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Verse 1:

In a world of many colors, and a multitude of faces,

We celebrate the differences, in all our different places.
From the east to the west, and the north to the south,
We embrace our unique cultures and let diversity shout.

Cultural diversity, oh what a beautiful sight,
Bringing together people, from morning until night.
Different languages, and traditions to share,
Cultural diversity, let's show the world we care.

Verse 2
In a world so vast and wide,
Cultural diversity is our pride.
From different lands and backgrounds,
We come together, united and bound.

With traditions rich and stories to tell,

We celebrate the beauty of diversity so well.
From music to dance, and art so unique,
Our differences make us strong, not weak.

Cultural diversity, oh what a beautiful sight,
Bringing together people, from morning until night.
Different languages, and traditions to share,
Cultural diversity, let's show the world we care.

Let's break down the barriers, and build bridges instead,
For when we come together, there's nothing to dread.
Let's learn from each other, and open up our hearts,
Embracing cultural diversity is where it all starts.

Embracing each other's customs and ways,

We learn and grow in so many ways.
For in diversity, we find strength and grace,
A tapestry of cultures, a beautiful embrace.
So let's sing and dance, hand in hand,
In this colorful world, let's take a stand.
Cultural diversity is our greatest treasure,
Let's cherish it always, now and forever.

Cultural diversity, oh what a beautiful sight,
Bringing together people, from morning until night.
Different languages, and traditions to share,
Cultural diversity, let's show the world we care.

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