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Psychological Assessment, Submitted on:4 /6/2020

Dr. Amjad Tufail
Mubarrah Ayyub

House Tree Person

House Tree Person is a projective personality test, a type of exam in which the test taker
responds to or provides ambiguous, abstract, or unstructured stimuli. It is usually in the form of
pictures and drawing

HTP was designed by John Buck developed in 1948, and updated in 1969, and was
originally based on the Good enough scale of intelligent functioning. Buck included the both
qualitative and quantitative measurements of intellectual ability in the HTP.

The purpose of HTP is to measure aspects of a person’s personality through interpretation
of drawings and responses to questions.

The HTP can be given to anyone over the age of three, because it requires test takers to
draw picture, it is also used for the with the individuals suspected of having brain damage or
other neurological impairments.

 Paper and pencil
 Client asked to draw a good house a tree as good as you possible
 Erase anything you want in picture
 Can use crayons in which you want shaded or direction

The HTP is scored in both an objective quantitative manner and subjective qualitative
manner. The quantitative scorning scheme involves analyzing the details of drawings to arrive at
general assessment of intelligence, using a scoring method devised by the test creators.

Drawing of House Interpretation

Large house May be overwhelmed by it, or schizophrenic
Roof Fantasy of life
Walls Ego in strength or personality
Open door Directly contact with environment strong needs
to engage other environment
Close windows Have some close poorly interaction with
Door locks and shutters in window Indicate some unwillingliness to reveal much
about self, think about expression like
windows to the soul or the door to the mind
Lights Sings to welcome visitors
Clear vision of inside house Believe their thoughts and mind are open to vie
by others
Interpretation of Tree

Drawing of Tree Interpretation

Trunk Represents the ego, sense of self
Shading Represents dark indicate anxiety
No leaves Felling barren
Roots Feeling of disconnection, reality lasting,
typical relate to reality
Interpretation of Person

Drawing of person Interpretation

Open arms Willingness to engage
Fingers Aggression hidden
Neck separates the head Cognition and drives need
Cupid bow lips Sexualized needs passive aggression

The drawing of person shows according to house that she has extrovert personality, she is
engaged in environment and have some lily bit ego in personality but shows some sings to
welcome their guests and believe their thoughts and mind are open to others. And interpretation
of tree drawing shows that represent the ego, anxiety felling barren. In drawing, client draws
same sex person means she has not sexually conflict but wants some cognition and drives needs

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