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Chapter 5: On Becoming a Global Teacher
The (Chapter No./Title)

Lesson 2: A Closer Look at the Teachers and the Teaching Profession in
ASEAN and Beyond

Profes (Lesson No./Title)

Prepared by:
Geramae Nuevo BSED MATH-III

Salcedo, Eastern Samar 6807

Eastern Samar, Philippines


At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

 explain the teaching profession in Japan and USA;
 analyze the similarities and differences of the teaching profession
between Japan and USA; and
 evaluate the teaching profession in Japan and USA

Value focus

Within this topic, the values focus that are expected to be acquired by
learners are:
 Inclusivity and Diversity
 Teaching as a Noble Profession
 Cultural understanding


 Bilbao. P. P. 2018. The Teaching Profession 4th Edition,
OBE & PPST-Based. Chapter 5; Lesson 2: A Closer Look at the
Teachers and the Teaching Profession in ASEAN and Beyond
p.g. 116-122. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
 R. A (April 23, 2022). A Closer Look at the Teachers and the
Teaching Profession in ASEAN and Beyond. YouTube


 Powerpoint presentation

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

The teaching profession plays a vital role in shaping the future of societies
by imparting knowledge, skills, and values to the next generation. As education
becomes increasingly globalized, it is essential to explore the role of teachers and
the teaching profession beyond regional boundaries. By exploring the teaching
profession in Japan and the USA, we can gain insights into their teaching
practices, instructional strategies, and the qualities needed to become a teacher.
Teaching is a demanding and noble profession, serving as the foundation for
shaping and molding future citizens in each country. This lesson aims to provide
insights into the teaching profession in Japan and the USA, highlighting their
similarities and differences. It will focus on the educational systems, salaries,
qualities of teachers, and the educational qualifications required to become a
professional teacher in each country.

Preliminary Activity

Activity 1: 4 Pics, 1 Word!

Direction: The teacher will present 4 pictures for each item, and the students will be
asked to fill in the blank with a single word that corresponds to the pictures. The
teacher will call on students randomly to guess the correct word for each item.

1. S_ _ _R_ 5. E_ _C_ _I_ _ _ _ S_ _ _ _M

Salcedo, Eastern Samar 6807

Eastern Samar, Philippines

2. _ A _ A _ 4. _ S _

3. T_ _ _H_ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N

Salcedo, Eastern Samar 6807

Eastern Samar, Philippines

Developmental Activity


D. The Teacher and the Teaching Profession Beyond the ASEAN
2. Japan
 The Japanese education system is highly centralized and is administered by
the Mombusho or Ministry of Education.
 In Japan, education is free and compulsory for children from 6 to 15 years.
Classes are large and teaching methods are usually lectures.
 Standard curriculum includes Japanese language, social studies, math and
science along with art, music, home economics, physical education, with the
greatest emphasis on learning the Japanese language.
 The Japanese educational system is divided into five basic levels:
kindergarten, elementary school (six years), lower secondary school (three
years), upper secondary school (three years), and university (usually around
four years)

The Teaching Profession in Japan

 Japanese teachers are an essential element in the success story of the
country. Major responsibilities are entrusted upon the teachers for moral
education and character development and for instilling values, attitudes, and
living habits in students at all levels. Teachers are expected to infuse cultural
values throughout school activities including student’s lives both in school or
even at home and community.
 According to the Global Teacher Status Index in 2013, the average annual
salary of teachers in Japan is equivalent to $43, 775.00 annually, which is
second to Singapore.
 Teaching is one of few lifetime professional career opportunities readily
available to women in Japan. 90% of the new teachers have four year college
degrees with most having majored in other areas than education. They fill up
one third of the openings in the elementary level, two thirds at the lower
secondary level, and nearly nine-tenths at the upper secondary level.

Teacher Certification in Japan

First class certificate
 is issued to teach in the preschool, elementary or secondary teacher with
basic qualification of having earned a Bachelor’s Degree. To teach in the
upper secondary level, the basic qualification is a Master’s degree.

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

Second Class Certificate

 has a basic qualification of 2 years of study (62 credit units) in a university or
other post-secondary institution. While to teach in the secondary level, without
a Master’s degree, the second class certificate will be issued.

Becoming Employed as a Teacher

 Teacher applicants must secure a license to teach from the prefectural board
of education. A license awarded by any prefecture is valid in all prefectures.
However, applicant is required to the prefectural appointment examinations.
 A prefectural appointment examination is given in two stages. First stage,
consists of written tests in general education and specialized fields and skills
test for P. E. Music and Art. All applicants for lower secondary teaching jobs
are required to take a test in physical fitness. Second stage consists of
 Age is a very important consideration for teacher applicants. More than one
half of the prefectures require applicants to be under the age of 30. But once
the applicants gain entry to the teaching profession, they are assured of a
lifetime employment. Dismissals are extremely rare and normally occur only
for unethical conduct.

3. United States of America

 The American Educational System has greatly influenced the Philippine
Educational system specifically the making of the Filipino teacher. The
coming of the first American teachers called the Thomasites and the
opening of the normal schools in different provinces of the country
provided a very strong foundation for teacher education.

Basic Education , the Avenue for Teaching Jobs in USA

 The levels of education in the U. S. are similar to those in other
countries including the Philippines.
1. Pre-primary education – Type of school providing this education are
kindergarten, nursery schools, preschool programmes, child/day care
centers. Age level is 4-6 years old and the duration is 2 years.
2. Primary education – elementary school. There are varied levels of
schooling in primary education.
3. Middle school education – Grades 4-6, 5-7, or 6-8.
4. Secondary education – High School. Grades 7-12 or 8-12.
5. Junior High School – Grades 7-8, 7-9.
6. Senior High School – Grades 9-12, or 10-12.

Becoming a Professional Teacher in the USA

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

 Earning Teacher Certificate. United States of America has

decentralized educational system and each State Education Agency
(SEA) has its own guidelines and requirements for earning and
maintaining a teaching certificate. A teaching certificate earned in one
state may or may not be recognized in another. Prospective teachers
must demonstrate some minimal level of competency by passing a
competency test before they are allowed to enter the profession. This
examination is the National Teacher Examination (NTE) or the Praxis I
or Praxis II written test. Many states that teachers also renew their
certification by continuing to take “renewal credits”. Permanent
certification is granted if the teacher performs adequately according to
the standards established by the state.
 Recruitment of Teachers. After following the successful completion of
an application process, a superintendent approves the applicant and
then forwards a recommendation to hire to the local school board.
Once signed, a teacher has a legally binding contract to work, unless
guilty of a crime, fails to show teaching competency, or demonstrates
egregious professional conduct. He/she is expected to complete
teaching during the term of his/her contract, with exception for
pregnancy, medical leaves and unforeseen emergencies.
 Salaries of Teachers. The salary range for teachers is determined by
education and experience as by locale. Teachers who have earned
“masters plus 30 doctorate units” earn more than those with master’s
degrees, while teachers with master’s degrees receive a higher salary
than the bachelor’s degree holder. Merit pay has been adopted by
some school districts, those who teach in sub-urban school districts or
large towns typically earn more than teachers in either urban or rural
districts. Some teachers work at another job during the school year or
summer. On the average according to the Global Teacher Status
report, the average income of teachers are $44, 917.00

What Makes a Good American Teacher?

 The definition of a “good” teacher slightly differs among levels. Those
working in elementary schools seemed more child-focused in their
discussions and believed that a good teacher is a kind person, one
who is “understanding” and “sensitive to the needs of children”. The
secondary school teachers generally consider themselves subject-
matter specialists. Good teachers have to know how to teach their
subjects. It is a plus if students like a teacher. Some feel that having a
sense of humor and an ability to handle a class increased the likelihood
that students would learn, but the teacher’s primary responsibility is to
 Middle school teachers pointed out that many schools are changing
from junior high to a middle school model because young adolescents
still need the support of family like concerns. The middle school

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

teachers, therefore, as a team should be able to give more personal

attention to middle school learners.


 In Japan, teachers are expected to infuse cultural values throughout

school activities involving student’s lives, both in school or even at
home and community.
 In Japan, there are two certication of a teacher namely the first class
and second class certificate.
 In Japan, teachers are assured of a lifetime employment after gaining
entry to the teaching profession. Dismissals normally occur for
unethical conduct.
 In USA, pre-service students who are preparing to teach in any of the
above grade levels have to attend a college or a university for four
years major or minor in education and earn a teaching certificate.
 In USA, teachers in elementary school must be more child-focused in
their discussions to become a good American teacher. In middle
school, teachers as a team must give more personal attention to their
students. While in secondary school, teachers should be subject-
matter specialists.
 According to the Global Teacher Status Index, Japan has an average
annual salary of $ 43, 775.00 while USA has an average annual
salary of $ 44, 917.00

Concluding Activity

Activity 2: Let’s Reflect and Differentiate!

Direction: In a whole sheet of paper, answer the following questions.
1. Using a venn diagram, compare and contrast the teaching profession in
Japan and USA
2. If you were given a chance to teach abroad, what country would you choose?
Is it Japan or USA? Justify your answer.
Rubrics for Venn Diagram:
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Accuracy and The Venn diagram The Venn diagram The Venn diagram
Grammar accurately partially compare does not
compare and and contrast the accurately
Salcedo, Eastern Samar 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines

contrast the two two sets being compare and

sets being compared. There contrast the two
compared. There were some sets being
were no grammatical errors compared. There
grammatical errors and wrong spelling were more
and wrong found. grammatical errors
spelling. and wrong

Rubrics for Essay:

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Content and The ideas were The ideas were The ideas were
Grammar thoroughly partially explained not thoroughly
explained and and there were explained and
there were no some grammatical there were more
grammatical errors. grammatical
errors. errors.

Reinforcement Activity

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. Which country is highly centralized in terms of their educational system?
a. China c. USA
b. Japan d. Philippines

2. Which of the following is the qualifications that the applicants must have in order to
teach in USA?
a. Teaching Certificate c. Diploma
b. Age d. Money

3. Why is Japanese teacher considered as an essential element in the success of its

a. Because they fill up one third of the openings in the elementary level.
b. Because they infuse cultural values and character development to their
c. Because they teach the subject well.
d. Because they have the sense of humor in teaching.

4. Which country influenced the Philippine Educational System?

a. Japan c. China
b. Singapore d. USA

5. What competency test must prospective teachers need to passed in order to enter
the teaching profession?
a. National Teacher Examination c. Prefectural board examination
Salcedo, Eastern Samar 6807
Eastern Samar, Philippines

b. National Competency Test d. Prefectural appointment examination

6. How do Japanese and American teachers differ in terms of teaching?

a. Japanese teachers is more focused on infusing cultural values to their
students while American teachers is more focused in teaching facts.
b. Japanese teachers is more focused in teaching facts while American teachers
is more focused on infusing cultural values to their students.
c. American teachers is more focused in the character development of their
students while Japanese teachers is more focused in gamified activities
d. Japanese and American teachers both promote direct instruction.

7. How many levels do Japanese educational system have?

a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6

8. At which level do American teachers have to become a subject matter specialist?

a. Pre-primary School Level c. Primary School Level
b. Secondary School Level d. Middle School Level

9. Which country assured a lifetime employment for teachers?

a. Japan c. China
b. Singapore d. USA

10. How do Japanese and American societies define success in education?

a. Japan values hard work and effort, while the USA values natural talent
and intelligence.
b. The USA values hard work and effort, while Japan values natural talent and
c. Both Japan and the USA value hard work and effort in education.
d. Both Japan and the USA value natural talent and intelligence in education.

Salcedo, Eastern Samar 6807

Eastern Samar, Philippines

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