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Islamic History and


 Muslim historians have generally started their books from Adam ~ while
others have done it from the creation of the earth and the heaven.
 But here history of Islam has started from the last Prophet ;I of Allah, for
states of things before him were not beyond doubt, and there was also no
particular arrangement of writing history in the world before the Prophet ~-
 Moreover, it is from him that the beginning of Islamic history is thought of,
because it is commonly called that he was the founder of Islam and the
people of his Ummah alone are called the followers of Islam, otherwise
Islam has made its presence on earth right from Adam ~, the father of man.
 A little mention of Arabia is essential, at the outset for the Prophet Muhammad ~
was born in the city of Makkah and emigrated to another famous city Al-
Madinah, which also became the first Islamic capital of the first Islamic State.
 Arabian Peninsula is the area which converted to Islam completely during the
Lifetime of the Prophet ~-
 This country of Arabia was the first center of Islam. It was in this country and in
its language that Revelation was sent and the last heavenly Book was revealed,
which is the source of guidance to all the countries and nations of the world till
the Day of Judgement.
 It is from this country of Arabia that the light of Islam spread to everywhere in
the world.
 In the city of Makkah lies the Ancient House, the Ka'bah, towards which Muslims
come from all over the world and appear together on the plain of Arafat
worshipping and praying to Allah, praising and glorifying His Name. We find here
the wealthy and the poor side by side chanting praises of the Creator of the
earth and sky.
 Arabia dominated the entire world and became for it the torchbearer and
lamp of guidance.
 The Arabian Peninsula is bounded on the east by the Arabian Gulf and that of Oman; on
the south by Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean; on the west by the Red Sea; on the north by
Jordan and Iraq.
Categorization of Arabs

 Historians have put the inhabitants of Arabia into three categories

namely, Arab Ba'idah, Arab Musta'ribah and Arab 'Aribah.
 Some of them have held both 'A.ribah and Musta'ribah as the
same and designated them in two categories only Arab Ba'idah
and Arab Baqiyah.
 Arab Bii'idah refers to only those peoples who had inhabited Arabia
from the earliest age and they have all perished without leaving
any trace behind.
 Arab Baqiyah means those people who are still found in Arabia.
They also form two categories namely, 'A.ribah and Musta'ribah.
Moral Conditions of Arab
 Arabia was, as mentioned in previous pages, the cradle of the Sam (Shem, son
of Noah ~ 1 .) dynasty from the days old.
 Since very little is known of the Arab Ba'idah, it cannot be definitely said what
was the moral condition of the Arab Ba' idah as compared to contemporary
nations of the world.
 After the Arab Ba' idah, traces are found of many realms and kingdoms from the
time of the Qahtan Arab's power throughout Arabia.
 There were provinces with separate rulers, some of them more renowned than
others. However, inside the country, independent homeless bands wandered
aimlessly with their tents loaded on their camels.
 Lack of pasture, water and the necessities of life always kept the Arabs
wandering and passing their days in hardship and monotony.
 The lack of the necessities of life caused them to neglect building a society. Their
way of life showed no distinct mark or sign of change and reform.
Pre-Islamic Period
 Tribal (Fighting)
 Nomads
 No mark of change and reforms
 No foreign nation exercised its influence on the Arabs.
 Months of Peace: no fights, visit Kabah, offered new trading contracts
 Faith and Religion: two types of believers, worshipped idols and stars, different tribes had different
 Sacrifices: various animals ( camels and sheeps) and human sacrifices were also performed for
 Star-worshipping: esp Moon
 Soothsaying: future Predictions
 Omen: Crow: hardship of Travelling, Owl: unlucky cause death and destruction, Sneezing: bad
omen, Sorcerers
 Poetry
 Hunting
 Food and cloths: simple food and cloths, milk and meat were most
 Plunder
 Conceit
 Malice
 Mourning the Dead: women shaved their heads
 Superstitions: believed in unseen world, fairies jinns, if revenge is not
taken bird came from the skull of the dead and cry.
 Killing Daughters: sign of status
 Gambling
Life at Makkah
 The Birth of Prophet: father’s death before birth in syria
 Childhood Days:
1. foster mother ( Halima Sadia= 4years),
2. mother death at 6 years abwa during return from madinah,
3. opening of chest by hazrat Jibrael,
4. death of Hazrat Mutlib at 8 years and
5. Hazrat Abu Talib took care of the Prophet.
6. He stayed aloof from all worldly activities by the will of Allah.
7. At age of 12 , Prophet travelled to Syria with Abu Talib but at basra, a Christian
monk named bahira recognized him as prophet and advised his uncle to take
him back.
8. Trade as Profession: honest dealing and graceful behaviour make him earn more

 At the age of 32, he was more inclined to solitude. He often saw strange
light, no figure or voice.
 During the hours of privacy, he kept praising and glorifying his Lord.
 Near the age of 40, he often went to Cave Hira (Mount Hira known as Jabal
Nur, 3 miles from Makkah) to pray in peace.
 During those days he had true dreams.
 At the age of 40, in cave Hira, Angel Jibrael appeared and asked prophet
to read , prophet replied I cannot read. Angel pressed him and again
asked him to read . This repeated three time and then prophet read five
verses of surah Alaq.
Hazrat Khadija
 Having said this the angel disappeared, but dizzy and frightened, the
Messenger ~ came back home and went to Khadijah ~ and said: "Wrap me up,
wrap me up," Khadijah i~ wrapped him up in a blanket.
 When he ~ regained peace of mind after a short while, he related to Khadijah ~
what had happened to him with the remark, "I feel my life threatened.“
 Khadijah said in reply:
"By no means, I swear to Allah that He would never put you to shame. You join the
ties of relationship, you speak the truth, you bear people's burdens, you help the
destitute, you entertain guests and you mitigate the pains and grief suffered for the
sake of truth.“
After comforting and encouraging her husband, she took him to her cousin
Waraqah bin Naufal, who had grown old by then. When the Prophet ~ told him
what he had seen and heard, Waraqah told him about the Prophethood.
 Afterwards the Prophet ~ kept visiting the Cave of Hira. But no Revelation
came to him for sometime.
 One day he was on his way home from the Cave of Hira when he ~ sighted
the same angel and got frightened. He hurried back home and wrapped
himself up in a mantle and lay down. In the meantime, second revelation
 From then on Revelation kept coming after short intervals.
Preaching of Islam
 He embarked upon preaching Tauhid (Oneness of Allah) as he received
the Command of Allah to do so.
 He started the task of keeping people away from polytheism and inviting to
Tauhid right from his household, with the result that Hazrat Khadijah was the
first to embrace Islam.
 Hazrat Ali
 Hazrat Abu Bakr
 At the outset, he kept his teachings and preaching quiet, limiting them to
his relatives and close friends. In the earliest period of the preaching of
Islam, hazratAbu Bakr, extended his services most prominently by using his
influence over friends and convert them to Islam.
 This was the time when people practsed Islam secretly.
Open Invitation to Islam

 Verse was revealed to given open invitation.

 Prophet ascended the Mount of Safa and gave a call to each and every tribe
by name in a raised voice.
 Having heard this call, the people in a large number gathered in front of him
according to the practice of Arabia. Thereafter he said addressing them, "O
Quraish! If I tell you that your enemy is about to attack you, would you believe
me?" They unanimously replied, "Yes." "We have always found you truthful and
 Having heard this answer, the Prophet~ said to them, "Well, I am a warner to
you before a severe punishment overtakes you." Hearing this they burst into
laughter, Abu Lahab exclaimed, "May you perish. Is it for this you have brought
us here?" Following this the people dispersed.
 Then Prophet was asked to warn your relatives. He arranged the feast and
convey the messege of but nobody made any response.
Consequences of open Preaching
 The Prophet gave the call to Tauhid (Oneness of Allah) and Islam.
 During this period his small and weak band of people had to bear the brunt of
their new faith.
 In assemblies and gatherings, in fairs and market places, and by contacting
people at their homes, he would teach people the virtues of Tauhid (Oneness of
Allah) and forbid them.
 The Quraish were proud people.
 The chieftains and respectable men of Makkah could not step down from their
positions and follow the Prophet .
 Most of the tribes were at enmity with Banu Hashim, so they could not accept a
man from a rival tribe to lead them. Thus open preaching ignited the fire of
hostility and antagonism all over Arabia which turned into a blaze during the
fourth year of the Prophethood.
Events after Preaching of Islam

 First Educational Institution

 Antagonism of the Quraish
 Insulting Behavior to the Prophet; Uqbah bin Abu Muait
 An Offer of all earthly Desires and a Plain Reply : utbah bin Rabiah
 Deputation of the Quraish to Abu Talib
Migration to Abbysinia

 When all their efforts failed and the mission of preaching Tauhid (Oneness
of Allah) remained continuous, they felt the power and strength of it.
 Thus they reacted violently and stopped the Prophet from entering the
 Life became very hard and almost impossible to live.
 Witnessing this sad and tragic plight of the believers,
 the Prophet~ allowed them to leave for Abyssinia (where the Christians
ruled). Thus in the month of Rajah, the 5th year of the Prophethood, a band
of eleven men and four women left Makkah for Abyssinia.
 They secretly reached the port where there was a ship with its anchor
lowered. They boarded the ship and reached Abyssinia.
Second Migration to Abbysinia

 These people belonged to the renowned and powerful tribes, which makes it clear
beyond doubt that not only the weak but also the strong had become the target of
their tortures.
 Finding out about their migration some of the disbelievers set out chasing them but
the ship had already departed for Abyssinia. The believers found peace there.
 A few months after the migration, the Muslims came to know that either the entire
Quraish population had turned Muslims or made peace with the believers, and
Makkah was no longer a risky spot for them.
 With this good news, a group of Muslims left for Makkah while others waited to make
sure about the truth behind the rumor. Those leaving for Makkah found the news
baseless when they arrived at a short distance from Makkah.
 Those who went back to Makkah came into contact with the believers and left
again for Abyssinia along with other Muslims. This is known as the Second Migration to
Abyssinia, which increased the number of the Muslims there to nearly one hundred.
Quraish' s demand from the King of Abyssinia
 When the disbelievers noticed that the Makkans after being converted to Islam were
leaving for Abyssinia and living there in peace, they feared that their power organized
outside of Makkah could, one day, pose a great danger to the Makkans.
 They dispatched a delegation of two respectable persons Amr bin Al-As and Abdullah bin
Rabi'ah to Negus, the King of Abyssinia.
 The Makkans had trade relations with Abyssinia for some time.
 The delegation was sent with costly gifts for the king and his courtiers. After being permitted
into the court, they first presented their gifts and then requested the king to hand over some
of their slaves who had come to his country after joining a new faith which was against the
faith of their ancestors.
 The king promised to look into their demands only after; investigating the matter.
 The king then sent for the Muslims to come to his court and inquired about their new faith.
 When King was told about the Islam, Ja'far bin Abu Talib recite few verses , tears came out
of his eyes.
 Negus sent the delegation empty- handed and returned their gifts.
Main Conversions of Islam

 Hazrat Hamzah ~ accepts Islam

 Umar bin Khattab's conversion to Islam
 Social Bycott
10th Nabvi

 When the Prophet~ emerged from Shi'b Abu Talib, the tenth year of
Prophethood had started.
 Instead of showing politeness, the Quraish appeared to be more atrocious.
Moreover, some events also took place in this year that it came to be
called the Year of Sorrow among the Muslims.
 During the month of Rajab, Abu Talib fell seriously ill and died at the age of
eighty. The death of Abu Talib was encouraging to the hostile Makkans.
 It was a golden opportunity for the mischievous Quraish to create trouble
and commit atrocities more openly and fearlessly.
 Two months after the demise of Abu Talib, Khadijah ~ the wife of the
Prophet also passed away in the tenth year of his Prophethood.
 The Prophet~ loved her very much. She was his companion through all his
troubles and suffering. She was the first to believe in him. She always
encouraged him and consoled him to keep patience.
 Abu Talib and Khadijah ~ were such staunch supports that their constant
encouragement kept the Prophet moving forward with his mission. Their
final departure made him sad. He was plunged into frustration also
because the atrocities of the disbelievers had taken a turn for the worse.
The Journey to Ta'if
 The stubbornness of Quraish continued to increase. During the very period
of Shi'b Abu Talib, the Prophet~ had started preaching Islam among the
people arriving in Makkah from outside during the Hajj season.
 But these efforts did not bear fruit. He decided to call the people of Ta'if to
 Ta'if is at a distance of 60 miles from Makkah and was as a big city as
 It was inhabited by Banu Thaqif who worshipped Lat.
 In Ta'if there was a temple of Lat, which was the center of attraction for the
whole of the city.
 In the month of Shawwal, the 10th year of Prophethood, one month after
the death of Khadijah ~, the Prophet~ took Zaid bin Harithah and left for
Ta'if on foot.
 In route to Ta'if he first contacted the Banu Bakr tribe. When they too
behaved like the Makkans, he went to the Qahtan people but they were
also similar to the Quraish. At last he~ reached Ta'if
 When the Prophet ~ met with failure in the case of Abd Yalil and his
brothers, he ~ asked them to keep what came to pass between them a
 He then left to contact others but Abd Yalil and his brothers stirred up their
slaves and some rabble of the town to harass the Prophet ~ -
 The riffraff of Ta'if followed the Prophet abusing, screaming, and throwing
stones at him until he left Ta'if but they kept following him.
 When the shower of stones hit his shins, they bleed profusely.
 At a distance of three miles from Ta'if, there was an orchard of Ut.bah bin
Rabi'ah, a wealthy man of Makkah. The Prophet~ took refuge in it.
Back to Makkah

 On his return, the Prophet~ came up to the mount of Hira and sent his
message to the chieftains of the Quraish but none showed his readiness to
give him refuge.
 When his message came to Mut'im bin Adi, inspite of being a polytheist, he
got up overwhelmed with the sense of national honor and came to the
mount of Hira. He took the Prophet j/s with him and they went to Makkah.
 Thereafter, Mut'im and his sons accompanied him to his house under the
shadow of their swords. "What's your relation with Muhammad?" the Quraish
asked Mut'im. He replied, "I have no relation with Muhammad. I am simply
his supporter, and nobody can dare look at him with evil eyes while he
enjoys my support." Such staunch support from Mut'im silenced the Quraish.
Marriage with Ayesha and Miraj
 The same year in Shawwal, the 10th year of Prophethood, the Prophet ~ married
Saudah bint Zam'ah ~ and Aishah bint Abu Bakr~' and he was also honored
with the Mi'raj (the Night Journey and his : Ascension to the heavens). Scholars
are in disagreement regarding the year of the Ascension and some of them are
of the opinion that it took place more than once.
 The event of Miraj, also known as Isra and Miraj, is a pivotal moment in Islamic
tradition. It refers to the miraculous night journey and ascension of the Prophet
Muhammad to the heavens.
 According to Islamic tradition, the journey occurred in a single night, during
which the angel Gabriel transported Muhammad from the Kaaba in Mecca to
the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem through Buraq.
 From there, Muhammad ascended through the seven heavens, encountering
various prophets and celestial beings along the way, until he reached the
presence of Allah. During this journey, Muhammad received various revelations
and commandments, including the directive for Muslims to pray five times a
Preaching Islam in Different Places and
 Being fed up with the Makkans, the Prophet ~ undertook a journey to Ta'if
but they proved worse than the Makkans.
 The Makkans ill treatment of the Muslims was multiplying day by day. But he
did not lose his courage or determination. Back from Ta'if he resumed his
duty of preaching to the tribes which stayed around Makkah.
 He continued preaching Islam among the caravans from outside Makkah
during the Hajj season. But Abu Lahab was very keen on interrupting the
preaching mission and calling the people not to pay attention to what the
Prophet ~ would say.
Six Fortunate Souls of Yathrib

 It was the last month of the 11th year of Prophethood, Caravans from
outside had begun to come into Makkah, and the Prophet ~ had started
contacting people and preaching Islam among them at their places
usually at night.
 Once, at a distance of few miles from Makkah, he heard some people
talking during night at Aqabah.
 He came close and saw that they were six in all who had come from
Yathrib to perform the Hajj and that they were all from Khazraj.
 The Prophet~ preached Islam and read out a few Verses from the Qur'an.
They listened withcaptivated attention; they looked at each other and
embraced Islam on the spot.
First Pledge of Aqabah

 The 12th year of Prophethood had set in. The Quraish were still inflexible in
their hostility.
 The Prophet went to the same place of Aqabah during the next Hajj season
in search of those persons who had taken the pledge to preach Islam in Al-
Madinah the previous year.
 These twelve persons promised their commitment to Islam at the hand of
the Prophet ~-
 While departing they requested the Prophet ~ to dispatch along with them
a preacher, and Mus'ab bin Umair ~ was made in charge of the mission. He
arrived at Al-Madinah and stayed at the house of As'ad bin Zurarah ~ and
made it his preaching center.
Success of Mus'ab bin Umair • in AI-
 Mus'ab bin Umair ~ devoted his all-out efforts to preaching Islam in Al-
Madinah. By the Grace of Allah, tribe after tribe in Al-Madinah came into
the fold of Islam.
 Islam kept spreading among other tribes and clans of AlMadinah. It was the
13th year of Prophethood. On one hand, Mus'ab bin Umair , was achieving
successes one after another and the tortures of Quraish were crossing all
limits on the other.
 In the 13th year of Prophethood, Mus'ab bin Umair ~ set out to Makkah with
a caravan of 72 men and 2 women of Al-Madinah. They were sent with the
twin purpose of seeing the Prophet~ and to invite him to come to Al-
Second Pledge of Aqabah
 The Prophet ~ had already been informed of the arrival of this caravan. He came out in the night,
took his uncle Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib with him and reached the mountain pass of Aqabah.
 The caravan of believers from Al-Madinah was waiting for him. The caravan also had comprised
some disbelievers with it as well.
 The people of Al-Madinah expressed their desire to take the Prophet~ to Al-Madinah.
 At the end, the Prophet ~ chose twelve persons from among them and appointed them with the
duty of preaching Islam.
 When everything was finalized, the Prophet ~ left the issue of migrating to Al-Madinah to the
permission from Allah the Almighty.
 The Prophet~ and Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib came to Makkah but the very next morning the
Quraish were informed of the meeting that took place the night before. They hurried to the
residence of the people from Al-Madinah and inquire but they refused.
General Permission to migrate to AI-
 After the second pledge of Aqabah, the persecution of the Quraish knew
no bounds.
 When the Prophet~' at the height of the atrocities, gave the Muslims
general permission to migrate from Makkah to AlMadinah in order to save
their lives, they set out towards Al-Madinah deserting their houses and
leaving their relatives.
 The Quraish could not put up with this offensive development. They began
to put up obstacles of many kinds in the way of the migrating Muslims so
that they could not live in peace and worship one God in Al-Madinah.
 All these migrants were the guests of the Muslims in Al-Madinah.
 Migrating Muslims were called the Muhajirin and their helpers in Al-Madinah
were known as the Ansar.
 The 14th year of Prophethood had started. Muhammad~' Abu Bakr Siddiq ~
and Ali bin Abu Talib ~ and their wives and children were yet to migrate,
along with some others who were weak and old people.
 Besides these few, all the Muslims had already migrated to Al-Madinah and
their houses were lying vacant.
 The Prophet * had not made up his mind, for he was awaiting permission
from Allah the Almighty. He also held back Abu Bakr Siddiq ~ to
accompany him to Al-Madinah. Ali bin Abu Talib ~ was also delaying his
migration waiting for permission from the Prophet ~ -
 When the Quraish noticed that, one by one, all the Muslims slipped out of
their hands and they had gone to Al-Madinah in substantial numbers, the
Makkans felt it posed a danger to them and they grew anxious about the
 Since the Prophet was now living almost alone, after the departure of his
Companions, the Quraish targeted the very existence of the preacher of
 They were all thinking in the same direction until every tribe of Makkah was
occupied with the same common thought of putting the Prophet ~ to
death. Thus, at the end of the month of Safar, the 14th year of
Prophethood, the chiefs of all the tribes except Banu Hashim assembledto
measured upon the issue.
 When disbelievers were planning to kill Prophet at the same time Allah the
Almighty informed the Prophet ~ with all that was taking place. Moreover,
permission for his migration was also granted.
Making Preparations for the Journey
 With the order for migration, the Prophet ~ called at the house of Abu Bakr ~~ at noon when the
burning sun had forced the people indoors.
 Since it was an unusual time to visit, Abu Bakr ~ speculated that migration must have been
 First of all he ~ inquired if there was any strange person in the house. When he was informed that
there was no one in the house except Abu Bakr ~ and his daughters, Asma' and Aishah ~, he
disclosed that migration to AL Madinah had been ordered.
 The polytheists had made their immoral plan to assassinate the Prophet on the following night. They
surrounded his house from that evening. Their terrible plan was to make a surprise attack on the
Prophet when he comes out to offer his dawn prayers.
 The Prophet had asked Ali bin Abu Talib ~ to lie in his bed and to wrap himself in his blanket. He
also gave Ali ~ the valuables that his neighbors had left with him in trust, and instructed Ali ~ to give
them back to their rightful owners the next morning.
 He also asked Ali ~ to migrate after settling these matters. After completing this, the Prophet came
out of his house in the dark hours of the night reciting the first nine Verses of Surat Yasin. He threw a
handful of dust at them, with the result that they did not see him.
 The Prophet came out of his house and went straight to Abu Bakr ~- They
set out right away, and took a low-lying trail to a distance of four miles
outside of Makkah. They arrived at the cave of Mount Thaur and hid
themselves in it.
 Ali bin Abu Talib ~ kept sleeping soundly and peacefully in the bed of the
Prophet while the disbelievers of Makkah continued their siege around the
house the whole night. They were feeling satisfied thinking that Ali~ was the
Prophet~- When Ali~ got up for the Fajr (dawn) prayer the disbelievers
asked him, about Prophet.
 After this, the furious disbelievers mounted a search for the Prophet ~ but it
was in vain. Now, in a state of frustration, they announced a reward of one
hundred camels for anyone who could catch and bring back Muhammad
~ dead or alive. The greed for such a substantial reward incited a number
of persons to search the area but their efforts met with total failure.
 They remained hidden in the cave of Saur for three days and nights. Some
chieftains and notables from the Quraish reached the mouth of the cave
tracking their footprints. Since there was no trace beyond this, some of
them suggested that either Muhammad~ was hidden somewhere there or
might be inside the cave,
 A person noticed "There is a spider's web across the mouth of the cave and
anybody going in would have broken it." The third one pointed to a pigeon
flying around and the eggs, which it was hatching. So, all of them grew
confident that no human had entered the cave.
 Muhammad and Abu Bakr ~ came out of the cave of Thaur. The small
caravan of four secretly moved forward through routes away from the
main road.
End of the Journey

 After an eight-day journey, the Prophet * arrived at Quba' on Rabia al-

Awwal 8, the 14th year of Prophethood (corresponding September 23, 622
CE) at noon.
 Quba' lies at a distance of a few miles from AlMadinah and was generally
taken as the locality of Al-Madinah.
 The Prophet ~ entered Quba' on Monday and stayed there until Friday.
 During this short stay in Quba', he ~ laid the foundation of a mosque which
is the first mosque ever built after the advent of Islam.
 On Friday, the 12th Rabi' Al-Awwal, he left Quba' and made his entry into
Al-Madinah. He ~ was still in Quba' when Ali bin Abu Talib ~ came and
joined him.

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