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Lozada Darah Althea 11-HUMSS 2

09-26-23 PPG ( Ma’am Milly De Luna)

● To secure a brighter future for the general populace, he/she must possess
the ability to make resilient and courageous decisions.
● He/she should have the courage to stand up and say what needs to be said
rather than just tell what people like.
● Their focus should be on serving and improving the lives of individuals
rather than striving for personal political gains.
● To fulfill their role effectively, it is crucial for the individual to actively listen
to the concerns and opinions of the people they represent, and subsequently,
faithfully advocate for their needs and desires.
● A good leader should always be faithful to the people they represent and
work well with other leaders to solve problems together.
● No matter what team you're on or what you believe, it's important to work
with different people to do what's best for everyone.
● One must possess the strength and willpower to withstand the numerous
enticements and allurements that arise within the complex and captivating
realm of politics.
● He/she should possess a genuine sense of humility and remain grounded in
their interactions and demeanor.
● When contemplating their role, individuals in positions of leadership need to
recognize that they are merely serving as representatives, rather than
assuming ownership over the people they govern.
● In order to be an effective leader, one must be willing to embrace and adapt
to change.

The ability to lead is not something that one is born with or tied to a specific type of
personality. Rather, it is a set of skills that can be acquired through learning and
personal development. However, it is important to note that in order to develop
these leadership skills, an individual must possess a strong sense of motivation and
willingness to make necessary changes within themselves.

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