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Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

attic balcony block city cottage floor lift semi-detached stairs village

I live in London – it’s a very big 0 city. Our flat is in a big 1 _______________
of flats. We always use the 2 _______________ to get to our flat because it’s on
the eleventh 3 _______________. There’s a 4 _______________ outside the
living room and the view from there is fantastic.

I live in a town in England. Our home is a 5 _______________ house. Our

living room is next to our neighbours’ living room and we can hear their TV at
night. I have to walk up and down 6 _______________ because my bedroom is
in the 7 _______________.

Our home is an old 8_______________. It’s in a small 9

_______________ in the country. It’s got a garden, a kitchen, a
living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms.

______ / 9

2 Przetłumacz na język angielski:

1. Dom szeregowy
2. Na wyspie
3. Dom jednorodzinny
4. Mieszkam na wsi
5. Mieszkam w miasteczku
6. Mieszkam na parterze

______ / 6

Total score: ______ / 15

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