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A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Nancy : Hi, Kathy. It's Nancy.

Kathy : Oh, hi, Nancy! Where are you? I (1)_____________________ (phone) you on
Tuesday, Wednesday and last night, but you (2)_____________________ (be) at home.

Nancy : You're right. I (3)_____________________ (be) at home. I'm not in London. I'm in
Turkey! I (4)_____________________ (call) you from Istanbul now.

Kathy : Istanbul? Oh, my god! What (5)_____________________ (you / do) there?

Nancy : Visiting some friends with my brother, Tom. We're here on holiday.

Kathy : That's great. How long (6)_____________________ (you / be) in Istanbul?

Nancy : For 5 days. We (7)_____________________ (arrive) on Tuesday.

Kathy : (8)____________________ (you / visit) the Topkapı Palace and the Blue Mosque

Nancy : We (9)________________________ (already / be) to the Blue Mosque, but we

(10)____________________ (see) the Topkapı Palace yet. We (11)____________________
(go) there tomorrow. Two days ago we (12)_______________________ (go) on a city tour by
bus. Istanbul is a wonderful city. (13)_______________________ (you / ever / eat) kebabs?

Kathy : No, what are they like?

Nancy : They're small pieces of meat. They're delicious. Yesterday we

(14)________________ (drink) some Turkish coffee, too.

Kathy : (15)_____________________ (you / like) it?

Nancy : Yes, very much. I had two cups!

Kathy : (16)____________________ (Tom / be) with you now? I'd like to talk to him, too.

Nancy : Oh, yes. Tom, come here! Nancy wants to talk to you.


Charles rings Peter at 7 a.m.

Charles : I (1)________________________ (go) fishing now, Peter. Would you like to come
with me?

Peter : But it's so early. I (2)__________________________ (have) breakfast yet. Why didn't
you tell me last night?

Charles : Actually, I (3)__________________________ (call) you several times but you

(4)__________________________ (be) home. Anyway, we can go together next week then.

In spite of the forty years she has spent on stage, the 58-year-old actress Raga Woods has not
been affected by time so far. Although she is in her fifties, she (1)_______________________
(look) about 35. "Oh yes," she says. "Some people (2)______________________ (think) it is
genetic, but it may be the vegetarianism. I (3)______________________ (eat) any red meat
since I had a heart attack." Right now Mrs. Woods (4)______________________ (appear) in
a new play by Samuel Dawson. She (5)_______________________ (expect) this play to
continue for a long time.

D. Mike and Anna (1)__________________ (get) married next month. They

(2)____________________ (already/buy) a fridge, a sofa, a bed and some armchairs, but they
(3)___________________ (find) a flat yet. They (4)____________________ (look) at the
newspaper advertisements now. Mike (5)__________________ (just/read) about a flat in Elm
Street. It's in a busy street, but they don't mind living in the city center.

E. I'm Bernard Lesling. I (1)______________________ (work) in the Los Angeles Zoo. I'm
the manager there. It's one of the largest zoos in the world. There are all kinds of animals;
kangaroos, crocodiles, tigers, penguins and even chameleons. Last month, I
(2)___________________ (receive) a letter from the zoo in Peking, China. The letter was
about a female baby panda called Ling Ling. My assistant, Mrs. Parker, and I immediately
(3)_________________ (fly) to Peking to see it. We're in Peking now. We
(4)___________________ (stay) at a hotel near the Peking Zoo. I can't forget the moment I
saw Ling Ling. It (5)_________________ (sleep) on her mother's stomach. Ling Ling is very
healthy, and we're very happy about that. Pandas (6)____________________ (eat) bamboo,
but Ling Ling is too young to eat it. She (7)___________________ (probably / start) eating
bamboo next month. Mrs. Parker is very busy today. She (8)___________________
(organize) a press conference. We (9)__________________ (have) the conference tomorrow.
I expect there (10)________________ (be) lots of journalists. Some of the reporters
(11)___________________ (already/arrive). There is one taking photos in front of Ling
Ling's cage right now.

F. Tonight I (1)_______________ (go) to a Beethoven concert. I want to tell you about

Beethoven. He is a famous composer. He was born in Bonn, in 1770. He
(2)_______________ (work) as a pianist there. In 1792, he (3)_______________ (go) to
Vienna. He (4)_______________ (study) with Haydn. He (5)_______________ (die) in
Vienna, in 1827.

G. A : May I talk to Boby? B : I'm afraid he (1)____________ (sleep) at the moment. Jane
also wanted to talk to him but I didn't want to wake him up when I (2)_________ (see) him
sleeping on the couch. He must have been very tired when he came in from school. I'll tell
him that you've called as soon as he (3)_________________ (wake) up. A : Thanks, Mrs.

H. I have a pen-friend in England. His name is Ken Roberts. I

(1)________________________ (know) him very well, but I
(2)_________________________ (never/meet) him. We often write to each other. Ken is a
writer. His first book was published in 1992. He (3)__________________ (be) a very popular
writer since then.

I. Carlos Santoya (1)____________________ (come) to the United States from Mexico six
months ago. He (2)____________________ (live) with his aunt and uncle in Burbank,
California since then. When he (3)____________________ (be) in High School in Mexico
City, Carlos (4)____________________ (study) English and computer science so after his
arrival in California, he (5)____________________ (get) a job as an office assistant for a
small company that sells business machines. Then one day, while he
(6)____________________ (chat) with his friends from work, Carlos
(7)__________________ (hear) about Glendale Community College, which has a good data
processing program to train students for future employment. Although Carlos enjoys working
as an office assistant, he (8)_________________ (plan) to apply for the program to improve
his computer skills because he believes that he will have better employment opportunities if
he successfully completes the data processing program at Glendale Community College.

Dear Peter,
Hello from Hotel Talya in Antalya! What is the weather like in London? It is hot and
sunny here. Our hotel (1)___________________ (be) near the beach, but it has got a big
swimming pool. There are also three tennis courts. We (2)___________________
(play/usually) tennis in the morning. There are a lot of interesting places to see. We
(3)________________________ (see/already) Manavgat and Side. The food here is excellent.
Last night, we (4)____________________ (eat) fish at a beautiful restaurant. We
(5)_______________________ (be) to Alanya yet. We (6)_______________________
(drive) there tomorrow. My parents want to go to the disco tonight but I want to stay at the
hotel. You know, I (7)_______________________ (hate/dance).
See you soon.


My parents (1)___________________ (have) a beautiful house in the country. They

(2)_________________ (buy) it when I was 8. It (3)_________________ (be) very big—only
2 rooms and a living room, but my parents like it. They (4)_______________ (live) there for
20 years. My father (5)_______________ (spend) all his time in the garden and my mother
(6)_______________ (go) for long walks in the beautiful countryside. I always tell them to
come to London and live with me, but they say they (7)_________________ (want) to leave
their quiet home.

Dear Julie,
As you know, I (1)_________________ (arrive) in Paris a week ago but there was a
problem with my suitcases. Unfortunately, they had been sent to Madrid instead of Paris.
Yesterday, they (2)___________________ (call) me from the airport in the afternoon to go
there and pick them up. That's why I (3)_______________ (be) at home when you
(4)______________ (phone). At the time, I (5)_____________ (try) to find my suitcases
among those which had arrived at Heathrow Airport from Madrid. You know what? It took
me the whole afternoon to do that. Well, I'm sure you are curious about what's going on here
in Paris. The family who I (6)________________ (stay) with now are very nice. They treat
me exactly like one of the family. They (7) _____________________ (introduce/already) me
to all their friends. I share a room with Penny, the daughter of the family, who is my age. It is
amazing... Every morning her mother (8)________________ (wake) us up with a cup of tea!
Mr. Phillips, Penny's father, is also very nice. He (9)_______________ (let) Penny and me do
everything we want. He even allows us to borrow his car if we need to go somewhere far.
Tomorrow will be my first day at the language school and I'm really looking forward to it.
They told me to be there at 9 o'clock. I (10)___________________ (take) a test in the
morning. I expect they (11)____________________ (announce) the results in three days . As
soon as I learn which level I'm at, (12)____________________ (give) you a call.
Well, that's all from me now. Please write soon. I really would like to know what's going on
Love, Claire

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