Extra Q Development

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1.What is the meaning of development ? Explain its aspects.

2. Why do people have different development goals ? Explain


Why do development goals vary? Explain

3.” Development for one may not be development for other” . Explain

4. What a common development goals other than income.

5. Define the following terms

Per Capita Income

Infant Mortality Rate

Life Expectancy

Net Attendance Ratio

6. What criterion World Bank has used to compare development of different countries.

7.Why do we use average ? Are there any limitation to their use ? Illustrate with examples relating to

8. Which institution publishes Human Development Report?

9.How do we calculate BMI

10. What are basic components of H.D.I?

11. Explain the term sustainable development. Why an issue of sustainable development is important?

12. Explain any 4 measures to promote sustainable development.

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