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User Authentication Module Design

This blueprint outlines a comprehensive User Authentication Module with a technology stack that
includes Vue.js with Bootstrap for the frontend, Django with Django REST Framework for the
backend, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication, and PostgreSQL for database management.
This design incorporates system architecture, database schema, and critical components of user
authentication for robust security and efficiency.

1. System Overview
Purpose: Build a secure User Authentication Module for managing identity verification, session
handling, and security in a multi-tiered application.

Scope: Focuses on user registration, login, password recovery, and session management.
- Key Stakeholders: System administrators, developers, security experts, and end-users.
- Use Cases:
- User Registration: New users register with an email and password.
- User Login: Existing users log in with email and password.
- Password Recovery: Users reset passwords via a secure email process.
- Session Management: Users manage sessions through login, logout, and session expiration.

2. System Architecture
- Core Components:
- Frontend: Vue.js and Bootstrap for responsive UI, including components for registration, login,
and password recovery.
- Backend: Django with Django REST Framework for handling authentication endpoints, session
management, and database interactions.
- Database: PostgreSQL for data storage and retrieval.
- Data Flow and Interactions:
- Frontend communicates with the backend via RESTful APIs for authentication-related operations.
- Backend validates data, interacts with the database, and returns appropriate responses.
- Technology Stack:
- Frontend: Vue.js for dynamic user interfaces and Bootstrap for responsive design.
- Backend: Django REST Framework for RESTful API development.
- Database: PostgreSQL for data storage with relational schema.
- Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for session handling.
- Communication: RESTful APIs with secure transmission using HTTPS/TLS.

3. Database Schema and Design

- Schema Structure:
- Consists of the `Users` table for user information and the `Sessions` table for session management.
- Database Relationships:
- One-to-Many relationship between Users and Sessions: one user can have multiple sessions.
- Table Definitions:
- Users Table:

| Column | Type | Description |

| `id` | Serial | Primary Key, auto-incrementing |
| `email` | VARCHAR(255) | Unique, indexed |
| `password_hash` | VARCHAR(255) | Secure password hash |
| `first_name` | VARCHAR(255) | Optional |
| `last_name` | VARCHAR(255) | Optional |
| `date_joined` | TIMESTAMP | Default to current timestamp |
| `last_login` | TIMESTAMP | Updated on each successful login |

- Sessions Table:

| Column | Type | Description |

| `id` | Serial | Primary Key, auto-incrementing |
| `user_id` | Foreign Key | References `` |
| `jwt_token` | VARCHAR(255) | JWT for session management |
| `created_at` | TIMESTAMP | Default to current timestamp |
| `expires_at` | TIMESTAMP | Session expiry time |

- Data Security and Storage:

- PostgreSQL with encrypted storage for sensitive information.
- Backup and Recovery:
- Regular backups with a documented recovery process for disaster recovery.

4. User Interface Design

- UX Principles: Simplicity, intuitiveness, and accessibility.
- Wireframes and Page Layouts:
- Registration Page: Fields for email, password, first name, and last name (optional).
- Login Page: Fields for email, password, "Remember Me" option.
- Password Recovery Page: Field for email to initiate password reset.
- Accessibility:
- Compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG 2.1).

5. System Functionality and Security

- Core Features:
- User registration with email verification.
- User login with password authentication.
- Password recovery via email-based process.
- JWT-based session management for secure authentication.
- Security:
- Secure password hashing with bcrypt or Argon2.
- HTTPS/TLS for secure communication.
- Measures against common vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, CSRF, and XSS.
- Performance Optimization:
- Proper indexing and optimized database schema for efficiency.

6. Integration and Interfaces

- External Integrations:
- Integration with email services for account verification and password recovery.
- Integration with OAuth providers for third-party authentication (e.g., Google, Facebook).
- Interface Specifications:
- RESTful APIs with secure headers for authentication.
- JWT for token-based session handling.
- Testing Strategy:
- Unit tests for backend components.
- Integration tests for frontend-backend communication.
- Security testing, including penetration testing.

7. Deployment and Maintenance

- Deployment Strategy:
- Secure deployment to cloud platforms like AWS or Azure.
- Monitoring and Logging:
- Tools for monitoring backend operations and user authentication activities.
- Logging for significant events, such as login attempts and password changes.
- Maintenance and Support:
- Regular updates and security patches.
- Ongoing support for user issues.

8. Documentation
- User Documentation:
- Comprehensive guide for authentication processes.
- Developer Documentation:
- Details for API endpoints, database structure, and business logic.


This extended design blueprint, with detailed database schema tables, represents a complete view of
a User Authentication Module for your application. The inclusion of tables enhances clarity in the
database schema section, detailing specific column attributes and table relationships.

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