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Research Park Vertical on

“Signal & Image Processing”

L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Establishing a vertical dedicated to Signal and Image Processing at Research park is
essential in addressing the burgeoning demand for advanced computational techniques across
various sectors. These days, with digital data growing at an exponential rate and sensor
technologies proliferating, it is critical to be able to analyse and understand signals and
images quickly.Such capabilities find applications in diverse fields including medical
imaging, remote sensing, telecommunications, and security systems, among others.As a hub
for multidisciplinary research, a vertical in Signal and Image Processing would encourage
partnerships between specialists in domain-specific fields, computer science, mathematics,
and engineering. This aims to foster innovation and advance cutting-edge techniques,
improving our comprehension of intricate signals and images while also serving as a catalyst
for innovations in vital fields like intelligent automation, environmental monitoring, and
healthcare diagnostics, cyber security, digital investigation.
The application of machine learning techniques has become essential in the field of
signal and speech processing in today's data-driven environment. Machine learning
algorithms are able to perform tasks like pattern identification, anomaly detection, and
predictive modelling because of their unmatched capacity to extract meaningful insights from
complex data.The application of machine learning techniques has become essential in the
field of signal and speech processing in today's data-driven environment. Furthermore, the
lack of standardized datasets is a major obstacle to performing research in signal and speech
processing. Acknowledging this critical requirement, this space might create extensive, open-
access benchmark datasets customized for different domains. These datasets will set out as
indispensable resources for researchers worldwide, facilitating the assessment and
comparison of algorithms, fostering collaboration, and accelerating the pace of innovation in
the field. By addressing these twin imperatives—leveraging machine learning techniques and
creating standardized datasets—the proposed vertical in research park endeavors to emerge as
a global hub for advancing the frontiers of Signal and Image Processing research.

Need of Signal & Image Processing space at Research Park:

• Brainstorming sessions with industry persons will be helpful in formulating problem
statements related to signal and image processing area.
• Signal and Image Processing space at research park will provide opportunity to stack
holders for the skill development and make them entrepreneurs.
• Organizing seminars, conferences, and outreach events will help disseminate
knowledge, stimulate discussion, and inspire future generations of researchers and
• The scarcity of standardized datasets poses a significant challenge in signal and image
processing research. Developing comprehensive and publicly available benchmark
datasets tailored to specific domains will be crucial for evaluating algorithms,
fostering collaboration, and advancing the state-of-the-art in the field.

Expected outcomes:
• UG and PG students will be trained in Signal and Image Processing domain to cater
manpower requirement in the field as well as providing opportunity to interact with
industries and researchers in this field.
• Innovative projects in the field of signal and image processing will be supported using
this research space.
• Signal and Image processing is used across multi-disciplinary area and hence this
research space will provide opportunity for multi-disciplinary research

Required resources:

Sr. No. Item Quantity

NVIDIA DGX Station for high performance
1 computing with 24 inch monitor 5
(GPU Acceleration, Deep learning software stack)
2 Storage Area Network (SAN) system 1
High Speed Video and photography Camera
2 1
3 Photo Editors(SW) 5(users)
MATLAB Software (Tool box: Signal
Processing, Image Processing, Computer
4 Vision, Wavelet, Audio, DSP, Machine 5(users)
Learning, 5G, LTE, Wireless Communication,
Antenna, Communication systems, Simulink)
5 Audio Recording System(HW/SW) 1

Approximate budget requirement:

Non-recurring: ₹150 Lac
Recurring: ₹50 Lac

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