Requisition For Piping Work A01IFR

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A01 Issued for Review Fajar Irawan 20 April 2017 Heru Herlambang 20 April 2017 K. Ninomiya 20 April 2017
Rev Reason for Issue Author Date Checked Date Approver Date

! This document is copyright and shall Document Number Contractor Doc Number
not be reproduced without the TEP-440-REQ-CU-BP4-0031 870310-PTS-440-CST-REQ-02587
permission of BP

Document Class
© BP p.l.c.
Security Classification: 2
BP Internal
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

Table of Contents

1 General...........................................................................................................5
Project Overview................................................................................................................5
Purpose .............................................................................................................................5

2 Abbreviation and Definition ..............................................................6

Abbreviation .......................................................................................................................6

3 Reference Documents ..........................................................................6

3.1 Part of Requisition Documents .....................................................................................6
3.2 Order of Precedence....................................................................................................7
3.3 Drawings ......................................................................................................................7

4 Scope of Direct Work ............................................................................7

5 Work Volumes ...........................................................................................8
6 Work Schedule ..........................................................................................8
7 Document Submission .........................................................................8
8 Special Note ................................................................................................8
8.1 Scaffolding Work ....................................................................................................8
Attachment 1 – Work Volume Table for Direct Cost ............................................24
Attachment 2 – Scope of Direct Work ...................................................................25
Attachment 3 – Definition and Measurement .......................................................26
Attachment 4 – Specifications, Codes & Standards and Specific Procedures for
the Work ..................................................................................................................27
Attachment 5 – Drawings .......................................................................................28
Attachment 6 – Milestone of the Work Schedule .................................................29
Attachment 7 – Documents to be submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR .................30
Attachment 8 – Soil Investigation Report .............................................................31

List of Appendix
Attachment 1 – Work Volume Table for Direct Cost ............................................................................ 24
Attachment 2 – Scope of Direct Work .................................................................................................. 25
Attachment 3 – Definition and Measurement ....................................................................................... 26
Attachment 4 – Specifications, Codes & Standards and Specific Procedures for the Work ................ 27
Attachment 5 – Drawings ..................................................................................................................... 28
Attachment 6 – Milestone of the Work Schedule ................................................................................. 29
Attachment 7 – Documents to be submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR ................................................. 30
Attachment 8 – Other Related Documents........................................................................................... 31

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© BP p.l.c. BP Internal
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

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© BP p.l.c. BP Internal
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

Revision History

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Date Number Name
20 April 2017 A01 Issued For Review

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© BP p.l.c. BP Internal
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

1 General
Project Overview

BP Berau Ltd., hereafter known as COMPANY, is the operator of Tangguh LNG, a two train natural
gas (NG) liquefaction facility in Bintuni Bay, Papua, Indonesia. The facility includes associated
onshore infrastructure, two offshore platforms, pipelines and twelve wells. These facilities are the
Trains 1 and 2 developments at Tangguh.
COMPANY has initiated the Tangguh Expansion Project to commercialize the incremental resource
into high margin gas markets based on a single LNG (liquefied natural gas) train expansion (Train 3).
Tangguh Expansion Project will consist of new offshore facilities, including wellhead platforms and
pipelines, and onshore development on the existing Tangguh brownfield site. The new onshore
facilities will include one additional natural gas liquefaction train of a similar design and capacity to the
existing trains, an onshore receiving facility (ORF), new LNG and condensate loading berth, additional
boil off gas (BOG) recovery, condensate storage tank, utilities, flares and the infrastructure to support
logistics and the associated increase in the temporary and permanent workforce.
The Tangguh Expansion Project comprises of the following new facilities:
• [New] Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF)
• [New] LNG Train 3
• [New] Condensate Stabilization Train 3
• [New/Interconnection] Plant Utility Facilities
• [New] LNG Loading System
• [New] Condensate Storage and Loading System
• [Expansion] Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS)
• [Expansion] Telecommunication System
• [New] Trestle Jetty Structure
• [Expansion] Onshore Infrastructure
• Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste Management System


This Requisition covers the requirements for Piping and Painting Work (hereinafter called the Work) to
be performed by the SUBCONTRACTOR.
This Requisition shall be applied in conjunction with “Requisition for Common Scope of the Work

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

2 Abbreviation and Definition


Abbreviation Description
BOG Boil off Gas
CSW Common Scope of Work
EPC Engineering, Procurement, Construction
FEED Front End Engineering Design
LNG Liquid Natural Gas
MTPA Million Tonnes Per Annum
ORF Onshore Receiving Facilities
PO Purchase Order
PQ Pre-Qualification


Definition Description
COMPANY BP Berau ltd.
CONTRACTOR CSTS (Chiyoda, Saipem, Tripatra, SAE)
Any party (other than CONTRACTOR) to a subcontract (of any tier)
including its employees and agents.
Shall Mandatory
Should/May Discretional, but COMPANY approval to be sought for deviation.

3 Reference Documents
3.1 Part of Requisition Documents

The following documents shall form part of this Requisition.

No Title
Attachment-1 Work Volume Table for Direct Cost

Attachment-2 Scope of Direct Work

Attachment-3 Definition and Measurement

Attachment-4 Specifications, Codes & Standards and Specific Procedures for the Work
Attachment-5 Drawings

Attachment-6 Milestones of the Work Schedule

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© BP p.l.c. BP Internal
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

No Title
Attachment-7 Documents to be submitted by the Subcontractor
Attachment-8 Soil Investigation Report

3.2 Order of Precedence

The order of precedence of referenced documents, except where indicated otherwise in Note below,
shall be as follows:
Precedence Document
(1) The body of this Requisition
(2) Drawings issued for construction
(3) Specifications
(4) Other documents
(Note) Local laws and regulations
In the event of any discrepancy of a technical or engineering nature between local laws and
regulations, and the documents listed in Subsection 3.2 herein, the more stringent requirement shall
In the event of a discrepancy of a legal nature between local laws and regulations and the documents
listed above, the local laws and regulations shall govern.
In the event of any technical discrepancy between the various documents listed in Subsection 3.2
herein, the discrepancy shall be referred to CONTRACTOR for clarification and the decision made by
CONTRACTOR shall be final.

3.3 Drawings

Drawings attached to this requisition are provisional only. They shall be used as reference purpose
only. Final drawings for construction shall be issued to the Subcontractor as piece-meal base in due
course of the construction work.

4 Scope of Direct Work

Direct work to be executed by the Subcontractor is indicated in Attachment-1 Work Volume Table for
Direct Costs, Attachment-2 Scope of Direct Work, and Attachment-3 Definition and Measurement.
Any materials furnished by the Subcontractor shall strictly comply with Attachment-4 Specifications,
Codes & Standards and Specific Procedures for the Work.
Indirect work to be executed by the Subcontractor is indicated in Attachment-2 of Common Scope of
CONTRACTOR may give in writing any instructions for Precommissioning/Commissioning Work, and
the cost will be compensated to the Subcontractor in accordance with Article 15 of the Subcontract
General Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise specified.

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

5 Work Volumes
Detailed work volumes are indicated in Attachment-1 Work Volume Table for Direct Costs which is
prepared in accordance with Attachment-3 Definition and Measurement of Piping Work.

6 Work Schedule
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall execute the work in accordance with the Level-2 Project Management
schedule included in Attachment-7 of CSW. In addition, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible
to keep the Milestones listed in Attachment-6 Milestones of the Work Schedule of this requisition.

7 Documents Submission
7.1 Documents to be submitted with quotation
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit the documents with his quotation as listed in Attachment-7 of
this requisition.
Clarification List
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall respond each item of clarification list as listed in Attachment-7 as TBE
part and to be closed before Purchase Order award. The SUBCONTRACTOR has the right to add the
other item as part of his clarification which regard to the scope of work and/or technical requirement.

Deviation Request (if necessary)

The SUBCONTRACTOR may propose and submit the any deviation request for whatever reason by
using the form in Attachment-7 for CSTS and BP approval before Purchase Order award.

7.2 Documents to be submitted after the Subcontract

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit the documents as listed in Attachment-5 of CSW.

8 Special Note
8.1 Scaffolding Work
Supply and erection of the necessary scaffolding for installation of piping material on
common pipe rack area are excluded from SUBCONTRACTOR’s scope of work .
CONTRACTOR will provide material and installation for scaffolding.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall supply and erect of the necessary scaffolding for installation of
piping material exclude on pipe rack area. SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide material and
installation for scaffolding.

8.2 CONTRACTOR Furnished Documents

CONTRACTOR will provide isometrics drawing and spool drawing that generated by
Piping data flow in this case shall be in accordance with Attachment-2-4 hereto.

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© BP p.l.c. BP Internal
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

Hard Copy of Isometric Drawings, spool drawing and Layout Plan Drawing (GA) will be
supplied by CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR may supply the following isometric drawings, spool drawing and plans (GA
drawings) required for the piping work:

Isometrics Plans
For Carbon Steel Piping all sizes* all sizes
For Alloy Steel and Stainless Steel all sizes* all sizes

* 1 1/2” and below isometrics is for reference.

* No isometrics drawings will be issued for lead / tail piping for and trace tubing.

8.3 Pipe Supply Condition

Pipe lengths to be supplied by CONTRACTOR are basically as follows.

Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Pipe and Galvanized Pipe

1-1/2” and smaller … Single Random length (Average Length = 6.0 Meters)
2” and Larger … Double Random length (Average Length = 12 Meters)
Special Size … Special length (Approx. 4 to 11 Meters)

Stainless Steel pipe

1-1/2” and smaller … Single Random length (Average Length = 6.0 Meters)
2” and Larger … Double Random length (Average Length = 12 Meters)
Special Size … Special length (Approx. 3 to 9Meters)

Galvanized Pipe
1-1/2” and smaller ... Single Random length (Average Length = 6.0 Meters)
2” and larger … Double Random length (Average Length = 12 Meters)

GRE Pipe
2” – 8” : Loose supply (Pipe, Flange, Fittings) or pipe spool will be supplied with taper
10” and above : Loose supply (Pipe, Flange, Fittings) or pipe spool will be supplied for butt
and strap Joint.

All Sizes … Single Random length (Average Length = 6.0 Meters: for reference)

Each pipe will be supplied with plain ends for 1-1/2” and smaller for bevelled ends for 2” and larger
respectively, except 2” and smaller galvanized pipe which will be supplied NPT threaded ends,
according to the Piping Specification.

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

8.4 Supply of Pipe Supports

Refer to Attachment-2 Scope of Direct Work. Surface preparation and 1st coat of protective material
(Primer) in the SOW of SUBCONTRACTOR.

8.5 Handling of Piping and Support Materials

All the pipework, pipe support materials and/or piping components will be collected by CONTRACTOR
at a Marshalling Area located in Indonesia far away from Jobsite or at CONTRACTOR jobsite
warehouse and/or storage area(s).
In Collecting and/or Handling the materials, SUBCONTRACTOR shall comply with the following items:
1. All pipes, flanges, fittings, special item supports for pipe such as spring hangers, sliding Teflon
plate, cold insulated shoes and acoustic attenuation pad will be supplied to the Subcontractor
“as purchased” and shall be collected by the SUBCONTRACTOR from the CONTRACTOR
Marshalling Area and/or CONTRACTOR jobsite warehouse and/or storage area(s).

All supplied piping materials and component have been colour coded by material Suppliers
according to TEP-900-SPE-PP-BP4-0002 Project Specification for Piping Material Colour
Coding. Subcontractor shall be aware and responsible to maintain such colour coding exists
up to piping fabrication stage (before sandblasting/primer coating).

2. Pipes, flanges, fittings, pipe supports and similar which will be received in raw condition shall
be primed in accordance with the specifications, prior to prefabrication or installation by the
Subcontractor. Bolt holes of flanges shall be primed prior to fabrication or installation.

3. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for transporting any pipework or piping

components which require blasting or priming or painting prior to fabrication:
a. from the CONTRACTOR Marshalling Area to SUBCONTRACTOR Painting Shop;
b. from SUBCONTRACTOR Painting Shop to SUBCONTRACTOR Fabrication Shop;
c. from Subcontractor Fabrication Shop to CONTRACTOR Marshalling Area.
d. from SUBCONTRACTOR Fabrication Shop to SUBCONTRACTOR Painting Shop.
e. from SUBCONTRACTOR Painting Shop to CONTRACTOR Marshalling Area.

4. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for transporting any pipework (Random Pipes
and/or Spools) or piping components which require to be installed in their final location at
jobsite from CONTRACTOR jobsite warehouse or storage area(s) to jobsite.

The cost of such movement work shall be included in the Subcontractor’s price for the Work. The
Subcontractor shall supply the cranes, trailers, operators, riggers and other requisites necessary for
the loading, transportation and unloading at the Subcontractor’s expense.

5. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for transporting any pipework (Random Pipes
and/or Spools) or piping components which require to be installed in their final location at
jobsite from CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION JETTY to jobsite.

The cost of such movement work shall be included in the Subcontractor’s price for the Work. The
Subcontractor shall supply the cranes, trailers, operators, riggers and other requisites necessary for
the loading, transportation and unloading at the Subcontractor’s expense.

6. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing container and arranging any
pipework (Random Pipes and/or Spools) in to container on SUBCONTRACTOR Painting

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Requisition for Piping Work

Shop/ SUBCONTRACTOR Fabrication Shop prior transporting to CONTRACTOR Marshalling

The cost of such movement work shall be included in the Subcontractor’s price for the Work. The
Subcontractor shall supply the cranes, operators, riggers and other requisites necessary for the
loading, at the Subcontractor’s expense.

8.6 QC Isometric Drawings

The CONTRACTOR will provide QC Isometric Drawings (“QC ISO Dwg.”). The SUBCONTRACTOR
shall systematically compile the QC Isometric Drawings with electronic files. They shall be submitted
to CONTRACTOR for record, after completion of the construction work.

The CONTRACTOR use the SPOOLGEN system to prepare QC Isometric Drawings. Typical work
demarcations between CONTRACTOR and the SUBCONTRACTOR for the SPOOLGEN system are
shown in Attachment-2-2.

8.7 Quality Requirement for Site Subcontractor

SUBCONTRACTOR shall perform his work both at shop fabrication and site erection in compliance
with TEP-930-SPE-QA-BP4-0003 Quality Requirement for Site Subcontractor.
8.8 Welding Personnel Requirement
SUBCONTRACTOR shall appoint, as a minimum, a competent and experienced responsible welding
coordinator. The welding coordinator should be a qualified welding engineer. The CV and job
description shall be subject to review by CONTRACTOR.

Competent and certificated welding inspection personnel shall be used sub-contractors to ensure that
welding related activities are inspected in conformance to the approved quality plan. Welding
inspectors shall hold, as a minimum, current certification to any of the following standards:

 AWS QC1 (2007 or later edition) - CWI.

 CSWIP (TWI, UK) - Welding inspector
Other related QAQC personnel shall refer to the detail requirement ANNEX B QAQC ORGANIZATION
EP-930-SPE-QA-BP4-0003 Quality Requirement for Site Subcontractor.

8.9 Welding Procedure Qualification Test

New qualification of WPQR for ASME B31.3 piping shall be required.
Existing PQRs may be considered for carbon steel piping in utility service only, subject to Company
and MIGAS approval.

WPS and WPQR shall comply to the requirement of TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project

Specification for Fabrication, Assembly, Erection, and Inspection of Pipework (ASME B31.3)
(Amendment to GPO-EN-SPE-42103).

During bid process, SUBCONTRACTOR Welding Engineer is suggested to assess all potential
existing MIGAS qualified documents which technically compliance to the mechanical requirement of
TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project Specification for Fabrication, Assembly, Erection, and Inspection
of Pipework (ASME B31.3) (Amendment to GPO-EN-SPE-42103). Where available, such potential
existing documents are to be equipped with extent of its application (such as impact temperature,
NACE service, etc…) subjected to CONTRACTOR for advance review during TBE stage.

8.10 Welder/Welding Operator Qualification Test

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

In principle, welders engaging for piping welding shall be newly qualified. Welder performance tests
shall be performed on pipe and use materials of nominally the same chemical analysis as production

For duplex piping, SUBCONTRACTOR shall note that welder/welding operator qualification requires
ferrite check testing and shall qualification shall be demonstrated to both positional welding 2G and

8.11 Indonesian Regulatory Requirements

The welding activities (including NDT related to the welding) are subjected to Indonesian regulatory
requirements by the Indonesian authority (such as DJ MIGAS, DEPNAKER). SUBCONTRACTOR
shall be responsible for the compliance with the applicable Indonesian regulations and permits.

SUBCONTRACTOR shall manage and obtain the approval and stamp on “WPS&PQR documents”
and “welder and/or welding operator certificates” from Indonesian authority. The approval and stamp
shall be obtained prior to start the welding production activities, unless otherwise agreed with
Indonesian authority. Detail provision regarding this certification process is described in TEP-930-
PRC-QA-BP4-0015 MIGAS Qualification Procedure for Welding Procedure Specification and Welding

All the related costs / activities for Indonesian regulatory requirements shall be included in
SUPPLIER’s scope of work.
Indonesian authority certificate is required as part of COMPANY quality program and the related
activities is performed by PJIT (Indonesian authority 3rd party inspector) or DJ MIGAS / DEPNAKER.

The inspection intervention point for this purpose will be advised by PJIT / DJ MIGAS / DEPNAKER.

SUBCONTRACTOR shall give a minimum sufficient calendar days’ notice (see below table) to
CONTRACTOR prior to the activity where PJIT / DJ MIGAS / DEPNAKER intervention point (Hold /
Witness) is required.

All the related costs / activities for Indonesian authority certificate shall be included in SUPPLIER’s
scope of work.

8.12 Calibration for Measuring and Testing Equipment

Measuring standards / master gauges to be used for “calibration of each measuring equipment” and
“testing equipment to be used for mechanical testing”, etc., at in-house laboratory / testing facility as
a part of SUPPLIER, shall be calibrated by an organization accredited to ISO 17025.

When mechanical testing for “new welding procedure qualification” and/or “production weld test
coupons” is required, those shall be tested by an organization accredited to ISO 17025.
8.13 Fabrication of Pipework in Shop
SUBCONTRACTOR shall comply with the following items:
1. Before to commence any fabrication activities, including material preparation,
SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit minimum but not limited to following initial documents for
CSTS and BP review:

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

 Subcontractor Document Register List (SDRL)

 Project Quality Plan

The quality plan shall detail the full scope of activities related to the fabrication,
inspection, testing and erection of pipe spools. This document shall be submitted
Within thirty (30) calendar days after contract award.

 Inspection Test Plan (ITP)

The development of ITP shall cover minimum requirements for control, intervention,
and quality record, as stated in TEP-930-SPE-QA-BP4-0021 QCP Piping for
Prefabrication and Erection and TEP-930-SPE-QA-BP4-0023 QCP for Welding.
Other CSTS’s Quality Control Plans shall be also implemented as applicable (to be
reviewed upon PO award).

This document shall be submitted Within thirty (30) calendar days before start related

 Fabricator’s key and responsible personnel (e.g., Project Manager, Fabrication

Manager, Fabrication engineer, Material and spool Coordinator, welding engineer,
welding inspector(s), quality engineer, NDT coordinator and foreman) shall be

 Subcontractor’s Fabrication Procedure.

Associated procedures or method statements shall be submitted and shall be subject

to CSTS and BP review, including but not limited to:

o Material control and storage.

o Welding consumable storage and control
o Positive material/deposited weld metal identification (PMI) for alloy materials.
o Welding procedure specifications and associated procedure qualification
records and weld map (WPS and PQR).
o Welder/Welding Operator Certificates
o NDT procedures and personnel qualifications.
o Mechanical working, such as cold or hot straightening.
o Post Weld Heat Treatment.
o Portable hardness testing.
o Ferrite Check
o Hydrostatic leak testing.
o Pneumatic testing (when specified for the piping system)

Those documents shall be submitted Within thirty (30) calendar days before start related

2. Shall conduct material receiving inspection when materials are received from CONTRACTOR.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall inform and prepare OSD report within 3 days after receipt,
when damage on materials is found. The cost for repair or replacement shall be charged to
the Subcontractor, when any damages on material are found more than 3 days after receipt.

3. For material received from CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR before the commencement

of the fabrication shall ascertain their exact compliance with requirements indicated on
appropriate Isometrics, QC Isometrics Drawings, Piping Class and Job Specification. A List
of checks to be carried out on material is given below as example (this is not an exhaustive
- Correspondence of material (marking)
- Correspondences of color codes
- Checking of PMI (if planned)
- Correspondence of diameters
- Correspondence of thicknesses

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

- Correspondence of type of flanges

- Checking of any visible damage caused by handling

Once the above checks have been carried out and replacement and/or repair required are completed,
SUBCONTRACTOR can start the fabrication.

4. To establish segregated laydown yards and workshops.

5. Submission of Job Card/ Work Package prior to start the fabrication and erection/ installation
work. Job Card/ work Package shall follow the priority and require approval from The

The Job Card/ Work Package shall be contain and not limited :
-. Start date
-. Finish Date
-. Work Volume
-. Material O/S Status
-. Welding Type
-. Extent of PMI, Production Hardness Test, and Ferrite Check to the welded joint
-. Extent of NDT and PWHT
-. Man Power list and status
-. Tools and Equipment list and status

6. Submission of appropriate welder qualification and welding procedure qualification packages,

and weld procedure specifications, for APPROVAL, prior to the start of welding in accordance
with specifications;
7. Submission of Welding Consumable and Gas Certificate;

8. Apply colour coding for Welding Consumables

SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit the procedure/method statement explaining how colour

coding is to be applied and control and which colour to be applied. TEP-900-SPE-PP-BP4-
0002 Project Specification for Piping Material Colour Coding can be used as reference for
procedure/method statement development by SUBCONTRACTOR.

9. Fabricate carbon steel, low temperature carbon steel and alloy steel separately to ensure no
contamination of materials.

10. Separate NDT and heat treatment areas to be established.

11. Perform PMI, Production Hardness, Ferrite Check as applicable based on required extent and
project specification.

12. Ensure that material identification numbers are re-marked/tagged on off-cuts of piping

13. If pipes of different thickness must be welded, the larger thickness shall be tapered in
compliance with standards to match the smaller thickness. Associated cost will be borne by

14. SUBCONTRACTOR shall utilize the welding process which refer to Table 328.5.1H and also
refer to 328.2.1 (3) TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project Specification for Fabrication,
Assembly, Erection, and Inspection of Pipework (ASME B31.3) (Amendment to GPO-EN-

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
Requisition for Piping Work

15. The tolerance for piping fabrication shall comply with requirements indicated in the standard
code. If distortion and/or imperfection which do not fall within the tolerances are noted during
the pipe dimensional check, neither hot nor cold adjustments shall be permitted and these
pipe sections shall be therefore be refabricated.

Dimension check shall be performed and the result shall not exceed the tolerance as specified
in figure 328.4.3E of TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project Specification for Fabrication,
Assembly, Erection, and Inspection of Pipework (ASME B31.3) (Amendment to GPO-EN-
SPE-42103), unless specified otherwise by ISOMETRIC Drawing.

Moreover, SUBCONTRACTOR shall fabricate the piping with respect to the proximity weld
restriction as specified in paragraph 328.5.7 of TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project
Specification for Fabrication, Assembly, Erection, and Inspection of Pipework (ASME B31.3)
(Amendment to GPO-EN-SPE-42103).

16. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall mark all fabricated pieces with the applicable line number, ISO
Drawing No., spool piece number, and area identification colour.

17. Upon completion of prefabrication, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall:

- Prepare the surface and apply 1st protective coat (Primer) according to
specification TEP-900-SPE-PP-BP4-1009
- Thoroughly clean the interior of the pipe/spool
- Cover both ends of the pipe/spool with strong vinyl sheet or similar material
- Protect the flange faces with plywood sheet or similar flat board wired or bolted to
the flange bolt holes.
All consumable, material and cost for above works shall be scope of the SUBCONTRACTOR.

8.14 Spool Tracking System

The Spool Tracking system (STS) is the application used for spools movements management. STS
monitors and tracks the progress of pipe-work construction from spool pre-fabrication through the
different steps of fabrication and construction. Tools required for the use the use of the STS site are: a
dedicated PC workstation; a tag station for the creation of RFID used for the spool identification; a
printer for producing the labels for RFID and some handheld for recording the spool movement. The
STS Coordinator depending of dimension of the project can use a certain number of STS operators.
The tag station operator creates, daily, the TAGs necessary for the identification of fabricated spools.
TAGs will be delivered to the various workshops.
STS Operator, in accordance with the Project requirements shall interface with all the involved
departments and collect all the required information needed to set-up the system in accordance with
Project requirements.
Receive from the Warehouse Management Superintendent a list containing the names of the people
who will use the handheld in the workshop. Enable any person to use the handheld in a single macro
All data will be sent to ICT that will provide the setting STS and Oxygen (application used to initialize
the TAG and importing the data). Important: it is necessary that the feasibility (GEMAPI) is set for
spool and the WiTS is active. The STS Operator shall work only in the macro area enabled. He shall
identify the spool, previously identified with a TAG created by the tag station operator and using the
handheld, signaling the position in the macro / micro area and the next position (only macro area). At
the end of the day synchronize the handheld with STS in order to transfer the spool movement
collected during the day and make them available on the server.

8.15 Wits (Welding Integrated Tracking System)

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Requisition for Piping Work

The Welding integrated Tracking System (WiTS) is the application used for data recording, tracking,
evaluating, and reporting of every single joint on pipe, fittings and flanges. This is application that
holds welding productions, non-destructive test and welder performances. This System produces built-
in reports for quality and progress monitoring. The previous version of WiTS was (Pipe Tracking
System). WiTS Coordinator interface with all the other Departments in order to collect all the
information required for proper set-up the System in accordance with Project requirements.
WiTS Coordinator shall receive from ENG Dept. the following information: list isometric updated to the
latest revision issued for construction; list of components/marks used in the project; list of piping
classes and services used in the project; from warehouse department (MAGA): marks; heat numbers;
certificate numbers; vendor; from quality department: list of approved welding procedure specification;
list of qualified welders; list of weld process code; list of weld defects; NDT% Requirements table. It is
required to know the nr. of initial production joints; fit-up activities (required or not required); automatic
generation of visual test (required or not required); considering inspection requests for NDT mandatory
but non-binding, mandatory, binding, not mandatory. Once the above information is obtained, it will be
updated in the system for test and production.
The WiTS coordinator receives welding maps created daily and shop drawings (PDF format) from
Spoolgen Coordinator, daily weld production reports containing the daily production of welded joints
from the quality department. Other activities (assisted with quality department) are: check the spools
ready for installation and issue the release; check the status of all NDT requests and the related report
(backlog); check the welder performance and issue the welding summary list for test pack. The WiTS
coordinator, depending of the dimension of the project can be supported under his responsibility by a
certain number of WiTS operators. The WiTS operator shall receive from the construction department,
the daily weld/fit-up production report (DWPR / DFPR) containing the daily production of welded joints
in the workshop and/or on site and from welding quality department visual tests (VT) and load into the
system. Upon the recommendation of welding quality department, he may issue requests for NDT and
then load to WiTS what had been done. The WiTS operator shall report to the WiTS Coordinator all
the problems encountered in the business of data entry (missing or incorrectly reported) and prepare
reports as required. WiTS has a close integration with TEDFLOW that all new Test Packs will be
imported into WiTS. So, the operator will only flag the joints involved in each Test Pack.
Typical work demarcations between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor are shown in Attachment-

8.16 NDE Works

SUBCONTRACTOR shall perform NDE works (RT, MT, PT, VI, etc) as applicable based on NDT
extent at Table 341.1.4A. TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project Specification for Fabrication,
Assembly, Erection, and Inspection of Pipework (ASME B31.3) (Amendment to GPO-EN-SPE-42103).
All NDT procedures shall be approved by a Level III qualified operator.

All NDT operators shall be qualified in accordance with ISO 9712 or ASNT ACCP to a minimum of
Level 2. The use of Level 1 NDT operators is not permitted.

NDT operators qualified to ASNT SNT-TC-1A also are not acceptable.

Aforementioned requirements are applicable during both shop fabrication and site erection.

The 3rd party company (NDT Company) to be submitted for approval to CONTRACTOR.
Any temporary facilities and/or utilities for the works shall be provided by SUBCONTRACTOR
including films and consumables.
The cost of MT, PT, VI, Holiday Test and Hardness Test, etc. are indeterminate and the cost is
included in Welding DI U/R for Subcontractor’s QC activities.

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Requisition for Piping Work

8.17 PMI
PMI shall be required for alloy materials and welds. PMI shall be in accordance with TEP-900-SPE-
MT-BP4-0001 Positive Materials Identification (PMI) for PV, Piping & other Components (Amendment
to GPO-EN-SPE-36103). Positive Material Identification (PMI) shall be performed at a time which
ensures that proper materials have been used in the fabrication of an identifiable assembly (such as
plate welded into a vessel or pipe length welded into a pipe spool).Positive Material Identification
(PMI) on deposited weld metal determined by XRF shall be within +/-12.5% of the ranges stated in
ASME Section II Part C.

The extent of PMI testing shall be 100% for alloy process piping and 10% for alloy utility piping,
applicable for both shop fabrication and site erection.

8.18 PWHT
PWHT is required by design code ASME B31.3 2012 edition when the thickness is above 20mm and
by for process reason (i.e. amine) which shall be in accordance with Project spec. TEP-900-SPE-MM-
BP4-0007, Specification for Hardness Testing, Post Weld Heat Treatment, Stress Relief, and Pickling
for Pressure Vessels, Piping, and Other Components (Amendment to GIS36-102).

When amine service is specified, all pressure retaining CS welds and attachment welds to pressure
parts shall be subject to PWHT at 635 ± 15 °C for a hold time of one hour for each 25 mm (1.0 in)
thickness with a minimum hold time of 2 hours regardless of thickness.

For sour service, PWHT is not required for the thickness 19mm & below provided that single side/
multi-pass welding is made and the maximum hardness of 248Hv10 is confirmed by welding
procedure qualification. For the thickness 20mm & above, PWHT condition shall be the same as
amine service. However, external attachment welds to pressure parts may not be PWHT’d.

8.19 Production and Field Hardness Testing

Production/field Hardness Test shall be applied to CS material (other materials/service is not
 When PWHT is required by design code ASME B31.3 2010 for THK > 20mm and;
 When required due to process reason i.e. Amine Service.

The extent shall be 100% with maximum acceptance 200HB.

5% extent may be applied only to the piping without PWHT (thickness 19mm and below) for NACE
service with maximum acceptance 200HB.

The production hardness test are applicable for both fabrication shop and site erection and to be
compliance with TEP-900-SPE-MT-BP4-0007 Specification for Hardness Testing, Post Weld Heat
Treatment, Stress Relief, and Pickling for Pressure Vessels, Piping, and Other Components
(Amendment to GIS36-102).

8.20 Production and Field Ferrite Check

Ferrite Check of DSS weld shall be performed with extent 10% of DSS weld by Fischer Ferrite Scope
with the acceptance criteria of 35%-65%.

8.21 Welding Repair

Repair welding shall conform to an approved WPS and PQR. Original WPS and PQR may be used for

If repairs are performed with a different welding process, a specific repair WPS and PQR shall be
used. Full penetration repair when the root gap has exceeded the original WPS and also internal
repairs shall be repaired using applicable repair WPS.

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Requisition for Piping Work

Only a maximum of two repair attempts shall be permitted for any defective area. Subsequent to two
failed attempts, the complete weld shall be cut out and replaced.

In case Duplex piping, only one repair cycle shall be allowed. Fabricator shall qualify procedures for
both deep penetration and shallow repairs. No local through the wall repairs shall be allowed.
Joints that contain defects located within 5 mm (0.2 in) of the internal pipe bore shall be cut out and

8.22 Welder Performance Control

SUBCONTRACTOR shall control his welder/welding operator performance in accordance to the TEP-
930-PRC-QA-BP4-0047 Welder Performance Control, Consumable Control, and Site Welding
Such control shall include welder’s performance evaluation by an initial evaluation (RT of first
production welds, min. 5 joints of each welder) and subsequent periodical evaluation (based on
progressive examination result for 2 additional welds in case of repair as per ASME B31.3 and RT
rejection ratio for each certain period, such as semi-monthly) of each welder.
If a welder's evaluation indicates unacceptable performance, he shall stop production welding. Further
training shall be given to the welders to improve his performance by SUBCONTRACTOR. He may be
downgraded from butt welding to fillet welding at the option of SUBCONTRACTOR.

A requalification test shall be carried out for a welder who completed a program of training established
by SUBCONTRACTOR and submitted to CONTRACTOR’s welding engineer for approval.

8.23 Welding Rejection Rate

As minimum, SUBCONTRACTOR shall control welder/welding operator performance in order to
minimize RT rejection ratio/ re-work and to keep overall RT rejection ratio below 2.5% (film base) an
5.0% (joint base) as a target.

8.24 Golden Joint

Golden Joint is a case that it is almost impossible/ impractical to do the pressure test of the final weld
In any case, SUBCONTRACTOR shall prepare a method statement for closure welds based on the
requirements Appendix FF TEP-900-SPE-MM-BP4-0003 Project Specification for Fabrication,
Assembly, Erection, and Inspection of Pipework (ASME B31.3) (Amendment to GPO-EN-SPE-42103).
and obtain Contractor/Company approval prior to use.

8.25 Welding Consumable Supply

Welding consumables shall be supplied with batch or lot certification in conformance to ASME SFA
5.01 (AWS A5.01) or eq. ISO document as follows:

1. Welding consumables shall be certified in conformance to EN 10204, level 3.1.

2. The supplied requirements for welding consumables shall be as per following table:

Type of Consumables Material Application (Refer to ASME II- C, SFA

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Requisition for Piping Work

Lot Testing
Class Level

CS to be applied for T > -29°C C1

CS to be applied for T ≤ -30°C C1 Schedule I

Covered Electrode SMAW SS Non-cryogenic service C1 Schedule I Note 1

Cryogenic service Note

SS C3 Schedule I
T below -46 C down to -196°C 1,2

DSS Any C3 Schedule I

CS to be applied for T > -29°C T1

to be applied for T ≤ -20°C

CS T3 Schedule I
with PWHT

CS to be applied for T ≤ -30°C T3 Schedule I

Flux Cored Wire FCAW
SS Non-cryogenic service T1 Schedule I Note 1

Cryogenic service, Note

SS T3 Schedule I
T below -46 C down to -196°C 1,2

DSS Any T3 Schedule I

CS Any S1
Rod or Solid Wire Note
SAW SS Any S1 Schedule I

DSS Any S3 Schedule I

CS Any F1
Fluxes for SAW SAW Note
SS Any F1 Schedule I
DSS Any F1 Schedule I
Note 1: Ferrite content of austenitic SS weld metal shall be 3-8%, unless otherwise agreed.

Note 2: Austenitic SS weld consumables for cryogenic service piping below -46 °C shall be carefully selected for
specific cryogenic application with manufacturer's recommendation. Manufacture and brand shall be subject to approval
by Contractor. Each heat and/or lot of welding consumables for SMAW/ FCAW and each heat of filler metal and batch of
flux combination for SAW (except GTAW wire) shall be pre-use impact tested at -196C as specified in TEP-900-SPE-

3. Following receipt, consumables shall be promptly transferred to the primary storage area
which shall:
 The humidity shall not exceeding 60%.
 The room temperature shall be at 200C to 400C (680F to 1040F).
 Humidity and temperature shall be continuously recorded.
 Measuring devices and instruments required for control of the consumable storage
area shall require regular calibration under CONTRACTOR quality assurance

4. SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide the chemical paint for colour coding as proposed.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide also other necessary requirements for consumable control and
handling such as baking oven, quiver, indoor storage, store keeper, withdrawal record, etc.

8.26 Re-facing of Flange Face Surfaces

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Requisition for Piping Work

Flange faces that are scratched or damaged during prefabrication at the shop or during transportation
or field erection shall be refaced by the SUBCONTRACTOR at his expense. Flange facing machine
shall be supplied by the SUBCONTRACTOR. This is also applicable for internal lining spool such as
rubber lining or PFA lining.
8.27 Erection of Pipework in site
SUBCONTRACTOR shall comply with the following items:
1. For material received from CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR before the commencement
of the erection shall ascertain their exact compliance with requirements indicated on
appropriate Isometrics, QC Isometrics Drawings, Piping Class and Job Specification.
A List of checks to be carried out on material is given below as example (this is not an
exhaustive list):
- Correspondence of material (marking)
- Correspondences of color codes
- Checking of PMI (if planned)
- Correspondence of diameters
- Correspondence of thicknesses
- Correspondence of type of flanges
- Correspondence of type of valves
- Checking of any visible damage caused by handling

2. In addition to comply with the requirements indicated in the previous item,

SUBCONTRACTOR shall check:
- Proper and segregated lay down area on job site location. The laydown area shall
be established before pre-fabricated spools/ pipe coming to job site as per WBS
indicated on IDF drawing.
- Position of prefabricated and other pipes using measurements indicated on
erection drawings
- Correspondence between elevations of connection points to equipment or of
support structures and those indicated on erection drawings

3. Before installation of pipes/spools, air blow shall be performed by air compressor.

SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish the necessary number of Air compressor for blow.
4. All spools checked for internal corrosion and/or contamination prior to erection. Note: This
shall be signed off by the area piping engineer to ensure cleanliness;

5. SUBCONTRACTOR shall install the piping by placing it in the exact position indicated on the
erection drawings. In order to erect the piping in its correct position, SUBCONTRACTOR can
make use of temporary supports which shall not be welded to the pipe and whose cost shall,
in any case, be borne by SUBCONTRACTOR.

6. Care shall be taken to use suitable equipment and plant during erection to avoid damaging
materials to be erected (e.g. rubber or plastic coated slings shall be used for coated pipes)

7. If pipes of different thickness must be welded, the larger thickness shall be tapered in
compliance with standards to match the smaller thickness. Associated cost will be borne by

8. If internal of valves with ends to be butt-welded, socket-welded or threaded (and to be seal-

welded) are of plastic material or may be damaged through the transmission of heat, they
shall be removed before welding unless the valve Manufacturer specifically guarantees that
there is no risk of damages or provides appropriate and specific instructions.

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Requisition for Piping Work

9. When executing welds on gate valves to be butt-welded, the plug shall be kept in the open
position to prevent it from getting trapped in the seat.

10. The tolerance for piping fabrication shall comply with requirements indicated in the standard
code. If distortion and/or imperfection which do not fall within the tolerances are noted during
the pipe dimensional check, neither hot nor cold adjustments shall be permitted and these
pipe sections shall be therefore be refabricated.

11. Once the line has been installed in its correct position, SUBCONTRACTOR shall erect
appropriate supports. Spring supports and expansion joints shall be in the locked position
during the erection of the pipes.

8.28 Project Management

SUBCONTRACTOR shall responsible and shall undertake all necessary project management
including but not limited to planning, quality assurance and quality control, safety management,
fabrication, erection and installation activities, subcontract management, reporting, interfacing with
Company, CONTRACTOR as necessary to perform the works in accordance with project
requirements and milestone/ schedule completion dates.

In order to complete the works in a controlled manner, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible to

provide but not limited following :
1. Project and construction/ fabrication/erection/ installation management supervision;
2. Material, spool control, logistic and other resources management and supervision;
3. Perform interface with others
4. Quality and HSE Management and supervision;
5. Work closely and effectively with the CONTRACTOR in order to optimize the work contract
scope of works;
6. Perform Hazard Identification for each operation

SUBCONTRACTOR shall identify its relevant key personnel and shall be considered as core members
of the Project Management Team. They shall be mobilized immediately upon award of the contract
(after submission of CV’s and CONTRACTOR approval of nominated personnel) and shall be retained
for the entire duration of the WORK CONTRACT. Replacement/ demobilization of such personnel
shall be subject to prior written approval, or request, from CONTRACTOR.
8.29 Scrap and Surplus Material

1. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall arrange his pipe cutting schedule to minimize pipe
wastage/scrap pipe. Scrap pipe is defined as the remaining pieces of off-cut pipe as
- Carbon steel ..... 4” and smaller ..... Under 0.5 meter
- Carbon steel ..... 6” and larger ..... Under 0.3 meter
- Alloy steel and stainless steel ..... All sizes ..... Under 0.3 meter
- Non-metallic ..... All sizes ..... Under 0.3 meter

2. All surplus materials and pipe off-cuts including scrap pipes shall be transported by
the Subcontractor to the CONTRACTOR jobsite warehouse or dedicated area by

3. Any materials which are lost, damaged or in any way misused by the Subcontractor
after receipt from CONTRACTOR shall be reported to CONTRACTOR. The cost of all

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Requisition for Piping Work

such materials replacement and repair shall be charged to the SUBCONTRACTOR,

who shall also be responsible for any delay recovery.

8.30 Line Check and Punch List

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for the line checks in accordance with the
Line Check Procedure, included in Attachment-4 herein. The SUBCONTRACTOR shall prepare the
Punch List and shall clear all the Punch List Items.

8.31 Pipe and Spool Cleanliness and Preservation

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for pipe and spool cleanliness and
preservation in accordance with project specifications.

8.32 Bolt Torquing, Tensioning and Flange Management

A Sub-SUBCONTRACTOR specializing in flange bolt torqueing, tensioning and flange
management management shall be utilized. SUBCONTRACTOR shall follow supplier list from
SUBCONTRACTOR or sub-SUBCONTACTOR shall perform the flange management work according
8.33 Pneumatic Test for Cryogenic System
A Sub-SUBCONTRACTOR specializing in pneumatic test shall be utilized. Sub-
SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide :
1) Experience list from same type of previous project
2) Compliance with ASME to perform the pneumatic test
3) Calculation of the stored Energy prior to conduct pneumatic test.
4) SIMOP (Simultaneous Operation) Procedure and calculation to conduct pneumatic
test related with interfacing others work at site.
5) Tools and Equipment detail specification to conduct pneumatic test (compressor,
hose, etc)
6) List experience of personnel’s

Sub-SUBCONTRACTOR shall be subject to prior written approval from CONTRACTOR.

8.34 Commissioning Activities

During the project commissioning phases, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide man power, tools
and equipment’s to execute the work related to commissioning SUBCONTRACTOR’s works.

8.35 Cutting Allowance

Shortage of piping material due to cutting loss shall be reported in due course to
CONTRACTOR for material purchase, and the cost shall be borne by the SUBCONTRACTOR.

8.36 Required Dates for Information

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit in his execution plan the required dates of information,
documents, and materials to be issued by CONTRACTOR.

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Requisition for Piping Work

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit in his execution plan the issue schedule of necessary
information, documents to be issued by the SUBCONTRACTOR to CONTRACTOR.

8.37 Piping Cleaning

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall conduct the pipe cleaning by all means prior to hand over to
commissioning in accordance with procedures and specification, and maintain its cleanliness at all

8.38 Start-Up Stay-Up (SUSU) Program

COMPANY’s Start-Up, Stay-Up (SUSU) Program is to achieve a “world class” successful and
safe Commissioning and Start-up (CSU) and operational performance of the Tangguh Expansion
Project. CONTRACTOR will implement SUSU Program to their own organization and it will be
cascaded through contracts and purchase orders to SUBCONTRACTORs organization to incorporate
the various lessons learned from each of the participating companies into the SUSU objectives. The
resulting mitigation plans and action items will be incorporated into the SUSU Implementation Plan
and integrated into Project procedures and construction methods.
SUBCONTRACTORs shall comply with the specification of SUSU Delivery Program by :
a. SUBCONTRACTORs shall appoint qualified personnel (focal point) to implement the program.
b. SUBCONTRACTORs to inform CONTRACTOR their past lessons learned (if applicable) to be
applied to this project.
c. SUBCONTRACTORs shall follow FOCUS Assurance Plan for each FOCUS Areas for the
implementation of SUSU Risk Mitigation Action Plan.

8.39 Final Document

SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide final documentation. The index of final documentation shall be agreed at
starting work execution.

SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide required documents to CONTRACTOR/PJIT/COMPANY both true hard

copy and soft copy during the work execution for the purpose of MIGAS inspections (before, during, and
after activities performed).

8.39 Submitting Proposal Price

The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit proposal price to execute Piping Fabrication and
Erection for ;
- Train – 3 Area Only
- Utility and ORF Area Only
- Offsite Only
- Combination more than 1 (one) Area
- All Area
Hereinafter for the avoidance of doubt, The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit all above mentioned
optional price.
The CONTRACTOR will determine further during clarification stage with SUBCONTRACTOR.

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Requisition for Piping Work

Attachment 1 – Work Volume Table for Direct Cost

[Refer to Instructions to Bidders Form-4 (ITB Form 4)]

The attached document is Work Volume Table and Direct Cost Breakdown for the Piping Work.

Attachment 1.1 Work Volume Table and Direct Cost Breakdown for Piping Work

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Requisition for Piping Work

Attachment 2 – Scope of Direct Work

The attached table delineates the responsibility of CONTRACTOR and the SUBCONTRACTOR for
Engineering, Procurement and Construction.

Attachment 2.1 Scope of SUBCONTRACTOR’s Direct Work (Piping Work)

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Attachment 3 – Definition and Measurement

The attached document is Definition and Measurement of the work.

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Requisition for Piping Work

Attachment 4 – Specifications, Codes & Standards and

Specific Procedures for the Work

The attached document is Specifications, Codes & Standards and Specific Procedures for the work.

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Attachment 5 – Drawings

Attachment 5.1 Drawing List

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Attachment 6 – Milestone of the Work Schedule

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Attachment 7 – Documents to be submitted by

The Subcontractor shall submit the documents as listed in attachment-5 of the Requisition of Common
Scope of The Work

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Attachment 8 – Soil Investigation Report

Not Applicable

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