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Kalinga Colleges of Science and Technology Incorporated

P5, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Name:________________________________ Year/section:__________________ Score :


DIRECTION: Read each statements carefully and choose the best answer. Write your answer before each
1. These are writing techniques employed by the creative writer to produce artistic effects that will
immerse the reader into narratives, stories, or texts.
a. Literary elements b. creative non-fiction c. Fiction d. none of the above
2. This refers to the time and place where a story occurs. It can be used to create the mood or atmosphere
within a story. It can also express the writer’s view of the world.
a. Characters b. Setting c. motif d. tone
3. A type of character that is defined by a single idea of quality and does not change too much from the
start of the narrative to its end.
a. Flat character b. dynamic character c. round character d. none of the above
4. A type of character that possess the complexity of real people.
a. Flat character b. dynamic character c. round character d. none of the above
5. The tragic flaw is the single characteristic (usually negative) or personality disorder that causes the
downfall of the protagonist.
a. Tragic Flaw b. theme c. diction d. character
6. It is the character who opposes the main character, also the counterpart to the main character and source
of a story’s main conflict; may not be “bad” or “evil” by any conventional moral standard, but he/she
opposes the protagonist in a significant way.
a. Tragic flaw b. protagonist c. antagonist d. none of the above
7. This is used by writers to represent something else, such an idea or concept. Writers use symbols as
objects to represent a non-literal meaning.
a. Diction b. tone c. symbolism d. theme
8. It is the implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two unrelated things but share some common
a. Metaphor b. personification c. simile d. hyperbole
9. A literary device that takes place when a writer gives inanimate objects or inhuman beings (like animals)
human characteristics or attributes.
a. Personification b. simile c. metaphor d. hyperbole
10. It is the explicit or direct comparison between two different things and uses the words like or as.
a. Simile b. personification c. metaphor d. hyperbole
11. It is the extreme exaggeration of a real event or scenario while adding a humorous effect or to
emphasize a concept.
a. Hyperbole b. personification c. metaphor d. hyperbole
12. Foreshadowing is employed when writers hint at what will happen next in the story without being too
obvious in order to build suspense.
a. Foreshadowing b. flashbacks c. diction d. tone
13. Flashback happens when a narrator is mentally transported to an event that happened in the past. It is
used to provide the reader with more contexts about the character, a situation or an event, to increase the
suspense and tension, and to clue readers in to an important event that affected the present.
a. Flashbacks b. foreshadowing c. diction c. tone
14. It happens when an event occurs which is unexpected, and which is in absurd or mocking opposition to
what is expected or appropriate.
a. Irony b. foreshadowing c. diction c. tone
15. Euphemism describes someone or something in a more pleasant or more polite way. We use euphemisms
when we want to soften the blow or lessen the impact of harsh truth.
a. Euphemisms b. metaphor c. personification d. simile
16. A character is a figure in a literary work.
a. Character b. setting c. theme d. plot
17. The tragic hero or tragic figure is a protagonist who comes to a bad end as a result of his own behavior,
usually caused by a specific personality disorder or character flaw.
Kalinga Colleges of Science and Technology Incorporated
P5, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
a. Character b. tragic hero c. tragic flaw d. plot
18. The plot is the sequence of events in a story.
19. Climax, the peak of the story, where a major event occurs in which the main character faces a major
enemy, fear, challenge, or other source of conflict. The most action, drama, change, and excitement
occur here
20. Exposition, the beginning of the story, characters, setting, and the main conflict are typically introduced.
a. Exposition b. setting c. climax d. rising action
21. Rising Action, also called Complication, where the main character is in crisis and events leading up to
facing the conflict begin to unfold. The story becomes complicated.
a. Rising action b. falling action c. climax d. exposition
22. Falling Action, where the story begins to slow down and work towards its end, tying up loose ends.
a. Falling action b. climax c. rising action d. exposition
23. Resolution, like a concluding paragraph that resolves any remaining issues and ends the story.
a. Resolution b. . climax c. rising action d. exposition
24. Point-of-view refers to the identity of the narrative voice. It is the person or entity through whom the
reader experiences the story.
a. Point of view b. diction c. theme d. tone
25. The conflict is a struggle between opposing forces which is the driving force of a story?
a. Conflict b. point of view c. theme d. tone
26. Man versus man, the typical scenario between the protagonist and antagonist ?
a. Man versus man b. man vs society c. man vs nature d. none of the above
27. A theme is the main idea or underlying meaning conveyed by the piece.
a. Theme b. tone c. diction d. message
28. Man versus society, where a character must take on society itself, stands at odds and realizes the
necessity to work against these norms.
a. Man vs. society b. man vs nature vs self d. man vs man
29. Man versus self, where the conflict develops from the protagonist’s inner struggles, and may depend on
a character trying to decide between good and evil or overcome self-doubts .
a. Man vs self b. man vs nature vs self d. none of the above
30. Alliteration is derived from the Latin word ‘Latira’ which means letters of alphabet. It is exemplified
with the repetition of consonant sounds within close proximity, usually in consecutive words within the
same sentence or line.
a. Assonance b. alliteration c. personification d. metaphor
31. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within words.
a. Alliteration b. assonance c. personification d. metaphor
32. “Rika turned when she heard a loud splash”, is an example of what?
a. Personification b. onomatopoeia c personification d. metaphor
33. Consonance refers to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence or phrase which often
takes place in quick succession.
a. Assonance b. consonance c. personification d. metaphor
34. Onomatopoeia is a word that conveys the sound of something. Sounds are spelled out as words, or when
words describing sounds actually sound like the sounds they describe.
a. Personification b. onomatopoeia c personification d. metaphor
35. Rhyme is a repetition of similar sounding words, occurring at the end of lines in poems or songs.
a. Diction b. rhyme c. tone d. theme
36. Tone is defined as a speaker’s or narrator’s attitude about a subject and is different from the mood a
reader gets while reading the story.
a. Diction b. tone c. rhyme d. theme
37. “You‘re the apple of my eye”,is an example of what?
a. Simile b. metaphor d. personification d. hyperbole
38. Her smile was a miles wide.
a. Simile b. hyperbole d. personification d. metaphor
39. Which of the following is an example of onomatopoeia?
a. You run like a horse. c. The White House declared tomorrow as holiday.
b. Wooosh.! A cold breeze in a starry night. d. She was a Good Samaritan
40. Which of the following is an example of hyperbole?
a. You‘re so thin; the air will blow you down.
b. You run like a horse.
Kalinga Colleges of Science and Technology Incorporated
P5, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
c. Chirp- chirp, the bird sang a song.
d. Moon! Come here and shine my way.
41. Which of the following is not an element of fiction?
a. . Irony b. plot c. symbols d. setting
42. Why does the statement ―Blind justice was not on his side‖ is a good example of personification?
a. Because they used the word ―on‖ to refer his side.
b. Because justice do not have eyes for it to be blind.
c. Because justice is not on his side.
d. because the blind was not on his side
43. Which of the following defines characterization?
I. Characterization is the physical appearance of the character.
II. Characterization is the attitude of the character.
III. Characterization is deferent from characters in elements of fiction.
IV. Sample of characterization are huggable, shy type and loud.
a. I and II b. III and IV c. I,II,III d.
44. What figure of speech uses like and as to compare two unlike things?
a. Metaphor b. personification c. Simile d. Irony
45. Which of the following best defines antagonist?
a. It is the hero of every story or play
b. It is the opposite of a hero of a story or play
c. It is the lead actor/actress of the story or play
d. It is the supporting Character of the story or play
46. What Figurative language is used After a good night sleep, I felt like a million dollar.?
a. Simile C. Synecdoche
b. Hyperbole D. Personification
47. She walks like a kitten‖ is an example of what figure of speech?
a. Irony b. Simile c. Metonymy d. Oxymoron

48. When the mother said “Well, son, I’ll tell you: Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair,” in Langston Hughes’
Mother to Son, she used .
a. Allusion C. Metaphor
b. Hyperbole D. Symbolism
49. The underlined phrase in the sentence “I would take your part in the play tonight at the drop of a hat!” means .
a. Behaving inappropriately C. Something is easy or nice
b. Doing it immediately D. Very eager for something
50. The sentence “Death lays his icy hands on kings.” employs .
a. Imagery C. Personification
b. Metaphor D. Symbolism
51. The sentence “She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon’s knife.” exemplifies .
a. Hyperbole C. Oxymoron
b. Irony D. Paradox
52. The sentence “It was a cold stormy night that would introduce her to eternal darkness, forever changing the
course of her life.” applies .
a. Euphemism C. Flashback
b. Exposition D. Foreshadowing
53. These are writing techniques employed by the creative writer to produce artistic effects that will
immerse the reader into narratives, stories, or texts.
a. Literary elements b. creative non-fiction c. Fiction d. none of the above
54. This refers to the time and place where a story occurs. It can be used to create the mood or atmosphere
within a story. It can also express the writer’s view of the world.
a. Characters b. Setting c. motif d. tone
55. The tragic hero or tragic figure is a protagonist who comes to a bad end as a result of his own behavior,
usually caused by a specific personality disorder or character flaw.
a. Character b. tragic hero c. tragic flaw d. plot
Kalinga Colleges of Science and Technology Incorporated
P5, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
TEST III: Identify what figurative language is being exemplified in each statement. Choose your answer inside
the box and write the letters only.

A. Personification D. Onomatopoeia
B. Simile E. Irony
C. Hyperbole F. Metaphor

 1.The world is a stage

 2. A gifted artist having no interest in visiting art galleries.
 3. The bee buzzed in my ear.
 4. I am so hungry. I could eat a horse.
 5. They fought like cats and dogs.
 6. The flowers were begging for water.
 7. The trees danced playfully in the rain.
 8. She is like a rose.
 9. These heels are killing me.
 10. The cat meowed for some milk.

TEST II: Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast antagonist and protagonist.

“The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure-house of

knowledge!” GOOD LUCK!!


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