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To install and set up the MERN stack components (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.

js), you can

follow these general steps and best practices:

1. Install Node.js: Start by installing Node.js on your machine. Node.js is required to run the server-
side code and package management.

2. Set up a project directory: Create a new directory for your MERN stack project and navigate to it
in the terminal.

3. Initialize npm: Run the command `npm init` to initialize a new npm package in your project
directory. This will create a `package.json` file to manage your project dependencies.

4. Install Express.js: Install Express.js by running `npm install express`. Express.js is a popular web
application framework for Node.js that will handle your server-side code.

5. Set up the server: Create a new file, e.g., `server.js`, and import Express.js. Set up your Express.js
server in this file, defining routes and handling HTTP requests.

6. Install MongoDB: Install MongoDB on your machine or use a cloud-based MongoDB service
like MongoDB Atlas. Set up a MongoDB database for your project and obtain the connection URI.

7. Install mongoose: Run `npm install mongoose` to install the mongoose package. Mongoose is an
Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and will simplify interacting with the database.

8. Connect to MongoDB: In your `server.js` file, establish a connection to your MongoDB database
using the mongoose package. Use the connection URI and appropriate configuration options.

9. Install React: Install React by running `npx create-react-app client` in your project directory. This
command sets up a new React application in a subdirectory named `client`.

10. Set up React components: Inside the `client` directory, define your React components and build
the frontend part of your application using React and any additional libraries or frameworks you

11. Enable CORS: To allow cross-origin requests between your frontend and backend, install the
`cors` package by running `npm install cors`. Use it in your Express.js server to enable CORS.

12. Proxy requests: In the `client/package.json` file, add a `"proxy"` field with the value
`"http://localhost:your-server-port"` to proxy API requests from the React development server to
your Express.js server.

13. Start the development servers: In separate terminal windows, navigate to the root directory and
the `client` directory. Start the backend server by running `node server.js` or `nodemon server.js`.
Start the React development server in the `client` directory with `npm start`.

Following these steps and best practices will help you install and set up the MERN stack
components correctly. Remember to handle security, validation, and other aspects according to your
specific project requirements and best practices.

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