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February, 2023

I. GENERAL....................................................................................................................................3
II. STANDARD AND DOCUMENTS.........................................................................................3
1. Standards and codes..................................................................................................................3
2. Documents for references.........................................................................................................3
III. INPUT.......................................................................................................................................4
1. Geological:................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Bore hole TB-01................................................................................................................4
1.2. Bore hole TB-02................................................................................................................5
1.3. Bore hole TB-03................................................................................................................5
1.4. Bore hole TB-04................................................................................................................6
1.5. Bore hole TB-05................................................................................................................7
1.6. Bore hole TB-06................................................................................................................8
1.7. Bore hole TB-07................................................................................................................9
1.8. Bore hole TB-08................................................................................................................9
1.9. Bore hole TB-09..............................................................................................................10
1.10. Bore hole TB-10...........................................................................................................10
1.11. Bore hole TB-11...........................................................................................................11
1.12. Bore hole TB-12...........................................................................................................12
2. Meteocean...............................................................................................................................12
3. Load........................................................................................................................................13
3.1. General.............................................................................................................................13
3.2. Anchor cage dimentions..................................................................................................13
3.3. Quasi permanent load......................................................................................................13
3.4. Extreme load....................................................................................................................14
3.5. Fatigue Load....................................................................................................................14
3.6. Platform load...................................................................................................................14
IV. GEOMETRY..........................................................................................................................15
V. MATERIAL............................................................................................................................16
1. Concrete..................................................................................................................................16
2. Reinforcement.........................................................................................................................17

This report is to study the structure of piles foundation for wind turbine. The general information
of the project are presents below:
Project: Duyen Hai 48MW Wind Farm
Location: Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam
Phase: Technical Design
Turbine type: GOLDWIND
Specification: GW175-6.0, V52R01C100


1. Standards and codes
 EN 1992-1 Eurocode 2 Design of concrete structure
 CEB-FIB Model Code 1990
 EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design
 EN 206-1 Concrete: Specification, performance, production and conformity
 EN 61400-1: Wind turnbine – Design requirements
 EN 61400-3: Design of Offshore Wind turbine structures
 DNV-OS-J101: Design of Offshore Wind Turbine Structures
 DNVGL-RP-C205: Environmental conditions and environemental loads
 TCVN 7888:2014: Pretension spun concrete piles
 TCVN 9394:2012: Pile driving and static jacking works – Construction, check and
 TCVN 9386:2012: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance
 NF P94-262: Design of deep foundation
 IEC 61400-1: Design requirements
 IEC 61400-6: Tower and foundation dessign requirements
2. Documents for references
 Layout of project
 Geological Survey report
 Foundation Load of Wind turbine
 Document of previous phase:
- Attachment-7_ Metocean report
- Attachment-11_ Bathymetry Drawing
- Attachment-13_ Soil test report

Acoording Geological Survey report and used documents for previous , seabed level are follow
the table below:
Wind Turbine Seabed Level (m)
TB-01 -1.2
TB-02 -1.5
TB-03 -1.1
TB-04 -1.5
TB-05 -2.4
TB-06 -3.8
TB-07 -3.6
TB-08 -3.0
Based on received data, FECON proposes multi-pile cap foundation for turbines and uses TB-
06 for typical calculation.
1. Geological:
FECON use informations in previous phase to design. The geological inputs data are
boreholes at wind turbine foundations
1.1. Bore hole TB-01
Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SILTY SAND (SM), brownish
1 0 -3.6 3.6 4
gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -3.6 -13.0 9.4 2
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CH) high plasticity,
3 brownish gray, greenish gray, -13.0 -23.2 10.2 10
SAND (SM) mixed shell,
4 -23.2 -33.0 9.8 33
greenish gray, dense

CLAY (CL), low plasticity,
6 -33.0 -38.6 5.6 24
greenish gray, yellowish gray
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6b -38.6 -40.7 2.1 13
high plasticity
SAND (SC-SM), green gray,
7 brownish gray, yellowish gray, -40.7 -51.7 11.0 27
medium dense
SAND (SM) greenish gray,
8 blackish gray, yellowish gray, -51.7 -75.0 23.3 50
very dense

1.2. Bore hole TB-02

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
1 0 -4.5 4.5 5
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -4.5 -18.0 13.5 3
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
3 -18.0 -23.0 5.0 14
yellowish gray, stiff – very stiff
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
4 gray, mixed with shell, very -23.0 -33.0 10.0 32
CLAY (CL), yellowish, dark
5 -33.0 -43.0 10.0 25
gray, very stiff
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
6 greenish gray, yellow, medium -43.0 -46.6 3.6 25
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
7 -46.6 -54.0 7.4 37
brownish gray, yellow, dense
9 SAND (SM), dense -54.0 -75.0 21.0 50

1.3. Bore hole TB-03

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT

SAND (SM), mixed with
1 0 -4.7 4.7 5
organic, dark gray, gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -4.7 -15.4 10.7 3
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
3a -15.4 -25.0 9.6 13
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
4 mixed with shell, medium -25.0 -33.0 8.0 33
dense to dense
SAND (SC) mixed with clay,
5 -33.0 -34.5 1.5 27
yellowish gray, medium dense
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6 -34.5 -45.5 11.0 25
gray, very stiff
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
7a yellowish gray, brownish gray, -45.5 -49.0 3.5 31
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
7 -49.0 -52.5 3.5 40
dark gray, stiff
9 SAND (SM), gray, very dense -52.5 -75.0 22.5 50

1.4. Bore hole TB-04

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SAND (SM), mixed with
1 0 -4.5 4.5 6
organic, dark gray, gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -4.5 -8.5 4.0 3
plasticity to plasticity
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
TK1 -8.5 -11.0 2.5 7
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -11.0 -16.5 5.5 3
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CL), yellowish gray,
3 -16.5 -25.5 9.0 13
brownish gray, stiff
4 SAND (SM), greenish gray, -25.5 -33.0 7.5 33

mixed with shell, medium
dense to dense
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
5a yellowish gray, mixed with -33.0 -35.0 2.0 32
shell, dense
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6 -35.0 -43.0 8.0 26
gray, very stiff
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
7 -43.0 -49.5 6.5 35
dark gray, stiff
SAND (SW-SM), greenish
8 gray, brown, dense to very -49.5 -53.0 3.5 15
9 SAND (SM), gray, very dense -53.0 -75.0 22.0 50

1.5. Bore hole TB-05

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SILTY SAND (SM), brownish
1 0 -4.0 4.0 5
gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL-OH), dark gray, low -4.0 -17.5 13.8 3
plasticity to plasticity
SAND (SC-SM) with clay,
3a mixed shell, white gray, light -17.5 -18.5 1.2 13
gray, medium dense
CLAY (CH) high plasticity,
3 brownish gray, greenish gray, -18.5 -25.5 6.5 13
SAND (SM) mixed shell,
4 -25.5 -31.0 6.7 45
greenish gray, dense
CLAY (CL) mixed with sand,
5 low plasticity, brownish gray, -31.0 -43.5 4.6 29
SAND (SC-SM) with clay and
6 silt, brownish gray, yellowish -43.5 -46.7 2.9 42
gray, dense
7 CLAY (CL), low plasticity, -46.7 -54.7 8 37

with sand, brownish gray,
yellowish gray, stiff
SAND (SW-SM), greenish
8 gray, brown, dense to very -54.7 -75.0 20.5 50

1.6. Bore hole TB-06

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SAND (SM), mixed with
1 0 -7.5 7.5 3
organic, dark gray, gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -7.5 -14.8 7.3 2
plasticity to plasticity
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
TK -14.8 -16.8 2.0 10
dark gray, medium dense
CLAY (CL), yellowish gray,
3 -16.8 -25.0 8.2 10
brownish gray, stiff
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
4 mixed with shell, medium -25.0 -32.6 7.6 30
dense to dense
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6 -32.6 -38.5 5.9 20
gray, very stiff
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
7 -38.5 -42.3 3.8 16
dark gray, stiff
SAND (SW-SM), greenish
8 gray, brown, dense to very -42.3 -48.4 6.1 30
SAND mixed with clay (SM),
9 -48.4 -51.2 2.8 33
gray, very dense
CLAY (CH), greenish gray,
10 -51.2 -54.5 3.3 14
dark gray, stiff to very stiff
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
11 -54.5 -57.0 2.5 15
dark gray, medium dense
SAND (SM), brownish gray,
12 greenish gray, dense to very -57.0 -75.0 18.0 50

1.7. Bore hole TB-07
Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SILTY SAND (SM), brownish
1 0 -7.0 7.0 8
gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL-OH), dark gray, low -7.0 -19.0 12.0 3
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CH) high plasticity,
3 brownish gray, greenish gray, -19.0 -29.0 10.0 12
SAND (SM) mixed shell,
4 -29.0 -35.0 6.0 35
greenish gray, dense
CLAY (CL) mixed with sand,
5 low plasticity, brownish gray, -35.0 -42.5 7.5 25
SAND (SC-SM) with clay and
6 silt, brownish gray, yellowish -42.5 -57.5 15.0 30
gray, dense
CLAY (CL), low plasticity,
7 with sand, brownish gray, -57.5 -75.0 17.5 50
yellowish gray, stiff

1.8. Bore hole TB-08

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
SAND (SM), mixed with
1 0 -4.5 4.5 3
organic, dark gray, gray, loose
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -4.5 -9.5 5.0 2
plasticity to plasticity
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
TK1 -9.5 -11.0 1.5 7
Organic CLAY mixed with
2 sand (OL), dark gray, low -11.0 -15.0 4.0 2
plasticity to plasticity

CLAY (CL), yellowish gray,
3 -15.0 -24.5 9.5 8
brownish gray, stiff
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
4 mixed with shell, medium -24.5 -31.0 6.5 38
dense to dense
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
5 -31.0 -37.0 6.0 20
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6 -37.0 -59.0 22.0 32
gray, very stiff
7 SAND (SM), gray, very dense -59.0 -75.0 16.0 50

1.9. Bore hole TB-09

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
Organic CLAY mixed with
1 sand (OL), dark gray, low 0 -18.0 18.0 2
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CH), yellowish gray,
2 -18.0 -26.3 8.3 12
greenish gray, stiff
SAND (SM), greenish gray,
3 mixed with shell, medium -26.3 -30.5 4.2 15
dense to dense
CLAY (CH), greenish gray,
4 -30.5 -37.3 6.8 20
yellowish gray, very stiff
CLAY (CL), brownish gray,
5 -37.3 -45.5 8.2 23
very stiff
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6 -45.5 -58.5 13.0 45
gray, stiff
7 SAND (SM), gray, very dense -58.5 -75.0 16.5 50

1.10. Bore hole TB-10

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
Organic CLAY mixed with
1 sand (OL), dark gray, low 0 -17.0 17.0 2
plasticity to plasticity

CLAY mixed sand (SC-CH),
2 greenish gray, yellowish gray, -17.0 -25.5 8.5 11
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
3 mixed with shell, yellowish -25.5 -30.0 4.5 33
gray, stiff
CLAY (CH), greenish gray,
4 -30.0 -37.2 7.2 28
yellowish gray, very stiff
SAND mixed with clay (SC),
5 -37.2 -41.5 4.3 20
yellowish gray, medium dense
CLAY mixed with sand (CL),
6 greenish gray, yellowish gray, -41.5 -55.5 14.0 39
CLAY mixed with sand (CL-
7 CH), greenish gray, gray, very -55.5 -61.0 5.5 19
SAND (SM, SP-SM), greenish
8 -61.0 -75.0 14.0 50
gray, gray, very dense

1.11. Bore hole TB-11

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
Organic CLAY mixed with
1 sand (OL), dark gray, low 0 -15.2 15.2 2
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
2 -15.2 -25.5 10.3 10
brownish gray, stiff
SAND (SM), mixed with shell,
3 white gray, yellowish gray, -25.5 -31.3 5.8 25
medium dense
CLAY (CH), greenish gray,
4 -31.3 -37.8 6.5 25
yellowish gray, very stiff
CLAY (CL), greensih gray,
5 -37.8 -43.2 5.4 15
gray, dark gray, stiff
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
6 -43.2 -47.5 4.3 25
gray, very stiff
7 CLAY mixed with sand (CL), -47.5 -61.0 13.5 34

greenish gray, gray, stiff
SAND (SM, SP-SM), greenish
8 gray, gray, medium dense to -61.0 -70.0 9.0 50
very dense
TK CLAY (CL), gray, very stiff -70.0 -72.5 2.5 50
SAND (SM, SP-SM), greenish
8 gray, gray, medium dense to -72.5 -75.0 2.5 50
very dense

1.12. Bore hole TB-12

Layer Soil type z top z bot SPT
Organic CLAY mixed with
1 sand (OL), dark gray, low 0 -15.5 15.5 2
plasticity to plasticity
CLAY (CH), greenish gray,
2 -15.5 -31.5 16.0 13
yellowish gray, stiff
CLAY (CL), greenish gray,
4 -31.5 -43.8 12.3 24
gray, very stiff
CLAY mixed with sand (CL),
5 -43.8 -61.0 17.2 41
greenish gray, gray, stiff
SAND (SM, SP), greenish gray,
6 -61.0 -75.0 14.0 50
gray, very dense

2. Meteocean
Form metocean documents, we have:
HAT = +389.65 cm
LAT = +33.43 cm
- Wave data:

3. Load
3.1. General
The tower bottom load was defined like the figure

3.2. Anchor cage dimentions

There are not specifications of anchor cage
3.3. Quasi permanent load
There are not quasi permanent load

3.4. Extreme load
Mx My Mxy Mz Fx Fy Fxy Fz
kNm kNm kNm kNm kN kN kN kN -
Mx max 99989 -7861 100297 -1342 4 -1200 1200 -6894 1
Mx min -97984 -4005 98066 -1691 -91 1208 1211 -6910 1
My max 7851 116621 116885 -2848 1257 -69 1259 -6843 1
My min -3039 119634 -1735 -1127 -33 1128 -6597 1
Mxy max 14017 119993 -1529 -1125 -176 1139 -6609 1
Mxy min -1 -3 4 -220 141 20 143 -6607 1
Mz max 41994 17785 45604 15502 325 -419 530 -6781 1
Mz min 1778 49986 50017 -15272 1044 416 1123 -6548 1
Fx max 1852 82809 82830 -7244 1645 125 1649 -6879 1
Fx min 4116 -90080 90174 -2056 -1268 -117 1273 -6749 1
Fy max -88969 8400 89364 -2567 21 1317 1317 -6720 1
Fy min 91938 -2609 91975 -205 48 -1299 1300 -6743 1
Fxy max 1852 82809 82830 -7244 1645 125 1649 -6879 1
Fxy min -11 -12514 12514 -12 0 0 0 -6633 1
Fz max 11180 -57441 58519 1462 -905 -144 916 -5982 1
Fz min 2566 63371 63423 -5988 1065 -19 1065 -7366 1

3.5. Fatigue Load

Inverse Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower Tower
SN slope Mx My Mz Fx Fy Fz
- kNm kNm kNm kN kN kN
3 37812 36202 8862 483 496 353
4 35522 34274 7445 430 445 260
5 35988 35267 7080 425 440 225
6 37450 37875 7126 441 452 211
7 39329 41827 7371 470 471 206
8 41369 46693 7728 510 492 206
9 43439 51891 8158 558 515 209
10 45467 57011 8645 609 537 213
11 47415 61868 9185 659 559 219
12 49264 66403 9772 707 580 225
3.6. Platform load
Total static load 100 T

Total live load 50 T

Excentricity per center of foundation 8.5 m

Bottom foundation level will be chosen follow the condition:
Level = HAT + 0.6*Wave max + air gap
Acoording section 2,
HAT = 3.90 m
Wave max = 3.73
Air gap = 0.5 m (suggest)
We choice bottom foundation level = +6.7 m

Pile diameter: 0.8 m

Pile thickness: 0.12 m

Average Pile length: 51 m

Number of pile: 50 piles

Foundation diameter: 23 m

Pedestal diameter: 9.1 m

Height of foundation: 1.2 m

Vertical height of plate slope: 1.85 m

Height of pedestal 1.45 m

1. Concrete

Specific weight of concrete: 25 kN/m3

Concrete class of PHC pile: C80/95

Concrete compressive strength at 28 days: 80 Mpa

Elastic modulus of concrete C80/95: 42000 Mpa

Concrete class of foundation: C35/45

Concrete compressive strength at 28 days: 35 Mpa

Elastic modulus of concrete C35/45: 33000 Mpa

Concrete class of pedestal: C45/55

Concrete compressive strength at 28 days: 45 Mpa

Elastic modulus of concrete C45/55: 35000 Mpa

Thermal expansion coefficient 1.8E-05

Poisson coefficient 0.2

Partial safety factor of concrete 1.5

2. Reinforcement

Grade of steel: CB500V

Elastic modulus: 200000 Mpa

Characteristic strength: 500 Mpa

Partial safety factor of concrete 1.15


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