Project Thesis Writing Guidelines

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SreeSainath Nagar, Tirupati 517 102

Guide Lines for MCA Project Thesis Writing

The students of MCA have to strictly follow the guidelines given below for writing Project

Thesis Organization:

Thesis has to be arranged in the following order.

1. Title page
2. Vision & Mission of University & Department, PEOs, POs & PSOs of your specialization
(Before CertificatePage)
3. Certificate(s)
4. Acknowledgement
5. Abstract
6. Table of Contents
7. Core material as per table of contents
8. PlagiarismReport

Pages related to items from 2 to 5 have to be numbered in Roman Number System (eg. i,
ii, iii etc.)

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents has to be made strictly in the following order.

Acknowledgments Page No.

List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature survey
Chapter 3: Problem Definition
Chapter 4: Proposed System
Chapter 5: Dataset collection
Chapter 6: System Design
Chapter 7: Implementation
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Chapter 9: References
Appendix-A: Plagiarism Report
Appendix-B:Time and Cost Analysis of your project work
Appendix-C: Internship Certificate
Appendix-D: Conference Certificate(if applicable)
Appendix-E: Journal full length paper (if applicable)
Appendix-F: Sample Source Code
CO-PO-PSOMapping table
Short Bio-data of the Student
Pages related to Chapters from 1 to n, Conclusions, References and Appendices have to be
numbered in Arabic Number System (eg. 1, 2, 3 etc.)

Other guidelines:

1. References have to be cited in the main text within square brackets at appropriate
places, preferably in sequential order.

2. ‘Times New Roman’ font has to be used for preparing thesis everywhere (except for the
name of the college for which ‘Bahamas’ font has to be used). Use font size 12 for main
text, table and figure captions, 16 for subheadings, 20 for headings and 24 for title. For
other parts of the report, if any, suitable font size has to be used. Use ‘Bold’ feature for
subheadings, headings and title etc.

3. Thesis has to be printed on single side of the A4 size bond paper with 1.5 line spacing.

4. Bio-data with contact details of the student has to be added at the end of the thesis.

5. At least one paper has to be presented in an international conference or in a National or

International Journal (UGC Approved Journal or SCOPUS Indexed Journal orSCI
Indexed Journal). Same paper has to be included in the thesis at the end (prior to bio-

6. The thesis report is accepted only if Plagiarism score is less than 30%.

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