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Name: ___________________

My favourite food
Lesson 5
Ex1: Look and write

1. I have got some _____________

2. Look! There are many _________

3. There are many _______ on the plate

4. I have got a bar of ___________ (a bar: 1 thanh)

Ex2: Complete the words

0. 1. 2.
chicken _______________ _______________

3. 4. 5.
_____________ _______________ ______________
6. 7. 8.
_______________ __________________ _________________

Ex3: Read and circle

1. Where are the donuts ? 2.

-They are _______ the box Where is the chicken?
-It is _______ the table
A. in A. in
B. on B. on
C. under C. behind

3. 4.
Where is the ball? Where are the biscuits?
-It is _______ the box They are ________ the plate
A. in A. in
B. behind B. on
C. in front of C. under

5. Where is the apple?
Where is the dog? It is __________ the juice.
It is ______ the table A. under
A. in B. behind
B. behind C. next to
C. under

Ex4: Read and circle

1. The apple is in / on the box

2. The apple is on / under the table

3. The ball is in / under the chair

4. The bread is in/ on the table

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