Moot Petitioner Prayer

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In the light of issues raised, arguments advanced and authorities cited, may this Hon’ble
Court pleased to:

1. Consider the maintainability of the petition before the High Court, ensuring that
justice is accessible to all, especially the vulnerable youth involved in this case.

2. Honorable Court's discernment in evaluating the justifiability of the Juvenile Justice

Board's decision to try the defendants as adults, taking into account their age at the
time of the crime and their ability to comprehend the legal proceedings.

3. Delve deeply into the provisions of Section 15 of the Juvenile Justice Act 2012,
examining whether they violate the fundamental rights enshrined in Article 14 and
Article 15 of the Constitution. We implore the court to assess the consistency of the
Act's classification of juveniles with Article 20(1) of the Constitution and
international legal norms.

4. Uphold the principles of equality, fairness, and the best interests of the child, ensuring
that the rights of the juveniles involved in this case are safeguarded and protected.


Pass any other order that it deems fit in the interest of Justice, Equality and Good Conscience.
And for this, the Petitioner as in duty bound, shall humbly pray.


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