HW 9

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Homework 9- 8/6/2022

1) Business ethics- business ethics is individual that are making decisions for individual interests,
large profit without considering for others.
Code of conducts- code of conduct is a document detailing the company’s rules and regulations
of staff behavior that must be followed by all by employees
2) SGD and it’s employee may benefit from discrimination by other staff as it is now equal and
employees are able to work more freely and efficiently. Another benefits that SGD and the
employee may get is all employees received fairness from the authority so there will be no
favoritism when there is promotion on the department or the company. Benefits that the
employee and SGD company may get is when there is fairness there will be no employee or
higher authority have a connection with political parties as it can lead to bribe which lead to
tarnish in reputation of the company.
3) A business should not use unethical methods to reach success as it can tarnish the reputation of
the company. This can lead to the bankruptcy of the company as when investor are withdrawing
from investing in the company they will have a hard time gaining capital as news are spread out
about the company receiving bribes causing the company to shut down due to financial crisis.
Reasons why unethical method is not allowed is because it will ruined the individuals records. As
they are receiving bribe to obtain the contract, the criminal record will be in the system causing
the person that did received the bribe may have a hard time on finding new jobs for them to
survive. Unethical method can lead to loss of loyal customer as they the news are spreaing out
about the company getting bribes, the loyal customer may not buy from them anymore and buy
from other company which will lead to big loss of profit.

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