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Birth Certificate Made Easy:

Birth information from

the hospital (Certificate
Of Live Birth) is
collected by the state
(Bureau Of Vital
Statistics), recreated into
what is known as your
“legal birth certificate”,
which now has your
name in all capital
letters (this is NOT
you). It is then turned
over to the “U.S.
COMMERCE”. The all-
caps fictitious corporate
entity is then placed into
a “trust” known as a
“Cestui Que Trust”. A
“Cestui Que Trust” is
defined as: “He who has
a right to a beneficial
interest in and out of an
estate, the legal title to
which is vested in and
held by another”. The
Cestui Que user has the
right to receive the
profits and benefits of
the estate , but the legal
title, possession and
control reside in another
party (the State). Each
one of us, including our
children, are considered
assets of the bankrupt
United States, which
acts as the “debtor in
Possession.” We are
designated by this
government as human
“resources” or human
“capital”. You may have
noticed that all
“personnel” offices have
been converted to
“human resource”
offices. The government
assumes the role of the
Trustee while the
newborn child becomes
the beneficiary of his
own trust. Absent the
fraud involved, legal
title to everything the
child will ever own is
vested in the
government. The
government then places
the Trust (child) into the
hands of the parents,
who are made the
“guardians.” The child
may reside in the hands
of the “guardians” until
such time as the state
may decide that the
parents are no longer
performing according to
their wishes. The State
(CPS) then goes into the
home and removes the
“Trust” (child) from the
“guardians”. At the age
of majority (18) the
parents lose their
guardianship regardless.
All Christian births used
to be recorded in the
family Bible only. The
reason for instituting
the Birth Certificate is
so the state can claim
title to your person. It is
a common law principle
that says “What one
creates one may
control”. Via your state
issued Birth Certificate
in the name of your all-
caps person you are
considered to be a slave
or indentured servant to
the various Federal,
State and local
governments. This legal
maneuver is
compounded further
when one obtains a
driver’s license,
marriage license or a
Social Security Number.
You have no Rights in
state-approved birth,
marriage, or even death.
The state claims the
sovereign right to all
legal fiction titles it
creates. And it doesn’t
end there. The creditors
of the United States
were getting nervous
about being repaid by
the mid-1960’s.
President Nixon had to
collateralize more debt.
He settled upon a plan
to quietly set aside huge
tracts of American land
with their mineral rights
in reserve to cover the
outstanding debts. But
the American people
were already angered
over the Vietnam “war”.
Nixon couldn’t very
well admit that he was
parceling out huge
chunks of the United
States to holders of U.S.
debt. So, he invented the
Protection Agency” in
1970 and passed
environmental laws
which served to grab
land with vast natural
resources away from the
people and lock it away,
providing to the holders
of the debt that
Americans are not
drilling, mining, or
otherwise developing
those resources. As the
government sinks
deeper into debt, it grabs
more and more land,
declares it to be a
“wilderness”, “heritage
river” or “wetlands”
area. There are various
other designations, but
the end result is the
same: The people may
not use the land. This is
also why we don’t drill
for oil on any of it. In
many cases they (the
people) are forbidden to
set foot on it. It is not
about conservation, it is
about establishing
collateral. YOUR land
is being stolen by the
government and used to
secure loans the
government had no
business taking out in
the first place. Given
that the government
cannot get out of debt
and collateralizing more
and more land to avoid
foreclosure, the day is
not far off when the
people of the
United States will be
told that they are no
longer private citizens
with private property
rights but mere tenants
living on another’s
property. This day will
arrive swiftly if
Americans give up their
firearms. See Executive
Order 13037 for a
reference made to this

I've been studying

the “Birth
Certificate” for
years...I've seen all
sorts of BCs
including the
original Army
hospital copy of
Mine with a wet
signature from the
attending physician
on a Mass. Form R-3
BIRTH” approx. 6
½ by 7 ½ inches,
and one of 3 (?)
"originals"...a typed
top copy and two
carbon versions all
with wet signatures.
One of which
(probably the typed
original) was given
to the town for
“registration”. My
parents got one
of the carbons
(probably the 3rd
one) with a wet sig
and I ended up with
that one. The other
carbon (most likely
the 2nd copy) was
probably retained by
the Army hospital
(which was
sometime in the 70s
or 80s). Now, a
funny thing
happened at the
Town Hall. For
some reason
they re-typed
the original from the
they registered it in
their book. Why ? I
can only guess (and
I could be wrong) it
was because my
name was in both
upper and lower
The new version
which was
had my mother's
maiden name
misspelled and it
didn't have the
attending physician's
wet sig...And, YES,
this new "registered"
copy now had
my name in all caps.
I didn't notice the
misspell or the all
caps until I had
ordered a "certified"
copy from the state a
couple of years
back. I only
discovered it
because I was
comparing "it" with
my "original
carbon" (with a wet
signature) that I had.
And, I noticed that
there was no wet
signature of the
attending physician
even though the
clearly said it was a
"true copy attest" !
And, then the all
caps, etc., etc. Now,
the question is:
Does the Town still
have a copy of the
original from the
Army hospital that
they re-typed ? Or,
did they gun it ? I've
talked with them
and can't get a
straight answer from
them. And, it's been
66 years since this
all happened, so I
don't know if I can
get any answers or
not. But it does
seem that the all
caps thing must have
some significance to
both the Town and
the state (Mass.),
and probably the Fed
Gov ! The thing that
stuck in my mind in
the above doc that
was attached to this
email was: All
Christian births used
to be recorded in the
family Bible only.
reason for
instituting the Birth
Certificate is so the
state can claim title
to your person. It is
a common law
principle that says
what one creates one
may control."Those
records in the family
Bible were created
by what or whom ?
A living being...your
parents (most likely)
and NOT a fictional
entity known as the
Town or the State or
the Fed Gov.! So,
your living parents
used to control
You...NOT the
fictions. No wonder
they switched the
paradigm to one
of "registration" -
because now they
(the fictions) created
it (the BC) and can
control it and YOU!
If they can control
YOU and IT (that
which they created)
then they can create
anything they want
from it, including,
oh, I don't know,
an account ,
or an “Estate”
maybe? Is it
becoming a little
clearer ? Or, is it
raising more
questions ? Keep
digging in the rabbit
hole !

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