Retirement Planning Activity

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Figuracion Samantha BSBA-BK 2 B-1

1. Create your own bucket list for your retirement

 Commit to a healthy lifestyle.

 Volunteer in some organization activities
 Find a new hobby.
 Focus on business.
 Travel and study their culture.
 Invest in farming.
 Experiment with different recipes
 Make a career change.
 Explore the mother nature.

2. Discuss how you would be able to realized your supposed bucket list.

Realizing a bucket list requires a plan and consistent effort to make it a reality. Here are some steps you
could take to realize your bucket list:

Prioritize your goals: Start by listing all the items on your bucket list and then prioritize them based on
what you want to accomplish first. This will help you focus your efforts on achieving your most important

Create a timeline: Next, create a timeline that includes specific deadlines for each item on your list. This
will help you stay on track and hold yourself accountable for making progress towards your goals.

Set a budget: Many items on your bucket list will likely require financial resources, so it’s important to set
a budget for each goal and figure out how you’ll finance it.

Make a plan: For each goal, create a plan that outlines the specific steps you’ll take to achieve it. This
plan could include things like researching travel destinations, signing up for classes, or contacting
potential business partners.

Take action: Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to start taking action towards your goals. This may
involve taking classes, booking travel, saving money, or networking with others in your field.

Stay motivated: Realizing your bucket list may take time and effort, so it’s important to stay motivated
and celebrate your progress along the way. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family
members, and reward yourself for achieving each milestone.

Overall, realizing your bucket list requires a combination of planning, effort, and motivation. By
prioritizing your goals, creating a timeline and budget, making a plan, and taking consistent action, you
can make your dreams a reality.

3. Assuming you are the financial advisor of an HNWI, what would be your best recommendation
regarding retirement planning. Indicate clearly your strategy.
As a financial advisor, my best recommendation for retirement planning for a High Net Worth Individual
(HNWI) would be to implement a comprehensive strategy that balances risk and return to achieve the
client’s long-term financial goals. Here is my recommended strategy:

1. Define financial goals and risk tolerance: The first step would be to work with the client to define
their financial goals and risk tolerance. This involves understanding their current financial
situation, their lifestyle aspirations, and their tolerance for market volatility.

2. Develop a diversified investment portfolio: Once the goals and risk tolerance are established, I
would recommend developing a diversified investment portfolio that includes a mix of equities,
fixed income, and alternative investments, such as real estate or private equity. The portfolio
would be designed to generate long-term returns while mitigating risk through diversification.

3. Utilize tax-efficient strategies: To maximize returns, I would recommend utilizing tax-efficient

strategies such as tax-loss harvesting, tax-deferred retirement accounts, and other tax-efficient
investments. This would help to minimize the client’s tax liability and maximize their after-tax

4. Monitor and adjust the portfolio: Regular monitoring and adjustments to the portfolio would be
made to ensure that the client’s investments remain aligned with their financial goals and risk
tolerance. This involves ongoing review of the portfolio’s performance and market conditions to
identify potential opportunities and risks.

5. Plan for retirement income: As the client approaches retirement, I would recommend
developing a retirement income plan that utilizes a combination of investment income, Social
Security benefits, and other retirement income sources. This would ensure that the client has a
steady stream of income to support their lifestyle throughout retirement.

Overall, my recommended retirement planning strategy for an HNWI would be to develop a diversified
investment portfolio that balances risk and return, utilizes tax-efficient strategies, and is regularly
monitored and adjusted to align with the client’s financial goals and risk tolerance.

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