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Topic: Exploring Water Scarcity

Type: Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Strategy: Problem-based Instruction
Grade Level: Grade 6
Subject: Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies)
Duration: 1-2 class sessions


• Analyze potential causes and propose solutions to address water scarcity.

• Show willingness to conserve water
• Provide possible solutions to address water scarcity


• Whiteboard and markers

• Printed maps of the Philippines
• Survey questionnaires


1. Introduction:

• Begin by discussing the importance of water conservation and the impact of water scarcity on
• Introduce the problem of water scarcity in the community during the dry season.

2. Brainstorming:

• Engage students in a brainstorming session to identify potential causes of water scarcity.

• Write down students' ideas on the whiteboard.

3. Data Collection:

• Divide students into small groups and assign each group a task, such as conducting surveys or
interviews with community members to gather data on water usage and challenges.

4. Analysis and Solution Development:

• Guide students in analyzing the data collected and identifying key factors contributing to water
• Encourage students to brainstorm possible solutions to address the problem.

5. Presentation and Discussion:

• Each group presents their findings and proposed solutions to the class.
• Facilitate a class discussion on the feasibility and potential impact of the solutions.

6. Conclusion:

• Summarize the key insights gained from the lesson.

• Encourage students to take action in their communities to conserve water and promote water


• Rate students’ presentation using a scoring rubric.

Topic: Exploring Philippine Culture
Type: Semi-Detailed
Strategy: Project-based Instruction
Grade Level: Grade 6
Subject: Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies)
Duration: 2 class sessions


• Explore the diverse cultures of the Philippines.

• Show the the importance of cultural understanding and appreciation in fostering unity and diversity.
• Create artifacts (physical or digital) representing the cultural heritage of different regions.


• Printed maps of the Philippines

• Art supplies (for artifact creation)


1. Introduction:

• Introduce the importance of cultural diversity and the rich heritage of the Philippines.
• Explain that students will be creating artifacts representing different regions of the Philippines.

2. Region Selection:

• Provide students with maps of the Philippines and allow them to choose a region to focus on for
the project.

3. Research:

• Instruct students to research the cultural practices, festivals, and landmarks of their chosen
4. Artifact Creation:

• Provide art supplies for students to create artifacts representing the cultural heritage of their
chosen region, such as models of landmarks, traditional clothing, or artwork.

5. Presentation Design:

• Guide students in designing presentations about their chosen region, incorporating information
about cultural practices, festivals, and landmarks.

6. Exhibition:

• Prepare the classroom for an exhibition of the artifacts and presentations created by students.

7. Conclusion:

• Summarize the key insights gained from the lesson.

• Emphasize the importance of cultural understanding and appreciation in fostering unity and


• Rate students’ exhibit and presentation using a scoring rubric.

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