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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

‫للفروع االكاديمية‬
‫المنهاج الجديد‬
‫طارق الطموني‬
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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

Vocabulary: Choose the suitable item from those given in the box to complete
each of the following sentences.
composition, , economic, controversial, ailment, calculation
1. When people talk about …………………. growth, they can mean either an
improvement in the average standard of living, or an increase in the value of a
country’s products.
2. The first computer program took 25 minutes to finish one…………………….
3. You must not take in medicine without consulting a …………………….
4. Ali Bin Nafi established the first music school in the world teaching
musical harmony and……………….

seminar, arthritis, memory, expansion, academic,

1. Mariam is an excellent student. She gets top marks in ………….. subjects like
Arabic, Math and History
2. Adnan never forgets anything! He’s got an amazing ……….
3.Fatima Al Fahri used her father’s ………….. to build a learning centre in
Fez, Morocco.
4. Another way of saying that something could be successful is to say it is …………

rely on, public, seminar , conflict, undergraduate
1. My brother has just left school. Now he’s a university …………………..
2. It is likely that all aspects of everyday life will …………a computer program, from
how we travel to how our homes are heated.
3.If we take ……………………… transport more often, there will be fewer
cars on the roads, which will result in cleaner air in our city.
4. Nada made a successful presentation at a …………….. in Irbid last month.

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

optional, effect, smart phones, alien, neutral

1. If we replace as much carbon as we burn, we are carbon - ………………………

2. Although they are pocket –sized, …………………… are powerful computers as
well as phones.
3. Pollution has some serious negative ………….…………. on the environment,
such as the death of wildlife and plant life.
4. The idea of complementary treatments is no longer an …………..concept

immunisation , footprint, skeptical, mortality, desalination,
1. We can all work hard to reduce our carbon ……….……………. by living
more environmentally- friendly lifestyle.
2. In 2012 CE, most of Jordanian children were prevented from getting a particular
disease, thanks to …………..teams that had been working towards this goal for
several years.
3.If something seems very strange, we sometimes say it is
4. A …………. plant will be used to provide Masdar city’s water, with 80% of
water used being recycled.

model, arithmetic, law, tuition, biological
1. Ramzi is very good with numbers and calculations. He always scores high in ...…
2. Hospitals need to dispose of a lot of …….…………….waste, and it should
be carefully managed because it can be dangerous.
3. Mobile phones used to be huge. Early ……………….s were as big as bricks.!
4. You should study …………………….. if you are interested in learning about the legal

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

headlines, migraine , urban, expansion, paediatric,

1. The King Hussein Cancer Center treats both adult and ……………….patients.
2. The need for more effective ……………………….. planning is evident when we
consider modern day problems like traffic.
3. I always look at the newspaper …………………., but I don’t always read the
4. If you have a ……………………….. , the best thing to do is take some medicine
and rest somewhere quiet.

radiotherapy, vocational, ground, viable, conventional

1. My cousin is an electrician. Instead of going to university, he did a …………….. course

at a local training college.
2. Al Kindi made ………………..- breaking discoveries in many different fields.
3. One doctor said, "I now consider homoeopathy to be a ………option for
many different conditions.
4. Doctors often treat infection with antibiotic; that is the ………….. approach.

Diet , polymath, contradictory, nonconventional, obese
1. In many countries, an increasing number of young people and adults are
overweight or even………….. .
2. I used to eat too much junk food, but now I have a much healthier ……….
3. Mr Shahin is true …………….., working in all kinds of creative and scientific fields.
4. Complementary medicine is a kind of ………………treatment

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

strenuous, inspire, legacy, circulation, laptop,
1. I can close the lid of my ………………….. and then put it in my bag.
2. The Olympic Games often ………………. young people to take up a sport.
3. Although Ibn Bassal’s name is not widely known, Ibn Bassal’s ……… the world
has been great.
4. The mixture of activities should include moderate exercise, such as fast walking,
and more………………… exercise, like running.

ailment, complementary, monitor, beneficial, commitment,
1. Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East due to
the country’s ………………… making healthcare for all a top priority.
2. When my grandfather had a heart attack, the doctors attached a special ……………
to his chest.
3. Its …………………. to take regular breaks when revising.
4. Now it is more common for medical experts to recognise that conventional medicine may
not always be the only way to treat an……………..

circulation, memory, concentration, nutrition, sceptical, dehydration
1. I don’t really believe that story – I am very ………………………
2. it’s important to drink a lot of water in order to avoid ………………….
3. Don’t sit still for too long- move around frequently to increase your ………………
4. Zainab listens to music while she’s working. It helps her ………………………….
5. Adnan never forgets anything! He ‘s got an amazing …………………….

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

extraction, degree, power, reserves, prepared, grid

1. In hot countries, solar …………………. is an important source of energy.

2. Unlike some other countries in the Middle East, Jordan does not have large oil or
gas ………………………
3.The…………………… industry for Potash and Phosphate is one of the
largest in the world.
4. When you are ready for something, you are ……………………….. for it.
5. Masdar City is built on an advanced energy ………….which monitors
exactly how much electricity is being used by every outlet in the complex.

seminar, biological, , arithmetic, neutral, negotiate, proof

1. Ramzi is very good with numbers and calculations. He always scores high in …….
2. If we replace as much carbon as we burn, we are carbon - ………………………
3. When you talk about business and try to do a deal, you …………………………..
4. Hospitals need to dispose of a lot of …….…………….waste, and it should
be carefully managed because it can be dangerous.
5. You can wear your watch when you go swimming if its water …………………..

coma, symptoms, , seat belt, tiny, dementia, reputation

1. You must always wear a ……… a car, whether you’re the driver or a passenger.
2. Petra has a ……….. as a fascinating place to visit.
3. It is amazing how huge trees grow from ………….. seeds.
4. Doctors look at the …………. before they decide how to treat the patient.
5. After Sami’s accident, he lay in a …………. for three weeks.

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

outweigh, conferences, , cause, trials, postgraduate, pills

1. Before doctors prescribe drugs to patients, scientists perform medical………………

to make sure the drugs are safe.
2. My father has to take a lot of medicine – he takes six different …………… every
3. The benefits of Masdar City for the community and the environment greatly ……….
any disadvantages.
4. Polite children don’t ………………… offence.
5. Sometimes my job necessitates going to important …………. and seminars
around the world.
arthritis, migraine, fertile , acupuncture, calculations, compromise

1. I need to make few …………….before I decide how much to spend.

2. My grandfather has ………… in his fingers , so he sometimes finds it difficult to
3. If you have a ………….., the best thing to do is take some medicine and rest
somewhere quiet.
4. As farmers down the generations followed his instructions and advice, the
land became wonderfully …………………….and produced more than enough
5. When each side changes their position a little so that they can agree, you
have managed to ……………………….

record, nation, immunisation, tuition, beneficial, renewable

1. Many serious diseases can be prevented by ……………, which helps the body to
build antibodies.
2. A developed ………………. is a country that’s economically and socially
3. Do you have music …………… at the weekend?
4. Wind farms are an example of ……..……………… energy.
5. When you can prove that you have experience, you have a track …………..

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

A Economic Calculation Physician Composition ………….
B Academic Memory Inheritance Viable ………..
C Undergraduate rely on Public Seminar
D Neutral Smart phones Effect Alien
E Footprint Immunization Sceptical Desalination
F Arithmetic Biological Model Law
G Paediatric Urban Headlines Migraine
H Vocational Ground Viable Conventional
I Obese Diet Polymath nonconventional
J Laptop Inspire legacy Strenuous
K Commitment Monitor Beneficial Ailment
L Sceptical Dehydration circulation Concentration Memory
M Power reserves extraction Prepared Grid
N arithmetic neutral negotiate biological Proof
O seat belt reputation tiny Symptoms Coma
P trials pills outweigh cause Conferences
Q Calculations Arthritis Migraine Fertile Compromise
R Immunisation nation tuition renewable Record

: ‫** مواد الحفظ‬

Phrases with different meanings

Share ideas To give your idea to another person or a ‫تشارك االفكار‬
Compare ideas Where two or more people consider how ‫ مقارنة االفكار‬/ ‫تبادل‬
their ideas are similar or different

Create a website To construct a web site that currently ‫انشاء موقع الكتروني‬
doesn’t exist
Contribute to a website Offer your writing and work to the ‫المساهمة في موقع الكتروني‬

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

Research information To use a variety of sources to find the ‫بحث عن معلومات‬

information you need.
Present information To give the results of your research in a ‫تقديم المعلومات‬/‫عرض‬

Monitor what is happening You know what is happening and you ‫مراقبة ما يحدث‬
are following the developments
Find out what is happening You don’t know what is happing ‫ معرفة ما يحدث‬/ ‫ايجاد‬
and you want to discover it.

Give a talk to people You have a prepared a speech and you are ‫القاء محاضرة على الناس‬
giving this speech to a group of people
who are expecting it
Talk to people An information or discussion ‫التحدث للناس‬

Show photos You show people photos that you have in ‫عرض الصور‬
Send photos You send photos to someone over the ‫ارسال الصور‬
internet or by post

Phrasal verbs:
get started ‫ يبدأ‬/ ‫يباشر‬ take place ‫يحدث‬
look around ‫ ينظر الى‬/ ‫يلقي نظرة‬ meet up ‫ يلتقي‬/ ‫يقابل‬
settle down ‫ يمكث‬/ ‫يستقر‬ wake up ‫يستيقظ‬
Cooking Verbs:
Verb Meaning In Verb Meaning In
Arabic Arabic
Boil ‫ يسلق‬/ ‫يغلي‬ Roast ‫يحمص‬
Fry ‫يقلي‬ Season ‫يتبل‬
Grill ‫يشوي‬ Slice ‫يقطع‬
Melt ‫يذيب‬ Sprinkle ‫يرش‬
Mix ‫يخلط‬

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

Colour Idioms

Colour Idioms English Meaning Arabic Meaning

feel blue to feel sad ‫يشعر بالحزن‬
See red to get angry ‫يغضب‬
white elephant Something that has cost a lot of ‫شي مكلف بدون فائدة‬
money but has no useful purpose
have the green light to have or give permission to go ‫ يوافق على‬/ ‫ يأذن ان‬/ ‫يسمح ان‬
get the green light ahead with something or for
something to happen
red-handed in the act of doing something wrong ‫متلبس بالجريمة‬
out of the blue apparently from nowhere; ‫فجأة‬

What do the following colour idiom in the brackets mean?

1. Have you heard the good news? We‘ve got the green light to go ahead with our project!
2. Luckily, the police arrived and the thief was caught red-handed.
3. I was shocked when I heard the news. It came completely out of the blue.
4. Nobody goes to the new private sport club. The building is a white elephant.

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs English Meaning Arabic Meaning

Bounce back to start to be successful again after ‫يتعامل مع‬
a difficult time
Cope with to deal successfully with, or ‫ يتوافق مع‬/ ‫يتعامل مع‬
handle, a situation
Focus on to direct your attention or effort at ‫يركز على‬
something specific

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible


Collocations Meaning In Arabic

Catch attention ‫يلفت انتباه‬
Get an idea ‫ راودت فكرة‬/ ‫خطرت فكرة‬
Take interest ‫او يعتني ب شخصا ما او‬..‫يهتم ب‬
‫شيئا ما‬
Spend time ‫ يستغرق وقتا‬/ ‫يقضي وقتا‬
Attend a course ‫يلتحق بدورة‬

Artificial Prosthetic
Equipment Apparatus
Sponsor Fund
signs of illness Symptoms
special tests medical trials
Tablets Pills
Coma an unconscious state

* Replace the words and phrases in bold with words from the box. One word is not
1. Doctors look at the signs of illness before they decide how to treat the patient.
2. Before doctors prescribe drugs to patients, scientists perform special tests to make sure the
drugs are safe. medical trials
3. After Ali’s accident, he lay in an unconscious state for two weeks. a coma
4 . My grandfather has to take a lot of medicine – he takes different tablets every day.

carbon footprint 3 ‫اثر الكربون‬
biological waste 5 ‫نفايات حيوية‬
economic growth 1 ‫نمو اقتصادي‬
urban planning 6 ‫ حضري‬/‫تخطط عمراني‬
negative effect 2 ‫تاثير سلبي‬
public transport 4 ‫مواصالت عامة‬
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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

.‫االرقام هي االجابات للجمل التالية و بالترتيب‬

Complete the sentences with the correct collocations from.

1. When people talk about …………………., they can mean either an improvement in the
average standard of living, or an increase in the value of a country’s products.
2. Pollution has some serious ………….…………. on the environment, such as the death
of wildlife and plant life.
3. We can all work hard to reduce our ……….……………. by living more
environmentally- friendly lifestyle.
4. if we take ……………………… more often, there will be fewer cars on the roads,
which will result in cleaner air in our city.
5. Hospitals need to dispose of a lot of …….……………., and it should be carefully
managed because it can be dangerous.
6. The need for more effective ……………………….. is evident when we consider
modern day problems like traffic.

Body idioms
Body Idioms Meaning In English Meaning in Arabic
get it off your chest (2) To tell someone about something that ‫ يتحدث عن شيء‬,‫يبوح عما بداخله‬
has been worrying you ‫يضايقه‬
get cold feet (1) To lose your confidence in something ‫ يفقد الثقة بنفسه‬,‫يتررد بالقيام بشيء ما‬
play it by ear (5) To decide how to deal with a situation as ‫يترجل مع الموقف و يتماشى مع الوضع‬
it develops
Keep your chin up (4) To remain cheerful in difficult situations ‫ يبقى‬,‫يبقى مبتهجا بالمواقف الصعبة‬
Have a head for figures To have a natural mental ability for ‫يمتلك قدرات عقلية رياضية( االرقام و‬
(3) maths / numbers )‫الحسابات‬
Put (my) back into it To put a lot of effort into something ‫يبذل قصارى جهده‬
Stand out ( from the To be much better than other similar ...‫ يتميز من بين‬/‫يبرز‬
crowd) people or things

Complete the sentences with the following body idoms.

1 I’m too nervous to do a parachute jump. I think that I ‘ll ………… at the last minute.
2 If you have got a problem, talk to someone about it. It helps to ………………
3 I don’t think I’d be a very good accountant. I don’t really ………………………
4 …………………………! I’m sure everything will be fine in the end.
5 I’m not sure if it‘ll be warm enough to have a barbecue. We will have to ……………

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

Collocation Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic

Draw up a timetable (5) Write a schedule ‫يرسم جدول‬
Do exercise (1) Keep fit ‫يقوم بتمرين‬
Make a start (2) Begin ‫يبدأ‬
Take a break (4) Relax ‫ياخذ استراحة‬
Do a subject Study ‫يدرس‬
Make a difference (3) Change something ‫يقوم بتغيير‬

Use the collocations from exercise 2 to complete the sentences. The first one is
done for you.
1 If you want to lose weight, you should ……(1)……….. every day.
2 The deadline is tomorrow, and you haven’t done anything yet! You really
must…………(2)……….. .
3 If you send money to charity, you will…………(3)……………….. to a lot of lives.
4 You look tired. Why don’t you …………(4)………………?
5 I need to organise my time better. I think I’ll……(5)………………… .

Collocation Meaning in Arabic

Make a mistake 1 ‫يقوم بخطا‬
Ask question 6 ‫يسال سؤال‬
Shake hands 5 ‫ يصافح‬/ ‫يسلم‬
Earn respect 7 ‫يكسب احترام‬
Join a company 4 ‫ يعمل لدى شركة‬/ ‫ينضم‬
Cause offence 2 ‫ غضب‬/‫يسبب اساءة‬
Make small talk 3 ‫ نقاش‬/ ‫يقوم بحديث قصير‬
1 Be very careful when you answer the questions, and try not to .........................
2 if you are polite, you won’t ………………………….. or upset anybody.
3 before the serious discussion starts, we always …………………….; its often
about the weather!
4 Nasser has applied to ……………… the ………………. Where his father works.
5 In business, when you meet someone for the first time, it’s polite to
6 After the talk, there will be a chance for you to ……………………….. about
anything you don’t understand.
7 By working hard, you will ……………… the ……………… of your boss.
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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible


Tens Form
Simple Present (be) is / am /are
V/ Vs / Ves / Vies
Don’t / Doesn’t
Present Continues Is /am /are +Ving
Present Perfect Have / has + V.3
Present Perfect Continues Have / Has + Been + Ving (be, V)
Simple Past (Be) (Was, Were)
Didn’t + V
Past Continues Was / were + Ving
Past Perfect Had + V.3
Past Perfect Continues Had + Been +
Simple Future Will + V
Be going to + V
Future Continues Will + Be + Ving
Future Perfect Will + have + V.3

Passive Voice

Verb to be Tense
Be Modal
is, am, are Simple Present
was, were Simple Past
Being Present continues and Past continues
Been Present and Past and future perfect

: ‫الضمائر التي يجب تغيرها في حالة المني للمجهول‬

Subject Pronoun I He She We They You It
Object Pronoun Me Him Her Us Them You It

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

Reported Speech
‫ لذلك اي خيار بالمضارع يستبعد مباشرة دون‬, ‫ اليستخدم الكبالم المنقول اي زمن في المضارع‬: ‫مالحظة مهمة جدا‬
Tens (Direct Speech ) Tens (Indirect Speech)
Simple Present Simple Past
V/ Vs / Ves / Vies V.2
Don’t / Doesn’t Didn’t + V1
Present Continues Past Continues
Is /am /are +Ving Was / were + Ving
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Have / has + V.3 Had + V.3
Present Perfect Continues Past Perfect Continues
Have / Has + Been + Ving Had + Been +
Simple Past Past Perfect
V.2 Had + V.3
Didn’t + V1 Had not + V.3
Past Continues Past Perfect Continues
Was / were + Ving Had + Been +
Past Perfect No Change
Had + V.3
Past Perfect Continues No Change
Had + Been +
Simple Future (Model)
Will + V Would + V

Conditional sentences
‫الجمل الشرطية‬
Type Form
Zero If+ simple present, Sub + Simple Present
First If + Simple Present, Sub + Will + Base
Second If +Simple Past, Sub + Would+ Base

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

1. The department store …………………….. at 9:00 am (Opens, opened , has opened)

2. We …………… this part of the country for three years. (lived, was living , have lived)
3. Mohammad ………… his emails, after he started work.
(checked , was checking , has checked , had checked )
4. I ………………….. coffee at the moment.
(has been drinking, are drinking , am dinking)
5. School ………………… yesterday. ( has been painted , is painted , was painted)
6. I ……………………my exams by the end of July.
( are finished , will have finished , would finish , is going to finish )
7. If you ……………. this type of lesson, the students would be very excited
(Have , Has, Had)
8. The secretary was talking on the phone when her boss …………
( has come , came , had been coming, come )
9. According to the weather forecast it ……………………. tomorrow all day long.
( is raining , has been raining , will be raining )
10. My phone ………………… by my brother yesterday.
( fixed , is fixed , has been fixed , was fixed)
11. At two o’clock this afternoon the colleagues I ……………….lunch at work.
(will be having , will have, will having)
12. I ……………….. the house before the postman brought the mail.
(Hasn’t left , wasn’t leaving , hadn’t left)
13. By the end of the next summer Ali …………………..the beginner’s computer course.
( will complete , has completed, will have completed , had completed)
14. Most doctors …………… be sceptical about the validity of homoeopathy,
acupuncture and other forms of complementary medicine.
(are used to , used to , didn’t used to )
15. Every morning Ali ……………………..on his computer to check his email.
(turned , has been turned , turns , will turn )
16. This summer I …………………………10 classic novels for school.
(read , have read , am going to read )
17. They ………………… for 2 hours when the bus finally arrived.
( wait , have been waiting, had been waiting)
18. This weekend, I think I ………………….my friend.
( would visit , will visit , visited)
19. It …….. for his work in literature that Taha Hussein is especially famous
( was , is , has been )
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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

20. ………………… is especially famous for his work in literature is Taha Hussein.
( the thing that , the person who, the thing that )
21. My cousins ………………. in Dubai since 2006.
( are living , had lived, have lived, would live)
22. My father and mother ……………………….painting the kitchen all morning.
( has been , will be , have been)
23. When I was a child, my grandmother ……………………………. cakes for us all time,
and I liked helping her a lot. ( used to make , using to making , used to making )
24. My dad ……………. the lottery last week. ( has not won , didn’t win , will win)
25. He ………………………….. his friend for a long time .
(didn’t see, will not see , hasn’t seen )
26 . The neighbors …………… a green house. It looks nice.
(will build , have built, built ).
27. Rami ……………….to work, but now he takes the bus.
(used to drive , used to driving , is used to drive )
28. My brother ……………for his test all evening last night.
( was revising , have revised , had been revising )
29. We had our house……………. last week.
( fix, fixing , had fixed , fixed )
30. The person who is one of the most influent writers of the twentieth century
……. Taha Hussein.
( was , were , is , are )
31. The person who ……….. Good lifestyle choices is an Optimistic person.
( made , making , had mad , makes )
32. They ……………………… their training session yet.
( didn’t finish , would finish , haven’t finished )
33. The longest wall ever …………by the Chinese
(Has built , was built , is built )
34. I am sorry , I ………………………your birthday last Sunday.
( have missed , miss , missed, will miss)
35. If I …………., I would revise for exams.
( was, were , were you )
36. The …………. who invented ink was Ali Bin Nafi.
( thing , person , time )
37. I just got glasses this week, and I’m not ……… them yet, so I’m still having
difficulty. ( using to wear , used to wear , used to wearing )

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

38. My neighbours’ generosity impresses me more than anything else.

………………that impresses me more than anything else is My neighbours’ generosity.
( the time , the thing , the place )
39. My sister loves music now. But she ………………………it when she was 15.
( used to hating, used to hate, is used to hating )
40. The baby ……………..before her father came. ( cry , had cried , is crying )
41. Rami wanted to sit down because he ………………all day at work.
( was standing , had been standing , is going to stand)
42. When the bus arrived , I ………………….a call.
( am making , will make, have made , was making)
43. This time next month, my parents ………………………married for twenty years.
( will be, would be , will have been)
44. By the time I got my driving license, I …………… school.
( Have finished , am finishing , had finished )
45. The person who has influenced me most …………. my Father.
( was , has been , is )
46. Ali………….. in a small town, but he lives in big town.
( use to live , is used to living , used to live , is used to live)
47. We won’t be home tomorrow night, we …………the football match at the stadium.
( have watched , will be watching , would watch)
48. By the time I returned home, he …… …already ……………
( was leaving , will leave , have left, had left )
49. I had my favourite meal …………... when I arrived home.
(cooking , to cook , cooked )
50. The sandcastle ………………………….on the beach by the children yesterday.
(build , have built , was built , is building )
51. I ………………here for two hours now.
( have been waiting , had been waiting , am waiting )
52. He will have that broken door ………. ( fix , fixed , to fix, fixing)
53. American people………………… steak for lunch and dinner every day.
( is not used to eating , used to eat , are not used to eating , used to eating )
54. The subject that like I like most of all …….. Geography.
( was , are , has been , is )
55. Coins …………… in the cash.
( was kept , will be kept , are kept , have been kept )
56. If you …………..this button, the light comes on.
( press , pressed , will press, would press )
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57. I’m going to ………… my new laptop prepared next week. ( have , has, had)
58. My friend ………… travel by plane , but now he does.
(is used to , use to , used to )
59. Are you ……………………… in Jordan yet? You‘ve only been here for two months.
( used to live , used to living, use to living )
60. She ………….at that company for three years.
( are working , has been working , had worked)
61. The first Television …………………… by John Logie.
( is invented , will be invented , was invented , have invented)
62. If I were you , I …………….the spelling of the new learnt words in the dictionary.
( will check , would check , could check)
63 . This time tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating because we ………………. our exams
( will have finished , were finishing , had finished )
64. My keys …………….in the streets last week by my brother.
( are found , were found , have been found )
65. …………….. invented ink that can be read in the dark was Jabir Ibn Hayyan.
(the time when , the subject that , the person who )
66. She had washed her hand before she ……………………… the dinner.
(was cooking , cooked , is cooking , has cooked)
67. Ali ……… for an hour when I left.
( has been working , is working , had been working )
68. They ………..… English now. ( were studying , are studying , will be studying )
69. If you ………………me, I will come with you.
(called , call , calls )
70. I …………… tennis for ten minutes when she came.
( will be playing , have played , had been playing )
71. I ………………. at home all last week.
( had been working , was working , am working )
72. I ……… an email when you called me.
( am sending , have been sending , was sending , would send)
73. By the end of the week the books that you ordered………………
(arrived, will arrive , will have arrived , are going to arrive )
74. Did the students go home after they …………..the library ?
( visited , had visited , would visit)
75. She ……………at that company for three years when she went out.
(is working , has been working , had been working )

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

76. The letters ………….. to the new company every day.

( is sent , has sent , will send , are sent)
77. The house that my brother …………….. is a big house in Aqaba.
( built , building , has built)
78. The person who ……… that can be read in the dark was Jabir Ibn Hayyan.
(invent, invented, has invented )
79. The person who has influenced me most …………… my father.
( was , are , is , was )
80. We ………………. a new lesson yesterday.
( are teaching , are taught , were taught , have been taught )
81. The injured ………... by the firemen last night.
( were taken , was taken , is taken , has been taken)
82. ” It is my favourite movie”. Ali said that it ………… fvourite movie.
( is his , was my , was his , had been his )
83. The exams ………………. Next week.
( are finished, will be finished , would be finish , has been finished )
84. English …………………by my brother now .
( is studying , were being studied , are studied , is being studied )
85. Patients ……………….. in the second floor.
( treat , was treated , are treated , will be treated )
86. “We lend books only to students”. The man said that ………..books only to students .
( we lent , they lend , they had lent , they lent )
87. Watches ……………. In South Africa .
( was not made , are not made , has not been made , will not make)
88. ‘ I can help you’. My friend said that ……………
( I could help , he can help , he could help)
89. “When I was child, her grandmother had been making cakes for them”.
My mother said that when ………. child, her grandmother had been making cakes for them.
( he had been , she had been , she has been , I had been )
90. Infections ……………… with antibiotics by doctors.
( was treated , have been treated , are treated , will be treated)
91. Our house ……………….. in 1990.
( built , is built , was built , will built )
92. “I’ m studying my exam”. My friend said that he ………studying his exam.
( I was , he was , he is , they were )

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

93.” My parents have bought a new green house”.

Ali Said that …………parents ……. bought a new green house
( my – had , his – had , her – had , his- has)
94. “We will pass our exams”. The boys said that …………pass their exam.
( we would , they would , they will, their will )
95. “We are revising passive voice”. Sami Said that ………revising passive .
( we were , they are , they were )
96. The flowers …………….by my brother.
( is watered, will water , have watered, are watered )
97. The Bridge ………….. by the Romans 2000 years ago.
( was , are built , built , was built)
98. “By the end April next year, I ………………….. my studying”.
( have finished , would be finished , will have finished )
99. “I can run very fast”. Mohammad said ………….. very fast.
(he could run , I could run , he can run )
100. “We sing the song very well”. Students said…………. the song very well.
( they sing , we sang , they had sung , they sang )
101.” I saved document in my own computer”.
Hatem told Sara that ……….…. document in ……….. own computer.
( she saved – her , he had saved – his , he had saved – her )
102. Most of the old houses ………..… by the storm last night.
( are destroyed , has been destroyed , were destroyed )
103. If she …………… enough time, she would visit us.
( had , has , have )
104. You will pass the exam if you ………… hard.
( studied , study, studies )
105. If she invites me, I ………….. to her party.
( would come , came , will come )
106. If you ……… me, I’m here. ( will need , need , needs)
107. If we had a yacht, we …………… the seven seas.
( will sail , sail , would sail )
108. If he……………… too much , he will not sleep well. ( eat , ate , eats)
109. If I drink coffee in the evening, I never ………… well. ( would sleep , sleep , slept)
110. I will feed his cat while he is away if he ………… me. ( ask , asked , asks )
111. He …………. Karate if he had more time. ( learn , will learn , would learn )

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

112.We will not get home before its dark if we……… before 05:30.
( don’t leave , doesn’t leave , left )
113. If she …… sit , her dog will sit down. ( said , says , say )
114. She will spend a year in the USA if it …… easy to get a green card. ( was , is , will be)
115. If he …..… harder, she will do better at school. ( studied , study , studies)
116. Ice …… if you heat it. ( will melt , melt , melts )
117. I ’ll be angry if he ………to my Party. ( won’t come , doesn’t come , didn’t come)
118. She……… you if she was mad at you. ( won’t talk, didn’t talk , would not talk )
119. If she heat water to 100c, it …………. ( boiled , boils , will boil ).
120. If you …… me your number, I will call you tomorrow. ( gave , give , gives )
121. They ……… a new car if it costs too much.
( would not buy , didn’t buy , won’t buy)
122. She …………..sick, she wouldn’t be able to come with us.
( were , is , was , has been )
123. If I ………….., I would practice the presentation several times.
( were , was , were you, was you)

1.a 2. c 3.c 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.b 9.c 10.d
11.a 12.c 13.c 14.b 15. c 16.c 17.c 18.b 19.b 20.b
21.c 22.c 23.a 24.b 25.c 26.b 27.a 28.c 29.d 30.c
31. d 32.c 33.b 34.c 35.c 36.b 37.c 38.b 39.b 40.b
41.b 42.d 43.c 44.c 45.d 46.c 47.b 48.d 49.c 50.c
51.a 52.b 53.c 54.d 55.c 56. a 57.a 58.c 59.b 60.b
61.c 62.b 63.a 64.b 65.c 66.b 67.c 68.b 68.b 70.c
71. a 72. c 73. c 74. b 75.c 76.d 77.c 78.b 79.c 80.c
81.b 82.c 83. b 84.d 85.c 86.d 87.b 88.c 89.b 90.c
91.c 92.c 93.b 94.b 95.c 96.d 97.d 98.c 99.a 100.d
101.b 102.c 103.a 104.b 105.c 106.b 107.c 108.c 109.b 110.c
111.c 112.a 113.b 114.b 115.c 116.c 117.b 118.c 119.b 120.b
121. c 122.c 123.c

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

Derivation ‫االشتقاق‬
1. The company is pleased with Ali‘s work and is happy to give him a ………………
(recommendation, recommended, recommendable)
2. Many doctors work hard to ………………… an effective remedy for cancer.
(discovery, discoverable , discover )
3. A previous teaching experience is a necessary ……………. for a job at most schools.
(qualify, qualification, qualified)
4. Training makes workers highly ……………… .
(produce, production, productive)
5. That was the most …………….conference we have ever attended.
(success, successful, succeed)
6. The ………………… of vegetables is growing increasingly in our area.
(production, produce, productive)
7. Our national team is ………………… to compete in the Olympics.
(qualify, qualification, qualified)
8. The …………………. Of electricity was the greatest in the human history.
(discovery, discoverable , discover)
9. The price of certain items are not ……………. in some shops.
(negotiate , negotiable , negotiably, negotiation)
10. The training course will ……….you for a better job.
(qualify, qualification, qualified, qualifying )
11. The recycling project has been …………….carried out in my school.
(success, successful, succeed, successfully )
12. The ………. Of the internet has changed the world.
( invent, invention, invented, inventive)
13. Sami has ………….. passed the final exams.
(success, successful, succeed, successfully )
14. Experts have proved that exercise is good for …………….
( concentrate, concentration, concentrated, concentratedly)
15. Students ………………. to receive their results very soon.
(expect, expectancy, expectation, expectantly )
16. Is one side of the brain more …………. than the other?
( dominate , dominance, dominant, dominantly)
17. The company is having difficulty in hiring enough ………….. workers.
(qualify, qualification, qualified)
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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

18. Ahmad received the farm as an …….. from his parents.

( inherit, inherited, inheritance)
19. The manager can’t recommend the employee without a …………….
(qualify, qualification, qualified)
20. I gave Sami a copy of the report and kept the …………… one.
(origin , original , originally)
21. Um Qais is considered one of the most important ……………. Sites in Jordan.
( archaeologist, archaeological, archaeologically)
22. The Middle East is famous for the …………… of olive oil.
(production, produce, productive)
23. Thank you for your help in solving the problem. I really ………… it for you.
( appreciate, appreciation, appreciative)
24. When a person has an …………. disease, he usually isolated.
( infect, infectious, infectiously)
25. Scientists around the world are working to …………..a cure for cancer.
(discovery, discoverable , discover)
26. Bank customers can ……. their checking account instantly through the electronic system.
(access, accessible, accessibly)
27. Hospitals have a ……….. to provide the medical care.
( commit , committed, commitment)
28. ………………, the process of producing rugs, bags and other beautiful items is done by
hand. ( tradition , traditionally, traditional )
29. Madaba has a ………….. as a fascinating place to visit.
( reputation, reputational , reputationally )
30. Samer has received an ……………letter from the manager for his hard work.
( appreciate, appreciation, appreciative, appreciatively )
31. Ali always presents his ……………… work in literature clearly.
(create, creative , creatively, creation)
32. Another way to say that something could be successful is to say it is …………..
( viable , viability , viably)
33. Artists usually meet to discuss ideas and …………….. each other’s work.
( criticise , criticism, critic)
34. Imagination is the source of ……………..
(create, creative , creatively, creation)
35. Before an exam, you must ………… everything you have learnt.
( revise, revision , revised)

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

36. The teacher wrote a ………….. for his student.

(recommendation, recommended, recommendable)
37. The manger of the company suggested many …………….. goals.
( achieve , achiever , achievable)
38. Make sure that the necessary arrangements are made in order to ……………an event or
activity. ( organise , organised , organisation)
39. I enjoy reading stories about ……………. people.
(success, successful, succeed, successfully )
40. Employees are frequently hired on the ………………. of a friend in the company.
(recommendation, recommended, recommendable, recommend)
41. Many doctors believe that ………….. supports brain development.
( repeat, repetition, repeated)
42. Your email has been …………. sent.
(success, successful, succeed, successfully )
43. Doctors …………….. a balanced diet for good health.
(recommendation, recommendable, recommend)
44. Ali was not able to speak English ………….. till he was nearly seven years old.
( fluent , fluency , fluently)
45. Would you like to do an …………or a vocational course if you have a chance?
( academic, academies, academically)
46. Ali closed his easy and tried to ……………. .
(concentrate, concentrated, concentration )
47. Sami shows great …….. for his new job as a lawyer in the court.
( enthusiasm, enthusiastic , enthusiastically)
48. Our national team is now well - ……….. for the second round of the competition.
( qualify , qualified , qualification)
49. With children, it is important to …………. the right balance between love and discipline.
( achieve, achieved , achievable)
50. Farmers ………….. their fields because more food means better harvest.
( fertilise , fertile, fertilizer)

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

1.recommendation 11. successfully 21. archaeological 31. creative 41. repetition
2. discover 12. invention 22. production 32. viable 42. successfully
3. qualification 13. successfully 23. appreciate 33. criticise 43. recommend
1. productive 14.concentration 24. infectious 34. creation 44. fluently
5. successful 15. expect 25. discover 35. revise 45. academic
6. production 16. dominant 26. access 36.recommendation 46. concentrate
7. qualified 17. qualified 27. commitment 37. achievable 47. enthusiasm
8. discovery 18. inheritance 28. traditionally 38. organise 48. qualified
9. negotiable 19. qualification 29. reputation 39. successful 49. achieve
10. qualify 20. original 30. appreciative 40.recommendation 50. fertilise

Choose the correct answer:

1. He is the man ……………. his son I met in London
a. who b. whose c. when
2. A mathematician is someone................ works with numbers
a. which b.who c. where d. whose
3. Geometry and arithmetic are subjects................ are studied by mathematicians.
a. which b. who c .where d. when
4. Physician is an old-fashion word ................ means” doctor”.
a. which b. when c. who d. where
5. A chemist is a in a laboratory.
a. when b.which c. who d. where
6. The stars and planets are things.................... astronomers study.
a. when b. which c. who d. where.
7. Ali doesn’t have as ……………. books as Rami.
a. more b. much c. many d. less
8. Al Jazari invented the medical clock in the twelfth century.
a. The person who invented the medical clock in the twelfth century is Al Jazari
b. The person which invented the medical clock in the twelfth century was Al Jazari
c. The time that Al Jazari invented the medical clock was the twelfth century
d. The person who invented the medical clock in the twelfth century was Al Jazari

9. If Ali went to university, he ……………… a good teacher.

a. will be b. would be c. would been
10. The Sahara desert, ……… in Africa, is very hot.
a. where b. who c. which
11. . …………….. Al Jazari invented the medical clock was the twelfth century.
a. The person who b. the place where c. the time when
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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

12. Apart from the rooms in the castle, there are also about twenty- three stables ……. horses
may have been kept.
a. when b. which c. where
13. I wish I ………… more revision.
a. have done b. had done c. do
14. Al Jazari invented the medical clock in the twelfth century.
a. The time that Al Jazari invented the medical clock was the twelfth century
b. The thing that Al Jazari invented in the twelfth century is the medical clock
c. The person when Al Jazari invented the medical clock was in the twelfth century
d. The thing that Al Jazari invented in the twelfth century was the medical clock

15. When heat cheese, it ………………..

a. melt b. melts c. will melt
16. Arabic exam is ……… ……. exam.
a. the most difficult b. more difficult c. difficult
17. ……………the Olympic Games were held in London was 2012.
a. The year when b. The country where c. the event that
18. Ibn Sina ……………… is also known as Avicenna was a polymath.
a. which b. when c. who
19. Tell me about the novel you are reading. Where does the story …………………….?
a. look around b. take place c. settle down
20. I …………… understand English, but now I do.
a. didn’t use to b. didn’t used to c. am used to
21. Oh no! I’ve forgotten my book. I wish I …………
a. have not forgotten b. had not forgotten c. has not forgotten
22. I regret sleeping late last night. I wish I ………………. late.
a. didn’t sleep b. hadn’t slept c. haven’t slept
23. The country where the Olympic Games were held in 2012 was ………. .
a. in London b. London c. the Olympics
24. The person who has amazed the teacher …………… Mohammad.
a. were b. was c. is
25. The person who ………… the invention of the oud was Al Kindi.
a. contribute b. has contributed c. contributed
26. My cousin has lived in Lebanon for a year. He says he ………. living there.
a. didn’t use to b. is used to c. is use to

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

27. If you heat the water to 100 c , it ………………

a. boils b. will boil c. boil
28. Ibn Sina wrote Al Qanunfi- Tibb, the book …………… became the most famous medical
textbook ever.
a. which b. where c. who
29. The person who ……… the Great Mosque in Cordoba in 784 CE was Abd al – Rahaman
a. build b. has build c. built
30. The eggs ……………. If you put them in oil or butter
a. fried b. fries c. will fry
31. When I graduate from university, I would like to buy a house and …………
a. settle down b. meet up c. get start
32. Where is Mount Nebo? Do you know………………….?
a. Where was Mount Nebo b. Where Mount Nebo is c. If Mount Nebo is
33. My family and I ………….. go camping once a month, but we stopped doing that when
we moved to the city.
a. used to b. didn’t use to c. are used to
34. It was Queen Rania who …………. the children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
a. opens b. has opened c. opened
35. If it …………….. , we will not go skiing next month.
a. won’t snow b. snow c. doesn’t snow
36. It was the month of Ramadan …………….. Ibn Sina died, in June 1037CE.
a. which b. where c. when
37. The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012.
a.The event that took place in London in 2012 was the Olympic Games.
b.The event which took place in London in 2012 was the Olympic Games.
c.The event where took place in London in 2012 was the Olympic Games.

38. The person who ……………… English in UK is Ahmad

a. studied b. studies c. had studied
39. Jaber Ibn Hayyan ………….. is known as the founder of chemistry.
a. is the person who b. was the person who c. was the person

40. Al Kindi is especially famous for his work in Geometry.

It ………….. that Al Kindi Is especially famous.
a. was for his work in geometry b. is for his work in geometry
c. is his work in geometry

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

41. The country where Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory …….
a. is Iraq b. was in Iraq c. was Iraq
42. We needed warm clothes when we went to London. We…………. the cold weather
a. didn’t use to b. were not used to c. are not used to
43. The time when I ………….. working at was 11 P.M.
a. stopping b. stop c. stopped
44. The thing that impresses me more than anything else is ……………
a. My neighbours b. My neighbours’ generosity c. your friend
45. ……………… invented ink that can be read in the dark was Jabir Ibn Hayyan.
a. the person that b. the thing that c. the person who
46. Mohammad didn’t pass his English exam. If only he ......……………. harder last day.
a. has studied b. had studied c. have studied )
47. I am very thirsty. I wish I …………..water.
a. drank b. have drunk c. had drunk d. hadn’t drunk
48. The television was first ……………by John Logie Baird.
a. invent b. has been invented c. invented
49. In the United State ……………Rocky mountains are.
a. who b. where c. when
50. …………….. I bought my new house was south Amman.
a. the place that b. the thing that c. the place where
51. Samia regrets being angry at breakfast time. if only she ……….angry.
a. had been b. hadn’t been c. has been
52.The year when Queen Rania opened the children’s Museum of Jordan…………..
a. was in 2007 b. is in 2007 c. was 2007
53. He is the man. ……….. son I met in London
a. who b. whose c. which
54. The person who ……………me is My Father
a. had influenced b. has influenced c. influenced
55. Please slow down. I ……………………….. walking so fast!
a. used to b. am use to c. am not used to
56. The year when in Cordoba was built was………..
a. Cordoba .b. the Great Mosque c.784 CE.
57. The meeting ………………….. by the director since 2 hours.
a. cancelled b. will be cancelled c. has been cancelled
58. When you were younger, did you …………………… play in the park?
a. used to b. use to c. are used to

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Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

59. French in Canada ………

a. is spoken b. was spoken c. speak
60. The thing that Al Jazari invented in the twelfth century was ………………
a. twelfth century. b. the medical clock c. Al Jazari
61. Rashed …………………….. go swimming every morning, but now he doesn’t.
a. use to b. is use to c. used to
62. It was Ali Ibn Nafi’ who ………….the first music school in the world.
a. has established b. establishes c. established
63. I can’t do this exercise. I wish I …………….……. It.
a. could understand b. can understand c. understood
64. Arabic Language is more difficult than English language.
English language …… ……………….. Arabic Language.
a. is as difficult as b. is not difficult as c. is not as difficult as
65. Does the bell ring at eight or half past eight?
Do you know ………………… at eight or half past eight?
a. if the bell ring b. whether the bell rings c. the bell rings
66. ……………….has amazed me more that any idea is your brother’s Idea
a. The person who b. the thing that c. the thing which
67. They believe that living with a family improves language skills.
Living with a family ………………. language skills
a. was believed to improve b. is believed to improve c. is believed to improves
68 . Mr Haddad doesn’t understand the Chinese businessman. If only he ……………….
a. speak b. spoke c. had spoken d. has spoken
69. It ……………Sami finished from the university.
a. is last year which b. was last year that c. was last year where
70. It was too hot to go to the beach yesterday. If only it ……………..…… cooler.
a. has been b. hadn’t been c. had been
71. Ali doest study as ……………. hours as Fadi.
a. much b. less c. more d. many
72. I wish I ……………. my exam because I couldn’t study well last night.
a. passed b. have passed c. had passed d. could pass
73. I couldn’t understand anything, if only I ………………………. Chinese!
a. have studied b. could study c. had studied
74. If I …………, I would practise the presentation several times.
a. were b. were you c. was you
Tareq Al- Tammouni 0797475825 30 |
Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

75. I wish I …………………enough money ,so I had to borrow from my friend.

a. brought b. had brought c. have brought
76. ..... I were you , I would travel early.
a. if only b. I wish I c. if
77. I’m cold . if only I …………. coat .
a. brought b. hadn’t brought c. had brought
78. Arabic exam is not as easy as English exam.
English exam is ………………. Arabic exam.
a. easy b. the easiest c. easier d. easier than
79. Ibrahim was right and I was wrong. I wish I ……………………. to him.
a. listened b. had listened c. hadn’t listened
80. Playing Football is …………..exciting than Tennis.
a. many b. much c. more d. the most
81. He drinks ……………………coffee as your brother does.
a. as many b. as much c. more d. less
82. I feel ill . I wish I ………………… so many sweets.
a. didn’t eat b. had eaten c. hadn’t eaten d. have eaten
83. The first exam isn’t as difficult as the second exam.
The second exam is ……………….. the first exam.
a. is more difficult b. much difficult c. more difficult than d. the most difficult.
84. Scientist believe that the earth is getting warmer
It ………………….. that the earth is getting warmer.
a. was believed b. has been believed c. are believed d. is believed
85. People say that the brain is like a computer.
It ……… that the brain is like a computer.
a. was said b. is said c. are said d. has been said
86. Sami has …………….. books as I have.
a. as much b. as many c. as many as d. more
87. Scientist have proved that social media has affected our life.
It ……………………. that social media has affected our life.
a. has proved b. has been proved c. have been proved
88. Are student allowed to navigate the internet during the open exam?
Do you know ………………… to navigate the internet during the open exam?
a. student are allowed b. if student are allowed c. if are student allowed
89. Our house is ………………….. than yours.
a. big b. the biggest c. much big d. bigger

Tareq Al- Tammouni 0797475825 31 |

Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

90. It is thought that learning new language presents the brain with unique challenges.
Experts……………. that learning new language presents the brain with unique challenges.
a. thinks b. thought c. have thought d. think
91. What can’t we bring onto the plane?
Could you tell me…………………… bring onto the plane?
a. What can’t we b. What we can c. if we can d. What we can’t
92. People say that the brain is like a computer.
Brain ……………….. like a computer
a. is said that is b. was said to is c. is said to be d. was said to be
93. Sami isn’t as …………………. Ali.
a. as short as b. short as c. shorter d. the shortest
94. It has been proved that they are able to switch easily between completely different tasks.
Scientists……….. that they are able to switch easily between completely different tasks.
a. have proved b. are proved c. have been proved d. prove
95. Please give me some advice about diet?
Do you mind…………. me some advice about diet?
a. to give b. give c. giving
96. Did our English Teacher leave or not?
Do you know ………………… or not ?
a. if our English Teacher leave b. if our English Teacher left
c. whether our English Teacher leave d. Did our English Teacher leave
97. It is thought that learning new language presents the brain with unique challenges.
Expert ……….. learning new language presents the brain with unique challenges.
a. thought that b. thinks that c. think that d. has been though
98. Exercise has been proved to be good for concentration.
Experts ……………. that exercise …….. good for concentration.
a. has proved- be b. have proved- is c. have proved- are
99. Where should I revise for exams?
Could you tell me…………….. revise for exams?
a. if I should b. where I should c. where should I
100. There are more students in Jordanian university than German – Jordanian university.
There ….…………..students in German – Jordanian university as in Jordanian university.
a. are as many b. aren’t as much c. aren’t as many d. are less
101. Is it too late to start revision now?
Do you know……………. too late to start revision now?
a. it is b. if is it c. if it is
Tareq Al- Tammouni 0797475825 32 |
Nothing is impossible, the word Impossible itself Says I’m Possible

102. Solving Puzzles is believed to keep the brain active.

People…………………… keeps the brain active .
a. believe that solving puzzles keep b. believed that solving puzzles keeps
c. believe that solving puzzles keeps d. believed that solving puzzles keep
103. How much sleep do teenagers of our age need?
Do you know……………… teenagers of our age need?
a. How much do sleep b. How much sleep c. how much sleep do
104. How much does it cost?
Could you tell me ………………
a. how much it cost b. how much it costs c. how much it does cost
105. When did the bus arrive?
Do you know ......................
a. when the bus did arrive b. when the bus had arrived c. when the bus arrived
1.a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.b 10.c
11.c 12.c 13. b 14.d 15.b 16.a 17.a 18.c 19.b 20.a
21.b 22.b 23.b 24.c 25.c 26.b 27.a 28.a 29.c 30.b
31.a 32.b 33.a 34.c 35.a 36.c 37.a 38.b 39.a 40.c
41.c 42.c 43.c 44.b 45.c 46.b 47.c 48.c 49.b 50.c
51.b 52.c 53.a 54.b 55.c 56.c 57.c 58.b 59.a 60.b
61.c 62.c 63.c 64.c 65.b 66.b 67.b 68.b 69.b 70.c
71.d 72.c 73.c 74.b 75.b 76.c 77.c 78.d 79.b 80c
81.b 82.c 83.c 84.d 85.b 86.b 87.b 88.b 89.d 90.d
91.d 92.c 93.b 94.a 95.c 96.b 97.c 98.b 99.b 100.c
101.c 102.c 103.b 104.b 105. c

Tareq Al- Tammouni 0797475825 33 |


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