Year 7 Assessment 2

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Year 7 Assessment 2


Q Mark Areas for improvement
1 c /6
2-4 al /14
5-8 /19
9 ts /17
Total /56
Q1. Some pupils investigated different materials used to make rucksacks.
Here are some of the questions they asked.
a. Which pupil asked a question that cannot be investigated?
Tick the correct box.

Aysha Philip Zoe

Unable to load the picture


Give a reason to your answer.

2 marks

(b) Zara took four different rucksack materials and investigated how waterproof
She poured 100 cm3 of water through each material in turn.
She measured the volume of water passing through each material in 30

(i) Give one way of making Zara’s test fair.

1 mark
(ii) Look at the photograph of the investigation.
Name one measuring instrument Zara used.
1 mark
(c) The table below shows Zara’s results.

volume of water passing through

each material (cm3)
A 11
B 5
C 20
D 15
Which material was the most waterproof?
Tick the correct box.


Explain your answer.
2 marks
maximum 6 marks
Q2. A circuit is shown below.

(a) The switch is open. Steven connects point A to point B with a piece of
copper wire.
Which bulbs, if any, light up?
1 mark
(b) Steven removes the copper wire and uses it to connect point C to point D.
6 The switch is still open.
Which bulbs, if any, light up?
1 mark
(c) Steven removes the copper wire and closes the switch. Both bulbs light up, but
not very brightly.
He then uses the copper wire to connect point B to point C.
Choose from the following words to answer the questions below.
gets brighter stays the same goes out
(i) What happens to bulb X? …………………………………..
1 mark
(ii) What happens to bulb Y? …………………………………..
1 mark

(d) Steven removes the copper wire. The switch is still closed. Both bulbs light up,
but not very brightly. He then uses the copper wire to connect point A to point

Choose from the following words to answer the questions below.

gets brighter stays the same gets dimmer goes out
(i) What happens to bulb X? …………………………………………
1 mark
(ii) What happens to bulb Y? …………………………………………
1 mark
Maximum 6 marks
Q3. Lorna built the circuit drawn below. All the bulbs are identical.

(a) Complete the table below by writing on or off for each bulb.

switch bulb
S1 S2 B
open open off
open closed
closed open
closed closed
3 marks
(b) Lorna then built a different circuit as shown below.

How could Lorna get both bulbs to light at the same time in this circuits?
1 mark
maximum 4 marks
Q4. John connects up the circuit shown below.

The bulb is not bright enough. His friend suggests four circuits which could be
used to make the bulb brighter.

(a) Which is the correct circuit to use: A, B, C or D? .............................................

1 mark
Next John sets up circuit E and notes the reading on the ammeter.

He then places another bulb in the circuit, to make circuit F. He notes the
ammeter reading in circuit F.
(b) How will the ammeter reading in circuit F compare with that in circuit E?

The reading in F is ........................................................................................

1 mark
Explain your answer. ......................................................................................
1 mark
(c) Draw a circuit diagram in which two bulbs are lit as brightly as the bulb in circuit
E, and the ammeter reading is the same as in circuit E.

1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

Q5. A group of pupils recorded some different characteristics of pupils in their class.

The table below shows their results.

name height, mass, hand span, arm eye colour

in cm in kg in cm span,

Julie 152 48 17.2 160 blue
Laura 157 54 15.0 141 green
Aftab 159 49 18.4 172 brown
Jenna 144 46 17.4 161 hazel
Barry 148 49 17.4 162 blue
Oliver 172 57 21.5 204 brown
Safina 155 48 16.8 158 brown
Maria 154 50 17.9 166 green
Amanat 162 46 16.2 150 brown
Thomas 157 49 19.9 186 blue

(a) Oliver concluded that boys do not have green eyes.

Explain why his conclusion is not justified.

1 mark
(b) Name two continuous variables in their table.
1. .....................................................
2. .....................................................
1 mark
(c) Look at the scatter graphs below.

Use the data in the scatter graphs to show whether each of the conclusions
below is true, false or you cannot tell.
conclusions true or false or cannot tell
Graph C shows that the shortest pupil
has the smallest hand span. ........................................
Graph B shows the strongest correlation
between two variables. ........................................
Graph A looks similar to graph C because of
the high correlation of arm span to hand span. ........................................
Boys are generally taller than girls. ........................................
2 marks
Maximum 4 marks
Q6. The drawings show five different mammals. They are not drawn to scale.

(a) Look at the drawing of the bat.

In what way are bats unusual mammals?
1 mark
(b) Give one way the seal is suited for moving through water.
1 mark
(c) The porcupine has spines.
How do the spines help a porcupine to survive?
............................................................................................................. ........
1 mark
(d) In winter, the fur of the Arctic hare and the Arctic fox becomes thicker and turns
(i) How does thick fur help an Arctic hare and an Arctic fox to survive during
the winter?
1 mark
(ii) The Arctic fox hunts and eats Arctic hares.
How does white fur help Arctic hares to survive in the snow?
1 mark
maximum 6 marks
Q7. The drawing below shows part of a food web in the sea around Antarctica.

not to scale
(a) From the food web, give the names of two animals that only eat krill.
1. ....................................................................................................................
1 mark
2. ....................................................................................................................
1 mark

(b) (i) Which word describes the plants in a food web?

Tick the correct box.
producers predators
herbivores carnivores
1 mark
(ii) Krill are small animals that eat tiny plants.
Which word describes krill in the food web?
Tick the correct box.
producers predators
continuous carnivores
1 mark
(c) (i) Crabeater seals eat krill.
Fishermen catch large amounts of krill from the sea.
How would a decrease in the number of krill affect the number of
1 mark
(ii) Look at the food web.
Leopard seals also eat krill.
A decrease in the number of krill will affect the crabeater seals sooner
it affects leopard seals.
Give the reason for this.
1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Q8.The food chain below shows the feeding relationships between some organisms living in
the Arctic.
→ deer → wolves
(a) Which organism in the food chain is a predator?

1 mark
In one area of the Arctic the number of deer has been counted every five
years since 1940. The graph shows the number of deer.

(b) Suggest a reason why the deer population changed between 1975 and 1990.
1 mark
(c) The population of wolves in the area also changed.
(i) What is likely to have happened to the number of wolves between
1980 and 1990?
1 mark
(ii) The number of deer in 1946 was about the same as in 1960.
Suggest why the number of wolves was probably higher in 1960
than in 1946.
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

Q9. Krypton is an element which is a non-metal. Tungsten is an element which is a metal.

(a) The lines show one property of krypton and one property of tungsten.
Draw two more lines from each element to its other properties.

4 marks
(b) The diagram shows a light bulb.

Give two properties which make tungsten a good material for light bulb
filaments. Choose from the list of properties above.
1. ..................................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................................
2 marks
Maximum 6 marks

Q10. In the 19th Century, a scientist called John Dalton used symbols to represent atoms.
The symbols he used for atoms of three different elements are shown below.
The diagrams below show different combinations of these atoms.

(a) (i) Give the letter of the diagram which shows a mixture of two elements.
1 mark
(ii) Give the letter of the diagram which shows a mixture of two compounds.
1 mark
(iii) Give the letter of the diagram which shows a mixture of an element and a
1 mark
(b) Give one difference between a compound and a mixture.
1 mark
(c) Suggest a name and formula for the substance represented in diagram B.
name ...........................................................
formula ...............
1 mark
maximum 5 marks
Q11. The diagram shows an outline of part of the Periodic Table of Elements.
(a) What is the name of the element with the symbol H?
1 mark
(b) In which regions of the Periodic Table are the following types of element
(i) non-metals (such as oxygen and chlorine);
region …………
1 mark
(ii) very reactive metals (such as sodium and potassium);
region …………
1 mark
(iii) less reactive metals (such as copper and zinc).
Region …………
1 mark
(c) Why is copper sulphate not found in the Periodic Table?
1 mark
(d) An iron nail is placed into some blue copper sulphate solution.
A reaction takes place between the iron and the copper sulphate to produce
copper and iron sulphate. Write the word equation for the reaction.

…………………….. + ……………………… → ……………………… +

1 mark
Maximum 6 marks

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