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Number 3243, 6 pp., 1 table November 5, 1998

The Taxonomic Status of Lasiurus

(Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the
Galapagos Islands


Morphological comparisons of the endemic Ga- group, including blossevilli, degelidus, frantzii,
lapagos bat Lasiurus brachyotis with related taxa minor, pfeifferi, seminolus, teliotis, and varius are
indicate that L. brachyotis should be recognized members of the same species. Specimens of the
as a subspecies of L. borealis. Morphology sug- only other bat inhabiting the Galapagos are allo-
gests that other recognized taxa of the L borealis cated to Lasiurus cinereus villosissimus.

Only two species of bats are known from lected from Santa Cruz (Niethammer, 1964)
the Galapagos, both referable to the wide- and the remains of at least 11 individuals
spread American genus Lasiurus. The first from Floreana (Steadman, 1986). Mc-
was described as a separate species, L. (Ata- Cracken et al. (1997) recorded brachyotis
lapha) brachyotis, from a single specimen on San Cristobal and Santa Cruz and ob-
collected in 1891 on the Island of San Cris- tained five specimens, one male and one fe-
tobal (Allen, 1892). Prior to the report of male collected on each island and a partially
McCracken et al. (1997), the only other re- decomposed specimen from Santa Cruz
ports of brachyotis were from skeletal re- (AMNH 268073-7). There was no evidence
mains in owl pellets, including a skull col- for the presence of L. brachyotis on three

' Curator Emeritus, Department of Mammalogy, American Museum of Natural History; deceased September 1997.
2 Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996.

Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 1998 ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $1.40

other islands, including Floreana (Mc- mm). It is dark gray in color with variable
Cracken et al., 1997). amounts of frosting, often heavy. Lasiurus c.
Until 1964, L. brachyotis was the only semotus of the Hawaiian Islands is smaller
species of bat known from the Galapagos, (condylobasal length 14.8-16.0 mm) and
but in that year, Niethammer (1964) recorded shows great variation in both basal color
L. cinereus from Santa Cruz along with (reddish brown to dark brown) and the
brachyotis. Prior to that, sight records of bats amount of frosting (none to heavy). Lasiurus
from the Galapagos (Allen, 1892; Brosset, c. villosissimus of South America is also rel-
1963; Brosset and de Beaufort, 1963) were atively small (condylobasal length 14.7-16.0
assumed to be L. brachyotis, though some mm) and likewise shows great color varia-
were almost certainly L. cinereus. Lasiurus tion. Specimens from northern and central
cinereus was not known from any other Ga- South America (Venezuela, Colombia, Peru,
lapagos islands, although Orr (1966) and Pe- Bolivia, and Paraguay) are definitely brown
terson (1966) recorded additional specimens in basal coloration; most from Uruguay and
from Santa Cruz. McCracken et al. (1997) Argentina, and apparently all from Chile, are
reported cinereus on five islands (Santa Cruz, darker and grayer, thus approaching L. c. ci-
San Cristobal, Floreana, Isabela, and Santi- nereus. However, all South American speci-
ago) and collected three specimens, a male mens tend to be only lightly frosted. This
and a female from Santa Cruz and a male color variation suggests geographical varia-
from Isabela (AMNH 268078-80). tion within South America, but the interpre-
Noting its morphological similarity to L. tation is complicated by seasonal migration
cinereus villosissimus of mainland South that occurs in both South and North America
America, Peterson (1966) placed Galapagos (Sanborn and Crespo, 1957; Findley and
L. cinerus in that subspecies. Except for Al- Jones, 1964). Although it is possible that
len's (1892) brief description, nobody, as far more than one subspecies could be recog-
as we know, has compared Galapagos L. nized in South America (there are three
brachyotis with related populations. In order available names), we prefer at present to fol-
to determine the correct taxonomic allocation low Sanborn and Crespo (1957) in referring
of the Galapagos Lasiurus populations, we all South American specimens to L. c. vil-
have examined the specimens of both species losissimus. Galapagos specimens are light to
that were collected by McCracken et al. medium gray and relatively small (condylo-
(1997). The relatively simple case of L. ci- basal length 14.4-16.2 mm); thus they fall
nereus will be taken up first, then the more into the range of variability of L. c. villosis-
complex one of the L. borealis group to simus. If all South American mainland spec-
which brachyotis belongs. imens are allocated to villosissimus, we agree
with Peterson (1966) that Galapagos speci-
Lasiurus cinereus mens can best be referred to the same sub-
The subspecies of L. cinereus were re-
viewed by Sanborn and Crespo (1957), who Lasiurus (borealis) brachyotis
recognized three subspecies but saw no Ga-
lapagos specimens. Protein electrophoretic Handley (1960) reviewed the L. borealis
and DNA sequence data (Baker et al., 1988; group and recognized the following as sub-
Morales and Bickham, 1995), which also did species: b. borealis (eastern North America),
not include the Galapagos forms, are consis- b. frantzii (Central and northern South Amer-
tent with the recognition of three subspecies ica), b. teliotis (western United States and
of L. cinereus. Here we compare L. cinereus most of Mexico), b. blossevillii (southeastern
from the Galapagos with material of all three South America), and b. varius (Chile). Las-
subspecies in the collections of the American iurus castaneus (Panama), L. egregius (Bra-
Museum of Natural History and the Field zil), and L. seminolus (southeastern United
Museum of Natural History. Lasiurus c. ci- States) were recognized as regionally endem-
nereus of North America is relatively large ic species. No mention was made of brach-
(condylobasal length of skull 16.3-17.3 yotis (Galapagos) or of the three West Indian

members of the group: degelidus (Jamaica), which hereafter will be referred to as the bo-
pfeifferi (Cuba), and minor (Hispaniola and realis complex, involved a series of skin and
the Bahamas). On the basis of electrophoretic skull characters (table 1). Here we summa-
studies of six of these taxa (borealis, blos- rize those comparisons. Specimens of brach-
sevillii, seminolus, teliotis, frantzii, and de- yotis are gray in color with little red, differ-
gelidus), Baker et al. (1988) recognized bo- ing from all forms examined except perhaps
realis, blossevilli, seminolis, and degelidus as some specimens of blossevillii and minor.
separate species and teliotis and frantzii as Hair on the dorsal side of the uropatagium
subspecies of blossevillii. DNA sequence of brachyotis is similar to that of some South
data (Morales and Bickham, 1995) corrobo- American taxa but also to that of the island
rated Baker et al.'s (1988) designations of taxa minor and pfeifferi. Condylobasal length
borealis, blossevillii, and seminolus as spe- of the skull of brachyotis is most similar to
cies. Morales and Bickham (1995) also rec- that of varius of Chile but is not very dif-
ognized pfeifferi as a species and suggested ferent from other taxa (e.g., borealis, semi-
that L. blossevilli teliotis of western North nolus, and pfeifferi). The lacrymal tubercle is
America and Mexico and L. blossevillii blos- poorly developed in brachyotis, the other is-
sevillii of South America (as recognized by land taxa (degelidus, pfeifferii, and minor),
Baker et al., 1988) might warrant species sta- and seminolus. It is generally well developed
tus. This latter recognition was tentative due in nominate borealis and blossevilli and vari-
to the uncertain status of frantzii. ably developed in the other mainland taxa.
Specimens of all of these taxa have been Related to the lacrimal tubercle is the size of
examined from the collections of the Amer- the infraorbital foramen, which lies antero-
ican Museum of Natural History, the U.S. ventral to the lacrimal tubercle, the two sep-
National Museum, and the Field Museum of arated by a bridge of bone. In most members
Natural History. We would exclude egregius of the borealis complex, this foramen is very
from the borealis group on the basis of its small (much less than the diameter of the up-
much larger size, the absence of an anterior per incisor), but in brachyotis it is enlarged
upper premolar (although as Handley [1960] (about the same as the diameter of the upper
pointed out, this premolar may be occasion- incisor).
ally absent in the borealis group as well, as From our morphological examinations we
it was in 1 of 40 Neotropical borealis group find little basis for recognizing more than one
skulls we checked), and a less-reduced ear species in the borealis complex. Of course,
pinna (a character that Handley did not men- there is broad overlap in the overall ranges
tion). In our opinion, egregius is better of nominate borealis and seminolus, and a
placed with the ega-intermedius group in the specimen referable to teliotis has been re-
subgenus Dasypterus that we would recog- corded (Genoways and Baker, 1988) from
nize. Trans-Pecos Texas, otherwise inhabited by
Of the above-listed taxa, castaneus is nominate borealis. However, Koopman
clearly distinct from the rest in its more (1983) has pointed out that sympatry outside
shortened rostrum and very high braincase the time of mating is not evidence for species
with the occipital condyles raised above the status, and sympatry at the time of mating is
basicranium. We have seen no specimens of not easy to determine in migratory bats. In-
two recently described species belonging to deed, the borealis-seminolus case was one of
the borealis group: ebenus Fazzolari-Correa the examples discussed by Koopman (1983).
(1994) from southeastern Brazil and atratus Also, Schmidly and Hendricks (1984) have
Handley (1996) from Venezuela and the documented apparent intergradation between
Guianas. From their descriptions, both seem teliotis and nominate borealis in Tamaulipas,
rather distinct from other members of the northeastern Mexico. In short, it has not been
group. demonstrated that sympatry at the time of
Further comparisons contrasting the core mating exists between any two members of
members of the borealis group (borealis, the borealis complex, and we are inclined to
seminolus, teliotis, frantzii, blossevillii, va- treat all members as subspecies of L. bo-
rius, degelidus, pfeifferi, minor, brachyotis), realis. Although it could be argued that

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brachyotis deserves species recognition be- possible site of origin for bats colonizing the
cause it is as distinct as other taxa that have Galapagos. Whereas brachyotis differs from
been considered species (seminolus, pfeifferi, varius of Chile in fur characteristics, brach-
minor, blossevilli, and degelidus), it seems to yotis and varius are similar in size and lac-
us that brachyotis is best considered one of rimal tubercle development.
the better-differentiated subspecies in the bo-
realis complex. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Lasiurus b. frantzii is the subspecies that We thank Dr. Michael Carleton of the U.S.
occurs closest to the geographic range of National Museum and Dr. Bruce Patterson of
brachyotis, apparently occupying the entire the Field Museum of Natural History for
Pacific side of tropical America from Gua- making collections available and for other
temala to Peru, including the Pacific side of courtesies. We also thank Dr. Luis Albuja V.,
Ecuador. However, brachyotis differs from Jaime Cevallos, Stan Guffey, Dr. John
frantzii in being much duller in color (vir- Hayes, and Carlos Romero F for assistance
tually no red), being considerably larger in in obtaining specimens from the Galapagos,
size (no overlap in condylocanine length), and Drs. Thomas Griffiths and Bruce Patter-
having the lacrimal tubercle always poorly son for comments on the manuscript. Collec-
developed, and having the infraorbital fora- tions were made under Autorizacion de la
men enlarged. It is interesting, however, that Direccion Nacional Forestal, Ecuador, No.
the largest specimens of franzii are from 000016 (1990) and No. 000007 (1991) and
western Ecuador, the coast opposite the Ga- Cites Permit No. 070 IC. Funding was from
lapagos. If the ancestors of brachyotis came a National Geographic Society Grant (4353-
from this area, as seems reasonable, then the 90) and a professional development award to
larger size of the frantzii from western Ec- GFM from the University of Tennessee,
uador may be significant. Chile is another Knoxville.

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