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Bentulan, Jheziel C.

BSA - 1

The topic I have chosen for this analysis is the Caricatures by Alfred McCoy. It has illustrations,

which honestly drew my attention as it was not only texts. Additionally, its topic has me

interested because it talks about the policemen, and other branches of the government or public

servants. While reading it, I was reflecting on whether the same is happening now or it remained

in the past. Among the other topics, I chose this one because I feel like it is the most relatable in

today's events.

The content of this excerpt is about a cartoonist who published different caricatures during the

time of American colonization. The cartoons reflected the views of specific media outlets

regarding Philippine society and the vast perception of Philippine politics and society under US

rule. Context--wise, the editorial cartoons during this time had a chance to be true since the

situation in that era is reflected in the pieces. The narratives, books, and other news during that

time are with the cartoons drawn by Fernando Amorsolo and other cartoon artists. In most

cartoons, I can see that although the citizens are aware of the unfair system, they are powerless

to end corruption because higher officials control the police and have access to more weapons

because of their position, which is still not far contradicting today's scenarios.

Studying political caricatures by Alfred McCoy provides an in-depth understanding of the

historical and cultural context of the time period in which they were created. It can offer insights

into the political issues, social dynamics, and prevailing attitudes of that era. Analyzing these

caricatures can also help in understanding the artistic techniques, satire, and visual storytelling

methods used to convey political messages which can be used by existing and aspiring artists

in our society today. Overall, delving deeply into McCoy's political caricatures offers a

multidimensional perspective on the relationship of politics, art, and society.

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