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Berlin: German

Berlin Battle Group German LG527 37

Berlin Battle Group HQ LG527 4
2x StG44 assault rifle team with Panzerfaust 4
Volkssturm Platoon LG528 6
9x K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust 5
Replace one K98 rifle team with a MG08/15 LMG team for +1 point.
Volkssturm Platoon LG528 6
9x K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust 5
Replace one K98 rifle team with a MG08/15 LMG team for +1 point.
Volkssturm Platoon LG528 6
9x K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust 5
Replace one K98 rifle team with a MG08/15 LMG team for +1 point.
sMG34 Machine-gun Platoon LG122 6
4x sMG34 HMG 6
7.5cm SS Tank-hunter Platoon LG215 9
3x 7.5cm gun 9

Support German 9
7.5cm SS Tank-hunter Platoon LG215 9
3x 7.5cm gun 9

SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen Battle Group German 37

SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen Battle Group HQ 4
2x StG44 assault rifle team with Panzerfaust 4
SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen SS Grenadier Platoon (CC) 9
7x MG42 & K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust 9
SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen SS Grenadier Platoon (CC) 9
7x MG42 & K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust 9
sMG42 SS Machine-gun Platoon LG209 4
4x sMG42 HMG 4
SS Tank-hunting Platoon (CC) 11
4x K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust
3x Panzerschreck tank-hunter team 11

Berlin: German Command Cards German -3

Lucky 1
Command Card Lucky 1
Volkssturm Machine-gun Platoon -4
Command Card Volkssturm Machine-gun Platoon
Total cards (limit 1 per 4x sMG34 HMG on LG122 only): (1 selected)

Berlin: German Unit Count: 14 Total Points : 80

Card List: Pick List:

Lucky 6 7.5cm gun
SS Tank-hunting Platoon (CC) 28 K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust
SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen Battle Group HQ 3 MG08/15 LMG team
SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen SS Grenadier Platoon (CC) 14 MG42 & K98 rifle team with Panzerfaust
Volkssturm Machine-gun Platoon 3 Panzerschreck tank-hunter team
LG122 sMG34 Machine-gun Platoon 4 sMG34 HMG
LG209 sMG42 SS Machine-gun Platoon 4 sMG42 HMG
LG215 7.5cm SS Tank-hunter Platoon 4 StG44 assault rifle team with Panzerfaust
LG527 Berlin Battle Group HQ
LG528 Volkssturm Platoon

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