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Life at Madinah

Entry into AI-Madinah

• Taking leave of the people of Quba' and Banu Amr bin Auf on Friday, the Prophet
moved forward to make his stay in Al-Madinah. Every household of each locaitv
expressed its strong desire that the Prophet would stay with them.
• Friday Prayer and first Friday sermon was delivered there.
• After Friday prayer, everyone wanted Prophet to stay with them but Prophet left
the decision on the she-camel where she would stop, he would stay there.
• At last the she-camel arrived at the locality of Banu Malik bin AnNajjar and knelt
down in a deserted and fallow land.
• Close to this land was the house of Abu Ayub Khalid bin Zaid Ansari. Thus he ~
made his stay in his house.
• Prophet bought the land from two orphans and made a mosque there. Until the
construction of his own house, he lived with Abu Ayub Ansari.
• After six months, the Prophet shifted to his newly built house.
First Year of Migration
• the construction of the Prophet's Mosque and his house,
• the arrival of the rest of the believers to Al-Madinah has already
been mentioned.
• The first objective of the Prophet ~ was to achieve law and order and
good mutual relations among the people.
• Thus the Prophet~ set up a meeting of the Muhajirin and the Ansar
and told them about the virtues of Islamic brotherhood .
• He then established bonds of brotherhood between the Muhajirin
and the Ansar, putting them together in an atmosphere of mutual
welfare. Each Ansar took a Muhajirin as his brother.
First Political Document( Charter or Constitution)
• After the migration was a pact that the Prophet ~ had drawn up for the inhabitants of Al-Madinah,
including the Jews and the polytheists, included in it were a number of terms and conditions.
• The Pact include:
1. in case of an attack on Al-Madinah launched by outsiders, the people of AL Madinah as a whole
would raise arms together against the enemies.
2. Another condition being that the Jews of Al-Madinah would not provide refuge to the Quraish of
Makkah or their allies.
3. None of the citizens of Al-Madinah would put any hurdle in the way of anyone else's religion, life
or property.
4. If two people of AI-Madinah had a falling-out on an issue and were not able to find any solution to
it by themselves, they would have to abide by the decision made by the Prophet ~ concerning it.
5. The burden of the war expenditures would be shared equally by all the people of Al-Madinah.
6. The Muslims of Al-Madinah would be considered as friends of the Jews, so also they (the Jews)
would have to treat as friend those tribes and clans who were in alliance with the Muslims.
7. All kinds of fighting and bloodshed would be treated as prohibited in the territory of AL Madinah.
All the people of AI-Madinah were to be considered bound to help the oppressed.
• This pact was signed by all the tribes of AL Madinah.
• The purpose of the Prophet ~ behind this peace pact was to create an atmosphere of peace and
order so that the people could be at peace and be able to reflect on the message of Islam in an air of
safety and security.
Beginning of Hypocrisy
• Before Prophet ,Abdullah bin Obai as the chief or king of Al-Madinah, with the advent of
Islam in Al-Madinah, the atmosphere changed beyond recognition.
• After the arrival of the Prophet ~ in Al-Madinah, the Muslims became its mightiest
• The grand dreams of Abdullah bin Ubai were shattered into pieces.
• The idolaters were still under the influence of Abdullah bin Ubai.
• When the Quraish of Makkah found out that the Prophet and his Companions were
enjoying a peaceful life after arriving in AlMadinah, they felt terribly disturbed.
• Quraish wrote a letter to Abdullah bin Ubai and the polytheists of Al-Madinah.
• They warned them against providing refuge to the Muslims and asked them to expel
• When Prophet came to know about this, he warned them regarding Quraish strategies.
• They agreed with the Prophet and left Abdullah bin Ubai.
• The same year, the Muslim began to use the Adhan to call the people to perform prayer
in congregation.
The Second Year of Migration
• The Quraish appeared defeated in the wake of the Prophet's departure to Al-Madinah unharmed.
• The acute sense of shameful defeat had filled them with a maddening pain which could be cured only by taking a
satisfactory revenge.
• There lay a distance of 300 miles between Makkah and Al-Madinah. Special care and preparations were needed for the
Makkans to invade Al-Madinah.
• The Prophet ~ was, on the other hand, predict the threat and he had to play his role as a reliable chief and an experienced
and skillful commander.
• Permission for defensive fighting had already been received.
• The Muslim population in Al-Madinah was, in no way, more than three or four hundred.
• A chieftain of Makkah, Kurz bin Jabir came from Makkah along with a band of people, and raided some grazing cattle near
Al Madinah.
• However, it was a serious warning for the people of Al-Madinah.
• Besides, the disbelievers were constantly in correspondence with Abdullah bin Ubai and the Jews of Al-Madinah conspiring
against the Muslim interests.
• During Sha'ban of this year, the Qiblah (direction of prayer) was changed for the Muslims to Makkah and the fasting of
Ramadan and Zakaat were made obligatory before the end of Sha'ban.
• At the beginning of the month of Ramadan, news came to Al-Madinah that a Makkan caravan was corning from Syria
which would pass by Al-Madinah.
• The party was sent with the sole purpose of frightening the disbelievers but not for fighting.
• Abu Sufyan, the head of the caravan, led it off the main routes.
• He also sent message to Makkah for the help, Abu Jahl marched forward with great enthusiasm from Makkah at the head
of a large army consisting of seven hundred camels and three hundred horses and The entire army was armed.
The Battle of Badr
• Abu Sufyan sent word to Abu Jahl that he had arrived at Makkah and that
he should also come back. But Abu Jahl turned down the suggestion.
• Abu Jahl was marching towards Al-Madinah. The Prophet ~ became aware
of the movement of the Quraish army.
• The Prophet summoned his followers and asked for their advice, they were
ready to fight.
• Satisfied with the staunch support and determination of the Companions,
the Prophet resolved to march out.
• The total number of the believers did not exceed 310 or 312 or 313.
• It was in no way a well-equipped force.
• This Islamic army had only two horses and seventy camels to be mounted
by three or four persons at a time. Many others accompanied on foot.
• On reaching Badr, the Islamic army noticed that the enemy force had already captured the raised piece of
land .
• The Muslims had to take the low-lying sandy spot. However, the wells of Badr were under the control of the
Muslim force. The Prophet issued orders that any of the disbelievers coming for water must not be stopped.
• The believers were in small number and had few weapons than non-believers.
• The Battle of Badar fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan 2 AH)
• There were signs of victory for Muslims even before the battle, as it rained and made the sandy ground firm
and smooth.
• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spent whole night praying to Allah for the victory.
• The very next day battle was started by the 3 challengers from Quraish who were noble personalities of
Quraish Utbah, Shaybah and Waleed stepped forward. Their challenge was accepted by 3 Ansaars but they
said we want to fight our parallels.
• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then ordered Hazrat Hamza, Ali and Ubaida ibn-al-Harith. All three from
Quraish got killed and Ubaida got martyred from Muslim side.
• Later general war was started and Muslims fought bravely and Quraish army ran away from the battle field
within hours.
• 14 companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) got martyred and 70 pagans were killed.
• Abu Jahal was killed by 2 Muslim boys; Muaz and Muawwaz.
• while 70 were captured as prisoners. Prisoners were treated nicely and humanely, they were allowed to go
back after payment of minor ransom those who were literate given an opportunity to teach Muslim children
and this teaching will be considered as their ransom.
• Leadership of Quraysh transferred to Abu Sufyan. The defeat of Quraish was a huge humiliation for Quraish.
• Victory of Badr was a turning point for Islam and Muslim emerged as a decisive power in Arab peninsula.
This victory led to a series of war between Muslims and Quraish which was ended on conquest of Makkah.
The Third Year of Migration
• Abdullah bin Ubai grew so fascinated in the wake of the victory at Badr that he
apparently accepted Islam but in truth he remained hostile to the Muslims.
• He also advised all the non-Muslims to follow in his footsteps and he himself
played the role of their leader.
• The group of men his secret planning gave birth to, are called the Munafiqin
• Some Jews too joined his party and tried to benefit from the discord.
• The dominant position of the Muslims and the speedy spread of Islam was most
undesirable to the Jews.
• Since the Jews were antagonistic to the progress made by Islam, they had
grown sympathetic to the Quraish and their efforts to curb the expansion of
Islam and after the victory of battle of Badr.
• They started making strategies when Prophet warned them but they said they
are more powerful than Quraish.
The Battle of Uhud, 3 AH
• Battle of Uhud took place in 625, 3rd year of Hijra.
• Its major reasons were the revenge of Badr, since the day, the Quraish faced defeat in Badr, they started a
major preparation for another battle in Makkah in which they invested a huge amount.
• Pagans of Makkah came to Madinah with three thousand well equipped men. They stayed into a ground in
front of the Uhad Mountain.
• The Prophet (PBUH) was in favor of defending and staying in the city but the young boys insisted on going
out and fight. The Prophet (saw) took one thousand men with him.
• On his way to Uhud, three hundred hypocrites led by Abdullah ibn Ubai deserted the army. He left with his
300 men. Muslims were only seven hundred in front of three thousand well equipped Quraish.
• The Prophet (PBUH) placed 50 archers under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair to defend a pass which
was a dangerous position can be used to attack Muslims from the back.
• The battle began and Allah fulfilled His promise and the Muslims almost won the battle. Pagans started
running back to Makkah.
• When Muslims saw this defeat, they started looting spoils of war without asking the Prophet (PBUH). When
the archers saw this, they left the pass and joined the other Muslims and left the pass unguarded.
• Khalid Bin Walid was a capable general of Quraish. He saw the opening without any protection. He took his
200 men and attacked from behind. Muslims were not ready for this attack and it caused panic everywhere.
• In this panic, Wahshi slave of Hinda got a chance and killed Hamza (RA), the uncle of the Prophet (PBUH).
• The Prophet (PBUH) was also injured and lost his tooth.
• Mus’ab bin Umair (RA) got martyred he was so much identical to Holy Prophet
(PBUH). Someone spread a rumor that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been
killed. That caused more mishap and depression among Muslim army resulting
huge casualties on Muslim side.
• Sixty-five Ansar and four Muhajirin in all were honored with martyrdom
• Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraish challenged the Muslims to have another
fight next year in Badr.
• Apparently, the Quraish won the battle but in reality, they could not achieve both
of their targets. Neither they killed the Prophet nor could they open the trade
route. It meant that the next battle was inevitable.
• From this battle, Muslims got the lesson that they must not disobey the Prophet
(PBUH) and the Muslim commander. The Muslims lost the battle due to their
greed. The pagans did not capture Madinah and went back to Makkah.
The Fourth Year of Migration
• Jews planned to kill the Prophet but were successful. Prophet tried to make
an agreement with them but they refused.
• He again wrote them to either sign the agreement or leave the territory.
• However, the Jews conveyed to the Prophet~ through Abdullah bin Ubai
that they were ready to accept exile provided they were granted safety of
• One section went to Khaibar and another one went to Syria and settled
• Prophet went to the place of Badr for the battle as committed by Abu
Sufyan but Abu Sufyan didn’t reached there and returned from Usfan to
Makkah by knowing about the number of Muslim Army.
• Husain bin Ali bin Abu Talib ~ was born the same year and wine was
declared as prohibited.
The Fifth Year of Migration ( Battle of Trench)
• After getting exiled from Madinah in 4th A.H, Banu Nazir’s leader campaign
and visited every corner of Arabian desert in order to seek help against
Muslims of Madinah.
• They visited Quraysh and shared their plan of crushing Muslims. Quraysh
immediately ensured their full support.
• Jews then approached different tribes with an army consisting 10000 to
12000 warriors equipped with best possible weapons and supplies.
• Prophet (PBUH) when got to know about this invasion plan he called a
council meeting to discuss defense plan for Madinah. Among all other
suggestions, Prophet (PBUH) liked Salman Farsi’s (RA) suggestion of digging
a trench.
• Eastern, western and southern sides of Madinah were naturally protected
from any major invasion as there were thick gardens. Only northern side
was a plain ground that could let Quraysh army enter the city.
• The main trench that was dug by Prophet (PBUH) was approximately 3.5-mile-long . This whole
process took 3 weeks and Madinah became safe from any invasion.
• As the immense army was a combination of different groups of different tribes, this battle is also
called Battle of Al-Ahzaab (The Groups).
• But they were so surprised and confused to see the trench as this was whole new thing they ever
• On the other hand, 3000 Muslims were ready to defend Madinah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
would designate group of companions on different points of trench in order to keep invaders from
crossing it by chance.
• One day 5 warriors from Quraysh crossed the trench and challenged the Muslims. Amr bin Abdood
was the bravest of them all. Hazrat Ali (RA) killed him after a fierce encounter while he himself
suffered a severe wound on his forehead. Naufal fell in ditch and was also killed while other ran away.
• Banu Quraizah were approached by Quraysh to engage Muslims in internal war so they could get a
chance to cross the trench. Luckily their plan was foiled.
• Naeem bin Masood was member of Quraysh army he approached Prophet (PBUH) and embraced
Islam and took responsibility of creating misunderstanding between invaders and leaking their plans.
• One night Quraysh were struck by a horrible sandstorm that destroyed their camps, spoiled their
kitchen system, scattered their livestock and above all destroyed their left-out morale.
• After Quraysh departure, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered to march on Banu Quraiza and
surrounded their forts. After 15 days, they surrendered and Banu Quraizah were punished.
• Muslims defended their city and defeated Qurayshand made them an emerging power of Arab and
inspired a lot of neutral tribes.
The Sixth Year of Migration
• In 6 AH Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a dream about entering Masjid Al-Haraam
and offering Umrah.
• Fortunately, this month, Arab used to consider it sacred month along with other 3
months. No one would stop/harm anyone during these months and specially those
going to visit house of Allah. Companions started preparations enthusiastically as this
was their first experience to visit house of Allah along with Holy Prophet (PBUH).
• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) left for Makkah along with 1400 companions and his
wife Umm-e-Salma (RA). They had covered swords just for self-defense as they had
no intention of fighting. Prophet (PBUH) took 70 camels to sacrifice in the name of
Allah. Prophet (PBUH) ordered all pilgrims to wear ihram and mark their sacrificial
• Quraysh when got to know about arrival of Muslims, they decided to stop them from
entering Makkah and started preparing a major army.
• As Prophet (PBUH) had no intention of bloodshed, he decided to change the route.
But Prophet’s (PBUH) camel Qaswa stopped at Hudaibiah. Muslims considered it a
sign by Allah and camped there.
• Quraysh sent 80 assassins to take Muslims by surprise. But they all got arrested by
Muslims. Later they were forgiven and allowed to go back by Prophet (PBUH).
• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent Uthman bin Affan as final negotiator of Muslims to ask
permission for Umrah.
• Quraysh tried to manipulate him and asked him to offer Umrah without Prophet (PBUH) and
companions. Uthman turned down their offer which angered Quraysh and they arrested
• A rumor got spread that Quraysh killed Uthman in response to which Prophet (PBUH) got
furious as killing a negotiator was not even allowed in period of ignorance. Prophet (PBUH)
took pledge from all companions to fight Quraysh till their last breath in order to avenge
Usman’s blood.
• When Quraysh got to know about this pledge they got scared and agreed to sign a treaty.
Sohail bin Amr was sent by Quraish to decide and finalize the terms of treaty.
• The 4 main points of the treaty are as follows:
1. There will be no wars for 10 years.
2. Muslims will go back this year. They will be allowed to perform Umrah next year.
3. If a Muslim goes to Makkah will not be sent back to Madinah. But Muslims has to send
back any Makkan who seeks refuge in Madinah.
4. All the individuals and tribes are free to ally themselves with Quraysh or Muslims. Same
rules would apply for them as well.
Muslims were very angry and emotional at that moment but Quran declared it a clear victory.
The Seventh Year of Migration ( Battle of Khyber)
• After Treaty of Hudaibiah when Quraysh’s threat was neutralized for the time
being, Prophet (PBUH) prepared to invade Khyber in 628 AD/7 A.H in the month
of Muharram.
• He along with 1400 companions marched towards Khyber. His wife Umm-e-Salma
(RA) was with him. Muslims took Jews by surprise and they had no option left
except to lock themselves up in their forts.
• Hazrat Ali (RA) was given the banner and special instructions by Holy Prophet
(PBUH). He led the attack and Jewish commander Marhab was killed by Ali (RA)
while Zubair (RA) killed Marhab’s brother Yasir.
• Muslims attacked all the forts.
• 93 Jews were killed in Battle of Khyber while 15 Muslims got martyred.
• After the battle was over they beg to let them have Khyber. Prophet (PBUH)
accepted on a condition that half harvest of Khyber will be given to Madinah on
yearly basis as Jizyah (tax). Muslims got huge amount of spoils of wars.
• Prophet went to Makkah for performing Umrah this year.
The Eighth Year of Migration( Conquest of Makkah)
• Despite the improved relations between Mecca and Medinah after the signing of the
Treaty of Hudaybiyah, the ten-year peace was to be broken by Quraysh who, with their
allies, the Bani Bakr, attacked the Khuza‟ah tribe.
• Now Khuza‟ah were allies of the Muslims and when the Prophet (pbuh)heard of the
attack he immediately ordered his men to prepare for war.
• When the Muslim army, which numbered ten thousand, set out for Mecca it was the
month of Ramadan in the eighth year of the Hijrah.
• In the meantime, the Prophet's uncle, al- 'Abbas, had decided that the time had come for
him and his wife to leave Mecca and join the Prophet (pbuh) in Medinah.
• Night fell and the Muslims made fires to light their camp. The Meccans, looking out of
the city, were amazed to see the many fires, and Abu Sufyan went all over Mecca trying
to find out whose camp it was.
• Suddenly he saw al-„Abbas riding towards him from the direction of the fires. He was
returning as a messenger of peace from the Prophet (pbuh) and said to Abu Sufyan, 'The
Muslims have come with a large army. They do not wish to fight, only to enter the city. It
would be better to surrender and not fight.
• Come under my protection and meet the Prophet (pbuh).' Abu Sufyan
• In the morning Abu Sufyan was taken to the Prophet (pbuh) who said,
'Abu Sufyan! Have you not yet realized that there is no divinity but
Allah?' To this Abu Sufyan replied, 'If there had been another he
surely would Have helped me by now.‟ „Shame on you, Abu Sufyan',
responded the Prophet (pbuh), 'it is time you realize that I am truly
Allah's Messenger.' After a moment or two, Abu Sufyan, who
remembered how „Umar had not been allowed to kill him, replied: 'I
can see you are a generous and forgiving man but I still cannot be
sure of that.' At this, al- „Abbas, who had been standing nearby
turned to him and said: „Believe as I do now.' Abu Sufyan stood
quietly for a moment, then in a calm, clear voice swore in front of
everyone, there is no divinity but Allah, and Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah.'
• The Prophet (pbuh) then told Abu Sufyan to go back to Mecca and tell the
people that the Muslims would enter the city the next morning.
• In addition, the Prophet (pbuh) told him to assure the Meccans that those
who remained in their own homes or at the Ka‟bah would also be
• Abu Sufyan returned quickly to the city and asked them to surrender.
• Early next day, the Muslims entered Mecca from all sides. They had been
ordered to cause no harm unless anyone tried to stop them entering.
When the Prophet (pbuh) arrived, he got off his camel, bowed down on the
ground and thanked Allah for this victory.
• People began leaving their homes and running towards the Ka‟bah. When
they arrived there, they found the Prophet (pbuh) performing the ritual
encircling of the Ka'bah, the tawaf on his camel, surrounded by the
Muslims. When he had finished, he said, 'There no divinity except Allah and
He has no partner. Men and women of Quraysh be not proud for all are
• Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away.

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