic Reso- were not presented in consecutive trials; and (2) for each stimulus, its
nance Imaging system, Ingenia 3 T 517, Philips, Best, The Netherlands) congruent appearance was presented in a different run than the
using a 32-channel head coil. Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) incongruent appearance, in order to minimize the visibility of the rep-
functional MRI was acquired with T2*-weighted sequence: repetition etition manipulation. As a result, stimuli that appeared for the second
time (TR) = 2000 ms; echo time (TE) = 35 ms; flip angle (FA) = 90 ; time (non-first stimuli) tended to be presented in later runs. A control
field of view (FOV) of 230 mm  251 mm  105 mm; 35 axial slices of analysis was specifically designed to dismiss the possibility that prac-
3 mm thickness, 0 gap. A high-resolution anatomical T1-weighted fast tice interfered with the hypothesized repetition effect, as described in
spoiled gradient-echo imaging was acquired, with FOV dimensions of supplementary information S1. Participants responded to the animacy
240 mm  240 mm  166 mm, TR of 8.2 ms, and TE of 3.8 ms. The task by pressing a button on an MRI-compatible response box.
anatomical scan was used for cortical surface reconstruction. The
experiment was performed using Presentation software
(Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA; Version 17.0, www. 2.4 | fMRI preprocessing and presented via an LCD projector to a tilted (45 ) mir-
ror positioned over the participant's forehead. fMRI preprocessing was performed using SPM8 software (http//:, The Wellcome Centre for Human Neuro-
2.3 | Stimuli, paradigm, and procedure imaging, UCL, London, UK). The first six volumes in each run were dis-
carded to allow for steady-state magnetization. The remaining
The experimental paradigm was a visual Stroop-like task. It consisted volumes underwent preprocessing, including slice scan time correc-
of eight runs with 24 trials per run, summing up to 192 trials per tion, 3D motion correction, coregistration, normalization to the
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4314 OREN ET AL.

Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate system, and spatial regions, Fisher transformed, and averaged across runs (i.e., resulting in
smoothing using an 8 mm full-width at half-maximum Gaussian kernel. a single correlation per participant per pair of regions); (c) for every
A high-pass filter with a 128 s cutoff was applied to the voxel-wise participant, the averaged correlation of all possible pairs of regions
time courses, which were then globally normalized using session- was calculated; (d) across participants, the difference between the
specific grand mean scaling. In addition to the seven participants correlation of a pair of homologous regions and the averaged correla-
excluded because of head movements, another four participants had tion of all possible pairs of regions was examined using paired samples
one or two runs discarded due to head movements larger than 2 mm t tests. Three pairs of homologous regions were examined. In all of
or technical problems. them, the correlation between the homologous regions was signifi-
cantly higher than the average correlation of all possible pairs: left and
right IPS (t[27] = 11.71, p < .0001), left and right middle frontal gyrus
2.5 | Defining regions of interest (MFG) (t[27] = 6.01, p < .0001), and left and right pre-SMA
(t[27] = 12.55, p < .0001). Therefore, all the homologous pairs were
We aimed to examine the fMRI activations that would emerge in the united, so including the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) there were
current Stroop-like task relative to the established knowledge regard- four ROIs.
ing the standard Stroop patterns. Therefore, the fMRI analysis was Bilateral regions were used, although the Stroop-like task has ver-
performed on predefined regions of interest (ROIs) of the frontoparie- bal elements, because we were interested in the effect of interfer-
tal network, using coordinates obtained from a meta-analysis that ence. The neuroscientific models of the Stroop do not distinguish the
focused on the Stroop task. We chose the Xu et al. (2016) meta- left and right regions (Banich, 2019; Botvinick et al., 2001), and the
analysis since it included studies of non-emotional color-word Stroop data shows bilateral activation (Xu et al., 2016). Moreover, the ROIs
and emotional picture-word Stroop, similar to the stimuli in our para- are not core linguistic regions, and were united only after confirmation
digm. Since we were interested in studying the effect of interference that they are highly correlated. Hence, separating the ROIs would
regardless of emotionality, we focused on the analysis conducted unnecessarily increase the number of comparisons, require correc-
across those stimuli (first section of Table 3, page 10 in Xu et al.'s tions, and thereby diminish the statistical power.
(2016) paper).
ROIs were defined as follows: (1) A sphere of 10 mm was drawn
around each of the 13 coordinates identified by Xu et al. (2016) 2.6 | Analyses
(Table 1); (2) adjacent spheres with overlap > 10 voxels were united
into a single ROI; (3) homologous regions were united after confirming Behavioral and fMRI analyses were conducted across all stimuli. Prior
that the correlation between them was significantly higher than the to statistical analyses, the trials were pooled together in order to opti-
averaged correlation between all possible pairs of regions. This was mize generalization. That is, a dependent variable (i.e., accuracy, RT or
determined in the following way: (a) the time course was extracted PSC) was averaged across all the congruent or incongruent trials,
from each region and run (6 to 8 runs per participant); (b) for every regardless of stimulus type. Behavioral analyses were conducted after
participant, correlation was calculated between every possible pair of discarding: five stimuli with average accuracy levels lower than 0.6
across all participants; the color-word type of four participants that
did not respond to that stimulus type; in the reaction time
T A B L E 1 Coordinates taken from the Xu et al. (2016) meta- (RT) analysis, trials with wrong, lack of response, or RT higher than
analysis were used to define a 10 mm sphere. three SD from the mean RT of that subject. Trials excluded based on
Name Coordinates (MNI, x,y,z) behavioral criteria were not removed from the fMRI analysis.
The measures for behavioral analyses were accuracy level and
Bilateral intraparietal sulcus 28, 64,46
32, 48,44 reaction time (RT). The measure for fMRI analyses was percent signal
38, 50,46 change (PSC) from baseline, which was calculated for each ROI and
Bilateral middle frontal gyrus 48,18,22 condition after the standard preprocessing and first-level analysis.
40,10,26 PSC is defined by the following formula: (condition baseline)/base-
line * 100. To determine which TRs should be used for the condition
and which for the baseline, we analyzed the actual hemodynamic
Bilateral pre-SMA 6,20,42
response in each ROI (see supplementary information S1). We found
that in all ROIs, the actual response shape resembled the canonical
Right inferior frontal gyrus/insula 36,22, 12
32,28,0 hemodynamic response function. Additionally, we observed that the
38,18,6 highest hemodynamic response to the stimulus occurred during the
42,16,0 third and fourth TRs (5–8 s after stimulus onset), while the lowest
Note: Each ROI is composed of several coordinates because overlapping response was observed during the first and sixth TRs (0–2 and 11–
and homologous spheres were united. 12 s after stimulus onset, respectively). Thus, we calculated the PSC
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OREN ET AL. 4315

by using the average signal during the third and fourth TRs as the con- 3.2 | fMRI results
dition and the average signal during the first and sixth TRs as the
baseline. Focusing on the frontoparietal regions that typically emerge in the
The first behavioral and fMRI analyses examined the congruency Stroop task (Xu et al., 2016), we tested the hypothesis that only the
effect. They tested the hypothesis that the incongruent condition IPS would exhibit the congruency effect when a task-irrelevant con-
compared to the congruent condition would have lower accuracy flict referring to a different conceptual dimension than the task is pre-
levels, a longer RT and a higher PSC. Follow-up analyses established sented. The frontoparietal regions were defined based on a meta-
the functional significance of congruency-related modulation in the analysis of Stroop studies by Xu et al. (2016). Four regions of interest
ROIs by calculating the relationship between PSC and RT. The second were included in our analyses, and overlapping and homologous ROIs
set of behavioral and fMRI analyses provided an independent method were combined, as explained in the Materials and Methods section:
for inferring responsiveness to congruency via repetition suppression. bilateral IPS, bilateral MFG, bilateral pre-SMA and right IFG
The hypothesis was that the non-first compared to the first condition, (Figure 2a). In each ROI, we computed the PSC from baseline for both
would have higher accuracy level, a shorter RT and a lower PSC. Both congruent and incongruent conditions. As stated above, we com-
hypotheses were tested using directional paired samples t tests pared the conditions using directional paired samples t tests (1-tailed),
(1-tailed). fMRI analysis was corrected for multiple comparisons across corrected for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Bonferroni
all ROIs using the Holm-Bonferroni method (Holm, 1979), separately method (Holm, 1979). As expected, the bilateral IPS exhibited more
for each hypothesis. activation in the incongruent condition than the congruent condition
(Figure 2b; see statistics in Table 2). The bilateral MFG exhibited a
similar pattern, but it did not survive the correction for multiple com-
3 | RESULTS parisons. In the bilateral SMA and right IFG, the difference was non-
3.1 | Behavioral results To clarify the functional significance of the congruency-related
modulation in the bilateral IPS, we examined the relationship between
Twenty-eight participants judged whether Stroop-like stimuli repre- activity in this region and behavior. We tested whether higher activa-
sented an animate or an inanimate object. Three types of stimuli were tions were related to longer RT in the incongruent versus congruent
used (Figure 1b): color-word (a word referring to a color written in conditions (Figure 3a). Since each stimulus appeared as incongruent
color ink), picture-word (a picture of an emotionally neutral object or and as congruent, the difference (Δ) between the incongruent and
person with an emotionally neutral adjective superimposed on it), or congruent conditions was calculated per stimulus in terms of RT and
emotional picture-word (a picture of an emotional face with an emo- PSC (Δ = incongruent congruent). To test whether trials with
tional word superimposed on it; see supplementary information S1 for behavioral congruency effect also showed activation congruency
validation of the modified paradigm). To test the hypothesis of a effect in the IPS, we performed a linear repeated measures analysis
retained behavioral congruency effect despite the modification to the (where the participants were repeated) using a linear mixed model
Stroop task, we compared the congruent and incongruent conditions with the maximum likelihood estimation method. The dependent vari-
across all three types, using directional paired samples t tests able was ΔRT and the fixed effect was ΔPSC. Results showed a signif-
(1-tailed). The difference between the conditions in accuracy was icant main effect for ΔPSC (F[11954] = 17.134, p < .001), indicating
non-significant (t[27] = 0.32, p = .37, 1-tailed; congruent mean SD: that the greater the neural effect of incongruent stimuli in the IPS, the
0.91 (0.086), incongruent: 0.9 (0.085)). In line with our hypothesis, RT greater their behavioral impact. This result was confirmed in a comple-
was slower for incongruent (0.93 s [0.2]) than congruent (0.91 s mentary analysis that compared the average ΔPSC of trials with posi-
[0.17]) conditions (t(27) = 2.06, p = .024, 1-tailed, Cohen's d = 0.39), tive ΔRT and negative ΔRT using paired-samples t-test. Averaging
confirming that conflicting information, unrelated to the animacy task, across trials avoids the noise potentially associated with single-trial
was indeed processed and interfered with performance (see an addi- analysis. Here too, there was a significant difference in the ΔPSC
tional behavioral analysis related to a congruency sequence effect in (t[27] = 3.18, p = .002 1-tailed, Cohen's d = 0.6; Figure 3b). These
supplementary information S1). complementary results indicate there is an association between
To test the hypothesis of behavioral repetition suppression, direc- slower responses and higher bilateral IPS activations for the incongru-
tional paired samples t tests (1-tailed) were carried out. As in the con- ent versus the congruent conditions, corroborating the role of the IPS
gruency effect, repetition did not affect accuracy level (t[27] = 0.92, in processing task-irrelevant conflicting information. In other words,
p = .18, 1-tailed; first: 0.9 (0.094), non-first: 0.91 (0.091)). In line with longer responses to incongruent stimuli (behavioral congruency effect)
our hypothesis, repetition decreased RT, with faster responses to the were associated with higher activations in the IPS.
non-first presentation of stimuli (t(27) = 6.96, p < .001, 1-tailed, Finally, repetition suppression was examined as a complemen-
Cohen's d = 1.15; first: 1.01 s (0.23), non-first: 0.85 s (0.15)). Thus, tary method to identify brain regions that responded to task-
performance in the animacy task was improved by repetition (see the irrelevant conflicting information. In line with our hypothesis, repeti-
control analysis that ruled out a potential interaction between repeti- tion suppression was evident in the bilateral MFG, bilateral pre-SMA,
tion and practice in supplementary information S1). and right IFG but not in the bilateral IPS (Figure 2c, Table 2). Our
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4316 OREN ET AL.

F I G U R E 2 Regions of interest (ROI)

and activations. (a) Four ROIs were used
for the analysis based on Xu et al. (2016).
Each ROI is composed of several spheres
because overlapping and homologous
spheres were united and are presented in
the same color. (b) The difference (Δ) in
PSC between the incongruent and
congruent conditions (incongruent—
congruent). In the bilateral IPS activation
was significantly higher in the incongruent
than the congruent condition, manifested
by a positive Δ. (c) The difference in PSC
between the first and non-first conditions
(first—non-first). In all regions, except the
bilateral IPS, activation was significantly
lower for the non-first than the first
condition, manifested by a positive Δ. The
ROIs showed different sensitivity to
congruency and repetition in the parietal
and frontal regions. For each effect,
correction for multiple comparisons
across the four regions was carried out
using the Holm-Bonferroni method. Error
bars are standard errors. IFG, inferior
frontal gyrus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; L,
left; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; R, right;
SMA, supplementary motor area; Δ,
difference (incongruent—congruent) or

TABLE 2 Congruency effect and repetition suppression in each region.

Congruency effect Repetition suppression


Name congruent incongruent Statistics PSC first first Statistics
Bilateral intraparietal 0.30 (0.15) 0.32 (0.15) t(27) = 2.4*, Cohen's 0.32 (0.16) 0.30 (0.14) t(27) = 1.37
sulcus d = 0.46
Bilateral middle frontal 0.24 (0.13) 0.26 (0.12) t(27) = 1.87 0.3 (0.14) 0.20 (0.11) t(27) = 6.9*, Cohen's
gyrus d = 1.3
Bilateral pre-SMA 0.31 (0.13) 0.32 (0.13) t(27) = 0.45 0.36 (0.14) 0.28 (0.12) t(27) = 6.05*, Cohen's
d = 1.14
Right inferior frontal 0.17 (0.09) 0.17 (0.11) t(27) = 0.4 0.20 (0.11) 0.14 (0.09) t(27) = 5.64*, Cohen's
gyrus/insula d = 1.06

Note: Percent signal change (PSC; means [SD]) and statistics for the congruency effect and repetition suppression.
*p < .05, 1-tailed, corrected.

results thus showed different response patterns in the parietal and repetition. Altogether, our findings provide converging evidence for
frontal regions to task-irrelevant information. The bilateral IPS the representation of task-irrelevant information in the parietal
responded to congruency, while the frontal ROIs responded to rather than the frontal regions.
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OREN ET AL. 4317

F I G U R E 3 Relationship between IPS

activation and behavior. (a) The
calculation procedure. For each stimulus,
the difference (Δ) between incongruent
and congruent conditions
(Δ = incongruent—congruent) was
calculated in terms of the RT and PSC of
the IPS. The averaged ΔPSC of the IPS
was computed for each participant for
stimuli with positive ΔRT (incongruent
RT > congruent RT) and negative ΔRT
(incongruent RT < congruent RT). (b) A bar
graph presenting the result of the ΔPSC
comparison between the positive and
negative ΔRT. Across participants, a
higher ΔPSC was evident for stimuli with
positive ΔRT than negative ΔRT, implying
a functional significance of the bilateral
IPS activation in the congruency effect.
PSC, percent signal change; RT, reaction
time; Δ, difference (incongruent—
congruent); *p < .05.

4 | DISCUSSION Regarding previous Stroop studies that separated the conflict from
the task, our results fit the findings of Zhao and Wang (2013) but con-
The present study asked whether information unrelated to the current tradict those of Hatukai and Algom (2017). The later inconsistency
goal still affects us and, if so how. Previous studies attempted to could be explained by the fundamental difference in the processing
answer this question using the Stroop task. However, the non- depth needed to accomplish the task: semantic in-depth processing in
targeted attribute in a typical Stroop refers to the same conceptual our study and perceptual low-level processing in the Hatukai and
dimension as the targeted attribute and the task, making it Algom (2017) study. Hence, though it may be possible to avoid the
task-relevant (Figure 1a). To avoid such task-relevance we used a des- conflict when focusing on a low-level dimension, as Hatukai and
ignated Stroop-like task consisting of conflicts that referred to a dif- Algom (2017) interpreted their results, avoidance might become
ferent conceptual dimension than the task (Figure 1b). Using this task, impossible when the task requires extensive processing of the
a behavioral congruency effect still emerged, indicating that relevance conflict-irrelevant conceptual dimension, as in the present study.
to current goals is not an essential requirement for a conflict to affect Future studies are needed in order to directly test this explanation.
human behavior. We further portrayed the neural correlates of a task- The diverse stimulus types used in the current study differed in
irrelevant conflict using two complementary contrasts: congruency the proportion of animate or inanimate stimuli and difficulty level, as
and repetition. As hypothesized, a congruency effect was evident only stated above. Since every stimulus was presented both as congruent
in the IPS and repetition suppression only in the frontal regions—the and incongruent and the comparison was between these two condi-
bilateral MFG, bilateral pre-SMA, and right IFG—suggesting that parie- tions, any potential bias from the proportion of animate or inanimate
tal, rather than frontal regions subserve the processing of task- stimuli or difficulty level was controlled for. This claim was supported
irrelevant conflicts. by empirical evidence presented in supplementary information S1.
We further found the congruency sequence effect, manifested as
longer RT in congruent trials that follow incongruent trials compared
4.1 | Typical behavioral congruency effect in our with those following congruent trials (see supplementary information
Stroop-like task S1), in accordance with previous studies (Egner, 2007, 2014). Finding
a congruency sequence effect, which measures the influence of a cer-
At the behavioral level, our findings demonstrated the congruency tain trial on the subsequent trial, in a design with different stimulus
effect of longer RT in incongruent condition as compared with con- types presented in a mixed order, expands our present understanding
gruent condition, in line with typical Stroop studies (MacLeod, 1991). of congruency sequence effects. Specifically, it indicates that a
10970193, 2023, 11, Downloaded from by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [06/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
4318 OREN ET AL.

general sense of congruency underlies the effect, regardless of spe- (RT) (Geng & Mangun, 2009). Notably, IPS responsiveness to saliency
cific stimulus characteristics such as stimulus type. Overall, the repli- might manifest not only at a perceptual level but also at higher levels
cation of two hallmark behavioral effects of the Stroop task, namely of processing, as has previously been shown in the context of self-
congruency and congruency sequence effects (Egner, 2007; association (Sui et al., 2015) or, as in the current study, in the context
MacLeod, 1991; Schmidt, 2019), suggests our Stroop-like task has of congruency.
much in common with the original Stroop task. To summarize, the Stroop literature and more general attention
research indicate modulation of IPS activity by task-irrelevant infor-
mation, in line with the current findings. Moreover, the fact that the
4.2 | Different activation patterns in parietal and IPS was the key region that maintained the congruency effect when
frontal regions the conflict was task-irrelevant, corresponds with the essentiality of
the posterior parietal regions to attentional control.
The parietal and frontal regions showed different response patterns
with regard to these contrasts (Figure 2b,c). The bilateral IPS main-
tained the typical congruency effect (Figure 2b); further, this effect in 4.4 | When the task is irrelevant, the conflict is not
the brain was related to the behavioral effect, so that increased bilat- processed by the frontal regions
eral IPS activation for incongruent trials was seen in trials in which
incongruence led to larger RT delays (Figure 3). This finding is consis- While task relevance in not essential for IPS recruitment, it seems to
tent with the notion formulated by Banich et al. (2001) that activation be a prerequisite for the recruitment of the frontal regions tested in
in these regions could constitute the neural correlate of the behavioral our study. Though Stroop models focus mainly on the frontal regions
elongation of RT for incongruent stimuli. In contrast, the frontal (Banich, 2019; Botvinick et al., 2001), in the current study, the repeti-
regions showed repetition suppression (Figure 2c), implying that the tion suppression effect showed limited involvement of Stroop-related
parameter that changed across repeated presentations, namely con- frontal regions for task-irrelevant conflict. This claim fits the current
gruency, was not represented in these regions. Notably, we did not understanding that the anterior prefrontal cortex receives diverse
detect a repetition suppression effect in the IPS or a congruency inputs, integrates them, and controls and coordinates processing in
effect in the frontal regions at the conventional 1-tailed significance the pursuit of a behaviorally meaningful goal (Fuster et al., 2000;
threshold following correction for multiple comparisons. Altogether, Miller & Cohen, 2001; Ramnani & Owen, 2004).
the results suggest the IPS is sensitive to task-irrelevant conflict asso- Further, conflicting information that relates to a different concep-
ciated with a different conceptual dimension than the task, while fron- tual dimension than the task may need fewer control mechanisms
tal regions are not. Therefore, taking into account the relationship than conflicting information that relates to the same conceptual
between the conflict and the task in terms of their conceptual dimen- dimension as the task. Possibly, when it is task-irrelevant, the conflict
sion may be beneficial to future studies. is processed by the IPS. Frontal regions are recruited only when addi-
tional control mechanisms are required due to task relevance.

4.3 | Task-irrelevant information represented in

the IPS 4.5 | Repetition suppression in the service of
studying congruency effect
The IPS maintained the congruency effect even when the conflict
task-irrelevant. The IPS is part of the parietal regions that impose top- We used repetition suppression as a complementary means to infer
down and bottom-up attention (Shomstein, 2012). The left IPS has regional sensitivity to congruency. At least three factors can influence
been implicated in attention selection, allocating greater attentional repetition suppression. The first is the practice effect, which may be
resources to incongruent than congruent stimuli, reflecting an disguised as repetition suppression, especially in a long task such as
increased need for attentional control (Banich et al., 2001). The pre- ours. Yet, as presented in depth in supplementary information S1, in
sent findings indicated a greater allocation of attentional resources in the present study, a practice effect did not contribute to the repeti-
this region, regardless of the task relevance of the conflict. This may tion effect. The second is stimulus expectations, which can diminish
explain previous findings showing an even greater Stroop effect in this repetition suppression (Summerfield et al., 2008). Possibly, we are
region for multimodal as compared to unimodal congruency (Fitzhugh prone to expect consistencies in the world, so incongruent stimuli
et al., 2019). might violate our expectations. The third factor is saliency, so that
Incongruent stimuli can be considered more salient than congru- response to salient stimuli distinct from their background strongly
ent stimuli (Guido, 1998). From this perspective, greater recruitment decreases in response to their repeated presentation (e.g., Ishai
of the IPS for incongruent stimuli might reflect greater saliency, as et al., 2004). As mentioned before, incongruent stimuli may be
shown in non-Stroop visual tasks. For instance, the IPS responded to regarded as salient (Guido, 1998). The design of the current study
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ent spatial location than the target (Geng & Mangun, 2009; Mazaheri factors. The congruent and incongruent stimuli were equally distrib-
et al., 2011), a response correlated with the behavioral manifestation uted across the first and second positions, preventing any potential
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OREN ET AL. 4319

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