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Managing and Leading Change

Short Assignment
The selected article is written by Fritz Brunner and is about the four step of change
and effective change at workplace. The change in workplace which are made and
measured by the SMART framework is discussed in this article. Fritz Brunner in his
article has defined the four step model for managing and applying the change. First
step is to identify the need of change. The second step after the identification of
need is to implement the change into action through using various tools and
information. Next, is gathering the feedback about the change through measuring the
performance and results. In last step decisions are made about whether to start the
process of change from scratch or not, this decision relies completely on the
feedback and results. If the results are as per the expectation then starting the
change process from the beginning is not required. Nonetheless, this article
discusses the challenges in change that is not recognized by the individual
implementing the change in the organization or workplace.

Evaluation & Content:

1. In this article what step of change can be applied and why?

Changes are taking place in business environment all the times, however there is not
one framework which can manage these changes efficiently. Fundamentally, there
is change in the behavior of an individual regularly but the end point was not focused
in this article (L, 2000). Moreover, the change process which follows a systematic
process is explained. Following are the stages:

 Precontemplation stage
 Contemplation stage
 Preparation stage
 Action stage
 Maintenance stage

The Precontemplation first stage is explained in the article and implementation is

possible at this initial stage. Nonetheless, the ability to change is weakened by
numerous inaccurate approaches. Under informed and uninformed are some of this
which unable to rethinking about their behavior which is highly risky (Goshal, S.

2. Assess and list the strong and weak point s of the opinion made by the
author on how to apply change effectively in work place.


 The opinion of the author are simple and comprehendible is the strength of
the opinion made by the author
 Another strength of the opinion of the author is it permits the organization to
identify the issues and develop appropriate plans to overcome them in timely
manner (Gold, 2013)
 The author’s opinion is also flexible because the process is easily to change
its methods also makes it a strength.
 If all the individuals are involved in the communication process at all the
stages this can be made more effective (Gabriel, Y 2000).


 One of the weakness of the opinions made by the author is that it may result
in faulty expectations (Gabriel, Y 2000).

3. Discuss the ways to implement the change from you perception and view

Given below are change process stages from my point of view:

1) Communicate the reason and need for change

Taking into account the employees and other stakeholders when implementing
change of the organization is essential for the company and must communicate with
them during the change implementation and inform them about the advantages and
disadvantages related to the change. Moreover, the company must also appreciate
the employees to present their ideas and perceptions
2) Applying the change in steps

The best method of implementing the change is divide the change process into
various stages which can be measured constantly during the process this helps the
company in assessing the results of change in future. Organizations can take
corrective actions in timely manner if organization perform a research extensively
when applying the change and assess the results of changes to check is they are
according to the expected outcome or not.

3) Monitor, assess and review the change

To improve the efficiency and quality changes are implemented by the organizations
and to maintain this quality and efficiency it is important for the company to control
and monitor the change process regularly to check if the change is meeting the
excepted standards or not. To have the capability to quantify the effect of change
and measures its thriving it is essential for the company to have effective control and
management on the entire change process. Whether the change process fit for the
organization or not must be identified by the employees of the organizational or
personal’s responsible for change (Carlsen, A. 2006)

The stages of change are considered in this assignment and it is realized that author
is at the Precontemplation stage which is the first stage of change, at this stage
decisions are not taken by person. The strong and weak point regarding the opinion
of the author were discussed and it was concluded that any issue faced during the
change can be resolved instantly. At last, ensuring the motivation level of all the
people involved in the change is also necessary and it is also essential and
important to communicate with all the stakeholders of the organization that can be
effected by the change being implemented. However, getting access to all the
resource that are required for the implementation of change and improvement is
 Carlsen, A. (2006) ‘Organisational Becoming as Dialogic Imagination of
Practice: The Case of the Indomitable Gauls’ Organisation Science, 17(1):
 Cunha, M. & Cunha, R. (2003) ‘The interplay of planned and emergent
change in Cuba’ International Business Review. 12: 445-459.
 Gabriel, Y (2000) Storytelling in Organisations. Facts, Fictions, & Fantasies.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
 Gold, M. S., 2013. Stages of Change. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 August 2016]
 Goshal, S. (2005) ‘Bad management theories are destroying good
management practices’ Academy of Management Learning & Education 4(1):

 L, G., 2000. A ‘Stages of Change’ Approach to Helping Patients Change

Behavior. [Online]Availableat:
[Accessed 14 August 2016]

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