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Classroom Activities

Teacher’s sheet

Unit 5 Part B: Jumbled Stories

Unit: Unit 5 Part B

Skill: Ordering stories

Focus: Past simple and past progressive

Time: For a 5 minute activity only use one of the stories. Ask students to put it into
the correct order.

For a 15 minute activity do the exercise as described.

For a 20 minute activity ask the pairs to add two more pieces of action to one
of the stories.

Before Make a copy of the Student’s sheet for each pair of students. Cut the stories
the into cards.

In class:  Explain that students are going to put together two stories.
 Divide the students into pairs.
 Give each pair the cards with sentences from the two stories on them.
 Ask the students to put the sentences into the correct order to make
two stories.
 When they have finished, ask two students to read out the stories.
Classroom Activities

Student’s sheet

Unit 5 Part B: Jumbled Stories

It was a Friday morning in spring. The sun
was shining.
It ran into the kitchen.
He couldn’t see anyone.
James was driving into town to buy a dog.
When he opened the door, the dog ran into
the house.
Sam was making food for his birthday party.
It was dark and windy outside.
He chose the dog and took it home. They
walked in the sunshine.
When James came into the kitchen, he saw
the dog with something in its mouth.
It was Saturday evening. The wind was
blowing outside.
He went to the door and opened it.
He looked at the table and saw that the beef
for dinner was not there.
Suddenly many people in the garden started
singing Happy Birthday
Suddenly the doorbell rang.
Classroom Activities


Unit 5 Part B: Jumbled Stories

It was a Friday morning in spring. The sun

was shining.
James was looking for a dog in a pet shop.
He chose the dog and took it home. They
walked in the sunshine.
When he opened the door, the dog ran into
the house.
It ran into the kitchen.
When James came into the kitchen, he saw
the dog with something in its mouth.
When he looked at the table he saw that the
beef for dinner was not there.

It was Saturday evening. The wind was

blowing outside.
Sam was making food for his birthday party.
Suddenly the doorbell rang.
He went to the door and opened it.
It was dark and windy outside.
He couldn’t see anyone.
Suddenly many people in the garden started
singing Happy Birthday.

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