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Grade 7A Culmination Script AY 23-24 (Term 1)

Jahnavi: Good morning respected Principal ma’am, Coordinator ma’am, teachers,

parents and my super cool classmates.
A very warm welcome to Term 1 culminating activity of Grade 7.
It’s a brand-new morning! The day is a blank canvas to be painted with the beautiful
colours of life. And today is a very special morning indeed.
Samarth: “Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication
of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter. The
culmination is the end point or final stage of something one has been working toward.
In Grade 7 culmination we are going to present to you the experience of a boy who
witnessed a special kind of movie during his vacations. So, parents please get ready to
be enthralled by the spectacular performances by Grade 7.
Jahnavi and Samarth- Let's rock and roll guys- over to you my friends...
Jahnavi- This is a day after the summer vacations when two friends meet after a month
in class. I request these two friends to introduce themselves-
Advit: My name is Advit...I enjoy sports and watching movies.
Samaira: My name is Samaira...I enjoy art, and traveling
Advit: Hey Samaira, how were your vacations?
Samaira: It was great...we went to Manali and I had a fantastic was yours?
Advit: Mine was great too... You know what...
Samaira: Let me guess... you watched a movie, right?
Advit: Yo...I wanted to see the movie - Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness.
But my father took me to Bioscope Films in Delhi.
Samaira: okkkkk...What is a Bioscope?
Jahnavi to parents: Do any of you know what a Bioscope is?
Responses from parents----------
Jahnavi: Bioscope is an early form of motion-picture projector, used in about 1900.
Advit: You know what... I was skeptical at first.
Samaira: What movie did you see...
Advit: Let me tell you everything about it...I enjoyed it so much I ended up seeing three
of them
Shreyan: The first bioscope movie begins- Roll, Camera, Action............
English literature
: Scene 1 Take 1, Movie Name: Sacrifice, Roll Camera , ACTION
Narrator (Aditi) :Play begins. {Script is available in hard copy}
LAWYER 1 – Naitra
Judge – ANGAD
Aparna – JAHANVI

Sacrifice – courtroom drama

Narrator: this drama is based on the play ‘Visarjan’ by Rabindranath Tagore. This story
is set in a kingdom named Tripura about 100 years ago. The story is about a barren
queen, Gunavati who wants a child. To bear a child Gunavati sacrifices a poor goat.
Aparna who regards herself as the goat’s mother does not want her goat to be
sacrificed. Seeing this king Govinda officially bans animal sacrifice, while Raghupati the
priest wants animal sacrifice to be carried on. Let’s see the conflict between two lawyers
and the judge’s and jury’s decision.
(There is pandemonium in the room with people taking sides on the much-debated
subject. The judge walks in. Nobody notices him)
Judge: order...order. Prosecutor and defender please proceed with your arguments.
(Lawyers stand up and bow)
Lawyer 1: Your Honor, my client, king Govinda has banned the religious practice of
animal sacrifice in this kingdom. The honourable priest chooses to disagree and hence
we would like to put forward our case in favour of banning the animal sacrifice.
Lawyer 2: My client doesn’t agree. There is no need to ban it. Animal sacrifice has been
practiced for generations by our ancestors from time immemorial. Goddess kali has
always drunk blood, so why would she stop now?
Lawyer 1: Goddess kali never feasted on blood. She kept her face turned away.
Lawyer 2: Be careful of what you say. You have no right to insult or wrongly interpret
the scriptures.
Judge: Now please, mind your language. You are not supposed to make threats in
Lawyer 2: I am sorry your Honor.
Lawyer 1: Your Honor, I would like to call my witness to the witness box
Judge: proceed.
Harrell: First witness, please enter the witness box.
(Aparna gets in the witness box)
Lawyer 2: So Aparna , don’t you think by offering animals you will be able to fulfilL your
wishes from goddess Kali?
Aparna: No
Lawyer 1: Do you think animals should be sacrificed for other’s due?
Aparna: No, I don’t think animals should be sacrificed for our dues. Why should they
suffer ? Don’t they have a life ,we are not supposed to treat them this way for our gains.
Lawyer 1 :Thank you Aparna you may leave.
(Aparna leaves)
Lawyer 1 - In Hinduism, cows are regarded as divine animals because they give us milk
that can provide us nutrition. They do not sacrifice them for this reason. But how is it
that when they do puja for goats and sheep, they sacrifice them? Goats and sheep also
give us milk; so they should be worshipped the same way that cows are worshipped in
Hinduism. And besides, there is no need to give any animals to God. God is the one
who gives life and takes life. We humans should have no control over the life spans of
any creatures.
Lawyer 2 – Objection ,
Judge – Objection Overruled
Lawyer 2- Banning religious activities should not even be considered, unless they harm
people in some way. The slaughtering of animals for religious purposes has been going
on for thousands of years. To expect these people to just go and change how their
religion works, just because you don't like the thought of them killing animals, is wrong.
Lawyer 1: Your Honor , I would like to call my witness queen Gunavati to the witness
Judge: You may proceed
Harrell: Second witness please step into the witness box.
(Gunavati enters the witness box)
Lawyer 2: why did you order a sacrifice?
Gunavati: : I ordered the sacrifice on Raghupati’s advise to sacrifice an animal to fulfill
my wish of having a child.
Lawyer 1: Do you think animal sacrifice can help you fulfil your dream?
Gunavati : Yes, if he says so.
Lawyer 2 : Do you think sacrificing an innocent being is the only solution?
Gunavati: ummm, no
Lawyer 1: No ,it does not. It only causes disruption in the food chain and death. Thank
you queen Gunavati. You may step down. Now, I would like my client King Govinda to
enter the witness box.
Judge : proceed
Harrell: Third witness please step into the witness box.
( King Govinda enters the witness the witness box)
Lawyer 1: Why did you ban animal sacrifice?
King Govinda : I banned animal sacrifice so our animals don’t have to suffer and other
poor girl like Aparna doesn’t have to suffer the loss of their pet goat.
Lawyer 2: You told that Goddess kali came to you in the form of a girl. How did only you
get the vision and not the priest?
King Govinda: Maybe Goddess Kali didn’t want to show him. She is the creator of all
she would want me to save them and not hurt them so she came in my vision and not
the priest.
Judge: Prosecutor any questions.
Lawyer 2 : No sir .
Lawyer 1: Thank you King Govinda.
Lawyer 2 : I would now like to call my client , Raghupati.
Judge :proceed
Harrell: Fourth witness please step into the witness box.
(Raghupati enter the witness box)
Lawyer 2: Why don’t you want to ban animal sacrifice?
Raghupati: I believe that God sent us to Earth to serve her with offerings. She deserves
it, only an Atheist would not let her have what she wants.
Narrator: The argument between the lawyers and the priest continue after which he
furiously leaves.
Lawyer 2: Thank you Raghupati. That’s it your Honor.
(lawyers bow)
(Jury hold up pluck card)
Narrator: the jury gives up the decision in the favour of banning SACRIFICE.

Judge: after listening to the arguments made by both sides, we believe that it is cruel to
sacrifice animals and they have equal rights to live in this world as humans do. Every
living thing has the right to live and no one has the right to kill another, whether it be
humans or animals. Hence, for the betterment of our kingdom I have henceforth
decided to ban animal sacrifice in the kingdom of Tripura.

The End…….

**Towards the end of the play – a dance performance will be included “Ekla cholo re”
when the King is all by himself without any supporters but is still moving on in life.

Before the dance performance –

Jahnavi- Even though the King was right in his logic, in his path of truthfulness he was
left alone by his closest members.
Samarth- Nevertheless, he didn’t lose hope and continued with his thought of
righteousness. This will very rhythmically be depicted by my friends now.
Advit - As the play was written by Rabindranath Tagore, our song is also one of his

Advit- Such a nice movie it was. Oh yes, I want to see another movie.
** Palakshi - Dear Parents, you saw how people had been following these superstitious
beliefs without any proper logic or understanding. Let me tell you, even in this 21 st
Century, many such superstitious beliefs are still prevalent. Like, do not cross the road if
a cat cuts your way, don’t eat non veg on a Thursday or Saturday, and many such
more. I hereby ask you if you also follow any such belief or maybe you know any such
belief. Please share with all of us.

** Thank you so much for the wonderful interaction.

English Language: Introduction required: Narrator,characters

Nishant- Scene 1, Take 1, Movie name: The silent movie, Roll Camera, Rolling, Action
Vrihat – Ronny faces an emotional loss, the loss of his pet, due to which he’s
inattentive in class and avoids contact with his class mates and even his best friend
Vera – One day Kimberley approaches him positively to which he doesn’t respond
Ayansh– She then writes him a letter, sympathizing with his loss and hoping that soon
he would be fine.
Ayansh – To this, Ronny is offended and insults her in front of the whole class.
Vera– Days pass, Ronny starts getting normal but he realizes the loss of Kimberley and
begins to miss her.
Advit– Vacations begin. Ronny recalls how Kimberley had proved to be his best friend
in the worst of all times and how he insulted her in anger when she sympathized with
Vrihat – He then writes a letter apologizing for his bad conduct and telling her how
important her friendship is to him. He waits for a reply or call from her, but there is none.
Vera – One day, somebody knocks at Ronny’s door, and when he opens it, he
discovers his best friend right in front of his eyes.
Advit – They sit together and recall some of their best times, and vow that they will fight
it out, but never leave space for any kind of misunderstanding ever.
Vrihat– Sympathy and Apology are the key values in saving a relationship, and that one
should express these as it only makes a bond stronger
** Two students (Ronny – Nishant, Kimberley – Simar) can dress up like letters and the
letters of sympathy and apology could be read out in the climax.
** Interaction with parents –
SAUNDARYA– Even though we have mails, letters retain their charm. Parents, do you
agree with me on this? They can be read, re-read, have a personal touch and many
such more emotions. Can anyone share their thoughts about letters over mail?
Parent’s responses
Saundarya- That was quite informative interaction. Now let’s listen to a beatiful poem
by my fellow mate Aditi.

Aditi- Namaskar. Sabhi abhibhavakon ko mera saadar pranam. Main Aditi aaj aap
sabko ek kavita sunane ja rahi hun. Is kavita me kavi ne hume prakriti ke prati apne
vyavhaar ke bare me bataya hai.
Aditi recites the poem.

Science (Amaira and Saundarya are playing the characters)

Jahanavi: A bioscope on elements and compounds that sounds interesting. Let's watch
this one.
Nishant: roll camera action.
Saundarya: Hi, I am Sodium. My Latin name is Natrium, that’s why the symbol is Na.
My electrons are 11 so is my atomic number. But I have one extra electron to share for
stability. I am a metal and highly reactive metal. I can catch fire very easily. I am
Amaira: Hi , Sodium …. I am chlorine. My symbol is Cl. I am gas. I belong to the
Halogen family. I have 17 electrons so it is my atomic number. I need 1 electron to
achieve stability. I am also monovalent.
Amaira: Sodium will you be my friend? Can u give me your 1 electron.
Saundarya: Ya why not chlorine.
Amaira and Saundarya: Lets gain and lose our electrons.
Amaira: Wow Now I am an ion. Cation. Na+
Saundarya: …. Now I'm also an ion but an anion. Cl-
Let's form NaCl.
Saundarya and Amaira- That’s how sodium chloride is formed … and add salt to
everyone life.
Jahanavi to Nishant : This was my experience of summer vacations.
Nishant: Indeed, an interesting one.
Nishant: Now we have a presentation of Biology on Organ System. Palakshi and
Angad, please guide us through it.
Biology PPT : Angad and Palakshi
Jahnavi: Dear Parents, I hope you all enjoyed our performance. Now I request our
honorable Principal ma’am to enlighten us with a few words.
Address by Principal ma’am
Shreyan: Thank you Ma’am for your kind words. Now I request parents to kindly move
to the display room to view our project work.
Display room script
SS History-
Qutub Complex scene(New Delhi)
Historian(Saundarya), Travel guide(Vera), Tourist(Simarjeet and Samarth).
Historian Saundarya - today I would like to share some important details and facts
about Qutub Minar the most splendid tallest monument of its time belonging to the Delhi
Sultanate period(was built in 1200 A. D)
Saundarya will share the details in her own words about each(Alain Darwaza), Qurub
Minar, Ashoka Stambh also called as Iron Pillar, Alai Minar in two to three sentences.
Travel Guide(Vera) – Hello ma’am/Sir, please come come come I will show you Qutub
Complex please come here I will not charge you much I will give you discount and I will
take you around the complex and tell you about its history, its ruler, the society in which
this complex was made you know it is very very interesting. By the way can I ask you a
question, which country are you both from?
Tourists(Samarth and Simarjeet) – Well, we come from England (U. K)
Travel guide(Vera) -Oh, they ruled over us I hope you understand about whom I’m
talking about, the British. They ruled over us for million years. Anyways, now we are
independent let’s go.
Tourists(Samarth and Maulik) -My, my (They both look at the monuments in
amazement and say beautiful, this is such an amazing piece of art and architecture) Mr.
Guide can you please share the details about it? We want to know more about it.
Travels guide(Vera) – She shares the details( In short, in a few lines she can talk about
the architecture and the ruler who started and completed it and the importance of the
monument in her own words).
In the end, he asks the traveller a question which part of the Qutub Complex have they
liked and why?
Tourist(Samarth and Simarjeet) – Sharing their own opinion and thoughts about the
complex they both thank and pay the guide and after saying a goodbye leave for
another place.
Geography:Group 1-
Amaira and Shreyan
Case study Aborigines(The primitive people of Australia)
Historian- Australian Aboriginal peoples originally came from Asia via insular Southeast
Asia (now Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, and the Philippines) and
have been in Australia for at least 45,000–50,000 years.
They will talk about the Aborginies people, their coming up, about their culture, basically
about their living style on their own words. Samarth and Aditi need to prepare one his
own the facts of Aborginies of Australia.

Title: "Journey into Dreamtime: Exploring the Culture and Lifestyle of Australia's
Aboriginal People"
[INTRODUCTION] Narrator : In the vast and diverse landscapes of Australia, an ancient
and rich culture has thrived for thousands of years. Join us on a journey as we delve
into the captivating culture and lifestyle of the Aboriginal people, a testament to human
resilience and deep connection with the land.
[SCENE 1: Dreamtime Creation Story] [Visuals: Beautiful Australian landscapes, cave
paintings] : The Aboriginal culture is deeply rooted in the Dreamtime, a sacred era when
ancestral beings shaped the world. Through captivating stories and intricate rock art,
the Dreamtime stories are passed down, connecting generations to their spiritual
[SCENE 2: Connection with the Land] [Visuals: Aboriginal people hunting, gathering,
performing rituals]: The Aboriginal people's lifestyle is intrinsically linked to the land.
Hunting and gathering sustain their communities, while ceremonies and rituals express
gratitude and maintain balance with the environment.
[SCENE 3: Art and Expression] [Visuals: Aboriginal artists creating dot paintings,
crafting tools]: Art is a vibrant part of their culture, showcasing intricate designs and
symbolic meanings. Dot paintings, bark art, and carvings are not only expressions of
creativity but also carry stories of their ancestors and the natural world.
[SCENE 4: Kinship and Community] [Visuals: Aboriginal people dancing, sharing
meals]: Kinship forms the cornerstone of Aboriginal society. Extended families and
clans are tightly knit, with strong bonds that ensure mutual support and shared
responsibilities. Dance, song, and storytelling are ways these connections are
[SCENE 5: Respect for Elders] [Visuals: Elder sharing wisdom, children listening
attentively]: Elders hold a revered place within the community, as they possess wisdom
garnered from years of experience. Their guidance and storytelling pass down
knowledge of traditions, law, and values to the younger generations.
[SCENE 6: Sustainability and Stewardship] [Visuals: Aboriginal people caring for the
land, practicing fire management]: The Aboriginal people's deep understanding of the
land is exemplified through sustainable practices like controlled burning. These
practices not only shape the landscape but also prevent catastrophic wildfires,
showcasing their role as responsible stewards of the environment.
[SCENE 7: Challenges and Resilience] [Visuals: Contemporary Aboriginal community,
discussing challenges]: While the Aboriginal culture remains resilient, it has faced
historical injustices and struggles. Efforts to preserve and revitalize languages,
traditions, and rights are ongoing, reflecting a determined commitment to safeguarding
their cultural heritage.
[CONCLUSION] Narrator: As we conclude our journey into the culture and lifestyle of
Australia's Aboriginal people, we are reminded of their profound connection to the land,
rich spiritual beliefs, and enduring resilience. Their story is a testament to the strength of
human spirit and the importance of preserving ancient traditions for generations to
[Closing shot: A stunning sunset over an Australian landscape]
Narrator (Shreyan): Thank you for joining us on this exploration of the Aboriginal culture
and lifestyle.
[End of script]
Group 2- Sugarcane case study
Historians (Shreyan) – They share the detail about sugarcane and its process with the
people showcasing their project in their own words).
Title: "Sweet Harvest: Sugarcane Production in Queensland, Australia"
[INTRODUCTION] Narrator : Nestled in the sun-kissed landscapes of Queensland,
Australia, lies a thriving industry that has shaped the region's economy and culture for
generations. Join us as we delve into the world of sugarcane production in this tropical
paradise. Queensland's fertile soil and abundant rainfall provide the perfect conditions
for sugarcane cultivation.
[SCENE 1: Planting and Harvesting] [Visuals: Farmers planting cane, tractors
harvesting, close-ups of ripe sugarcane] : The process begins with meticulous planting,
as farmers carefully set each cane stalk into the ground. Months later, the fields are a
sea of green, and skilled harvesters bring in the ripe sugarcane, marking the
culmination of months of care and attention.
[SCENE 2: Processing Mills] [Visuals: Sugar mills in operation, cane being processed,
workers overseeing machinery] : The harvested sugarcane is transported to bustling
processing mills, where it undergoes a complex series of steps to extract the precious
sugar. Modern machinery and skilled workers work in harmony to transform the raw
material into the sweet crystals that are a staple in kitchens worldwide.
[SCENE 3: Impact on the Local Economy] [Visuals: Towns near sugarcane fields, local
businesses, farmers markets] : Sugarcane production is more than just agriculture; it's
the lifeblood of many local communities. The industry supports businesses,
employment, and local markets, contributing significantly to the economic prosperity of
the region.
[SCENE 4: Cultural Significance] [Visuals: Festivals celebrating sugarcane, cultural
displays] : Sugarcane isn't just an economic force; it's deeply woven into the cultural
fabric of Queensland. Festivals, art, and traditions celebrate the industry's legacy,
reminding everyone of its vital role in shaping the region's identity.
[CONCLUSION] Narrator: As we conclude our journey through the sugarcane fields of
Queensland, we're reminded of the dedication, hard work, and innovation that go into
producing this sweet treasure. From the fields to the table, sugarcane's journey is a
testament to human ingenuity and the beauty of nature's bounty.
[Closing shot: A breathtaking sunset over a sugarcane field]
Narrator: Thank you for joining us on this exploration of sugarcane production in
Queensland, Australia.
[End of script]
French: Aditi and Naitra
English language (Jahnavi and Advit):
Dear all, let us guide you about our English Language Project.
It was based on Descriptive Writing.
We all have done essay writing at some or another point of time in our lives.
But descriptive writing has some special insights to it which we should be careful about.
Things to be kept in mind while descriptive writing are: an impressive introduction,
choosing a perspective, using descriptive vocabulary, showing instead of telling, using
comparisons, mentioning significant and concrete details and a strong conclusion.
Herein we have displayed the project work of my friends based on descriptive writing.
English Literature (Samaira and Samarth) : Dear Parents, while learning our
curriculum of term 1 we came across different poems with their different themes. Our
project was also based on a similar ideology. We had to research a poem based on a
particular theme and share its literary appreciation. My friends have done a
commendable job which you all can glance upon.
Hindi'कविता आनंद में आरंभ होती है और ज्ञान में उसका अंत होता है-
Aditi:- कविता का हमारे जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान है कविता मनुष्य को भावनाओं से जोड़ती है। मनुष्य को मनुष्य बने रहने की प्रेरणा देती
है। जब-जब मानव जाति अपने कर्तव्य से विचलित हुई हैं तब-तब कवियों की कविताएं उन्हें प्रेरणा देने का कार्य करती आई हैं।आज हम आपको
हिंदी भाषा के एक ऐसे कवि के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जिनके बिना हिंदी साहित्य की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती जिनका नाम है सुमित्रानंदन
पंत।इन्होंने स्वयं ही अपना नाम 'गुसाईं दत्त' से बदलकर सुमित्रानंदन पंत रख लिया। 'सरस्वती पत्रिका' में प्रकाशित होने पर इनकी रचनाओं ने
काव्य-प्रेमियों के हृदय में अपनी धाक जमा ली।इन्होंने वर्ष 1916-1977 तक साहित्य सेवा की। 28 दिसंबर, 1977 को प्रकृ ति का यह
सुकु मार कवि पंचतत्व में विलीन हो गया।
Palakshi:- इस प्रोजेक्ट में सभी छात्रों ने प्रकृ ति प्रेमी दो प्रसिद्ध कवियों सुमित्रानंदन पंत और सोहनलाल द्विवेदी की एक-एक प्रसिद्ध
कविता ली और उसे अपनी सुंदर लिखावट में लिखा| कविता के प्रमुख तत्व- लय, तुक और शब्द योजना की तुलना कर अपनी समाज में वृद्धि
की| कविता के सार को समझ कर उसे निजी जिंदगी के अनुभवों के साथ जोड़ कर एक महत्वपूर्ण सीख ली|
सोहनलाल द्विवेदी हिन्दी के प्रसिद्ध कवि थे। ऊर्जा और चेतना से भरपूर रचनाओं के इस रचयिता को राष्ट्रकवि की उपाधि से अलंकृ त किया गया।
महात्मा गांधी के दर्शन से प्रभावित, द्विवेदी जी ने बालोपयोगी रचनाएँ भी लिखीं। 1969 में भारत सरकार ने उन्हें पद्मश्री उपाधि प्रदान कर
सम्मानित किया था।
प्रकृ ति निस्वार्थ भाव से सभी को कु छ ना कु छ देती है जैसे सूर्य बिना किसी लाभ के अपनी ऊर्जा समस्त प्राणी जगत को देता है ठीक उसी तरह
हमें भी अपने देश और समाज की सेवा निस्वार्थ भाव से करनी चाहिए|

Vera: Our project was to make Kaleidoscopes in physics. In the light unit, we have read
about reflection in mirrors so this is one of the practical uses of mirrors. In 1816 By
David Brewster Kaleidoscopes were invented. While looking at some objects at the end
of 2 mirrors, he noticed patterns and colors were recreated and reformed into beautiful
new arrangements. He named this new invention after the Greek words meaning
beautiful form watcher.
Kalos, the Greek word for beautiful, eidos the Greek word for shape and scope, the
Greek word to look .
A kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surface tilted to
each other at an angle, so that one or more (parts of) objects on one end of these
mirrors are shown as a regular symmetrical pattern when viewed from the other end,
due to repeated reflection.

Angad We have been working in ubuntu operating system platform libre office calc. Our
culmination is based on Experiential learning. The main purpose of this project was to
use all the office tools that we have worked on in our practical classes. Tools used in
this project are calc tools of sorting and filtering. Collection of data and using formulas
and function on it. Creating pictorial representation of the data in the form of types of
charts in Libre office calc. Editing and formatting the elements of the charts.
Math (Nishant and Saundarya): “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical
Saundarya: Good morning everyone. I, Saundarya and I Maulik, are here to present
the research work that we all have done.
Nishant: “Mathematicians do not study objects, but the relations between objects.”
We researched about two famous Indian mathematicians and their contributions
towards Mathematics. The research work done by us is presented in the form of
booklets that you all can see.
Saundarya: This research work imbibed a good knowledge about Mathematicians and
their contributions.
Nishant: Hope you all gain some knowledge about the famous Indian Mathematicians.
Thank you.
Games: (Angad and Saundarya)
Bingo game- Math game
Angad: “Life is more fun if you play games”
Saundarya: So parents its your chance to show your math skills. Nishant lets tell them
what fun are they going to have.
Nishant: Yes Saundarya. So dear parents, we are going to play a fun game, BINGO,
which I am sure you all have played before. But there is a twisttttttt.
Saundarya: You all are given, bingo cards. We will be calling out some numbers, but it
will be in the form of integers, squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots etc.
Nishant: You will cut the numbers accordingly. We will have the winners for “Early five”,
and “three rows”.
Lets start Saundarya, I guess the parents are already excited. Wish you all the best
dear parents.
(Saundarya and Nishant will pull out 1 chit each one by one and speak out the
(Parent who finishes first five numbers will be given a batch, and then one who
finishes 1st, 2nd and 3rd row will be declared winners)
Vote of thanks-( Naitra) : I would like to extend a hearty vote of thanks to our parents,
respected Principal mam, our Co-Ordinator, our teachers who all have graced us with
their presence and also helped us to practice and present the ‘Culmination.’
I thank all of you for making it a successful endeavor. I hope you enjoyed our
culmination. A show is never complete without feedback. Please provide your valuable
feedback to us.

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